Affirmation Generation, the definitive documentary on medical ethics & detransitioners, to receive a worldwide theatrical, online and DVD release
Dear Parents and All,
We, the producers of "Affirmation Generation" have BIG NEWS to share!!!
We are extremely excited to announce that our independent documentary on medical ethics “Affirmation Generation”, now re-titled NO WAY BACK: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care, will receive worldwide distribution, in movie theaters, online and on DVD by Deplorable Films LLC. We are so grateful to this international distributor with Oscar wins for distributing our film with a “compassionate, nuanced message.”
Here comes the big ask for your help. We need to FILL UP the theaters:
ONE NIGHT SPECIAL THEATRICAL EVENT on Wed. June 21, 4:30 and 7:30 PM in AMC Theaters around the US.
Check online for the nearest AMC Theater showing NO WAY BACK.
Please invite all in your circles. You are not just going to the movies, you are joining a movement to restore empirical reality, to allow kids to grow up whole, and to reconcile imploded families!
We need all hands on deck!
If AMC Theatres get enough turnout on the 21st, they will do a second day of screenings on Sunday 06/25
A strong showing in theaters will be incredibly valuable in spreading the word!
July 2, 2023 is still available as a resource (a treasure trove of medical information, testimonies and more).
Translations in many languages and subtitles are in progress.
5 patients
12 experts
45 academic medical articles
A tidal wave of regret.
Social Media accounts remain the same.
Thank you!
The Producers
What are your plans, if any, to deal with the high likelihood that protesters will do everything they can to prevent people from entering the theater, make it impossible to peacefully hear and watch the film, and harass and assault audience members on the way out? I believe the police should be warned ahead of time or adequate private security provided. The AMC chain may want to be prepared and provide their own security as well.
I'm not being alarmist, I just know how trans activists operate. Especially in large cities, the showing of the film will be seen as a provocation and every attempt will be made to prevent its being shown. Anyone who followed the reaction to Kathleen Stock at Oxford, or to Kellie-Jay Keen in Auckland, knows what I'm talking about. In both cases, law enforcement had to be called to restore order. In the case of Stock, 200 protesters screamed outside while others stormed the hall and prevented her talk from continuing until police finally removed them. In the case of Keen, the police intervened and surrounded her to prevent her from being killed. She was not able to present her remarks. The purpose of her talk was "Let Women Speak," which apparently is a crime against nature unless one is a woman with a penis.
It was our honor to host this film temporarily at The Distance while it was blocked by the original host. We recommend it for all viewers.