Announcing Our New Website: For and About Desisters
Parents of Desisters- there are more of us out there than you think.
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Desisters- People who previously identified as transgender but who came to terms with and learned to accept their biological sex before subjecting their bodies to hormonal or surgical interventions.
Kathleen’s story:
Our son announced that he was trans in 2019. I was irritated when he told us. I figured it was something he picked up from the internet. Then I realized he was serious because of all the information he had about it. I had never heard of gender dysphoria or puberty blockers, or the claim that sex was just a social construct. My husband and I had to google these terms to educate ourselves. I thought something about this was off but, when I tried to search for answers to what my gut was telling me, I came up with nothing.
I recalled seeing Debra Soh on Bill Maher saying no child should transition before 18, and I agreed with her. Kids change their minds, was what I thought. I searched for other podcasts she had done and, through this research, I found It was there that I discovered the truth and learned about ROGD, which explained my son’s thoughts and behavior. I now had the information I needed to discuss this with my son but, by then, he was completely immersed in gender ideology. He was 15 at the time, so I was unable to make any headway. He started becoming a different person, unrecognizable to the boy I had raised.
He espoused gender ideology all through high school. But with this belief there was also doubt. After years of planting seeds on our part and some maturity on his part, he changed his mind.
He was “transgender,” until he wasn’t.
Laura’s story:
Our daughter told us she was trans in 2021. Her announcement came out of the blue. She enlisted the help of a trusted adult who came to our home, sat on our couch, and, in front of our daughter, told us that she was at risk for suicide if we didn’t affirm her new identity. He called her by a different name and used male pronouns. We were in complete shock. We told our daughter we loved her and would try and get her some help. The only information I could find online confirmed what we had already been told - that if we didn’t go along with what our daughter wanted we weren’t loving parents, she might run away, or worst of all, kill herself. I was wracked with anxiety. We hired, and then fired a therapist after realizing she was affirming our daughter behind our backs. Providence put me in touch with another therapist who said she had doubts about affirmation. She sent me a link to Gender: A Wider Lens. I binge listened to every episode (there weren’t that many at the time), and realized there was another way to frame what was happening to our daughter.
Using strategies gleaned from GAWL, 4th Wave Now, PITT, an open-minded Facebook group, articles and books, we slowly and carefully managed to help our daughter return to reality.
She was “transgender,” until she wasn’t.
There are many parents with desisted kids out there. No one is talking about us or trying to learn from our experience. We don’t understand why. Don’t people want to acknowledge that kids do desist from a transgender identity? Don’t they want to understand how we helped our kids?
We have created a website to bring greater awareness about desisters and detransitioners - that they do exist and are everywhere. That desistance is possible.
We believe it is our duty as parents to protect our children’s right to an open future.
We are eager to hear from parents, medical and mental health professionals, and educators who want to help us safeguard children and support them in living healthy lives in healthy bodies. Please join us in supporting the truth that every child is born in the right body!
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On X: @DesisterParents
Love it. I can’t wait until all of us can be parents of desisters.
can't help noticing that the professional medical experts saying that the transgender ideology is science are the same sort of people who spent 20 years saying oxycontin was not addictive.