Reposting from MamaofLesbian’s Newsletter
Please take the time to read this petition and share it with community leaders and lawmakers!
By 'sharing' this post, (with #BanPubertyBlockersCanada) you'll be adding your 'social media signature' to this informal petition to challenge the use of these drugs on minors in Canada and beyond.
As an informal petition calling for the BAN of the use of ‘Puberty Blockers’ for trans-identifying minors in Canada, and hopefully not limited to Canada, I have decided to use this platform to post the original petition that was banned from within hours of its launch. Please use the ‘sharing’ of this protesting post as your social media signature as we pass along the message to our leaders and lawmakers that the vulnerable children of North America, who do not yet have the capacity to refuse the ‘magic beans’ of transgender medicine, need their help and need it now. Thank you.
“Alarms are being sounded all over the world, and Canada seems completely deaf to it.”
“Mary’s” daughter was given hormones and a double mastectomy at age 16 within months of stating that she felt she was a transgender boy. After 2 ONE HOUR appointments at a Canadian gender clinic she was approved for the double mastectomy meant to help with her feelings of gender dysphoria. “Mary’s” daughter regretted the rushed medical alterations done to her otherwise healthy body and by age 21 ‘detransitioned’- a predictably increasing occurrence among young people hastily put on a transgender medical pathway.
Featuring “Mary’s” story, the 2021 National Post article exposing Canada’s reluctance to pull back on the mass administration of Puberty Blocking Drugs for children as young as 7 years old has had no impact on our government. Meanwhile, countries like Sweden, Britain, France and Finland have changed their laws and candidly admitted that they had made grave errors in the medical treatment of children.
Parents, and children like “Mary’s” daughter, are being deceived by the popular notion that Puberty Blocking drugs are ‘totally reversible’. They are not. The harms of gender medicine and surgical procedures for children are becoming well known around the world. Yet Canada is leaving its citizens in the dark and continuing to promote the Affirmative Care Model as mandatory for all children, disregarding their individuality and states of mental health.
Historically, 80-95% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria (then Gender Identity Disorder) desisted by the conclusion of puberty. Young people are still desisting at a high rate, but sadly after permanent medical damage has been done.
Linked is one of many detransitioner forums, with 38,500 members and growing daily.
Lupron is a potent drug that is currently being prescribed to prepubescent and pubescent Canadian children age 7 and up for an average of 1-4 years based solely on their feelings of being transgender.
Lupron was first used as a chemically castrating alternative to surgery for adult male prostate cancer patients.
Lupron and similar drugs are NOT even FDA approved as transgender medicine. They are paid for by our tax dollars and government at $388/dose ($5044/year) and covered by BC PharmaCare Plan G and others.
Puberty Blockers are said to give time to “determine if a child’s gender identity is long lasting” according to the Mayo Clinic.
Nearly 100% of children who are prescribed Puberty Blockers go on to take cross-sex hormones, many of whom would have otherwise naturally desisted.
Under current Canadian law, health care providers must immediately ‘affirm’ children and process their requests for largely unstudied and often unregulated transgender medical interventions, based on the child’s word alone. This equates to the quick and easy distribution of irreversible medications and procedures to minors and negates the already loose requirements for children’s access to them.
Clinics like London Ontario’s Gender Pathway Services (GPS) are offering the potent and irreversible drug Lupron to children prior to their first clinical visit.
Many children present to gender clinics with underlying or coexisting mental health conditions, often diagnosed prior to arriving, that are being set aside or ignored entirely as they are promptly processed through ‘gender affirming health care’.
Often, follow up studies on transitioned individuals occur within one year of their transitions, not providing adequate time to determine its long term mental health effects. Studies done over a longer period of time often show mental health deterioration and increased suicidality.
There is no evidence of people dying by suicide on waitlists for transgender drugs and surgeries.
There is however evidence of significant medical harm to children as a direct result of puberty blocking drugs like Lupron.
We need only to look at the U-turn made by the Tavistock’s GIDS (Gender Identity Development Service) in England, a former proponent of the quick administration of Puberty Blocking drugs for children.
Due in large part to detransitioner Kiera Bell’s legal battle against the GIDS, it now shares the irreversible nature of transgender drugs and surgeries and the lack of research into their long term effects on children.
Organizations like Genspect have reached out to our Canadian government on behalf of our childrens’ health and safety without success.
By signing this petition you are not segregating a minority population, but you WILL be helping to protect a large number of children, who would otherwise statistically detransition, from irrevocable medical harm.
On behalf of Canadian children at risk of permanent physical and psychological harm from rushed chemical & surgical procedures, please help us be heard by the following members of our government: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Minister of Mental Health & Addictions/Associate Minister of Health Carolyn Bennet, Minister of Health Jean-Yves Duclos and Minister of Families, Children & Social Development Karina Gould, Minister of Justice & Attorney General of Canada David Lametti.
Help stop further permanent medical damage to Canadian children by sharing this petition with the hashtag #BanPubertyBlockersCanada. Thank you for supporting the health and safety of the vulnerable youths of our nation.
Important Note: The erroneous 48% suicidality rate for transgender youths has been discredited.
Sorry, it will never happen with Trudeau in power.
This may be just informative or redundant but it is critical to me. This describes my nearly seven decades of striving with gender dysphoria and my current conclusions. I am so ashamed that it's taken so long to reach these decisions, but this is part of my current identity foundation from which to proceed. Of course, you can assess this as you will.
Eight historical transliterated Hebrew biological sex designations with terse definitions:
Zachar, male.
Nekevah, female.
Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention
Sex Difference in Christian Theology: Male, Female, and Intersex in the Image of God
by Megan K. DeFranza
This book is a wonderful, merciful, rigorous theological discussion of biological sex and the introductory video is listed here:
Please forgive me if this story is considered inappropriate within this context? Whether anyone considers themselves christian or not, may I please include some extra nuance to your conversation? I have no intention of attempting any kind of evangelization in my contribution, I would however like to supply some extra dimension to the discourse. To advance some concepts I would like to present some quotes.
Isa 56:4-5 KJV 4 For thus saith the LORD unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant; 5 Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.
Mat 19:11-12 KJV 11 But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. 12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
Act 8:26-40 KJV (The baptism of the eunuch which I consider too long to be quoted here but far from inconsequential.)
I would love to note first that the term eunuch in these quotes seems to be defined by the Lord Jesus himself to include intersex individuals (eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb). Unwilling (some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men) and willing individuals (eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs) appear similarly defined.
May I also note the quote (unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters). I am aware that original Hebrew literally is translated "a hand and a name" greater than of sons and of daughters. I am, however, quite intrigued by the implications that eunuchs are given recognition separate from sons and from daughters.
I consider myself to be trans (eunuch, saris adam, barren (Isa 54:1-17)). I am not exactly a son and not exactly a daughter. I have a woefully masculine face and physique but I am definitely not a son (AMAB MTF post SRS (GRS)). Therefore I do not fit in sons' spaces or daughters' spaces.
I have immersed myself in the historical, philosophical, psychological, political and theological literature and media for a significant portion of seven decades and conclude that I am physically, politically, perceptually and theologically non-binary. Psychologically, I have identified as female since the age of two or three but diligent discipline discouraged any hint or discussion of my feminine identity or behavior. My ideal puberty would have included hormone blockers until a legally acceptable age to begin HRT and GRS (SRS) and then as nearly normal womanhood as attainable.
In actuality, the diligent discipline has induced my voluntary celibacy and perception that I have been insidiously gaslighted and have a subtle incidence of complex traumatic stress disorder by the dismissing, ignoring, denying and suppressing of my gender identity. I am just one of my peers who is the quarry for metaphorical, euphemistic and literal physical erasure. My concern is not just psychological, health or culture. This is the challenge and analysis of my right to true Judeo-Christian observance and Judeo-Christian expression and Judeo-Christian faith.
I hope my comments and the quotes are discovered to be beneficial. I pray that nothing is found to be triggering because my intent was to be somehow loving, compassionate and empathetic to each and everyone. If you have deigned to read this entire comment, thank you much!