March 24 is International Right to Truth Day. The United Nations proclaimed it in observance of the surviving families of people who "disappeared" during South America’s “dirty wars” of the 70s and 80s:
"The right to the truth implies knowing the full and complete truth as to the events that transpired, their specific circumstances, and who participated in them, including knowing the circumstances in which the violations took place, as well as the reasons for them."
In the Dirty Wars, trusted professionals and institutions betrayed the most vulnerable people. It is happening again, right now, all over the Western World. It is all the more shocking because we think of ourselves as morally advanced, even as we mutilate children and young adults to mimic crude stereotypes.
Society must defeat this Gender Ideology cult craze, and it will. But think past simply defeating it: a dangerous Gnostic delusion has destroyed the lives of countless young people, and it did so with near-unanimous institutional and media support. Think past victory and start thinking about justice and reform. Thousands of children were harmed psychologically and many physically butchered - even as they believed they were finding their “authentic selves”. We vow to never, ever let this happen to other children. So what will we do after we have defeated this cult?
Demand a Gender Truth and Reconciliation Commission. International human rights law gives us a framework for thinking about that, and a strong polemical position for demanding it. Forgiveness for the many, punishment for the worst offenders. But “the full and complete truth” in all cases.
I’m thrilled that the lawsuits are finally starting. But is civil law enough? Is even criminal law adequate to the challenge, when the system itself has been corrupted? Or do victims need some recourse beyond conventional criminal law? Those lawsuits may help bring victory. But will they bring justice? Victory and justice are not the same thing. I think a suitable model for justice is out there. The WW2 Allies realized long before they had achieved victory that justice would require further steps. We can continue to build on their foundation.
Removing a person with State or organized political support, then refusing to give information on his/her fate - that’s an experience many families victimized by gender ideology can recognize, like that poor dad Abigail Shrier reported on.
It’s also the definition of “enforced disappearance” taken straight from the “crimes against humanity” article of international law. The fact that a court orders the removal changes nothing; the whole point of enforced disappearance (versus simple kidnapping) is that it happens with official authorization. This law was written precisely to handle cases (like Rwanda or Argentina) where the cops are the criminals. The judges are the fools. The protectors are the predators. The system of justice itself, of health, of education - are unjust, unhealthy and indoctrinating.
Thousands of lives have been destroyed by gender ideology. Thousands of families are in a type of mourning. Listen to the words of the victims themselves, they will tell you: These children have disappeared. The children themselves will tell you, I have disappeared. They won’t even let you use their birth names – dead names. Little Olivia is gone; in her place there is only Oliver. Poor, mutilated Oliver. The children themselves will eagerly tell you, using the movement’s own language, that a death has occurred. “Don’t dead-name me.” “The person I was is dead.” Okay. Believe them. Believe the movement. Act accordingly.
After WW2 the Allies faced a novel challenge: Hitler’s actions were perfectly legal. He violated no German law. In the decades that followed the Nuremberg trials, and with further atrocities, a new body of law grew up to address cases where the system itself had become twisted.
What defines disappearance is official compliance with the twisted ideology. In Argentina’s Dirty War (1976-1983) the cop was the criminal. In Rwanda (1994) the government organized the killing and the media promoted it. In the USA in October 2020, soon-to-be President Biden applauded transitioning eight year old children. He elevated Richard (“Rachel”) Levine, who supports “affirmation only”, off-label use of “puberty blockers” and genital amputation for children, as US Assistant Health Secretary. Across the US, medical societies, school boards, social services, and countless other institutions are beyond “complicit” - they’re more active and eager than that term implies.
What’s the difference between the UK NHS Gender Identity Development Service and Rwanda? In Rwanda the government-approved media-acclaimed mass-scale mutilations were carried out by amateurs.
The role of Big Pharma in Gender Identity has been compared to its role in the Opioid Epidemic - with Planned Parenthood even discovering a new revenue stream giving “T” like candy to underaged girls. As Upton Sinclair said, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on not understanding it.” Surely the opioid epidemic proved that the medical profession is vulnerable to institutional capture. And complicit businesses can most assuredly be guilty of crimes against humanity (see Nuremberg trials below).
In Quinteros v. Uruguay (1983) the UN Human Rights Committee ruled “[we] understand the anguish and stress caused to the mother by the disappearance of her daughter and by the continuing uncertainty concerning her fate and whereabouts. [The mother] has the right to know what has happened to her daughter. In these respects, she too is a victim of the violations of the Covenant suffered by her daughter, in particular, of article 7.”
Article 7 reads: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.” That covers the daughter who “disappeared,” but the UNHRC ruled that the mother’s Article 7 human rights were violated, too. The UNHRC also extends that protection to families.
They concluded: “the Government of Uruguay has a duty to conduct a full investigation into the matter” and “should take immediate and effective steps (a) to establish what has happened to Elena Quinteros … and secure her release; (b) to bring to justice any persons found to be responsible for her disappearance and ill-treatment; (c) to pay compensation for the wrongs suffered; and (d) to ensure that similar violations do not occur in the future.” Could this case be a template for a Gender Truth Commission that stands for the rights of children and families?
When we think about crimes against humanity we picture dumb brutes with guns, not well-dressed politicians and professionals. But they’re some of the worst and there's ample precedent for using human rights law to punish them.
Hermann Göring was civilian President of parliament. Saddam Hussein was President of his country; ditto Augusto Pinochet, Pol Pot, Wojciech Jaruzelski, and many more. The 61 perpetrators convicted for the Rwandan genocide include journalists, priests, a popular musician, a historian, and numerous politicians including the Minister of Education, the Minister of Commerce, the (woman) Minister for Family Welfare, and the Prime Minister. These are not dumb brutes with guns. Think about that.
High-level professionals can and do commit crimes against humanity. A doctor who performs unethical human experimentation is a criminal. After the famous Nuremberg trial came twelve lesser-known "Subsequent Nuremberg trials." In the first, The Doctors' Trial, 21 of the 23 defendants were medical doctors. Sixteen were found guilty. Seven were hanged.
A judge who enforces twisted laws is a criminal. Like Oswald Rothaug. The fact that he’s a judge, a highly educated person entrusted with enforcing duly enacted laws, doesn’t make it better, it makes it worse. He never carried a gun; he carried a gavel. That’s enough. (At the third Subsequent Nuremberg trial Judge Rothaug was sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity.)
In the other ten, civilian government officials were tried for crimes against humanity. Leading businessmen, too:
“There was no opportunity for prosperity. ... We thought that Hitler would give us such a healthy environment. Indeed he did do that. ... We Krupps never cared much about [political] ideas. We only wanted a system that worked well and allowed us to work unhindered. Politics is not our business.” -Alfried Krupp, 1947
Remind you of anyone in Big Pharma?
Human rights law has ample precedent for trying civilian politicians for crimes against humanity. Professionals and businessmen and intellectuals, too. There is no reason for us to feel squeamish about this prospect. If anything, these “elite” people are worse than the dumb brute with a gun, and deserve harsher punishment. They know what they’re doing. Their mistakes poison the entire system.
This is a long battle but don’t despair. For crimes against humanity, there is no statute of limitations. And no sovereign immunity for politicians.
We have to ask those involved, Do you want to be on the right side of history, or the wrong side? Forgiveness for most. Nuremberg trials for the worst. For all, a true and full accounting of what happened.
We have the right to that. Like the families of the “disappeared” of the Dirty Wars, we have the right to truth. To learn it. To speak it. To record it.
Maybe our situation is more like Rwanda, where thousands of deliberately mutilated survivors are walking around decades later, damaged and unable to participate fully in life. For some of us parents and detransitioners that’s no abstraction, that’s life right now.
At the Tehran Conference in late 1943, Churchill insisted on distinguishing between classes of enemies, between ordinary German soldiers who should not be punished harshly, and war criminals who should - and who specifically should be tried where their crimes were committed.
Imitating Churchill, we parents and detransitioners need to envision victory and start thinking how society will judge Gender crimes. We need to start thinking now about what has been done to us, and what will constitute justice once we have achieved victory, and what tools we might use to obtain justice. Gender Ideologues have made incredible strides by thinking big.
Never forget, a few men who demanded society reorganize to affirm their delusion “we are women” terrified every institution into compliance. Apt pupils of Orwell’s MiniTrue, they redefined language itself. “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
In my country (USA) and many others the dream has always been "leave me alone to live my life in peace." That lovely dream is over. Radical Gender Ideologues will never, ever leave you and your family alone to live your life in peace. Nothing you have, nothing you’ve made, nothing you love is outside of their ambition. Remember that when we defeat them and decide what to do with them.
Be like Churchill at Tehran. Be picky. Prioritize. Distinguish between degrees of bad guys, and go after them accordingly, with appropriate tools:
Category 1: Polite persuasion, forgiveness, rapid reintegration
Category 2: Social/civil pressure
Category 3: Civil law
Category 4: Criminal law
Category 5: Maybe, just maybe, international crimes-against-humanity law.
Get paper. Across the top write 1-2-3-4-5. Make lists that reflect your country and your experience. Who fits into each category? Who is “an ordinary German soldier” deserving forgiveness? Teachers who were taken in by the ideology but desist in spreading it? Who is seriously bad? Medical professionals who falsify medical records? Surely Cat3, maybe Cat4. Think carefully about entities that receive government funding, or that write and enforce official policy: could any be Cat5? Like ACON in Australia? Judge Hiramoto in California? NHS-GIDS in England? Remember, 75 years of human rights trials show us what is possible.
On March 24, International Right to Truth Day, speak the truth, loudly. Demand the truth. And think big as you demand justice. Like the Allies over 18 months before they defeated their enemy, put Gender Criminals (and their “allies”) on notice:
"[We] solemnly declare and give full warning ... know that [you] will be brought back to the scene of [your] crimes and judged on the spot by the peoples whom [you] have outraged. Let those who have hitherto not imbued their hands with innocent blood beware lest they join the ranks of the guilty, for most assuredly [we] will pursue them to the uttermost ends of the earth and will deliver them to the accusers in order that justice may be done." -UK/US/USSR Declaration on German Atrocities in Occupied Europe, 01 November 1943
Wow, this is big!
""forgiveness for the many, punishment for the worst offenders."
Where do we think Satanic Panic Diane Ehrensaft, Joel Baum & Gender Spectrum belong in the categories? Ehrensaft's the developmental psychologist who promotes that babies tearing barrettes out of hair or unsnapping a onesie means baby "is trans" and must be set on a Gender track even though children cannot know what they are consenting to.
Legions of teachers cause untold damage affirming & promoting GI in the schools. They are clearly Category One like the German soldiers.
Outstanding! This is an epic, comprehensive piece of work. It should serve as template, a way forward for parents and concerned others.
Ironically, this article was inspired by the United Nations' International Right to Truth Day. Unfortunately, the UN cannot be counted on to address the "disappearance" of children who have fallen down the trans sinkhole. The UN has an explicit pro-trans policy, folded into its generalized policy regarding sexual minorities. Its policy is based on the principle of human rights, which as a general matter, I agree with. I doubt that anyone here on PITT wants to deny the human rights of transgender adults to seek medical services, to work, to study, to serve in the military, to love and to live their lives as they see fit.
But the UN makes no distinction between adults and children when discussing what they term "LGBT youth." The UN cannot be counted on to take seriously how children are groomed and indoctrinated by teachers and doctors into believing that they are transgender and that they must divorce themselves from their parents. Sadly, the UN will not be an ally in this fight. Anyone who works at the UN who understands this issue and wants to help, will have to leave the organization to do it.