Are you angry that NPR is not covering the Cass report? Or maybe you stopped listening to NPR long ago. They have not covered this huge story that impacts all of us, the entire world. With the recent publication in the Free Press by a current, senior reporter at NPR calling out the “social justice” ideological turn of NPR, it seems like a good time to let them know what you think.
Contact them here: NPR | Contact Us
Below is what I wrote to them. Best to use your own words, but feel free to use this if it’s easier. It is far more important to contact them soon with lots of us reaching out to them than to craft the perfect message. NPR needs to hear from all of us, especially parents! If you are a parent of a child caught in the cult of gender, you can sign it, "concerned parent of a gender-confused child," or you can start the letter below with "I am a parent of a gender-confused child."
Sample communication:
NPR must report about the Cass Report which was recently released in the U.K. The U.K. and many European countries have pulled back from the "gender affirmation” model and are discontinuing this practice outside of experimental trials. The Cass report is a comprehensive analysis showing that cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers for children suffering from gender dysphoria are NOT beneficial (as reported by NPR) but overall are HARMFUL. The research supporting gender affirming care is shoddy, and the evidence of harm is overwhelming. The report sums it up best: '“For most young people, a medical pathway will not be the best way to manage their gender-related distress.”
This is enormous and important news. If NPR editors want to make a case for why the U.S. should not pay attention to this government-funded report from the U.K., if they believe it is irrelevant to Americans that other countries are ceasing this practice - they are free to share that with us. But only AFTER giving us the news and allowing us make up our own minds. NPR is a news, not advocacy, organization. Or it used to be.
NPR has broadcast many, many stories extolling the benefits of these drastic and irreversible medical interventions for children. NPR has contributed to this scandal. They must either admit they were wrong (which they are) or make a case as to why the Cass Report is invalid. But they can bullshit people only so long. The public deserves to know this information. National and Public are in the very name of the organization.
The New York Times covered this important story. So did the Atlantic. Why not NPR?
A former listener and former supporter of NPR
NPR is just another left wing propoganda machine, like CNN and MSNBC and many other mainstream “ news” outlets.
Well... I just noticed that I've been donating monthly to WAMU since December 2018! And I didn't realize it! So I called and cancelled my monthly support to them and told them it was because I felt their news coverage was biased. In the developing Uri Berliner story I keep thinking about how the NPR employees who are calling out their own CEO for not defending their coverage and leaving them feeling nervous and longing for more DEI (my language on all that) really believe they are doing good work. They wrote a letter calling for Katherine Maher to make a public rebuke of Uri Berliner's "factual inaccuracies and elisions" and I'm thinking.. "elisions????" These people! But it brought me to the TED talk Katherine Maher made and I am so mortified... she speaks of a "reverence for the truth" being "in the way of finding common ground and getting things done." OMG. Truth is that you cannot change sex and telling children you can is HARMFUL on so many levels and not the righteous work these journalists think it is. I posted a comment on the ted talk on youtube and my favorite part was this: "NPR seems to have replaced subject matter experts with ideology, material reality with implicit bias, and work ethic with identity." I wonder if people can understand what I mean by that sentence.