One year later, 200 posts and counting...
Our stories are now part of the narrative, and the gender house of cards is shaking
When we launched PITT a year ago, there were hardly any parent voices out there. It was a lonely place for many of us. PITT sprang forth from a parent support group for boys as a way for us to be heard, and to show the other side of the story—what’s really at the end of that rainbow—when the rest of the world was mesmerized by the “euphoria” of transition and how transition is the only responsible path for parents of gender confused kids and youth.
Now, parents are speaking out in school board meetings and meeting with government officials and representatives. Our stories have sparked conversations with gender doctors and with therapists. With politicians, lawyers, and educators. With journalists. With other parents’ rights groups that are not specifically focused on gender, and with parents that are not directly impacted, but want to help. We have emboldened others to join us, knowing that there is support for parents who are committed to protecting their children from the scourge of gender ideology.
PITT parents: You know how much work has been happening—for years—behind the scenes to reach the mainstream public consciousness, because you’re the ones who have been doing it— the thankless, endless, anonymous work, chipping away at what seemed to be an impenetrable fortress. We all knew our odds were terrible, us against a tremendous and misguided societal Goliath, but we hoped we were David—so we grabbed our slingshots and got to work.
Now there is a crack, and light from our side is seeping through. More daylight shines through each day. A few weeks ago the NY Post published an article titled “Anguished parents of trans kids fight back against ‘gender cult’ trying to silence them”. Featured in the article, written by Dana Kennedy, were 4th Wave Now, Genspect, Ted Hudacko, and PITT. Since then, Bill Maher has spoken up, and now Ricky Gervais’ devastating comedic commentary has been added to the voices of Graham Linehan, Dave Chappelle, and J.K. Rowling—it seems that more and more high profile people accept the professional risk of speaking the truth out loud. And more and more detransitioners are telling the world their eye-opening stories (check out PITT on Wednesday for detransitioner stories!).
What does it take to change the world for the better? Parents who care—who else would be willing to risk it all?
We’ve told over 200 parent stories, and we’re only getting started.
If you are a parent or detransitioner who would like to share your story with PITT readers, please email us at
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Even family were saying "just accept it". Thank you for this site!