We are looking for new submissions from parents and family members of young people affected by gender ideology - Please contact us at pitt@genspect.org if you’d like to share your story.
I have written a number of pieces for the Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans ( PITT) Substack. It has been an important coping strategy for me. In the midst of the incomprehensible madness of gender ideology, which is harming my child, I feel like it is one of the few ways that I can fight back.
PITT has published hundreds of pieces now, most written by the parents (or in some case other family members) of children and young people affected by trans ideology. To keep the momentum going, PITT needs you—if you are a family member of a person who is caught up in this, please consider contributing.
PITT also welcomes pieces by detransitioners.
There are some common concerns people may have when considering doing writing for PITT;
I might be identified.
No, you won’t. All pieces are published anonymously. Many of the stories of our kids are so similar, it is not hard to tell them in a way that will not allow anyone (even your child) to identify you. Leave out any telling details such as locations, names and dates. You can also omit precise personal details such as the age of your child, family composition and the like without it impacting on the accuracy of the story. PITT editors will help you edit your piece to address this concern if needed, and will make recommendations to remove any details we think might be identifying if there’s any you missed.
I was very nervous before my first piece was published, and procrastinated for days, refusing to give the final nod of approval. The editors were nothing but patient with me. When it was finally out there, I was elated. Nothing terrible happened either. Several posts later – still nothing terrible has happened, and I feel like I am doing my bit and fighting back.
I am still not comfortable telling my family’s story
That’s okay. In the current climate, it can feel scary. Instead, you can write about your thoughts on any aspect of trans ideology. If you have done research on a particular subtopic as it relates to gender dysphoria (for example; autism, porn, or eating disorders), perhaps you could share it with others.
Here are just a few examples of such pieces. There are many more on PITT—have a browse.
The Gift of Critical Thinking (substack.com)
A (hopefully) non-controversial basis for a debate over transgender care (substack.com)
Autism and Gender Dysphoria (substack.com)
Today on National Predator Radio... (substack.com)
Your Pronoun Badge Tells Me You’re Okay with Sterilizing Autistic Kids (substack.com)
There is even a place for irreverence and humor:
How to Be a Man (inspired by my trans-identified daughter) (substack.com)
We're TERFS - and proud of it (substack.com)
And fiction:
The Power Of The Story (substack.com)
And poetry:
I am not a writer
You don’t need to be. Hardly any of the PITT contributors are professional writers by day and many never wrote a piece for publication before their PITT submission. PITT editors will help prepare your story for publication. Email to ask if you need help. Even the PITT editors and founders were once new to writing. You can do this!
The editors have been so supportive of my efforts—they always do the work of embedding any links, and get approval from me of the final version before publishing.
They give you a lot of leeway too. I have ranted and raved in some of my pieces, and never once been asked to change or edit anything. As far as I know, PITT does not generally reject work, as long as the authors fit the criteria—they have happily published everything I have written.
It will take too long.
No it won’t. Just write out your thoughts on your family’s story (or any other topic around trans ideology) as they occur to you, then approach the editors to prepare it for publication.
Clearly some PITT pieces (see Rise of the Trans Medical Taliban and Transgender Medical Interventions: Impacts on the Brain, Part II) are serious works of journalism which contain a lot of research and many links, and must have taken a lot of work. Please do this if you feel inclined—but it is not necessary. I have written PITT pieces in under an hour.
Have you written letters or emails to schools, politicians or media outlets? They could also be published on PITT (edited to ensure anonymity as needed).
We all spend many hours thinking about and researching this topic. Just write out some of your thoughts or insights from all that work you have done—they are valuable and needed, and can be polished up by the editors if needed.
But I have already written for PITT
That doesn’t matter. PITT has had many unique contributors, but is happy for you to write more than once if you have something to say.
What about an update on events in your family, like this one Our Daughter's Tragedy: An Update? Or you could write on a particular topic, as outlined above.
Can I help by asking someone else to write?
Yes, certainly. Perhaps your child’s other parent, a grandparent In The Dark, adult sibling or aunty A slap of reality cares to give their perspective?
Please spread the word around your networks too—ask parents in your support group, or that Mum at school whose kid is also caught up in this, if they would be willing to write something. Perhaps you can pass on the link to this article, to address any concerns that people may have.
But my family’s story sounds exactly like many others on PITT. I have nothing new to say.
We still want to hear your story—and that is in fact the point! One of the things we need to get across is that the SAME types of young people (LGB, neurodiverse, mentally ill, bullied, traumatised) are being exposed to the SAME indoctrination (by schools, online groomers, and society as a whole), parroting the SAME scripts (TWAW, you are a bigot if you disagree, I will die if I don’t transition) and being subjected to the SAME medical and surgical abuses. It’s called a cult—that is what cults do. We need to tell these stories again, and again, and again, and again until we stop this thing.
My family has not been affected – can I still help?
Quite possibly. PITT does on occasion publish relevant content written by others, such as this piece on the parallels between trans ideology and the satanic panic Moral Panics of Our Time: the Satanic Panic and Trans Panic. So if you think you might like to write something that fits into this category, please reach out and we’ll help you decide if it is best posted on PITT.
I am a detransitioner or desister. Will you publish my story?
Yes, you will be most welcome.
We know our stories are getting thousands of views—sometimes ten of thousands. There are many heartrending stories posted in the comments sections which (with a little elaboration, aided by the editors if needed) would make a new piece in themselves.
We know many, many families find PITT a lifeline—we hear about this in the comments sections too. If you are one of these families, please consider giving back to help others like you. If every one of you contributes just one story, we can keep growing PITT, and fighting this vicious ideology.
Make no mistake, this is a David and Goliath battle. We all need to pull together and do our bit. But never forgot this—David won. And we will too.
In case you wonder out there, your stories do matter. Resist the need to have everything clear before writing. The other side has weaponized feelings. Go ahead and do the same. Resist the need to have a new take or a new method or to be the one who finally says the thing that makes this all crumble and go away. All that is not essential. Its how the trans lie has hit you in the center of your being that's compelling to me, a bystander. Your stories keep me aware and committed. They keep me in the game, caring and getting the truth out. They are what I pass onto others. Just write.
We should also go on the offensive against groomer doctors like Plume Health and the Pritzkers who are funding and profiting from this madness: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-do-no-harm-part-2