Thank you for doing this. I also spent some time reading the original literature. When my daughter first started this nonsense I asked for scientific evidence supporting transgenderism. I like to believe I was open minded and would follow whatever the best science uncovered. The “scientific evidence” she provided (that must float around the trans community on social media) were heavily editorialized opinion pieces, but appearing in science journals so seemingly “science-y”. Some of these editorials actually had references to primary literature, so I read the references carefully. I concluded the same thing as you. The evidence of transitioning leading to better self-reported life satisfaction is extremely flawed. And the claim that transitioning cured the desire to commit suicide (thus transitioning was “life saving”) was simply contrary to the facts. Yet the editorials claimed it to be true, contrary to the papers they had the chutzpah to reference. It’s the exact opposite of science. So all the harms you outlined above from cross sex hormone injections are just more negative outcomes added on top, not justified “side effects” of a treatment that is doing more harm than good.

Did this make any difference in her decision to pretend to be a man? Of course not. You might as well argue about the archeological evidence of the Golden Tablets with a Mormon. These are matters of faith.

I will say, though, this information has at least the possibility of making a difference with some policy makers. It’s already happening in Europe. Let’s hope other parts of the world start taking notice.

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Part 2 is now out, more detail about estrogen, including its FDA box warning (the strongest warning they put on medicines, due to serious risks), all bad. https://pitt.substack.com/p/transgender-medical-interventions

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Truth is being hidden because “ transgenderism” is a false belief system being promoted as a form of eugenics. Sterilisation of our vulnerable children. This is simply deception. Thanks for revealing some evidence.

Science is about looking for truth, not hiding it.

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One thing that makes this phenomenon infuriatingly complicated is that many medical professionals who are affirming trans-identified young people TRULY believe they are "protecting" their patients and are doing the right thing, the noble thing. They don't realize that what they are really doing is the "Woke" thing without recognizing the completely off-kilter cost/benefit analysis you point out. Well meaning people doing harm and believing it is right. How did we end up here. And how will we live with ourselves if we don't continue to speak out about it?

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Amazing work. Truly essential reading in this day and age.

I will be sending this article to a prominent skeptic or two, see if they have the guts to read it through to the end.

I do agree that the title is highly off-putting, however - if you would consider altering it to something less provocative, I believe that's all it might take for this piece to become very widely read indeed.

Anyway, thank you for your incredible work.

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Thank you for your excellent article. As you say this info needs to go mainstream to inform the public what the risks to the short/long term health of our young people.

May Isay that I found the label of the prefix cis on scientific research papers very depressing. This term borrowed from chemistry to mean "opposite to" is factually incorrect. There are women and men. And there's transwomen/men.

I'm wondering if you could mention the invasiveness of trans ideology of into all areas of life.

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Thank you for this massively important article

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Dr Guillamon MD PhD at University of Madrid wrote.

"The main finding of our paper was that estradiol affects the water in astrocytes. Decreases in volume in several pathologies of the brain can be due to cell loss or water content, or both. For functional pathologies, the decreases in volume are due to loss of water in the astrocytes.".

Astrocytes are the most numerous cell type within the central nervous system (CNS) and perform a variety of tasks, from axon guidance and synaptic support, to the control of the blood brain barrier and blood flow.

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This article has hit hard for me as my son has been on estrogen for close to two years now and his mental health has deteriorated rapidly as of late. He had a complete psychotic break just three weeks ago and was diagnosed with possible emerging schizophrenia while in hospital. He is home and medicated for this but mental health is worsening. He can't work and is not staying in his apartment. He has a new therapist at home that is diagnosing bipolar. Regardless, it seems pretty clear to me that the hormones aren't working. Thank you for this brilliant piece of research.

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I thank you very much for your article. I am a scientist too, but not able to understand all this medicine stuff.

I wrote this in french


I am concerned with my daughter saying she is trans... If you have time, an analogous article about testosterone would be great ...

Many thanks

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Your article is absolutely amazing, Camille. Thank you. I will share.

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Thank you. Do you read french ? If not it is translated here https://pitt.substack.com/p/lets-protect-our-daughters (and in spanish here https://www.amandafamilias.org/post/protejamos-a-nuestras-hijas )

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terrible title, excellent article

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Thank you for this analysis

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This is a solid article. In the interest of having the article read more widely within the gender questioning cohort, please consider changing the headline to something more neutral. 'The effects of estrogen on a male brain: research review' or some such would attract more readers.

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