Welcome to the PITT weekly roundup where you find a list of the week’s postings along with links to some of our favorite books, social media, and podcasts. Please continue the fight against the harms of gender ideology by sharing.
Access is to all PITT content is free. Our objective is to inform the public of the devastating impact of gender ideology on families through our personal experiences.
Quote of the Week from Shame Name: “A Shame Name" is defined as, “the name parents lovingly and legally bestow on their newborn child as a reflection of their love and devotion to their precious baby but is then discarded and destroyed by that child, without any concern whatsoever for his or her parents or other family members.”
Friday, March 1: When They Take Your kid
Thursday, February 29: A Desistance Story
Wednesday, February 28: I have a problem: a Desistor's Manifesto - part 6
Tuesday, February 27: Shame Name
Monday, February 26: To all the parents
Myths, Misconceptions, and Exaggerations about Gender
This episode is dedicated to debunking myths from both sides of the debates. This conversation emphasizes the need to break down myths surrounding gender, acknowledging the overblown ideas that contribute to a lack of nuance and understanding, and sheds light on exaggerated points used as rhetorical strategies by different sides of the gender discourse.
Gender transitions aren’t always right. Medicine must officially recognize detransition.
The American Psychiatric Association’s official publication, “Gender-Affirming Psychiatric Care,” champions gender-affirming care, but ignores detransition, except to describe elderly transgender individuals who detransition due to social stressors. This omission disregards the young people who are detransitioning and bringing lawsuits detailing the harms they have suffered, some facing a lifetime of physical alterations, sterilization and hormone replacement.
Time to Think Time to Think: The Inside Story of the Collapse of the Tavistock's Gender Service for Children by Hannah Barnes
The Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), based at the Tavistock and Portman Trust in North London, was set up initially to provide — for the most part — talking therapies to young people who were questioning their gender identity. But in the last decade GIDS has referred more than a thousand children, some as young as nine years old, for medication to block their puberty. In the same period, the number of young people seeking GIDS's help exploded, increasing twenty-five-fold.
This urgent, scrupulous and dramatic book explains how, in the words of some former staff, GIDS has been the site of a serious medical scandal, in which ideological concerns took priority over clinical practice.
Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans: Tales from the Home Front in the Fight to Save Our Kids, a compendium of some of the most compelling essays yet from PITT.
Have a story to share about gender ideology and trans-genderism? Submit to Pitt@genspect.org.
Great review... thank you. I just posted an essay on my Substack that ends with a few lines that I think encapsulate the thoughtful, reasoned points of view that appear on PITT. They read:
"Each of us should actively and consciously strive to be as compassionate, accepting, supportive and inclusive as we can. Denigrating, harassing or bullying anyone for any reason is reprehensible and unacceptable as far as I am concerned. However, being open, kind, and accepting does not necessitate abandoning reason, turning our backs on biology, or unhinging ourselves from reality. Nor does it require us to entertain the arguments of those who do."
Thank you for all of your efforts in promoting thoughtful reasonable responses to this ongoing dilemma. Sincerely, Frederick
Thank you for giving space for those ensnared in this unholy and diabolical hellscape to vent their grief and share their stories. Let us all hope this madness will be revealed for being just that.
There is a special place in hell for those who visit this abomination, leading children into darkness.
Woe will come to them that corrupt the innocent especially, this is certain.