Welcome to the PITT weekly roundup where you find a list of the week’s postings along with links to some of our favorite books, social media, and podcasts. Please continue the fight against the harms of gender ideology by sharing.
Access is to all PITT content is free. Our objective is to inform the public of the devastating impact of gender ideology on families through our personal experiences.
Quote of the Week: The good news is that since its establishment three years ago Therapy First (formerly GETA) has grown from a small handful of clinicians to now almost 400 strong. We are here for each other so that we can be there for you and your family. If you would like to learn more about Therapy First, to support our work, or to find a therapist for you or your child, please reach out: www.therapyfirst.org.
Friday, February 9: Hope for a Durable Remission
Thursday, February 8: On the Cusp of Desistance
Wednesday, February 7: Irish Dance
Tuesday, February 6: Another Son Lost to Trans Madness
Monday, February 5: Three years in: a clinician’s perspective
The Trans Train: A Parent's Perspective on Transgender Medicalization and Ideology by Lisa Schultz. A mom shares her experience with trans ideology and the harm of the transgender medicalization model. The Trans Train brings awareness of what is happening from a clear and rational parent’s perspective of losing a daughter to the trans movement.
Are college campuses infringing on First Amendment rights? One liberal scholar says yes
Myths, Misconceptions, and Exaggerations about Gender
This episode is dedicated to debunking myths from both sides of the debates. This conversation emphasizes the need to break down myths surrounding gender, acknowledging the overblown ideas that contribute to a lack of nuance and understanding, and sheds light on exaggerated points used as rhetorical strategies by different sides of the gender discourse.
Another whistle blower!
A therapist in Washington state said she quit her job because she could no longer go along with her employer's insistence on helping her young patients change genders, regardless of their diagnoses. Tamara Pietzke adds her voice to those of our other whistleblowers, and tells how she could no longer go along with the pressure to transition her patients.
Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans: Tales from the Home Front in the Fight to Save Our Kids, a compendium of some of the most compelling essays yet from PITT.
Have a story to share about gender ideology and trans-genderism? Submit to Pitt@genspect.org.
Keep up the good work , it is desperately needed. Fortunately IMHO, the sunlight shone on these practices may be starting to remove them from the shadows which has kept the true horror and tragedy often unknown by the larger public with no direct exposure to this behavior . That SOCIAL MEDIA STATEMENT captures perfectly my view of the current situation. Very unfortunate that there is no way of posting it in a prominent position room on every social media platform, and engaging it as topic of discussion in all chat rooms.
I love these recaps! Thank you!