My daughter has been stolen by a stranger
Who crept in stealthily one night
And usurped her mind and her body.
The more I try to rescue her
The more he harms her with hormones
And surgery.
He is selfish and mean
He screams abuse at me
While accusing me of abusing her.
He tells lies about her childhood
Says my home is unsafe
Turns her friends against me
And demands his own way.
My daughter was gentle and kind
Never hurting or betraying anyone.
But her struggles wore her down
And the stranger was ready to pounce.
My daughter was unique
Full of quirks and idiosyncrasies.
Social awkwardness
And funny mannerisms
Were all part of her charm.
But this stranger
Has used her
To make a robot
Like thousands of other robots
Who look the same
Think the same
Speak the same.
They are like soldiers in a war
Obeying orders:
The cannon fodder
Under attack from knives
And chemicals.
Who are these strangers
In the bodies of our vulnerable children?
Whose war are they fighting?
And will my beloved daughter ever return?
This is painful to read. This could have been me. My daughter was almost stolen too. I was lucky to be able to get through to her, to keep her safe from harm. The binders, the bad friends, the bullies online, and her undiagnosed (at the time) autism, all this tried to take her away from me. Sending hugs to whoever is dealing with this horrible fad (that even seems too petty of a word, a fad, maybe I should call it a horrible monster because that is what it is).
I feel you and your pain. I’m in the same boat with my daughter. Hormones? Surgery? What in the world is this world thinking? What type of mind control is being used? Perhaps similar to a Hitler regime who convinced good men, soldiers, to place innocent human beings into gas chambers and inhumane torture. Think chemically changing and surgically removing body parts of children is any less cruel? Think again. Please let our children be children. You’re only a kid once! May God have mercy. 🙏