This was originally a letter to a pro trans acquaintance who had asked me to describe and explain to her "the ABC's of my trans adventure". What an interesting and erroneous concept. An adventure, in my book, sounds exciting and fun. Far removed from the experience I went through. This is the first segment of an essay in four parts.
A is for Appalling and Alarming Affirmation, Aiding and Abetting Awful Abuse
If you walk in the rose garden of the Los Angeles campus of the City of Hope (a cancer research and treatment center), you'll see the iconic "Golter Gate", named for one of the City of Hope’s early leaders. On this gate, written in golden letters, it reads: "There is no profit in curing the body if, in the process, we destroy the soul". It captures pretty thoroughly the problem with the so-called "trans care" paradigm. In an attempt to "cure" the mental anguish associated with gender dysphoria by affirming the delusion and seeking to align an otherwise healthy body with a sick mind, we end up ravaging the body, as an overwhelming majority of "transitioners" become, given enough time, a pitiful shadow of their "former" selves. They become lifelong medical patients and also destroy their "souls" as their mental health deteriorates and the suicide rate grows exponentially post transition.1 I know I have already lost you, but allow me the following illustration to make my point:
Chloe Jennings-White is a perfectly healthy woman who suffers from apotemnophilia, also known as Body Identity Integrity Disorder. She identifies as a paraplegic and spends most of her life in a wheelchair that she doesn't need. While fantasizing about terrible accidents that would leave her permanently disabled, she is actively searching for a surgeon to sever her healthy spinal cord to help her be her "true self". Unsurprisingly, she managed to find a psychotherapist who affirms her mental illness AND a surgeon willing, for a hefty $25,000, to sever the sciatic and femoral nerves to her legs so her physical abilities (soon to be disabilities) match her mental state. So far, neither of those so-called professionals has suggested mental health therapy for what is, in my opinion, her severe psychiatric disorder.
Most people would agree that this woman needs help more than she needs affirmation and debilitating surgery.2 But somehow, gender confusion gets a pass. Our society has become accustomed to the idea that it's not only fine, but encouraged, to affirm a similar psychiatric delusion and provide an irreversible surgical answer when it comes to people confused about their birth sex. Please don't get fooled by pseudoscience. The fact that gender dysphoria is no longer considered a psychiatric disorder doesn't change in any way, shape or form the reality that it is indeed a terrible mental illness.
As described in Part 6 of a Desistor's Manifesto on PITT I really, really thought that being a man was being "my true self" and the only way I could ever be happy. I was wrong. "Really" feeling or wanting something doesn't make it right or desirable in the long term.
Kellie, also known as Scott Newgent, is a woman and a mother, trapped in a "trans man" body, compliments of the trans lobby and its medical accomplices. Wishing to "align her lesbian body with her inner desire to be a man", as she states, she believed the trans lies and underwent many surgeries that have left her plagued by permanent and severe health issues (pulmonary embolism, heart problems, permanently handicapped arm, recurrent infections...) on top of unbearable physical suffering. An outspoken opponent of the trans ideology (and showcased in Matt Walsh’s documentary "What is a woman"), she says, " transition is creating an illusion of the opposite gender...It's experimental and it's not safe".3 So much for "an adventure ".
In their own words, former patients of the infamous Tavistock gender clinic explain:
"I kind of feel...mutilated and like an experiment gone wrong...I feel jealous...of women who still have their voice, their natural characteristics. And I don't anymore. When people know I detransitioned, they refer to it as a "journey". I would not consider it a journey. It was a mistake I made because I was a child" (Jasmine).
"I was adamant I needed to transition. It was the kind of brash assertion that's typical of teenagers. What was really going on was that I was a girl that was insecure in my body...suffered from anxiety and depression and struggled with my sexual orientation. The further my transition went, the more I realized I was not a man and never would be. As I matured, I realised that gender dysphoria was a symptom of my overall misery, not its cause" (Keira Bell).4
Patients from a controversial sex clinic in Australia state:
"I feel like a desexed dog. Post op, I remember thinking: what would happen if I admitted the truth to myself: I'm a man and I have just been mutilated" (Andrew).
"I remember at one point looking at myself in the mirror with this beard, my breasts gone and thinking: Oh my God, what am I going to do? I felt ugly. I was the classic bearded woman...A monster trapped between 2 worlds."(Angela)5
The American College of Pediatricians6 recognized that the vast majority (88% for girls and 98% for boys) will desist from gender dysphoria IF their biological integrity is affirmed. Furthermore, they can embrace their bodies through counseling alone when their dysphoria has underlying psychological issues, which is the case for nearly all of them. Despite this, so called "experts", turned ideologues, are pushing those boys and girls, men and women, to surgical and hormonal "solutions" with destructive and often irreversible effects. Junk science associated with social experiment is no joke. Detransitioners strongly agree:
"Every day I wake up and I'm reminded that I was allowed an orchiectomy (they chopped off his balls) only 3 months into my transition. Shortly after receiving breast implants, I became suicidal for the first time in my life" (Garrett).
"I chose an irreversible change before I'd even begun to understand my sexuality. From the day of my surgery, I became a medical patient and will remain one for the rest of my life" (Corinna).
On X, Jaden made the following statement: "To hear medical professionals insist a drug that has harmed myself and others is "completely reversible and doesn't have permanent effects" is frustrating and saddening. It's disturbing how doctors willfully spread misinformation to co-opt a movement and pathologize GNC (gender nonconforming) youth" (J@detransguy, 6/11/2022). Another detransitioner, Athena said: "Not having breasts anymore is really difficult...I know not having breasts doesn't make me any less of a woman but a literal body part was removed from me before I was old enough".
Confused young people, who often have several co-morbidities, are not allowed to grow up intact and are denied the gift of time to mature enough to make life changing decisions. And this while still being "protected" from "mistakes" and wrong choices on different levels (can't vote, drive, purchase alcohol...until "old enough"). As famous detransitioner Chloe Cole said: "We didn't know better. We were children".7
Despite the overwhelming evidence of harm done to kids and recent damning studies (think Cass report8 among others), so called affirming trans care is still being pushed on kids, with the help of biased unscientific book like "Gender Affirming Psychiatric Care" for example, with the abhorrent complicity of the APA (American Psychiatric Association).9
Unfortunately, body mutilation and mind devastation are not the only outrageous practices developed by the trans cult and its disciples on its adepts. The emergence and expansion of the trans ideology has led to the modern practice of forcibly taking kids (especially teens) out of their loving home under the fallacious pretext of "protecting" them from parents who object to the new culturally correct trans creed, ultimately leading to the demise and sometimes death of the child.
Sage10 was a struggling teenager whose transition had been hidden from her parents by the school. Unknowingly to her parents, she was exploited online, ran away from home, was kidnapped and ended up being sex trafficked. Though the police found her, she was not reunited with her caring and loving adoptive parents (who are also her grandparents) and abuse charges were filed against them due to a lack of "gender identity affirmation" because they didn't use her fake name (that she had changed twice) and funky pronouns. And it was not even out of willful refusal. They were too emotionally overwhelmed to remember the new name and preferred pronouns of their precious daughter. They would have spoken any language to get her safely back home. Sage was deemed to be "unsafe" with them and in need of "protection". So, she was instead sent by the court to the boys' unit of a children's home where she was abused again and ran away. Once again, she fell victim to predators who commercially sexually exploited her, which means, to be blunt, that her body was sold for sex and repeatedly raped, used for porn, beaten, drugged, and starved among many other forms of deep and abject abuse at the hands of those pedo tormentors.
She'll most likely be in lifelong therapy. The severe debilitating abuse she experienced, not to mention the hell her parents went through, was shamelessly facilitated by gender theory fanatics wanting to use her as a political pawn to further their sickening ideology and who didn't give a shit about her wellbeing and her future. That's what they have the audacity to call "protecting her from harm"...
Let me mention one more horror story:
At the age of 16, a confused and depressed girl named Yaeli11 was removed from the love and guidance of a good loving mom who was deemed an unfit parent by social services because she asked questions, didn't blindly affirm her child's sudden gender transition and urged caution in regards to trans concepts and procedures. She did this out of basic and commendable prudent parenting and for the sake of making sure that her beloved daughter would be helped and not harmed. She was told it was to prevent her daughter from "hurting herself". After three years of living "affirmed" as a man she was not and deprived of her mom's affection and support at a critical time of her life, Yaeli took her own life. Consider this: a lost, needy and depressed girl, going through the tumultuous teenage years, initially thrown into confusion by online trans fanatics and ideologically captured peers, encouraged in it by a complicit social system and greedy profiteers ((let's not forget that the "trans care" business has a revenue forecast of 5 billions by 2030),12 and yanked out of the protective and loving structure of her family to supposedly keep her "safe": what could possibly go wrong? What was going through her mind, when at the tender age of 19, Yaeli knelt on a train track and lifted her arms towards the sky, as the train was fast approaching that would snuff her out? Was it "God take me, free me from this nightmare...". We'll never know. What we do know is that when ideological deviancy meets bureaucratic complacency, it has the potential to become deadly very fast. In my book, Yaeli's death is a murder. Though executed by her own hand, it was culturally and socially engineered, due to her being slowly, subtly and legally bullied into exiting the planet. K is for Karma. Those who pushed Yaeli to her death out of sheer despair and put her mom through an inhumane and excruciating suffering, have it coming, one way or another. And not fast enough.
P is for Putrid and Poisonous Parenticide. It's a novelty term (I just made it up) describing the trans movement's systematic attack on parental rights, the relentless attempt at destroying the family's unit, undermining parental influence, criminalizing the parental natural protective instinct, extinguishing the relation parent/child by brainwashing the kids and coercing dissenting parents into compliance through legal threats, emotional blackmail and social shaming, to name a few tactics. The trans cult has kidnapped and damaged so many kids and left so many families suffering from soul crushing heartaches and debilitating emotional torture, that it genuinely qualifies for crimes against humanity.
One only needs to read the many PITT parental essays articulating their agonies and their hopes and the echoing comments sharing eerily similar predicaments to grasp the scope and intensity of what the trans ideology has done. The medical and social enabling, encouraging and facilitating of the transgender experiment has devastated children's and parent's lives alike. It will eventually go down as the biggest medico-socio-cultural scandal ever perpetuated on children.
And the greatest injustice as well.
Neither of the families I mentioned got justice for all they went through. As a believer, I rejoice to know that they'll eventually get divine justice. This being said, it would be mighty cool and so satisfying if their stories came to the attention of people who believe in the right to speak up and have the power to make a difference. I wish and pray that someone influential who maybe has been through the pain of being ghosted by an ideologically captured trans-identifying kid, and has the financial means to make it happen, would help them get the justice they so badly deserve, right here and now.
I will take a look at those links, thank you. I know that Whitney Webb has said similar things about Elon, although I did not watch her interviews in depth.
It must be one of the most horrific things in look in the mirror and see your body mutilated....and realise there is no corresponding happiness to match one's delusion....the horror of the new reality....