The Aftermath of Gender Identity Ideology
What a mom misses most after the wake of destruction of gender confusion and medicalization
I sense a slow awakening is occurring about gender identity ideology. An awareness is reaching people who somehow missed most of the ideology’s progression through and into all sectors of society. Some people are starting to question the concept of “changing sexes” and whether it is really all okay. Many people have thrown their hands in the air in exasperation at keeping up with all the letters in the ever-growing LGBTQ+ alphabet.
Perhaps the images of “drag queen reading hour” for kindergarten kids didn’t sit right with you. Maybe seeing boys and men on podiums receiving winning medals in girls’ and women’s sporting events seemed off. Perhaps it felt awkward to interact with the coffee shop’s male barista with lipstick, eye shadow, and breasts, and you sensed his smirk was possibly from deriving pleasure at your discomfort. Maybe it was confusing to go to dinner at your neighbor’s house and see what was once a cute teenage girl being introduced as a boy with a new name and a bewildering appearance. Perhaps you scratched your head when you heard that states like California passed a law that does not allow teachers or schools to notify parents when a kid declares that they have a new identity and name, and the school can socially transition the student without the parents’ permission. Possibly you were concerned when you heard about kids being removed from their parents’ homes by social services when the parents didn’t affirm a cross-sex identification. Maybe it seemed wrong when you heard that men placed in women’s prisons had raped and impregnated women there.
You may have considered that activists are pushing all this gender identity stuff on people and it has gone too far. If you have not been directly affected by gender ideology but are sensing that something is amiss, perhaps you are ready to hear from a parent who is directly affected.
It is challenging to sum up years of heartache and loss and catch people up who don’t know what is going on. So, to spotlight just a few of the many ways in which the gender identity movement can upend a family, here are a few things I miss the most as a mother and woman:
Sex Categories and Spaces
I miss the time when …
· people knew what a woman was
· “mother” was still an honored word and entity
· women had separate spaces where we could gather and feel comfort, safety, dignity, and well-being without a man’s intrusion
· there was fairness in girls’ and women’s sports before boys and men thought their feelings and wishes to look like girls and women usurped females’ safety, team positions, awards, scholarships, sponsorships, dreams, and goals
· pronouns were used appropriately and people didn’t virtue signal by forcing their obvious pronouns on others or add confusion by combining the obvious with the nebulous (she/they or he/they)
Natural Bodies, Health, and Development
I miss the time when …
· children went through natural puberty uninterrupted and undisrupted
· a child’s natural body, growth, and development were honored and not pathologized
· girls weren’t given testosterone as a solution for their distress or because they were tomboys or did not have “typical” girl preferences and behaviors
· boys weren’t given estrogen as a solution for their distress or because they displayed effeminate characteristics or did not have “typical” boy preferences and behaviors
· girls and boys didn’t go to extreme measures to magnify their displeasure with fitting into sex stereotypes
· gay kids grew up to be gay adults
· girls didn’t grow mustaches and beards and boys didn’t grow breasts
· the removal of healthy breasts and genitals of kids and vulnerable young adults was viewed as questionable, even unethical, instead of being normalized and celebrated
· a medical scandal involving gender modifications was not applauded and turned into a spectacle on social media
· mothers and fathers were not “cut out” of their children’s lives and left to weep alone in private because they could not protect their children from self-harm
· mothers and fathers who encouraged their children to self-harm were not considered progressive
· protections and safeguards existed before extreme, irreversible medical and surgical interventions were performed
· medical professionals didn’t emotionally blackmail parents into agreeing to gender-modifying interventions
· doctors affirmed the reality of the male and female sexes
· medical professionals were interested in evaluating and treating underlying comorbidities before removing healthy body parts
· girls didn’t opt out of the responsibility of growing up to be women and moms
· boys didn’t opt out of the responsibility of growing up to be men and dads
Personal Impacts
I miss the time when …
· it was possible to hear my daughter’s natural voice and laugh
· I could call my daughter by her name
· people didn’t demand that I lie about the reality of my daughter’s birth sex as female and try to force me to collude with the falsehood that she is a male
· gaslighting of my experience of giving birth to and raising two females wasn’t normalized
· people didn’t stop talking to me because I didn’t believe my daughter was a male
· friends and relatives didn’t walk away from me when I needed them most
· my daughter’s birth certificate was a truthful document
· my role as a mother wasn’t undermined, and my knowledge and wisdom were respected
· I was valued for the quality of my character and my solid history of responsible parenting
· I had a close mother-daughter bond before cultish behaviors interfered
· I didn’t have to pretend all was fine or answer with a fake charade when asked, “How are the girls?”
· I could use the words girls, sisters, and daughters
· I could post family pictures on Facebook and include family pictures in my Christmas cards
· I smiled instead of cried when I saw Facebook memories of my family
· I felt loved and appreciated on Mother’s Day
· I shared clothes and jewelry with my daughter, and we got pedicures together
· I could share positive news about my daughter when others shared about their kids
· I was able to talk with ease instead of “walking on eggshells” with every word I say
Family Heritage
I miss the time when …
· parents were valued in society overall
· family heritage and traditions mattered in my family
· I felt comfortable attending and planning family reunions
· I had dreams of passing down our family’s maternal legacy
· I was certain that after I die, the genealogy records and family ancestry trees that I had researched and maintained for decades would be preserved as truth for future generations
· I had the peace of mind that our family history would be valued and considered a gift after I was gone
Also, I miss trusting doctors, teachers, and people in general.
For more on this author.
Also - I miss allowing tom girls to be allowed to be tom girls without a hint of being born in the wrong body, and my dreams of being a grandfather from my daughters offspring, my dreams of dancing with my daughter at her wedding, my dreams of getting to know the family of who she would marry. I miss my beautiful daughter, now bearded and breastless and absolutely hating her parents, her entire upbringing, every memory my wife and I cherish. This demonic cult has destroyed enough already!
I am so so sorry. My family lives this horrible nightmare too. It is a deep and heavy grief. Our sad journey's been 5 years now and for 2 years we are completely estranged from our daughter (once upon a time was our sweet daughter) now transgender. She is estranged from us. Our arms are open wide but she will have nothing to do with us. We have 9 kids, she is our 3rd and the effects of her lifestyle choice is devastating. Our younger children especially are bewildered beyond belief and fill with grief and loss of their older sister who was once the most maternal sister they had!!! It is a sinister cult and is destroying hearts, bodies and whole entire families. My prayers are constant and ceaseless. My heart breaks with yours. You are in my prayers as are ALL families and victims suffering under this demonic cult!! May God give us the grace we need to continue hoping for the Deliverance of all these innocent children☝️🙏🙏🙏