“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”-George Orwell 1984
So, you aren't a member of the gender party. At least you don't think you are. You haven't really considered it. You've had no time. Your days were spent working and raising your family. You weren't even sure it was a real party and it had never meant anything to you any way. After all, you consider yourself liberal, at the very least moderate, and don’t want to harm the most vulnerable members of society. If you have ever thought about gender ideology, you might have said, “What’s the big deal? It isn't harming anyone. Adults should be free to live as they please.” You’re a big tent person and proud of it.
Then the most shocking, unbelievable thing happens. Out of the blue, your child announces that they aren't their biological sex any longer. They are now magically, 100% the other sex. And they assure you that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, you will ever be able to do to change their mind. And should you try, your child will remove you from their life.
This is when you discover, although you aren’t a member, the gender party has a hold on many facets your life – schools, the medical profession, the mental health community, the mainstream media. Worse yet, if you do not pledge fealty, you may lose your child, your job and your friends and family. Welcome to the party.
You will soon discover that the gender party regards your child, whatever their age, as a fully formed adult who know what they want for themselves and will never waiver in this belief. This wouldn't be so bad if it was just an idea, a belief with no consequences. But the gender party demands that your children be medicalized and then perhaps, move on to surgery. Sometimes immediately. Not after a year of waiting or months of therapy, but right now - the minute your child has decided they are “trapped in the wrong body”. The only real thing now is their belief.
The gender party controls everyone and everything. They don’t need to provide any evidence that what they do is good. There is no debate. It is a fact because the party deems it so. Everyone must believe this. The gender party is a force for good, lifesaving even. And woe to those who ask for a shred of evidence or express a hint of doubt. The gender party will try to ruin you and take away the one thing you are trying to protect, your child.
Now that your child is in the gender party- a fresh, wide-eyed recruit- you learn that the people who you thought knew you and your child best are card carrying, dues paying members of the gender party. They don't understand your doubts. Because if your child says they are another sex-they are! That's how this works.
You will learn that those who succeed in escaping the gender party need to act early and sometimes take radical action. But, sigh, you have other children and a job and so many things that make it impossible to change your entire life and move some place (where?!) that the gender party hasn't taken hold. If your child is already of legal age, you have almost no leverage. And you realize that if you dare to question your adult child's new identity (an identity that may have been formed in just a few months by goggling their questions and talking to strangers online), you may be cut off. The gender party tells all its members that anyone who doesn't believe absolutely in the gender religion must be exiled cut out of your child's life. This seems cultish to you, but you say nothing to avoid charges of heresy.
People you thought would have your back -maybe your mother or your brother, that amazing co-worker, your best friend - are now questioning you. They talk to each other and agree that your child must be affirmed. And that surely you will come to see the gender party knows best. You can understand that some of them are fearful of retaliation by the gender party. They cannot take the chance and stand by your side, but you remain horrified by the betrayal. You have nowhere to turn with your anger and fear. You are alone.
And then a “helpful” person sends a text or email accusing you of being a bigot, a TERF, a transphobe, a bad parent. Or, the ultimate insult, they imply that you would rather have a dead kid than a trans kid. In their eyes, you are a monster. There is no chance to explain that your child might be gay or on the autism spectrum or suffer from severe anxiety or trauma. None of which have anything to do with becoming the other sex. None of these matters. The gender party has the answer for every mental anguish and social problem that ever existed. Not just the answer but the only answer.
You thought you knew your kid. You were there for everything, every tear, every problem over the years. But apparently, you knew nothing. Their special inner feeling, their new identity, which they confirm by searching the internet and is further affirmed in chat rooms and video game, is now all that matters. Teachers who know them for one semester or a few months of school, along with thirty other kids, know your child best. They withhold your child's new name and identity because your child must be protected from you at all costs. You have changed from being the one person who put your child's welfare and happiness above all else to becoming your child's greatest enemy.
The doctors and therapists, you soon learn, are the most fervent believers in the gender party. They have no questions for you, or your child save one – how do you identify? However your child responds at this moment is the only truth, no matter the consequences of the medical treatments which they happily prescribe on the first visit. Your kid will give “informed consent”, a kid that doesn't ever think of themselves at age 30 or 40 and what it might be to live for decades pretending to be the opposite sex. And, of course, they are not considering that they may want children someday. Children aren't thinking of having children. But the gender party can make sure they never do.
But what about biology you ask. Must we relearn everything you were ever taught about biology and history? Clownfish are the answer. Intersex people are cited to prove that you can change sex. But you know that your child isn't a clownfish and is not intersex.
You learn that your child was “assigned” a sex at birth. The nurses and doctors just decided for reasons unknown and possibly nefarious, what gender your child was. The DNA tests and ultrasounds are wrong as well, as science no longer exists. You learn there are 47 genders and that genders can change all the time. Sex is dead. It has no meaning and is just used as an excuse to discriminate against trans people and all the other-gendered people.
You soon discover that yes, even the Holocaust was the source of suffering for no, not the Jewish people, but primarily transgender people. And of course, you are probably a Nazi yourself if you think differently.
Historical figures, mostly women it seems, are also now being reclaimed with their rightful trans identity. Joan of Arc, Louisa May Alcott were not feminist heroes but transmen.
Transwomen are literally women you learn. That's it. A fact. Women now have penises. Women are now committing rape and murder at higher rates than ever recorded throughout history.
Transwomen are also miraculously better at sports than natal women for reasons no one can discern. When competing against women, now known as uterus havers, transwomen win all the competitions and titles. Any “cis” women objecting to this are just sore losers. “Cis” is the new label you must go by if you don't despise the body you were born with and want to alter it. You are told this is a great privilege to be “cis” and that transwomen suffer much more than any cis woman ever could or ever will, no matter what has happened to you as a “cis” woman.
You go underground. You join groups that vet members. Here you can speak freely because all members know what you are going through and share your horror of the gender party.
You are looking for evidence to stop the gender party from destroying your precious child. But the gender party won’t consider anything that might contradict its dogmas. Remember the party slogan – “no debate”. The gender party has your child, and seemingly, all of society in its grip. You hang on, hoping someday to save your child and end the gender party forever.
How many of you meet parents every week now that are newly stuck in this dystopian novel? I’ve met three in the past month. I just look at them and sadly say ‘welcome to the club’. Some I’ve scared away with my list of trustful resources I offer to email them. This article will make a great introductory welcome letter. Some are open to listening. They are all terrified, even if they don’t realize it yet, I can see it in their eyes when they learn I’ve been in it for 2 1/2 years (even I still feel like a newbie). And then I tell them we’re moving our family to a country in Europe that is a few years (months, weeks?!) behind the tide in order to give our autistic teen time to grow up. To be able to go to the doctor with the flu and not fear a referral to the gender clinic or worse, a call from CPS (get your popcorn! Coming soon in CA!). I’m sure they think I’m crazy now but give it time, they will understand.
Brilliant and all encompassing. I'm right there with you. Everything you wrote is true because I've experienced it myself. My 24 year old daughter removing her breasts . Saying confidently 'I don't want kids'. Wow. Amazing to be that omnipotent at 24. This situation is a crisis. I'm not even going to a family wedding because I am considered a Transphobe for NOT WANTING TO SEE MY DAUGHTER DESTROY HERSELF. The cult has infected all of society. We have to keep exposing what is really happening here - and bring the sunlight to disinfect.