Thanks to all the parents, teachers, mental health professionals and therapists, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who have contributed to PITT over the years. But mostly, the parents. As awareness of the medical scandal that is “gender affirming care” increases, our readership has also steadily grown. It’s useful to occasionally look back to see which essays resonated most with our readers.
Here are the Top Ten PITT posts based on viewership:
Headline: When a quarter of the class identifies as trans from July 7, 2022, 195k views
The Saga of Sage from May 5, 2022, 174k views
True Believer from August 25, 2022, 81.5k views
To My Daughter's Therapist: You Were Wrong from Sept 20, 1991, 57.6k views
Transgender’s Connection with Pornography: It's Undeniable from October 11, 2021, 49.3k views
A Father's Anger that will Not Sleep from March 21, 2023, 19.4k views
Back from the other side from May 25, 2023, 16.6k views
You’re Trans? Me too! from Sept 18, 2023, 17.6k views
Duct Tape from April 3, 2023, 15.7k views
Dystopian June from June 13, 2023, 13.6k views
You made need some tissues handy when you read (or re-read) these. Please like and share these if you can. Besides serving as a cathartic outlet for parents, our objective is to inform the public of the devastating impact of gender ideology on families through our personal experiences. And it’s working! Support for the transitioning of children and distressed young adults is crumbling due to our voices being heard and to evidence-based findings.
Thank you for creating and maintaining PITT. It is a life line for many parents, in every way.
When ever I encounter anything trans-y, I attack it. For example, any form that asks me about what gender I am, like at a doctors office, dentist, any sort of application, I make as big a fuss as possible and I demand to speak to what every management is available and tear into them. Same thing is anyone mentions or asks about pronouns. Or has a name label that appears to be wrong, say a boy with a girl's name at a store or a waitress, or a bank etc, I draw attention and make a fuss. I correct any person who tries to trans me during a conversation or at a social or professional event. I am waiting for the opportunity to encounter a man in the ladies bathroom. I strongly say that trans is NOT associated with suicide, that this a lie. If someone says I am "a transphobe" I attack that too, I dont run away and dont take it lying down. Lots of people hate me, but who cares. Sticks and stones.....