I am not a parent of a transgender child; I am just a man looking in. But I am a husband to my wife, a father to my two daughters, and a grandfather to five granddaughters, so I have a lot at stake in this. The following is a random set of thoughts on the subject. I have only touched on the subject, and I may delve more deeply into the subject in further essays.
Transgenderism: historically (and that word may be slightly inappropriate as it only came to the fore with John Money back in the 1960s) was generally associated with adult men. John Money advanced the use of more accurate (?) terminology in sex research, coining the terms gender role and sexual orientation. Despite widespread popular belief, Money did not coin the term gender identity. Money pioneered drug treatment for sex offenders to extinguish their sex drives. Nowadays transgenderism fully embraces the medicalisation of children and young adults who may be prescribed life-changing puberty blockers and testosterone for young women which may makes them go through menopause as young as 18.
David Reimer was a Canadian man raised as a girl following medical advice and intervention after his penis was severely injured during a botched circumcision in infancy. John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned. The academic sexologistMilton Diamond later reported that Reimer's realisation that he was not a girl occurred between the ages of 9 and 11 years and that he was living as a male by the age of 15. Well known in medical circles for years anonymously as the "John/Joan" case, Reimer later went public with his story to help discourage similar medical practices. David killed himself at age 38 because he lived a lie. Today, we are being told that young men and women will kill themselves if they do not allow them to live a lie. David Reimer may have died telling the world of the dangers of gender reassignment but today the medical profession appears to be falling over themselves to provide this surgical operation.
In 2013 while I was doing research for an academic assignment, I found that LGBT people were approximately 3.6% of the population, and trans-identified people were one in 20,000. Today, teachers are saying that there could be a trans-identified pupil in every class, making it approximately 1:30. In addition, the LGBT percentage has exploded in the Gen Z population, accounting for nearly 30%. Teachers and lecturers are pushing gender ideology without telling their students about the adverse medical side effects and the effect on their minds. They don't share the obvious consequences of depression when patients go through with the transition and then realise that they are still the sex that they had tried to change.
What is transgenderism? A transgender person is a person who has a great discomfort with their body. The tragedy is that 85% of all children who are confused about their gender (generally I don't use the word gender, I prefer the more accurate word “sex”) overcome their confusion and accept their bodies when they go through puberty. Hence, I can see the 1:20,000 figure being accurate. Tell me a person who is happy with their body? I'm not happy with my teeth. Every one of us dislikes some aspect of our body. Now, this is amplified greatly during the puberty as children's bodies change. Girls and young women look at their bodies changing and hate what they see and they are told everything will be fine if they cut off their healthy breasts in an attempt to look like a man. They have a double mastectomy not realising that they will never be able to breastfeed their children, if they can have children after years on wrong-sex hormones.
Girls are being told all about gender ideology and how wonderful it is yet are not being told about the downsides: depression, suicidality, brittle bones, and menopause in the teens/ early twenties.
This should not be an issue in today's society. But we are being lied to at every level of society, from the Government to teachers, politicians, university lecturers, etc., including the medical profession.
The most deplorable thing about this is that the medical profession, once esteemed by all, is pushing this horror story. A patient who starts on puberty blockers in their early teens will be on medication for life, maybe for over 60 years. We need to follow the money. Just listen to hospitals as they discuss opening gender affirming care departments, not because it is helping society but because each patient is a cash cow. Young adults are getting puberty blockers after a single or a second visit to a medical professional. This is a complete scandal.
Why is transgenderism so different? A person is transgender if they have a mental health condition called gender dysphoria. This is recognised globally. However, do we affirm those who have body dysmorphia or anorexia? When someone tells us they want a limb removed do we do it? Do we affirm them? Of course not! When someone is 70 lbs in weight do we affirm them when they say are fat and in need of a strict diet? Of course not! For both conditions, we provide therapy and try to convince them that what they see is not reality. So, when it comes from gender dysphoria, why are we telling people, children, and adults, that the best path forward is to remove healthy parts of their bodies? Or why are we telling young impressionable adults that the best way forward is for them to become medicalised for the rest of their lives? No, we should be providing therapy so that they can become comfortable with their bodies.
The problem with this, however, is that authorities have taken the affirmative action approach. No matter how young a person is, as soon as that person declares that they are trans, there is no turning back. The medical authorities take their cue from the child, not from any investigative therapy. The frontal lobe of the brain comes to full development at approximately the age of 25, so, in theory, no one should be making drastic action such as gender reassignment surgery before the age of 25, let alone the age of 18, when legally they become an adult. Yet we hear of young children declaring that they are trans while they still believe in Santa Claus. Teachers, and medical staff ignore the fact that a child is a minor who cannot legally make such a drastic decision. Young men and women cannot buy alcohol, get a gun, be tattooed or vote get a tattoo, or vote but they can (attempt to) change their sex. What is worse, there are sanctuary states where the authorities encourage the young person to leave the family home, move to another state, and enter the foster/ care system as another person with a new name and a new gender. All this is done without the parent's consent, the very people who have loved and sacrificed everything for their child.
What is safeguarding? In schools, normally a boy is not allowed in a girl's toilet. In a society in general, a man is not allowed in a woman's space where the woman could be in a vulnerable position, yet we throw away safeguarding when it comes to transgenderism and allow boys to enter girls' toilets and men are allowed to enter women's spaces. The result is that women and girls are in danger of being raped and assaulted. I'm not saying all trans-women are sexual predators, but it's interesting to note that 40% of transgender inmates are in prison for sexual offences. Everyone now is aware of the boy in Virginia, who entered a girls' toilet and raped a schoolgirl. Having been thrown out of that school, the boy was moved to another school and raped another girl. All this was kept quiet until the State's transgender policies were voted on and passed.
A man who identifies as a woman is trans-woman. But have we asked how can he identify as a woman? Has a man gone through puberty and grown breasts? Has he experienced a menstrual period? Has he experienced the agonising cramps associated with a period? Has he experienced labour and childbirth?? Has he experienced the agony of a miscarriage? Has he experienced menopause and the medical conditions associated with that? Has he experienced the career glass ceiling? In all these questions he cannot say “yes”. Since he cannot say yes, a man can't identify as a woman. The whole notion of a man or a woman who identifies as a person of the opposite sex is simply ridiculous.
So, in the main, the transgender scene has changed from adult men to girls/ young women, and from 1: 20000 to 1: 30 in the space of say 10 years. (I am definitely not saying boys/young men don't get gender dysphoria, as all the scandals on TV are generally those males who now identify as female). I am convinced that social media/peer pressure/wanting to fit in with the crowd are other factors of this phenomenon. We only need to look at recent posts on PITT to see that whole girl friendship groups are changing from being girls to becoming boys.
Trans-identified people have a mental health condition called gender dysphoria. This is accepted worldwide. If the condition is a mental health issue, then we should not be changing society to fit with those with gender dysphoria, rather, we should be giving those with the condition therapy so that they can become comfortable with their bodies. Everything else then falls in line.
Preferred pronouns should not be used - let me repeat that, Preferred pronouns should not be used, as this only reinforces a person’s confusion. If a man “identifies as a woman” and is permitted to use the pronouns she/ her, how then can we say to a transwoman that “she” is not allowed in a woman’s toilet? We have already lost the argument. As soon as we say “she”, we have to allow the male to enter a woman’s space. The use of preferred pronouns also reinforces the safeguarding issue so that those men who try to deceive and say they are transgender will not gain access to women's spaces.
We are called to love but is it loving to allow a woman who has fled her home due to domestic abuse to be confronted by a man who says he identifies as a woman? Yet a male who identifies as a woman is in charge of the Edinburgh Women’s Refuge. Or was until last week.
Typically, men who have gone through puberty are stronger, faster, and taller than women and they should not compete in women's sports. Sport is inherently physical, so the different physiologies of the sexes matter. Whilst everyone should be able to participate in sport, the Sports Councils’ Equality Group’s International Research Literature Review states “There are significant differences between the sexes which render direct competition between males and females unfair in most ‘gender-affected sports’”. The peer-reviewed scientific literature found evidence that:
Strength - on average, compared to age-matched females at any given body weight, adult males have:
● 40- 50% greater upper limb strength
● 20-40% greater lower limb strength
● 12kg more skeletal muscle mass
Handgrip strength is often seen as a wider indicator of human muscle strength and the mean maximal hand-grip strength over 2,000 European young adult males and females shows:
● Female handgrip at 329 Newtons
● Male handgrip at 541 Newtons
● Highly trained female athletes still have weaker hand grip than 75% of untrained male subjects
Height/size - At full growth females are an average of five to six inches shorter than males. In 2018, the NHS stated that the average young adult heights in England as:
● Female 5ft 4 1/2 inches
● Male 5ft 10 inches
● 50% of males are taller than some 97% of females [when plotted across the population]
Males have:
● A larger, stronger, and denser skeleton, longer arms and legs, bigger hands and feet
● Larger hearts, greater blood volume, higher hemoglobin concentration
● Bigger lungs (adult female lungs 10–12% smaller than males of the same height and age) and airway capacity than females
Impact on Sport - The muscle strength, physiological, and size differences are reflected in sporting performance with males having:
● 10-12% faster times for most linear swimming and running events
● 20% better results in jumping events
● 35% greater weightlifting ability in weight-matched males and females
Because of these advantages, we can see the obvious; men who identify as women beat women in all competitions. We all know of the trials of Riley Gains as a woman competing against Leah Thomas, a male who identifies as a woman. We have all seen the recent Olympics where two male boxers won gold medals in the female boxing categories. If this is to continue, there will be no women competing, as they know that they will never win. Let me continue, in July 2024 in cycling, at the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome in Redmond, transgender athletes swept the board in a 1-2-3 sweep at a prestigious women's cycle race, infuriating fans and leaving female competitors in the shade.
In weightlifting, in 2012, Laurel Hubbard transitioned to female. She began hormone therapy that year. Hubbard competed in international weightlifting for the first time in 2017.
At the 2017 Australian International & Australian Open in Melbourne, Hubbard competed in the heaviest +90 kg category, winning the gold medal with a 123 kg snatch and 145 kg “clean & jerk”, for a total of 268 kg at a bodyweight of 131.83 kg. He thus became the first trans woman to win an international weightlifting title for New Zealand. I could go on.
Moreover, allowing men to enter women’s changing rooms when the women do not give their consent is basically state sponsored sexual harassment. Everyone is against the sexual harassment of women, except when it comes to men who identify as women.
For more on this author.
all very valid points - but what do those of us with trans-identifying children do? especially once over 18, but before that mine was telling the "counsellors" how abusive we were for not affirming them, our punishment was her leaving home at 16 (encouraged unbeknown to us by school), then the self-harm began, resulting in us doing anything to get her home & safe - blackmailed into using new pronouns & name, constant fear of more cutting, another overdose etc...
I thought we were a normal loving family, but the gender beast has uprooted everything and changed relationships & family dynamics forever. I live with constant sadness & fear of what might come next. Watching my healthy child ruin their life, completely powerless to say or do anything !
Thank you for speaking up; especially because you do not currently have a horse in the race but you clearly comprehend how the the new “rules” are changing so many things.
I hope that more people like you will calmly state their opposition to this new world order. I, and many others I suspect, would like to shout, “The Emperor has NO clothes!”. Instead, I will gently and repeatedly state the many ways transgender affirmation and ideology are harming individuals, families, communities and countries. Thank you for your honesty, clarity and bravery.