The redoubtable JK Rowling has come in for more than her share of abuse, death and rape threats from moronic narcissistic trans activists and their media minions for daring to take a stand for the rights of women and girls, and for speaking out against the medical abuse perpetuated by the trans movement.
However, amid this torrent of abuse, one insult has really stuck in my mind. Just 3 words;
"You are Voldemort."
The irony of this smart, kind and wonderful lady being compared to her fictional villain by a demented ideologue was not lost on me. However, it also got me thinking.
To my mind, Voldemort is a brilliant literary creation, the personification of supreme evil. In desperate pursuit of immortality, he willingly commits evil acts such as murder in order to split his soul, then preserves a piece of the soul in an object known as a horcrux. As long as the horcrux exists, he will not die. If it is destroyed, he dies. So of course he defends it fiercely and is consumed by fear lest it be harmed.
The parallels with the very worst of the purveyors of trans ideology and trans "medicine" are uncanny. They too "split their souls", committing heinous acts in pursuit of ...... something. They appear to value that “something” more highly that their integrity, but I cannot discern what it might be.
Doing evil does not generally make people happy—not in any real sense. Voldemort is not happy—he is filled with fear, malevolence, suspicion and malice. Judging by the public behavior of the worst trans activists, so are they.
Because here's the thing. I believe (or at least I try hard to believe) that somewhere inside of even the most apparently evil person there is at least a tiny spark of potential human decency. I think of this spark screaming inside these people, keeping them awake at night, destroying any chance of peace. The conflict this generates could account for their clearly evident misery, which they seem to feel compelled to inflict on others, and on the world in general.
Advocating for the torture and murder of those who disagree with them (JK Rowling is just one of many victims of this disgusting behavior), and for the sterilization and sexual nullification of innocent children, are just some of the more graphic manifestations of this compulsion. Promoting the break up of families is another.
Some time ago I saw an interview with a top "affirming gender clinician" (who shall remain nameless). She spoke about how she had a mental health crisis in response to the relentless criticism of her forceful promotion of the medicalisation of "trans kids". She sought counselling, and ending up concluding, as she smugly tells the camera, that" I know I am doing the right thing." Now she dismisses all criticism of what she is doing out of hand. My only thought was - how very, very sad. That "mental health crisis" was probably her conscience speaking. She had a chance to see the light and cease her harmful behaviour - and she blew it. So, she continues to "split her soul" with every act that permanently harms yet another child who has been entrusted to her care.
Perhaps when the situation turns around in the jurisdiction where she works, and the medicalisation of gender nonconforming kids is finally stopped, she will finally come to her senses. Or perhaps she will remain in obstinate denial, continuing to use large amounts of emotional energy to maintain her cognitive dissonance.
So these people are suffering. But they respond by making others suffer with them. Make no mistake, I am not defending their behavior. I am no saint, and as the beleaguered parent of a young person caught up in the gender madness, I confess to taking a certain satisfaction in believing that these people who have harmed so many are suffering too. Unless these individuals (whether they be keyboard warriors, surgeons, politicians or journalists) repent, change their ways, and attempt to make amends for the harm they have done, they deserve no sympathy, no forgiveness, and no peace. Some would argue that the crimes of the worst of them are so heinous, and the damage so irreversible, that there can be no forgiveness.
So, to the child mutilators and the family wreckers, I say this:
YOU are Voldemort.
And deep down, you know it.
Brilliant. Also, narcissists always say their victims are what they are, that we do the actions they do etc. It's the mirror reflection looking back on them, because to them, only they matter.
Trans is driven by the desire for immortality. Whether they see it or not, clinicians are driven by the intoxicating idea of breaking through human limits, in this case the sex binary. With faith in the myth of the goodness of progress, these clinicians thirst to have their names written in the book of heroes. They are driven by pride and nothing more. Pride never fails to be the author of misery.