Yes, the Pen, is Mightier than the Sword Call
Help push the U.S. to follow much of Europe in banning puberty blockers
PITT is asking for your help once again. This time to sign a petition to Urge President Biden to Prohibit the Use of Puberty Blockers.
This petition, started by Genspect, continues the fight to make the horrors of the gender affirmation model known. It was started by the Director of Genspect USA, Carrie D. Mendoza, MD.
As she explains: “There is no evidence that cognitive effects are fully reversible following discontinuation of treatment. No human studies have systematically explored the impact of these treatments on neuropsychological function with an adequate baseline and follow-up. There is some evidence of a detrimental impact of pubertal suppression on IQ in children.”
Therefore, we call upon President Biden to take immediate action through an Executive Order to ban puberty blockers in US pediatric patients with gender dysphoria until further research can conclusively demonstrate their safety and efficacy for use with transidentified youth.”
Please add your voice to the thousands who have already signed. Country after country are moving away from the affirmation model. On March 12th, the NHS England announced they will stop prescribing puberty blockers. According to a NHS spokesperson: “We have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of puberty suppressing hormones to make the treatment routinely available at this time.”
Sex Matters, which campaigns on how sex is used in law and other environments, praised NHS England for what it said was a return to evidence-based policymaking. Maya Forstater, its executive director highlighted the importance of these kinds of petitions and activist efforts: “The significance of NHS England’s statement that there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of puberty blockers cannot be overstated, given the success that activist lobby groups have had in portraying them as a harmless and reversible treatment.”
The United States will follow the evidence eventually. We need to work to speed up that process.
I will sign. I doubt Biden will do anything. The entire Democrat party and a good percentage of the Republican party are hell bent on destroying the nuclear family and part of that agenda is destroying as many children as they can.
Use your pen to fill in the little box next to Donald Trump's name this November then use it again to send him this same petition.
Shared on Facebook and signed petition.