Thank you for sharing this. Thank you for the details and explanations. I'm in that depressed state all too often. I'm trying to communicate though. Our daughter is in her early 20s and we're trying get help her. She already started T for almost 3 years so I am a bit devastated. So many people judge me especially because I dedicated so much of my time to my kids and in particular her. I cry every day, so much. I see people like the Pritzers and Levine and I can't believe this is actually happening. It is a nonstop nightmare. The pain rarely subsides.
I am so very happy for you and your son and your family though.
Beautifully written and so deep, brought tears to my eyes, as it highlights how the normal plight of kids have been radicalized and used for gain of profit. When will this nightmare end, these kids just need time to grow up ❤🙏❤
Congratulations to these parents for not giving up on (or giving into) their son! And for not being bullied by the "experts." I don't mean to over simplify her story Bernstein their experience was horriffic. But it seems taking away social media and unfettered internet access, having nightly family dinners, quality family time as a unit, and not allowing your kids to isolate, is what saved their son. This is a lesson all parents need to learn and embrace. We need to do the hard things as parents if we want our kids to grow up well adjusted.
Congratulations to these parents for not giving up on (or giving into) their son! And for not being bullied by the "experts." I don't mean to over simplify her story Bernstein their experience was horriffic. But it seems taking away social media and unfettered internet access, having nightly family dinners, quality family time as a unit, and not allowing your kids to isolate, is what saved their son. This is a lesson all parents need to learn and embrace. We need to do the hard things as parents if we want our kids to grow up well adjusted.
Thank you for sharing. Prayers that the journey to truth continues for your family.
At its core, this transgender industry comes down to a diagnosis scandal.
"Gender dysphoria" is what makes the madness churn. Rubber stamping young people with an electronic medical record tagged with the lie, they are captured for life.
Thank you for your wonderful, hopeful story. What a relief! I'm wondering if more would go public with and focus on how adults are being denied access to health care that would help our health and life, while children are pushed to have surgery and take hormones that harm and can kill (plus lead to suicide) that that might get more people to realize that this trans mess is so much about profit and not caring for people.
Your husband was not allowed to get a vasectomy??? But I'm guessing you were expected to continue taking hormones for birth control or something else harmful? (They seem to ignore that women still do die from childbirth.) That is an outrage.
Following a complete hysterectomy, I was taking a combination of bio-identical hormones to maintain bone and muscle strength and to ward off the daily hot flashes and night sweats (soaking my sheets) that I had to pay for since Medicare doesn't cover it. Yet my new doctor refuses to give me the prescription to continue because I won't have more mammograms. (The radiation from them does cause cancer and also damages our hearts. When a lump was found, I chose a painful biopsy in order to avoid a mammogram.) I even get heart symptoms from the hot flashes, but why on earth am I not allowed to have a choice about my own health, just as your husband and you weren't?
Meanwhile, children are being harmed in increasing numbers with the trans cult surgery and drugs that other people are paying for. We know something is very wrong here, but maybe if more realized what is going on with medical refusal for issues other than trans, something would change?
It is absolutely essential that your story be read by therapists, doctors, psychiatrists, endocrinologists, and legislators. Thank you for taking the time to share this uplifting account.
What an amazing story! Thank you for sharing. Thank goodness you stuck to your guns and your own intuition, and gave your son time, boundaries, love and support.
Wonderful testimony and loving strategy. In some places, parents have no rights as governments take the children away in parts of Canada and the USA. Bravo, on your strength!
I am so happy for you and your family for the positive outcome to your story. I’m sure you still suffer from some PTSD after going through all of that.
Thankyou for sharing your story. The more I read about other families experiences, the more I affirm my commitment to patience, slow pace, strengthening limits , loving moments and human experiences, presence in silence, focusing on human qualities and exploring different ways of expression through acting and modeling. There is need for being seen and recognized. Small hints of desistance have appeared, I know this is a process , I just have to hang in there. But God , this is soooo exhausting……I tell myself, when I am 80 I will remember this happened and everything will settle in its place.
Brilliantly written! Thank you so much for your wonderful story and for the fantastic outcome. I desperately want this for my bright, sweet, bubbly daughter who is 18 (almost 19) and yesterday had her 3rd shot of (off label) testosterone from the so called “doctors” at the gender clinic associated with the Royal North Shore hospital in Sydney. I particularly appreciated your older son’s (“Ignacio”) subtle intervention and have sent this section of your story to my older daughter. My older girl hates what her sister is doing to herself but doesn’t want to drive her away from our family altogether so goes along with her in person, but tells me how stupid, sad and delusional the whole issue is. I take the view that I can’t force her to do anything in regard to her autonomy because she didn’t announce her “Transness” to us until she was 17 and only a couple of months from turning 18 and starting her final high pressure year of high-school. It was the “perfect storm” if you will, we were blindsided completely, “trans” was not even remotely on our radar and she was - as far as we knew and could see - a normal popular, talented actor and singer, part of one of the school choirs, elected by her peers and the school Executive to be Performing Arts Captain, performing in lead roles in school productions and loving Theatre Sports and the list goes on. Outwardly a smart, funny, popular girl. The only hint I had that there was a self esteem issue was her weight. She came home from school and said she had got one of the supporting roles in the major school production but it was as one of the “fat” girls. It made me recall a couple of her previous roles which also had a focus on her being the “big” character. I should have realised it was a problem but she didn’t go on about it. She took the roles and did incredibly well. Then I remembered her very overweight Grandmother (my mother-in-law) referring to her as “like a sack of cement” when she was a toddler (a very normal sized toddler mind you-not overweight at all!) I remember my sister-in-law telling me what her nasty mother had said and my husband and I being furious at her stupidity although as far as we know she didn’t say it in front of our daughter (but maybe she actually did at the time). Her older sister had once or twice called her a fat b…. during a heated argument and which I was very angry and admonished her severely for her meanness! I guess she got a “Bee in her Bonnet” and the online world fed her more negativity and an option: Become a Guy! Trans is the new cure all! Ironically she has lost weight (not because of taking testosterone but because of her concern that it could cause her to gain more weight). It’s all soooo complicated and messy and frightening for our whole family. As my husband said through tears “I don’t know what to do, I’m her Dad I’m supposed to fix things! But I don’t know what to do.” Sorry that was a lot more long-winded than I intended but your post was very poignant and thought provoking. Thank you for sharing and enjoy your beautiful family you’ve earned it!!!❤️
The same happened to us--not on our radar. She was starving herself at one point and got so thin but then ballooned a bit. When 2020 hit, she turned 18 soon and started this. Our lives have been turned upside down.
I'm old enough to remember Trump from the 1980s when he took out full page advertising saying Reagan was too mean to the USSR. He's an expert at marketing but the actual policies are ugh.
Honestly right now both parties are catering to the loudest voices on social media they think are on their side. And the votes follow along by team identification. The small extreme on each side is the tail wagging the dog.
I don't get why Biden hasn't quit because of age, and I don't get the fanatical support of Trump. I'm also old enough to remember when Tip O'Neil and Reagan could make a deal for the good of the country. We just don't have that now.
Your story is so very moving. I'm so glad you were able to bring your boy back from the edge!
I too am a lifelong leftist and feminist. I can't believe what's happened to the Democratic Party that I and all my friends worked so hard to build. Transgenderism flies in the face of ALL our values: women's rights, LGB rights, rights for the vulnerable and poverty-stricken, rights for the disabled, child safeguarding, healthy bodies for healthy lives.
Legally and medically enforcing gender? WTF? We've spent all our lives trying to *abolish* gender!
Transgenderism is sexism and capitalism writ large. That makes it a conservative lobby. And it's no surprise that the money funding it comes largely from conservative men like Robert Quartermain and Trumpster James Pritzker.
Leftist women are making the most progress defeating transgenderism around the world. Because it is our leftist values--women's rights, LGB rights, rights for the vulnerable and poverty-stricken, rights for the disabled, child safeguarding, and healthy bodies for healthy lives--that will get us all out of this.
I don't want to vote against my own Dem Party, which I worked so hard for so long to help build.
But more importantly, I don't want to see Trump steal our White House. AGAIN. Next time, he won't stop with idiots firing guns on our Capitol when it's time for him to go. He'll stage an organized, hostilely-funded pseudo-military coup against the United States of America. It will take our military admirals disobeying their Commander in Chief to resist it. And we will automatically be launched into another civil war.
In 2016 I studied "Federalist Paper 68" in detail. And I will never forget how Hamilton so presciently described Trump:
"Talents for low intrigue and the little arts of popularity may, alone, suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union.
"Nothing is more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one quarter, but chiefly from the desire in FOREIGN POWERS to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union?"
I do believe the transgenderist moral panic has passed its tipping point. It will be defeated over the coming years--mostly by the efforts of women on the left, and almost certainly before the 2028 Presidential cycle.
And I don't think a vote against Biden in 2024 will make the difference. Now that the Right has thrown their weight behind "a creature of foreign powers" (and such a HORRIFYING creature), we have no choice but to keep the Left strong. Or the American people will simply lose America.
If Republicans want us to vote against Biden, they shouldn't choose such a fucking psycho for their own Presidential candidate.
Thank you for sharing this. Thank you for the details and explanations. I'm in that depressed state all too often. I'm trying to communicate though. Our daughter is in her early 20s and we're trying get help her. She already started T for almost 3 years so I am a bit devastated. So many people judge me especially because I dedicated so much of my time to my kids and in particular her. I cry every day, so much. I see people like the Pritzers and Levine and I can't believe this is actually happening. It is a nonstop nightmare. The pain rarely subsides.
I am so very happy for you and your son and your family though.
Beautifully written and so deep, brought tears to my eyes, as it highlights how the normal plight of kids have been radicalized and used for gain of profit. When will this nightmare end, these kids just need time to grow up ❤🙏❤
Congratulations to these parents for not giving up on (or giving into) their son! And for not being bullied by the "experts." I don't mean to over simplify her story Bernstein their experience was horriffic. But it seems taking away social media and unfettered internet access, having nightly family dinners, quality family time as a unit, and not allowing your kids to isolate, is what saved their son. This is a lesson all parents need to learn and embrace. We need to do the hard things as parents if we want our kids to grow up well adjusted.
Congratulations to these parents for not giving up on (or giving into) their son! And for not being bullied by the "experts." I don't mean to over simplify her story Bernstein their experience was horriffic. But it seems taking away social media and unfettered internet access, having nightly family dinners, quality family time as a unit, and not allowing your kids to isolate, is what saved their son. This is a lesson all parents need to learn and embrace. We need to do the hard things as parents if we want our kids to grow up well adjusted.
Thank you for sharing. Prayers that the journey to truth continues for your family.
At its core, this transgender industry comes down to a diagnosis scandal.
"Gender dysphoria" is what makes the madness churn. Rubber stamping young people with an electronic medical record tagged with the lie, they are captured for life.
Thank you for your wonderful, hopeful story. What a relief! I'm wondering if more would go public with and focus on how adults are being denied access to health care that would help our health and life, while children are pushed to have surgery and take hormones that harm and can kill (plus lead to suicide) that that might get more people to realize that this trans mess is so much about profit and not caring for people.
Your husband was not allowed to get a vasectomy??? But I'm guessing you were expected to continue taking hormones for birth control or something else harmful? (They seem to ignore that women still do die from childbirth.) That is an outrage.
Following a complete hysterectomy, I was taking a combination of bio-identical hormones to maintain bone and muscle strength and to ward off the daily hot flashes and night sweats (soaking my sheets) that I had to pay for since Medicare doesn't cover it. Yet my new doctor refuses to give me the prescription to continue because I won't have more mammograms. (The radiation from them does cause cancer and also damages our hearts. When a lump was found, I chose a painful biopsy in order to avoid a mammogram.) I even get heart symptoms from the hot flashes, but why on earth am I not allowed to have a choice about my own health, just as your husband and you weren't?
Meanwhile, children are being harmed in increasing numbers with the trans cult surgery and drugs that other people are paying for. We know something is very wrong here, but maybe if more realized what is going on with medical refusal for issues other than trans, something would change?
It is absolutely essential that your story be read by therapists, doctors, psychiatrists, endocrinologists, and legislators. Thank you for taking the time to share this uplifting account.
What an amazing story! Thank you for sharing. Thank goodness you stuck to your guns and your own intuition, and gave your son time, boundaries, love and support.
Wonderful testimony and loving strategy. In some places, parents have no rights as governments take the children away in parts of Canada and the USA. Bravo, on your strength!
I am so happy for you and your family for the positive outcome to your story. I’m sure you still suffer from some PTSD after going through all of that.
Congratulations and superbly handled. God bless us all.
Thankyou for sharing your story. The more I read about other families experiences, the more I affirm my commitment to patience, slow pace, strengthening limits , loving moments and human experiences, presence in silence, focusing on human qualities and exploring different ways of expression through acting and modeling. There is need for being seen and recognized. Small hints of desistance have appeared, I know this is a process , I just have to hang in there. But God , this is soooo exhausting……I tell myself, when I am 80 I will remember this happened and everything will settle in its place.
Brilliantly written! Thank you so much for your wonderful story and for the fantastic outcome. I desperately want this for my bright, sweet, bubbly daughter who is 18 (almost 19) and yesterday had her 3rd shot of (off label) testosterone from the so called “doctors” at the gender clinic associated with the Royal North Shore hospital in Sydney. I particularly appreciated your older son’s (“Ignacio”) subtle intervention and have sent this section of your story to my older daughter. My older girl hates what her sister is doing to herself but doesn’t want to drive her away from our family altogether so goes along with her in person, but tells me how stupid, sad and delusional the whole issue is. I take the view that I can’t force her to do anything in regard to her autonomy because she didn’t announce her “Transness” to us until she was 17 and only a couple of months from turning 18 and starting her final high pressure year of high-school. It was the “perfect storm” if you will, we were blindsided completely, “trans” was not even remotely on our radar and she was - as far as we knew and could see - a normal popular, talented actor and singer, part of one of the school choirs, elected by her peers and the school Executive to be Performing Arts Captain, performing in lead roles in school productions and loving Theatre Sports and the list goes on. Outwardly a smart, funny, popular girl. The only hint I had that there was a self esteem issue was her weight. She came home from school and said she had got one of the supporting roles in the major school production but it was as one of the “fat” girls. It made me recall a couple of her previous roles which also had a focus on her being the “big” character. I should have realised it was a problem but she didn’t go on about it. She took the roles and did incredibly well. Then I remembered her very overweight Grandmother (my mother-in-law) referring to her as “like a sack of cement” when she was a toddler (a very normal sized toddler mind you-not overweight at all!) I remember my sister-in-law telling me what her nasty mother had said and my husband and I being furious at her stupidity although as far as we know she didn’t say it in front of our daughter (but maybe she actually did at the time). Her older sister had once or twice called her a fat b…. during a heated argument and which I was very angry and admonished her severely for her meanness! I guess she got a “Bee in her Bonnet” and the online world fed her more negativity and an option: Become a Guy! Trans is the new cure all! Ironically she has lost weight (not because of taking testosterone but because of her concern that it could cause her to gain more weight). It’s all soooo complicated and messy and frightening for our whole family. As my husband said through tears “I don’t know what to do, I’m her Dad I’m supposed to fix things! But I don’t know what to do.” Sorry that was a lot more long-winded than I intended but your post was very poignant and thought provoking. Thank you for sharing and enjoy your beautiful family you’ve earned it!!!❤️
The same happened to us--not on our radar. She was starving herself at one point and got so thin but then ballooned a bit. When 2020 hit, she turned 18 soon and started this. Our lives have been turned upside down.
The Pritzker family members are huge leftists- they can’t stand Trump.
I'm old enough to remember Trump from the 1980s when he took out full page advertising saying Reagan was too mean to the USSR. He's an expert at marketing but the actual policies are ugh.
Honestly right now both parties are catering to the loudest voices on social media they think are on their side. And the votes follow along by team identification. The small extreme on each side is the tail wagging the dog.
I don't get why Biden hasn't quit because of age, and I don't get the fanatical support of Trump. I'm also old enough to remember when Tip O'Neil and Reagan could make a deal for the good of the country. We just don't have that now.
Thanks for sharing your story - it gives me hope 🩷
Your story is so very moving. I'm so glad you were able to bring your boy back from the edge!
I too am a lifelong leftist and feminist. I can't believe what's happened to the Democratic Party that I and all my friends worked so hard to build. Transgenderism flies in the face of ALL our values: women's rights, LGB rights, rights for the vulnerable and poverty-stricken, rights for the disabled, child safeguarding, healthy bodies for healthy lives.
Legally and medically enforcing gender? WTF? We've spent all our lives trying to *abolish* gender!
Transgenderism is sexism and capitalism writ large. That makes it a conservative lobby. And it's no surprise that the money funding it comes largely from conservative men like Robert Quartermain and Trumpster James Pritzker.
Leftist women are making the most progress defeating transgenderism around the world. Because it is our leftist values--women's rights, LGB rights, rights for the vulnerable and poverty-stricken, rights for the disabled, child safeguarding, and healthy bodies for healthy lives--that will get us all out of this.
Okay, but then whom does a leftist feminist American woman vote for in the presidential election?
I think about this all the time.
I don't want to vote against my own Dem Party, which I worked so hard for so long to help build.
But more importantly, I don't want to see Trump steal our White House. AGAIN. Next time, he won't stop with idiots firing guns on our Capitol when it's time for him to go. He'll stage an organized, hostilely-funded pseudo-military coup against the United States of America. It will take our military admirals disobeying their Commander in Chief to resist it. And we will automatically be launched into another civil war.
In 2016 I studied "Federalist Paper 68" in detail. And I will never forget how Hamilton so presciently described Trump:
"Talents for low intrigue and the little arts of popularity may, alone, suffice to elevate a man to the first honors in a single State; but it will require other talents, and a different kind of merit, to establish him in the esteem and confidence of the whole Union.
"Nothing is more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one quarter, but chiefly from the desire in FOREIGN POWERS to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union?"
I do believe the transgenderist moral panic has passed its tipping point. It will be defeated over the coming years--mostly by the efforts of women on the left, and almost certainly before the 2028 Presidential cycle.
And I don't think a vote against Biden in 2024 will make the difference. Now that the Right has thrown their weight behind "a creature of foreign powers" (and such a HORRIFYING creature), we have no choice but to keep the Left strong. Or the American people will simply lose America.
If Republicans want us to vote against Biden, they shouldn't choose such a fucking psycho for their own Presidential candidate.
It's not our fault they're forcing our hand.