Thank you for sharing. Ignore the haters. It is obvious to any parent who loves their child, has nurtured and cared for them to feel what you do. I am similar, but stories like yours and others have helped me pull my son out while he is still young. He is getting help from a psychologist that can speak to the root cause of his dysphoria. My son is healing as they explore his anxiety about growing up, being gay and accepting his very sensitive nature. But the anger I feel at the gender cultural revolution of experimental ideologies is overwhelming at times. The fact that they believe giving children drugs and surgeries is not only helpful but life saving is abusive, absurd and unsubstantiated (and I am not speaking about the unique population of gender dysphoric children from birth. I am speaking about teens who were perfectly happy as their sex growing up and then at puberty have an about face along with other mental issues). It's hard to come to terms with the fact that this is actually happening; gender care therapist are "affirming" or fast tracking a young person to transition with new pronouns and drugs that harm their developing bodies (it's like waking up in a George Orwellian nightmare). I know you must yearn for your sweet boy and the healthy, joy filled life you'd hoped for him -worked so hard to provide for him. My heart breaks for you and your son. I too, no longer support the democratic party. I am on constant high alert and it is taking a toll mentally and physically.

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Jan 3·edited Jan 3

This is not a democratic issue. I hate to hear people say that. And I hate to hear people say they won't vote democratic because A bunch of insane immoral terrorist gaslit all of America into believing their hateful rhetoric. THIS IS NOT A DEMORATIC ISSUE. IT'S A DANG TROJAN HORSE. AN INFECTION, A DISEASE. BECAUSE we believe in freedom and that people of color and gays have rights, they have exploited that to firehose lies and bullshit into the brains. they say "trans rights" but it's "trans wrong". Democrats who believe this bs should be treated the same as detransitioner who have yet to detransition. They have been fooled and lied to by the same people who have fooled and lied to our children. They tell us to support "trans rights" while to our children, they whisper that there is no such thing as sex. they were assigned a sex at birth, and that the universal key to everyone's problem is to transition to the opposite sex. A fools errand and an impossibility. Trans thugs don't give a damn about democracy. This is not a democratic issue. It's a trojan horse issue. Do not blame the Democrats AND DO NOT LET THEM TAKE AWAY OUR PARTY.

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Those of us affected by this epidemic are desperately looking for reasons for this to have happened, so it'd easy to cling to incorrect conclusions. Politicians do what gets votes, it is not related to one party or the other. Pandering to constituencies is the norm, it has always been and will always be the case.

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Same story here except with a female, who was on no medication, straight As, never missed school, rarely tardy and had every privilege. Then The System, fueled by the trans cult, social media, enabler websites, pseudo-psycho-science, a fawning mother and her acidic step-mother, all combined to thoroughly ruin her. I admit to rarely having the strength to read stories like yours, but cheers to you still.

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I am so sorry you are experiencing this heartbreak. Everything you relate is logical and justified. This world is insane. But people must continue to speak out, challenge, correct and keep up with what is happening. I believe sandy will eventually win out.

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Your story is mine, except replace son with daughter. Same age, same provider, same decline in mental and physical health.

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Someone liked my comment and it has brought me back to this article.. I’ve read further and seen more heart wrenching comments.. I just want to say to all those parents fighting this madness. Remember good parents are very rarely popular or liked even by their teenagers! You not there to be liked! Accept your children will quite possibly bad mouth you. Hold firm be patient. It’s harder then ever now as you have people paid by the State that you could once trust to do, say the right thing totally undermining you .. unbelievable and beyond criminal and ridiculous. Remember their names! Meanwhile navigatie, Be strong, very strong. you/we are the victims of a war driven by ‘Common Purpose’ who have trained low intelligence useful idiots and given them power.. these people are all linked to Stonewall et al and Queer theory (yep the source was pretty much German.. again ). Useful to fully understand that in order to do the right thing. To get the right outcome for your children, sacrifices must be made starting with you and including their innocence sadly, teach them to understand the boogeymen do exist and they can learn to identify and resist.. explain that as they get older their hormones will cause all kinds of weird thought processes and the impact of social media and some teachers maybe harmful. Talk about the ugly duckling to girls . They will grow into beautiful swans. Awful I know but don’t mess about here. Your sacrifices will be really personal and not how you dreamed you would bring up your children.. to save them you have to accept that you must remove their rose tinted glasses before they are got at! You cannot even fully trust friends family the church or sadly the police. It’s lonely, very lonely. 😔 k so the good news is that people are slowly becoming more aware and even forming ‘secret’ groups! Gently find those around you who have similar misgivings . Wake up more people and support your politicians who are brave enough to speak out publicly! Speak to your local councillors and see what their views are and support those (even if on the wrong team) who are saying the right things .. send supportive emails .. non stop to them maybe include a press article, say you fully agree with these views (if you do) and you hope they do too and please could they confirm their position on this.. write to heads of schools and basically anyone you can think of. Be careful of social media.. all these people with their heads above the parapit really need you ! Engage, don’t get bogged down in minutiae Help them to help you. You will be doing something and you will feel better . And lastly your children will eventually approve and appreciate you I promise you that! Even if they follow through and you eventually need to accept they will know the effort and pain and understand all of that.. one day! None of us signed up to this NONE of us .. but awareness is growing daily.. keep it going, keep as calm as possible and try hard to sleep at night! I wish all of you the best the very best to you all. Together this will be defeated..

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Educate your own children, full stop. Don't need to "boogey man" your children. Just keep dealing in honest currency and the counterfeits are self-evident and clearly hold no value.

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I'd love to connect sometime. My 19 year old boy (sorry, trans woman) has gotten their hands on HRT. I'm at a loss. 💔

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To me it seems that you do not understand trans people. I get that you do not agree with them but for the sake of your son consider how he feels and put away your fears and contempt towards gender transition to try to understand him. The following is just a general summary of trans peoples thoughts. I do not know your son personally.

Your son does not want to be a man. So much so, that being a man and being percieved as a man by himself and others hurt him. He wishes to be percieved as a woman and most likely has held this wish for a very long time. There is a way for him to ease the pain that being a mab causes him. HRT and social transition do help against this pain which is called disphoria.

Consider your son. Does he want to use this to dominate women in sports? Does he want to use this to more easily abuse women? I think the answer is no. Your son wants to transition because he thinks it will ease the pain he has felt for a long time. I know you do not agree that hormone therapy or social transition will help your son. But please understand that for a lot of people it really does, so the hopes of your son are not unfounded. You can go read many accounts of trans people having a better life after transition in their forums.

Trans people in general are not out to hurt anyone. They just want to live their lifes as the gender they feel would help them. That does noy mean you have to believe that they are literally the same as the other women you know. They just want the same clothes and pronouns. That does not hurt anyone.

There are are lot of people that share your concerns about trans people which often can make their lifes difficult by being antagonized and having yo justify their life choices again and again. This is why they are so quick to distance themselves from anybody unaccepting aka. transphobic. It is just very hard to constantly live in such an environment.

I hope that my post helps clear things about trans people a bit.

As a last note I really wish for you to feel better. You said you tried therapy and it didn't really work for you. Your emotional state sounds very severe and maybe it would help trying therapy one more time. And I know it is scary but tell them evrything. Only then can they really help you. It's their job to help you and not to judge you.

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Mentally ill people of all types might want a whole raft of things that they believe would make them feel better. Their "wants" don't connect with reality, and narcissistically only consider impact on themselves. Acting out mental illnesses has a significant impact on others, as evidenced by the PTSD experienced by the children of those suffering from mental illness.

You are lecturing Suzie Sue in an extremely patronising way, with NIL/NAUGHT/ZERO understanding of the reality of the trauma of pretending that a lie is the truth.

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I’m guessing Paul does not have children you’ve carried in your womb and raised for over 20 years. Easy for you to say all this but you have NO understanding and compassion for the pain and trauma this puts parents through. None!

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I suggest you take a long hard look at detransitioners. It's a growing community of people that have been So Greatly Harmed by this ideology.

If you think your argument is strong enough, you should be confident enough to listen to their stories with an open heart.

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I feel sorry for your turmoil but have you ever tried to sympathize with your child? Have you ever considered that being transgender isn't brainwashing or social contagion or some insidious ideological plan or even the problem in this case? You've been fed a line for so long about "Transgender Ideology" and its horrors but have you ever considered that the thing you've barred yourself against because of its "unnatural" bearing might be just as simple as if your kid was simply gay? Its a difficult thing to confront but you might benefit from pushing out from the echo chamber surrounding you and understanding those people you are angry at on a deeper, and individual level.

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So help me to understand why this is only happening in the world where social media is dominate? Why this largely doesn’t happen anywhere in the world where there is ‘no one’ influencing young minds other than loving parents? What’s your explanation for that then? And again only really happened TO the young since the onset of TikTok Snapchat etc etc ? ..

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If the child were 'simply gay' maybe it would not be an issue.

The essence of 'being gay' is a change in your dating pool, more or less. The body stays the same. No medicalization.

The essence of 'being trans' usually involves medicalizing the body profoundly with hormones and surgeries to become a crude, sterilized facsimile of the opposite sex.

They are completely different things.

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I agree with you 100%. It’s the damage they are doing to their bodies that are brainwashed into them as safe. No parents would ever want to see their child harmed by doctors and yet…..

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I share all of it with you. I have two kids caught in this crazy demonic cult. They think I’m the enemy now, even though I would do anything to stop them from taking the medication or having surgeries. I feel as though my world has been consolidated down into a tiny box of hell on earth. It may sound dramatic, but until someone experiences this, there’s no way to articulate what we (parents) go through. I feel exactly like you do. I’m so sorry for all of us. I cry more than I laugh these days. My faith is as strong as ever, but it’s so hard to feel anything other than confusion, anger, and desperation. I know that my health is taking a beating, yet I can’t stop the mental spin I’m in. No matter what I do, there are not many seconds in a day that I’m thinking about anything other than the health of my children. Nothing prepared me for this. I always thought I would stand beside them. I always knew I would have their backs. On this… I do not. I feel like a liar. I feel like a traitor, even when I know I’m doing the right thing by not supporting this. Losing them is the worst thing that could ever happen, but to live in my truth I may do just that. I pray. I try to reason with them. Like so many of these stories I have two extremely intelligent kids. How they can be so smart, and so deluded blows my mind. Mine are adults, and I can’t control what they do. I spend a lot of time longing to go back to a time when I could take the devices away, and just go outside. I’m rambling. I really just wanted to say that I get you. I’m angry and sad and hurt and wrecked…

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I am so VERY sorry that you are in this situation.

Whichever decision you make comes with a world of pain. However, to pretend a lie is the truth would ultimately break you. Continue to pray, because your children are under a strong delusion and a sound mind is a gift of God.

My young children are not in this situation, but my heart goes out to you

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

I appreciate your sharing your raw state of mind. It is a sane reaction to an insane world that is preying on our children. Your words resonate deeply because my son has been stolen by the trans cult. The only actual "transition" Is to misery for all involved, especially parents, helpless as our children self-destruct with adherence to an absurd delusion. Very, very sad. Tragic, in fact. I feel for you having two kids swallowed by this heinous cult. I hope you find some path to some solace over time. And that someday your kids and other kids wake up.

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Thank you so much for writing a compassionate response to the lady who left a comment. The attacking comments on traumatised and sorrowful parents is inexcusable and I'm really grateful to see people who have compassion for the broken hearted.

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Really appreciated reading this raw account. Gay married father here with an adopted son. This is exactly how I would react if this nightmare tries to visit us in the future. Anger so intense you expect it would set fire to the rain. So grateful for every parental account on this nightmare, and especially grateful to hear from other fathers. I read a thing about gender critical support groups for parents, it said that fathers tend to 'join and read', but don't tend to post as much.

But we need every voice.

Fathers and Mothers, straight and gay, conservative and liberal, we need more help. This weighs significantly on my mind every single day. It will take EVERY VOICE to bring down this absolute nightmare horror show.

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I am so so so so sorry for you. I can’t even begin to imagine what you are experiencing. I get more and more angry at transgender advocates with each story like yours that I hear. No one should have to go through what you have gone through. I don’t know what your religious convictions are, so I hope you are not offended by this, but I am and will continue to pray for you—that God will bring some joy and peace into your life and that your son’s eyes will be opened to his mistakes and that he will return to you. You have loved him and invested in him, and for people to rip him away from you like this is beyond cruel and totally heartless. I’m so sorry.

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my son wanted to take HRT, so i took it instead. B)

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Another reader just told me about your article. This is very close to what happened to my wife and I. Keep on fighting and pray. I weep with you, though it is in private.

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Your story is so sad and so infuriating. It's a cruel society that enforces this toxic ideology and which dismisses and demonises the heartbreak of parents and loved ones. Kids like your son are being radicalised into this cult at school and on social media--the latter one of the greatest marketing and propaganda mechanisms ever invented--as surely as kids are radicalised into becoming members of ISIS and then groomed into suicide bombers--the basic process is not very different. None of this is your fault but as a parent of course, it's hard not to take this on board as your responsibility even though it isn't. You're right to be angry about the politicians, media and institutions that are promoting this billion dollar industry and the ideology that attracts vulnerable kids and young people into it. Perhaps an organisation like Al Anon or Nar Anon (for loved ones of alcoholics and addicts, because the issues are very similar) could be of benefit, or one of the support groups for parents run by Genspect.

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My heart breaks for you. You are not a failure. You did the best you could. That you still love this confused man is proof of that. Sometimes things spiral out of our control.

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

courage to change the things I can,

and wisdom to know the difference." - Reinhold Niebuhr

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