You’re not alone. My story is heartbreaking too. 💔

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Wow, I almost missed your entry in my email. I'm definitely going to be reading your substack. Our son has started a similar path (he's 16). ROGD is what I'm calling it. So much of what you said resonates.

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Good luck dad.

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It's sad to read what has happened to your family. I hope you succeed in engaging more men on the issue and that you can re connect with your daughter one day. 🍃

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I applaud you for sharing this journey…obviously, those who have turned their backs on you don’t know the Lord…you don’t condone this behavior but you love your daughter and want to have a relationship with her…that may not be possible…she has bought into the lie and may never open the door to you again…but pray…things do change over time. Blessings

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Keep trying to get in touch with her and leave her open invitations. If she doesn’t accept one, she might accept the next or the next, etc. I could tell you things that you already know, just to vent. I’m past that stage. Past grief. I insert myself into my daughter’s life. She has a pattern of not responding and then coming back and apologizing for not responding. You have a different situation, however, deep down your daughter probably knows that her parents loved/love her. Hopefully, in the future she will come back. Try not to have any barriers to make it difficult. No grudges. In the meantime, keep speaking up and working to get these “groomers” away from other children. You will lose “friends” and more. But we all must stand up and say no more- for the sake of the other innocents out there. This isn’t easy. It’s a nightmare. Last words: I took a leap of faith and started praying the rosary every night for my daughter to come home. Not long afterwards, she moved back to our area and she and her friend stayed with us until they found an apartment. I took care of them both, loved them both. So, I recommend prayer. May God bless you and your family.

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Some of the most unethical surgeons need to go to prison. That might make a few kids wake up.

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16 year old girls losing their healthy breasts certainly counts as a crime against humanity. The grooming of their minds is what gets them there. I do think we need to send a few of the worst of the worst to jail ASAP. The kids think all of this is fine and that only parents object because that is where our society is. But, we got here by being accommodating... How did Germany get to the point where atrocity was normalized? I am sure there were some who objected but a society defines "normal/acceptable" to the young.

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Also, we need lawsuits against these universities and against Planned Parenthood for handing out "T".

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Planned Parenthood also handed out estrogen, spirolactone, and progesterone to my son during his freshman year of college. Planned Parenthood preys on vulnerable males as well as females . They show a lack of ethical care, and should be sued and found guilty of gross negligence.

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Are you aware of this Steve Levine paper which ought to give any reasonable medical professional pause? (Are the people at PP even medical professionals?)

"Reconsidering Informed Consent for Trans-Identified Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults Stephen B. Levine,E. Abbruzzese &Julia W. Mason

Published online: 17 Mar 2022"


It ought to be of use to attorneys as well. A number of people ought to be found guilty of negligence if not crimes against humanity/violating the human right to fertility and sexual function - and then jailed - although a sentence of death by very public hanging would be better for a few of them - and it would bring awareness to society. A number of doctors were sentenced to death by hanging at the Nuremberg trials which I learned in this PITT: https://pitt.substack.com/p/international-right-to-truth-day?s=r - LM

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Thanks. I'll check out the article. It all feels too late for my son, but it does help some if there's movement to stopping the madness that seeks to claim more young people.

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Terrible!! So sorry. I completely agree. I am not a lawyer but I think some lawyers should make a name for themselves over this stuff. - LM

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"The path of her transition was a steep and rapid trajectory from curiosity and interest, to immersion and rumination, via influencing, to indoctrination, and finally to full-on radicalization."

That is exactly right. I agree with everything you say.

As a step - GI and affirmation must be taken out of the schools with firm laws. It is total grooming.

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You've expressed so much of what I feel as a grandmother trying to process the tragedy of my only grandson announcing he is "non-binary", changing his name legally to gender-neutral, and immersing himself this unreal lifestyle. The heartbreak is unbelievably painful. Thank you so very much for speaking up.

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It must be so incredibly difficult to go through this as a father who really does love and care for their child. You don’t hate her, and you don’t wish her harm. It’s disingenuous for anyone reading your words to think you have anything but love for your child. It’s a mind control cult. Speaking out is so important and hopefully can help other parents. I hope one day soon your daughter realizes she has parents who truly love and care about her.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Totally agree with you. Sadly we have TRAs who trash parents like this writer, myself and other parents who are dealing with this situation. They judge us without knowing us. It’s either affirm your child or you are an abusive parent. If only they truly knew us and knew how much we love our children.

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Your story is nearly exactly our story - except with a boy. Four years estranged. Our history erased. Lost friends. Lost family. I'm so traumatized by the constant gaslighting I've come to think of it as a psychological rape.

I applaud your strength and effort to speak out and fight back. Sadly, I think the only way the tide turns is with detransitioners. They are the only ones with standing.

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Yes - "psychological rape" sounds right. And, the kids' minds are taken before they medicalize.

I think it would help if some high profile surgeons who remove healthy body parts from children went to jail... But wait, the media wouldn't report it.

There is a chicken and the egg thing about taking this down. Does the ideology or the medicalization go first? As much as possible I think we need to reject all language of GI - how can one support Realty when even talking about it confuses everyone?

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Thanks for writing that. We need more men and dads in this fight.

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Seems to me that the crippled thinking and rejection of science and reality has its roots in the religious rejection of reason and emphasis on faith.

Did you encourage religion? Can you honestly and fearlessly see the connection?

Our children are built by us, our schools, our media. We get what we built.

Yes, my family has battled this. We're critical thinkers, atheists. We won.

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Nonsense. ‘Man and woman he created them. ‘ I don’t think you can blame organised religion for this madness, and I don’t understand why you want to try. We need to stand together, not sow dissention by accusation and blame .

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Yes, I can blame Organized Religion for this madness. Organized religion brings us the disorganized thinking that causes you, Niobe, to quote a book of almost prehistorical Mideastern myths to the effect that "The Bible said it, so it's the end of discussion."

I prefer the abiogenesis/evolution/biological arms race for dimorphic sex and the slightly stuttering mutation-ridden expression of it for the common misunderstandings that we discuss here.

If people could think better, which religion certainly doesn't help, then we'd find it more possible to civilly discuss trans and other non-dimorphic behaviors.

I don't expect you to agree, since you can't even understand that quoting the Bible (why ...that... "Holy Book"?) to an atheist is pissin' into the wind.

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I merely advanced some basic evidence as to your misapprehension of the Biblical position on sex/gender. By the way, all the other religions that I am aware of ( Islam, Judaism, Hinduism) don’t seem to have much doubt about two sexes, either.

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And what will be sadder will be all the detransitions as time goes by.

Sounds like it's time for the legal system to smack the groomers and influencers.

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Thank you for writing this. My family have been caught up in this, social transition of 12 yr old by school in secret. ROGD, came out of nowhere. The shock and disbelief when you tell the story to family and friends. I feel crazy telling them what has happened and when they don't respond with the level of outrage I know it deserves I am driven to try again, and feel crazier and crazier with each attempt, I know I am speaking truth but nobody seems to be waking up in a hurry and I am in a big hurry for the woke to wake up.

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