"Gender identity" is stultifying: it stops one thinking, growing or feeling. It is SO selfish that there is nothing else that the believer can think about. There is no escape. This is the reality of a socially transmitted mental obsession with an impossible dream. Let's hope we as a society wake up really soon!
But Jazz isn’t ‘gay’ ( I mean he is not a homosexual male). He wants to date girls , he has said so - although in today’s clownfish world, that makes Jazz a ‘lesbian’. The default position that these children are all repressed same -sex - attracted is a fallacy.
Many, if not most of the adult used- to -be - male transgender people are exactly the same. They still want to have sex with women ( and they get very cross if they are denied) . Quite a lot of people claiming to be ‘non binary’ seem to be ‘in relationships’ with other non binary people of the opposite sex ( ie perfectly normal but oh so special and different). Quite a few claiming to be male women are giving birth in spite of their beards , and not by IVF or artificial insemination, either.
I’m afraid that the rationale that this is all brought about by intolerance of same sex attraction is just too comfortable.
I don't think we know enough yet how messing around with young people's endocrine systems can affect their sexuality. For example, Aaron Terrell (a transman, FtM) of the Transparency podcast has spoken openly about how she was a young, straight girl who liked men, but since transition has become same-sex attracted and is now married to a woman. Women tend to be more flexible than most men about this through their lives, but again: we don't know, because any sexologist, therapist, or sociologist who tries to research these questions is demonized as a hateful bigot.
The autogynephiles you reference - those who "get cross if they are denied" - are adult transitioners who are acting out a paraphilia, or a fetish. Little boys can develop this, but Jazz/Jaron was transed when he was a toddler, so this is unlikely.
We know from Blanchard's research and Zucker's clinical experience that the majority of effeminate little boys grow up to become gay men, so it's likely that Jaron/Jazz would have done the same--but that's a population-level prediction, which does not accurately describe a given individual. The human rights crime is that Jaron/Jazz will never know what it would have been like to grow up naturally as a boy & develop his own sense of sexual attraction.
I’m sure you are right that all the messing about with hormones may affect sexuality . But at the risk of being very unkind, I would like to hazard that once ‘transitioned’ , Aaron found it very difficult to achieve a relationship with a male; because straight men fancy women ( without penis and with breasts) and gay men like men 🐓, not 🐚. Women though can be much more accommodating.
So, how many years ago was your 10-year-old child imbibing this stuff at school? It is incredible, and as so many others have said, deeply disturbing. Thank you so much for this important Exhibit A.
In reality only one person in 65,000 actually has gender identity disorder; for the other 64,999 "sex" and "gender" are, for all intents and purposes, synonyms.
Since the "trans" cult has adulterated the word into gibberish, it needs to be removed from medicine, science, and law. Those people who actually have GID manifest it in their early childhood, by age five; those who announce a new "gender identity" in their teens are responding to social contagion, nearly half of them are mentally ill, many quite severely, yet all this is forgotten when they present to McGender clinics. They are hurried into hormone treatments and irreversible mutilating surgery, which does nothing to alleviate their psychological distress, and within a decade they exhbit one of the highest suide rates known.
"Trans" activists deny this regret and cite unreliable and plainly false statistics while the "trans" cult urges the detransitioners to suicide. Nice bunch of people. There's a reason the statistics are so lowe, and it's not a good reason:
A half dozen European countries have put the brakes on "gender affirmation"; it will take longer in the USA because healthcare in America is big business and neutering children is already a five billion dollar a year industry. They're good for a million in hormones, even two million if they live long past fifty. Most won't.
If we haven't destroyed ourselves we will look back at this horrible cult and wonder how we could have deluded ourselves so. And I hope that before then the surgeons tho castrated little boys are swinging from lampposts, and the online activists are living under new identities and waiting to be tracked down and given their reward.
I agree with you. I watched a presentation from a so called Psychologist who works at a gender clinic in Oregon. She contradicted herself in the pediatric gender affirming care lecture she presented to my class. She said in one moment that "in teenage years kids like to explore new identities," and in the next "if it (gender dysphoria) presents during teen years, it is unlikely a phase." these people (those pushing gender identity) are seriously mentally ill.
That book report is disturbing. Jazz Jennings is a teLIEvision character devised by our programmers. His "mother" said s/he's been there because "she" probably has, maybe why Jaron didn't argue. Learn how to spot inverted deceivers- they are all around us, in politics, academia, medi- sin & especially in Hollywood. Books, like science, are overrated- wickedness infiltrates all spheres, so vigilance is required. If we cannot see, even to protect our innocent children, we are doomed. Praying for your daughter, for my only son, and for all our beloved children under this family breaking, soul desecrating mind control. Please wake up huemans.
But don't forget to mention the $money$ that Jazz Jenning's family profited from by exposing, flaunting and promoting their son to be a girl and encouraging this gender-cult lie. Shame on all of them!
True story! I usually bypass "follow the money" because it so much deeper & darker... programming the minds of the masses & harvesting our suffering. Money is indeed a tool for their minions!
Jazz Jennings was a victim of both his parents and the ideologically captured medical system. A feminine male is still male. A masculine female is still female. There's nothing wrong with either of these. Encouraging a person to be who they are without taking cross-sex hormones or having surgeries to remove healthy body parts is truly encouraging being one's authentic self. This idea that one needs to have extreme surgeries and take wrong-sex hormones to be their authentic self would be laughable if it weren't so damaging.
Another idea that needs to be gotten rid of by the medical community and everyone else actually has nothing directly to do with gender ideology. This is the idea that all fat people simply binge-ate themselves to their current weight. This isn't true, and the belief is extremely harmful, not only to heavy people but to people of all sizes.
I had a myriad of medical problems overlooked for decades because of my size. I wasn't a heavy kid, but I was so petrified of the idea of being fat that I became bulimic at 12 years old. My endocrine system is extremely vulnerable, and my thyroid took a flying leap into the hereafter when I hit puberty. It didn't help that I carry my weight in my butt, hips, and thighs, which are notoriously difficult areas to slim down. No matter how much I overexercised (and I did), I still had a big butt, hefty hips, and "thunder thighs."
I became obsessed with food. I was either hoarding food to eat secretly or I was avoiding eating, perhaps punishing myself for the crime of eating "too much." I was constantly dieting. By the way, for those of you who think fat people are constantly cramming our faces full of food, one thing you can know by looking at a fat person is they are well-versed in dieting.
Past the age of 40, it became impossible for me to lose weight, no matter how much I deprived myself. And no, I do not think stomach amputation, aka "weight loss surgery," is a viable option to force myself to become a socially acceptable size.
Jazz likely gained weight because of a genetic predisposition to being heavy and because of severe endocrine disruption. As for eating disorders, it wouldn't surprise me if he had an eating disorder. Many of us hefty folk do. What surprises other people is that fat people do not always have binge eating disorder. My default is extreme food restriction and orthorexia.
The food restriction doesn't work anymore because my endocrine system is completely jacked up, and I can no longer engage in orthorexic behaviors because of back and knee problems courtesy of always working physically demanding jobs. So much for the "lazy fatty always sitting around watching TV and stuffing their face" stereotype. I was the workaholic fatty who could never do enough and was filled with self-loathing and suicide ideation.
When I went to the doctor to ask for help, I was always told the same thing. Lose weight and everything will be fine. Eat less and exercise more.
The problem is, by assuming every fat person is a lazy hog who just needs to stop stuffing their face, doctors miss underlying problems. I was unsurprised when I was diagnosed with diabetes at 49 years old, since I already had a dead thyroid and PCOS, both issues of endocrine disruption.
People diagnosed with diabetes are usually told to lose weight. The thing is, type 2 diabetes can contribute to weight gain. Hypothyroidism and PCOS both certainly do. Weight cycling also contributes to triggering type 2 diabetes in people who are vulnerable, as does stress. Stress contributes to elevated cortisol levels, which contributes to, guess what, weight gain.
I have another underlying problem I think has been present for decades, and only now at nearly 60 years old am I finally being treated for it. That problem is obstructive sleep apnea.
I rarely snore unless I have a cold. But I stop breathing multiple times every hour. I never felt rested no matter how much sleep I got. And, guess what? Sleep apnea can contribute to weight gain, even though a large body type is often blamed as the cause of sleep apnea.
The truth is, people of all sizes can have obstructive sleep apnea. I've probably had it my entire life. The symptoms were there. But doctors didn't consider treating me for sleep apnea because of course fat people can reverse sleep apnea by losing weight. (News flash, they can't.) How do you lose weight? By dieting, of course. Dieting certainly doesn't lead to a lifetime of weight cycling and all the health problems that come with it.
My point is, we overlook health problems in people of all sizes because of the harmful belief that fat people are fat because we're constantly stuffing our faces and not exercising. Fat people tend not to seek care because they know they will be shamed and told to lose weight no matter what their presenting symptoms. Conversely, doctors miss health problems in thin people by assuming them to be healthy because of their size.
I went off on a tangent because I tire of seeing people assume that weight gain is always due to binge eating. It isn't. Size is complex. Jazz Jennings' weight gain is likely a symptom of severe endocrine disruption. It is unhelpful to speculate about what he or anyone else is eating.
It is sad to hear Jazz say something about binge eating as well; it’s as if he just believes whatever critique and label his mom and others say about him. Your experience reminds us there are so many factors to weight, and with all of the medications, hormones, and surgeries his body has been through, it would seem obvious that those are the culprits. Thank you sharing; I’m sorry you’ve had such a long battle. I wish someone would share with Jazz that it’s not all his fault. None of it, including he wasn’t born in the wrong body.
Weight is a very important point in transgender issue. The girls, who are eager to take testosterone, want to become slim boys. Weightgain on testosterone can and often is very heavy. This weight is then one more issue for self loathing and self hatred.
Testosterone is also known to promote type 2 diabetes.
Yes! And likewise, gender dysphoria is likely abetted by endocrine disruption. In my son's case, I was vegan, lots of organic soy, while pregnant and breastfeeding. Many GD children are on the autism spectrum. Autism is overwhelmingly caused by vac sin injuries, which include gut & neurological damage. Mercury in vac sins is an endocrine disruptor. These toxins cross the blood brain barrier when injected. The eugenist serpent scientists know exactly what they're doing.
They might look into the effect of anti depressants in utero, which has caused genital malformations. The numbing effect of antidepressants mimics the symptoms of autism albeit more extreme in the latter, as the dose far outweighs the fetal recipient.
Definitely! I never took any pharmaceuticals, and son took no vac sins, so soy is my only guess if he was predisposed. My son was highly sensitive & a very protective big brother, so I lean more towards trauma/mind control & video games, in his case.
When I was on Zoloft for 15 months, I ballooned up to 230 pounds. I lost the muscles I had cultivated for over 20 years. Then I quit the stuff, I could not stand being fat, and dieted off somewhere between 100 and 120 pounds in nine months. The uncertainty comes from not knowing how much muscle I put on as as I dropped the fat, but I had six-pack abdominal muscles at 42 and approaching 70 now I still have a 32" waist and I am still lifting weights.
First of all, thank you for referring to J Jennings with the correct pronoun. His mother is his own worst enemy. The viral clip of the mom discussing dilation is equally disturbing. I hope Jazz figures it out and gets away from his mom, but I fear his life will always be sad, confusing and painful.
I find the story of Jazz Jennings heartbreaking and infuriating! Your fantasy about what could have been if Jaron's parents had simply let him be an effeminate little boy who liked to dress like his sister is mine as well. That your daughter wrote this book about Jazz says a lot about how misinformed the public is about Jazz's real life story, and how that misinformation has fed a generation a pack of dangerous lies (including your daughter and mine).
This all reminds me of the psychologist I spoke with on the phone last summer, after my daughter secretly took illegal testosterone gel, shipped to a friend's house, at age 16, for 98 days until I realized and it stopped. My daughter asked to see a therapist so I began calling around. This one psychologist called me back and I gave a quick overview of my daughter's situation. He asked me a question about why I wasn't using male pronouns for her, and my answer was to ask him whether he believed someone could be born in the wrong body. This man, in his fifties, with a Phd, answered with a resounding "yes!" His explanation: my friend has twins, born male. One of them showed signs of being "transgender" at around age 2 and has been persistent with this. The signs were things like wanting to play with dolls, dress in princess dresses, and play tea party rather than roughhousing. His parents began calling him a girl by about age 4 and are, as the psychologist said, open to starting medical care (puberty blockers to start) in the near future. He was 8 at that point. He said this showed him that a child could be born in the wrong body. My response to him was that it's great that a little boy should be allowed to dress in princess dresses, and play with dolls or do anything gender non-conforming, but that doesn't turn a boy into a girl. He's just an atypical boy. The psychologist didn't respond (and appeared not to comprehend what I was saying). Instead, he asked another question about my daughter, now alleging that she must be suicidal - even though I never said that. I never spoke with him again. The notion that a little boy who likes to dress like his sister is actually a girl is so absurd, so offensive, so backwards, that I cannot believe this has been the basis for castrating (chemically and surgically) a number of teenage boys to date. Everything about gender ideology is insane, but this particular scenario of the effeminate boy as a girl - takes the cake!! Hold onto your daughter's book. It will be something to put in a museum at some point after this epic medical and social scandal comes to light.
Your story about the twins makes me think of my daughter and her best friend. My daughter is white and her best friend was black - my daughter always chose the black Barbie, the black American Girl doll, etc. because they looked like her beloved friend; and she used to cry because her long, straight, white-girl hair couldn’t be styled into the Afro-puffs and twists her friend wore. Maybe she was transracial.
Thank you! Author here. That shrink is a sucker and an idiot. They parrot the phrase, “persistent, insistent and consistent,” but if you left it alone it would fade. That’s been our strategy with my daughter. It works at home but at school they keep poisoning the well.
Yes, it's one of their catch phrases. Any thought can become persistent if, for example, your entire family and teachers and everyone you know tells you it's true! Good luck with your daughter. My daughter is herself at home, and someone else at school (not entirely the school's fault as I let her use a new name - and didn't realize it would expand to being referred to and treated as male). I have no idea how damaging it is to have to split yourself at home and at school, but I'm sure it's not mentally healthy and anything but authentic!
See if you can change schools and give her a fresh start. Mind you it won’t work unless she decides she’s ready to drop the spilt. I moved schools in 9th because I had no friends and was horribly bullied. I had on saving grace in an incredible classics teacher which didn’t exist at any other school. My parents suggested it and then gave me time to mull it over. Once I realised I’d be finishing this teachers classes, I was done and made the move. Best thing I ever did. I had a friend group for the first time within a week of starting at this new school.
Yes. And, I am very pro-museum. If this Trans Travesty is not documented permanently in a physical space - as the evil cult/ideology it is - it will still capture young people. I am amazed how our young people only know the Official Narrative - and then I learn that 50 year old professionals are the same. PhD biologist teachers spew it. My daughter had not heard of Chloe Cole.
The slave trade routinely castrated males to serve upper class females or so as to avoid having large slave populations growing as an underclass. This was happening right up to the late 19th Century in the Arab salve trade. The American trade for its sins DID NOT do that at least. Castrati were relatively rare and it was at least performativley voluntary on the castrato.
"Gender identity" is stultifying: it stops one thinking, growing or feeling. It is SO selfish that there is nothing else that the believer can think about. There is no escape. This is the reality of a socially transmitted mental obsession with an impossible dream. Let's hope we as a society wake up really soon!
There was a time when we knew what Identified Patient meant.
But Jazz isn’t ‘gay’ ( I mean he is not a homosexual male). He wants to date girls , he has said so - although in today’s clownfish world, that makes Jazz a ‘lesbian’. The default position that these children are all repressed same -sex - attracted is a fallacy.
Many, if not most of the adult used- to -be - male transgender people are exactly the same. They still want to have sex with women ( and they get very cross if they are denied) . Quite a lot of people claiming to be ‘non binary’ seem to be ‘in relationships’ with other non binary people of the opposite sex ( ie perfectly normal but oh so special and different). Quite a few claiming to be male women are giving birth in spite of their beards , and not by IVF or artificial insemination, either.
I’m afraid that the rationale that this is all brought about by intolerance of same sex attraction is just too comfortable.
I don't think we know enough yet how messing around with young people's endocrine systems can affect their sexuality. For example, Aaron Terrell (a transman, FtM) of the Transparency podcast has spoken openly about how she was a young, straight girl who liked men, but since transition has become same-sex attracted and is now married to a woman. Women tend to be more flexible than most men about this through their lives, but again: we don't know, because any sexologist, therapist, or sociologist who tries to research these questions is demonized as a hateful bigot.
The autogynephiles you reference - those who "get cross if they are denied" - are adult transitioners who are acting out a paraphilia, or a fetish. Little boys can develop this, but Jazz/Jaron was transed when he was a toddler, so this is unlikely.
We know from Blanchard's research and Zucker's clinical experience that the majority of effeminate little boys grow up to become gay men, so it's likely that Jaron/Jazz would have done the same--but that's a population-level prediction, which does not accurately describe a given individual. The human rights crime is that Jaron/Jazz will never know what it would have been like to grow up naturally as a boy & develop his own sense of sexual attraction.
I’m sure you are right that all the messing about with hormones may affect sexuality . But at the risk of being very unkind, I would like to hazard that once ‘transitioned’ , Aaron found it very difficult to achieve a relationship with a male; because straight men fancy women ( without penis and with breasts) and gay men like men 🐓, not 🐚. Women though can be much more accommodating.
So, how many years ago was your 10-year-old child imbibing this stuff at school? It is incredible, and as so many others have said, deeply disturbing. Thank you so much for this important Exhibit A.
This class project is so disturbing! Especially look at N for "Not a choice."
That is a really disturbing book report. She was 10. I can't even. 'From the mouths of babes'...
I want to send this to every elementary and middle school, to every mobile kids library in the country.
In reality only one person in 65,000 actually has gender identity disorder; for the other 64,999 "sex" and "gender" are, for all intents and purposes, synonyms.
Since the "trans" cult has adulterated the word into gibberish, it needs to be removed from medicine, science, and law. Those people who actually have GID manifest it in their early childhood, by age five; those who announce a new "gender identity" in their teens are responding to social contagion, nearly half of them are mentally ill, many quite severely, yet all this is forgotten when they present to McGender clinics. They are hurried into hormone treatments and irreversible mutilating surgery, which does nothing to alleviate their psychological distress, and within a decade they exhbit one of the highest suide rates known.
"Trans" activists deny this regret and cite unreliable and plainly false statistics while the "trans" cult urges the detransitioners to suicide. Nice bunch of people. There's a reason the statistics are so lowe, and it's not a good reason:
A half dozen European countries have put the brakes on "gender affirmation"; it will take longer in the USA because healthcare in America is big business and neutering children is already a five billion dollar a year industry. They're good for a million in hormones, even two million if they live long past fifty. Most won't.
If we haven't destroyed ourselves we will look back at this horrible cult and wonder how we could have deluded ourselves so. And I hope that before then the surgeons tho castrated little boys are swinging from lampposts, and the online activists are living under new identities and waiting to be tracked down and given their reward.
I agree with you. I watched a presentation from a so called Psychologist who works at a gender clinic in Oregon. She contradicted herself in the pediatric gender affirming care lecture she presented to my class. She said in one moment that "in teenage years kids like to explore new identities," and in the next "if it (gender dysphoria) presents during teen years, it is unlikely a phase." these people (those pushing gender identity) are seriously mentally ill.
And if they apply it, they are malpractioners and criminal psychopaths.
That book report is disturbing. Jazz Jennings is a teLIEvision character devised by our programmers. His "mother" said s/he's been there because "she" probably has, maybe why Jaron didn't argue. Learn how to spot inverted deceivers- they are all around us, in politics, academia, medi- sin & especially in Hollywood. Books, like science, are overrated- wickedness infiltrates all spheres, so vigilance is required. If we cannot see, even to protect our innocent children, we are doomed. Praying for your daughter, for my only son, and for all our beloved children under this family breaking, soul desecrating mind control. Please wake up huemans.
But don't forget to mention the $money$ that Jazz Jenning's family profited from by exposing, flaunting and promoting their son to be a girl and encouraging this gender-cult lie. Shame on all of them!
True story! I usually bypass "follow the money" because it so much deeper & darker... programming the minds of the masses & harvesting our suffering. Money is indeed a tool for their minions!
Jazz Jennings was a victim of both his parents and the ideologically captured medical system. A feminine male is still male. A masculine female is still female. There's nothing wrong with either of these. Encouraging a person to be who they are without taking cross-sex hormones or having surgeries to remove healthy body parts is truly encouraging being one's authentic self. This idea that one needs to have extreme surgeries and take wrong-sex hormones to be their authentic self would be laughable if it weren't so damaging.
Another idea that needs to be gotten rid of by the medical community and everyone else actually has nothing directly to do with gender ideology. This is the idea that all fat people simply binge-ate themselves to their current weight. This isn't true, and the belief is extremely harmful, not only to heavy people but to people of all sizes.
I had a myriad of medical problems overlooked for decades because of my size. I wasn't a heavy kid, but I was so petrified of the idea of being fat that I became bulimic at 12 years old. My endocrine system is extremely vulnerable, and my thyroid took a flying leap into the hereafter when I hit puberty. It didn't help that I carry my weight in my butt, hips, and thighs, which are notoriously difficult areas to slim down. No matter how much I overexercised (and I did), I still had a big butt, hefty hips, and "thunder thighs."
I became obsessed with food. I was either hoarding food to eat secretly or I was avoiding eating, perhaps punishing myself for the crime of eating "too much." I was constantly dieting. By the way, for those of you who think fat people are constantly cramming our faces full of food, one thing you can know by looking at a fat person is they are well-versed in dieting.
Past the age of 40, it became impossible for me to lose weight, no matter how much I deprived myself. And no, I do not think stomach amputation, aka "weight loss surgery," is a viable option to force myself to become a socially acceptable size.
Jazz likely gained weight because of a genetic predisposition to being heavy and because of severe endocrine disruption. As for eating disorders, it wouldn't surprise me if he had an eating disorder. Many of us hefty folk do. What surprises other people is that fat people do not always have binge eating disorder. My default is extreme food restriction and orthorexia.
The food restriction doesn't work anymore because my endocrine system is completely jacked up, and I can no longer engage in orthorexic behaviors because of back and knee problems courtesy of always working physically demanding jobs. So much for the "lazy fatty always sitting around watching TV and stuffing their face" stereotype. I was the workaholic fatty who could never do enough and was filled with self-loathing and suicide ideation.
When I went to the doctor to ask for help, I was always told the same thing. Lose weight and everything will be fine. Eat less and exercise more.
The problem is, by assuming every fat person is a lazy hog who just needs to stop stuffing their face, doctors miss underlying problems. I was unsurprised when I was diagnosed with diabetes at 49 years old, since I already had a dead thyroid and PCOS, both issues of endocrine disruption.
People diagnosed with diabetes are usually told to lose weight. The thing is, type 2 diabetes can contribute to weight gain. Hypothyroidism and PCOS both certainly do. Weight cycling also contributes to triggering type 2 diabetes in people who are vulnerable, as does stress. Stress contributes to elevated cortisol levels, which contributes to, guess what, weight gain.
I have another underlying problem I think has been present for decades, and only now at nearly 60 years old am I finally being treated for it. That problem is obstructive sleep apnea.
I rarely snore unless I have a cold. But I stop breathing multiple times every hour. I never felt rested no matter how much sleep I got. And, guess what? Sleep apnea can contribute to weight gain, even though a large body type is often blamed as the cause of sleep apnea.
The truth is, people of all sizes can have obstructive sleep apnea. I've probably had it my entire life. The symptoms were there. But doctors didn't consider treating me for sleep apnea because of course fat people can reverse sleep apnea by losing weight. (News flash, they can't.) How do you lose weight? By dieting, of course. Dieting certainly doesn't lead to a lifetime of weight cycling and all the health problems that come with it.
My point is, we overlook health problems in people of all sizes because of the harmful belief that fat people are fat because we're constantly stuffing our faces and not exercising. Fat people tend not to seek care because they know they will be shamed and told to lose weight no matter what their presenting symptoms. Conversely, doctors miss health problems in thin people by assuming them to be healthy because of their size.
I went off on a tangent because I tire of seeing people assume that weight gain is always due to binge eating. It isn't. Size is complex. Jazz Jennings' weight gain is likely a symptom of severe endocrine disruption. It is unhelpful to speculate about what he or anyone else is eating.
Your situation notwithstanding (and I empathize).
I myself am a recovering bulimic so I am very familiar with the complexities of this issue.
With this particular young man...Jaron/Jazz has openly admitted and shown his binge eating episodes.
It's hard to know whether it's chicken or egg at this point but he clearly is struggling with an eating disorder.
It is sad to hear Jazz say something about binge eating as well; it’s as if he just believes whatever critique and label his mom and others say about him. Your experience reminds us there are so many factors to weight, and with all of the medications, hormones, and surgeries his body has been through, it would seem obvious that those are the culprits. Thank you sharing; I’m sorry you’ve had such a long battle. I wish someone would share with Jazz that it’s not all his fault. None of it, including he wasn’t born in the wrong body.
Agree with you 100%
Weight is a very important point in transgender issue. The girls, who are eager to take testosterone, want to become slim boys. Weightgain on testosterone can and often is very heavy. This weight is then one more issue for self loathing and self hatred.
Testosterone is also known to promote type 2 diabetes.
I don't know how estrogen works in boys.
Yes! And likewise, gender dysphoria is likely abetted by endocrine disruption. In my son's case, I was vegan, lots of organic soy, while pregnant and breastfeeding. Many GD children are on the autism spectrum. Autism is overwhelmingly caused by vac sin injuries, which include gut & neurological damage. Mercury in vac sins is an endocrine disruptor. These toxins cross the blood brain barrier when injected. The eugenist serpent scientists know exactly what they're doing.
They might look into the effect of anti depressants in utero, which has caused genital malformations. The numbing effect of antidepressants mimics the symptoms of autism albeit more extreme in the latter, as the dose far outweighs the fetal recipient.
Definitely! I never took any pharmaceuticals, and son took no vac sins, so soy is my only guess if he was predisposed. My son was highly sensitive & a very protective big brother, so I lean more towards trauma/mind control & video games, in his case.
When I was on Zoloft for 15 months, I ballooned up to 230 pounds. I lost the muscles I had cultivated for over 20 years. Then I quit the stuff, I could not stand being fat, and dieted off somewhere between 100 and 120 pounds in nine months. The uncertainty comes from not knowing how much muscle I put on as as I dropped the fat, but I had six-pack abdominal muscles at 42 and approaching 70 now I still have a 32" waist and I am still lifting weights.
It can be done. You can do it too.
First of all, thank you for referring to J Jennings with the correct pronoun. His mother is his own worst enemy. The viral clip of the mom discussing dilation is equally disturbing. I hope Jazz figures it out and gets away from his mom, but I fear his life will always be sad, confusing and painful.
On this, we should all refuse to use "preferred pronouns," adamantly. Let them howl. Pretending is for children.
Yeah. And, I also appreciated that she called him Jaron. It's Jaron Bloshinky. Jazz Jennings is pretty much a stage name. Poor guy.
Poor eunuch.
I find the story of Jazz Jennings heartbreaking and infuriating! Your fantasy about what could have been if Jaron's parents had simply let him be an effeminate little boy who liked to dress like his sister is mine as well. That your daughter wrote this book about Jazz says a lot about how misinformed the public is about Jazz's real life story, and how that misinformation has fed a generation a pack of dangerous lies (including your daughter and mine).
This all reminds me of the psychologist I spoke with on the phone last summer, after my daughter secretly took illegal testosterone gel, shipped to a friend's house, at age 16, for 98 days until I realized and it stopped. My daughter asked to see a therapist so I began calling around. This one psychologist called me back and I gave a quick overview of my daughter's situation. He asked me a question about why I wasn't using male pronouns for her, and my answer was to ask him whether he believed someone could be born in the wrong body. This man, in his fifties, with a Phd, answered with a resounding "yes!" His explanation: my friend has twins, born male. One of them showed signs of being "transgender" at around age 2 and has been persistent with this. The signs were things like wanting to play with dolls, dress in princess dresses, and play tea party rather than roughhousing. His parents began calling him a girl by about age 4 and are, as the psychologist said, open to starting medical care (puberty blockers to start) in the near future. He was 8 at that point. He said this showed him that a child could be born in the wrong body. My response to him was that it's great that a little boy should be allowed to dress in princess dresses, and play with dolls or do anything gender non-conforming, but that doesn't turn a boy into a girl. He's just an atypical boy. The psychologist didn't respond (and appeared not to comprehend what I was saying). Instead, he asked another question about my daughter, now alleging that she must be suicidal - even though I never said that. I never spoke with him again. The notion that a little boy who likes to dress like his sister is actually a girl is so absurd, so offensive, so backwards, that I cannot believe this has been the basis for castrating (chemically and surgically) a number of teenage boys to date. Everything about gender ideology is insane, but this particular scenario of the effeminate boy as a girl - takes the cake!! Hold onto your daughter's book. It will be something to put in a museum at some point after this epic medical and social scandal comes to light.
Your story about the twins makes me think of my daughter and her best friend. My daughter is white and her best friend was black - my daughter always chose the black Barbie, the black American Girl doll, etc. because they looked like her beloved friend; and she used to cry because her long, straight, white-girl hair couldn’t be styled into the Afro-puffs and twists her friend wore. Maybe she was transracial.
Thank you! Author here. That shrink is a sucker and an idiot. They parrot the phrase, “persistent, insistent and consistent,” but if you left it alone it would fade. That’s been our strategy with my daughter. It works at home but at school they keep poisoning the well.
Take her out of the school.
If only it were that easy
Yes, it's one of their catch phrases. Any thought can become persistent if, for example, your entire family and teachers and everyone you know tells you it's true! Good luck with your daughter. My daughter is herself at home, and someone else at school (not entirely the school's fault as I let her use a new name - and didn't realize it would expand to being referred to and treated as male). I have no idea how damaging it is to have to split yourself at home and at school, but I'm sure it's not mentally healthy and anything but authentic!
See if you can change schools and give her a fresh start. Mind you it won’t work unless she decides she’s ready to drop the spilt. I moved schools in 9th because I had no friends and was horribly bullied. I had on saving grace in an incredible classics teacher which didn’t exist at any other school. My parents suggested it and then gave me time to mull it over. Once I realised I’d be finishing this teachers classes, I was done and made the move. Best thing I ever did. I had a friend group for the first time within a week of starting at this new school.
Yes. And, I am very pro-museum. If this Trans Travesty is not documented permanently in a physical space - as the evil cult/ideology it is - it will still capture young people. I am amazed how our young people only know the Official Narrative - and then I learn that 50 year old professionals are the same. PhD biologist teachers spew it. My daughter had not heard of Chloe Cole.
Castrating healthy boys in order to keep the voice high has a long tradition. It had at least a reason. Now they are being castrated without.
The slave trade routinely castrated males to serve upper class females or so as to avoid having large slave populations growing as an underclass. This was happening right up to the late 19th Century in the Arab salve trade. The American trade for its sins DID NOT do that at least. Castrati were relatively rare and it was at least performativley voluntary on the castrato.
The last castrato died just in time to make a few wax cylinder recordings. But it was more a part of the sex slave trade than in the Italian church.