Recently on a Saturday morning, I was at a newly opened health food store near my home doing my weekly shopping for fruits and vegetables. I spotted a couple and just stared. The young woman was petite and in her early twenties with purple and blue streaks in her pigtailed light brown hair. Her nose and eyebrow were pierced, she sported several arm and chest tattoos and was dressed in a bright yellow shirt and multi-colored leggings and sandals. The person with her was clearly a man pretending to be a woman: a “transwoman”. He was also in his early to mid-twenties and stood over 6-feet tall, was quite thin, with clean, dark, shoulder-length curled hair, and oval shaped silver framed eyeglasses. I noticed he had a hint of grey eye shadow, a little mascara, a light line of eyeliner, some cheek blusher, and a soft shade of pinkish lipstick. His face was smooth and I could not detect any facial stubble. He was handsome in an odd way. He was dressed in black capri pants, flat black pumps (his large feet seemed oddly comfortable in them). A black tank top could be seen under a grey V-neck tee, and he was clearly wearing a bra to support small breasts. He had a small black purse that was strapped across his chest and back and rested at his side.
I studied this couple in the store trying not to be obvious. They were openly affectionate with one another and made decisions together about what to put in their shopping basket by bending their heads in quiet whispers. They laughed, smiled, and seemed to ignore the world around them. Except he could feel my stares—when he made eye contact with me several times. I wanted to approach him and ask him a dozen questions: “Did someone groom you? Was there any childhood trauma in your past? Did your ROGD start during the Covid lock down? When did you start taking hormones? Are your parents in your life or are you insisting upon “no contact” with them? Are you on the spectrum of autism?” I desperately wanted to know if he was truly happy and if he had any remorse.
As I watched this couple and this MTF person, I could not help but think of my estranged nephew. In 2022 he told me he was trans over the phone and when I prodded him for answers because I had so many questions he got frustrated and hung-up on me. Sadly, I have not spoken to him since. I don’t know what his future plans are, or if he is taking hormones or plans to take them. I do not know how he is feeling or what he is thinking. I have tried to educate myself on the trans ideology and learn as much as I can so maybe one day, I can help him or answer some questions he might have.
I watched this young man pretending to be a girl. It was very unsettling. I noted his exaggerated “female” mannerisms by the way he brushed back his long hair, the way he clutched at his purse, and the way he walked. I noted that this young couple acted like they did not have a care in the world, while I was holding back tears and thinking of my nephew as I feared that this could one day be a mirrored image of him.
No one else in the store seemed to be bothered or even notice this peculiar couple. Is everyone else just numb to this cult or they don’t care? Transgender is not real! God did not make a mistake and put the wrong person in the wrong body. Too many children have been harmed, too many families have been divided and torn apart. Transgender is a social contagion and I never want to accept it. I can’t. The groomers are evil. When I think about all the news coverage from the recent Pride Month and the creepy marchers declaring “We are coming for your children” I am horrified. I have gay friends and gay relatives and I worry about the consequences of “T” being added to their LGB alphabet. It does not belong there.
I know the look on my face was not friendly and I was secretly sending hateful vibes to this MTF “actor”. I really wanted to shout at the top of my lungs “Stop this madness!” I continued to follow this couple to the self-checkout lanes but stood back with my unrelenting stare. The self-checkout lane next to them opened up when he suddenly turned towards me, waved, smiled and pointed to the open register next to them. I felt obligated to go to that register and began my checkout even though I had not even finished my shopping yet. I smiled and mumbled thank you or something. Now I was embarrassed. He had been kind to me. He must have known I had been staring. I learned a valuable lesson right then and there: not all “transgender” people are evil. The concept is evil. The brainwashing is evil. The teachers who hide secrets from the parents are evil. The doctors and therapists who insist upon affirming these confused and vulnerable children are evil. The surgeons who remove perfectly healthy body parts are evil. Staring at a trans identifying individual does not make them go away, it just causes an uncomfortable situation; the transgender ideology has indoctrinated innocent boys and girls into believing they will be happier living as the opposite sex.
This was my first encounter with a MTF in a public setting and I admit that I did not handle it well. I am sure I made that young man feel very uncomfortable and maybe even a little self-conscious. I had no right to stare and follow them around the store. I should have minded my own business. I hate what the transgender ideology cult represents and the harm it is causing to our loved ones and to our families. Until the truth is heard by everyone on this planet and the laws are changed to protect the innocent and the wrong is made right—these young, confused boys and girls who are seeking peace and contentment inside of their own minds and bodies are struggling.
Is it possible to show kindness and empathy towards any trans-identifying person without affirming them? I hope no one ever treats my nephew the way I treated that young man, but I can 100% guarantee that my nephew has the same kindness inside of him that this young man showed to me. I learned a very tough lesson that day: we are all humans, cut from the same cloth even though there is a false movement trying to prove otherwise.
This is what caused my son to join the LGBTQIA group - their kindness and acceptance of him and his quirkiness. He never felt truly accepted by his male peers growing up, even though he had several good male friends... 🤷♀️
The sad part to me is how they can "love" each other in their community, but be so demanding and hateful to their family who has known them all of their lives and loved them all of their lives even when they start playing dress up because they're trying to run and hide from the parts of themselves they don't love.
In society we are always negotiating relationships and our identity in different circumstances - it is a give and take. Although we should be confident in who we are, this should never be a reason to force others to agree with everything we believe.
I love my faith and religion, but I don't walk around telling everyone they have to believe my religion or they are hateful bigots and I'm giving up on our relationship. We even refer to each other at church as Brother and Sister with someone's last name instead of Mr. and Mrs. But we don't demand the rest of the world use those terms to refer to us. In the south we often refer to teachers with Ms. and their first name - all different ways of operating in society and communicating in society.
This"cult-like think" of the transgender movement compels speech and with the change in gender pronouns, forces people to lie or as my son puts it "shift their worldview." For me this goes back to the religion example or even to a politics example. If I'm the opposite political party, it is socially unacceptable to demand my friends affirm my politics or they are hateful bigots and our relationship isn't worth saving...
My son has told me that he is seeking other maternal influences in his life because my efforts to understand him and his choices are "not enough" unless I shift my worldview aka lie and affirm his chosen name and pronouns. Which by the way, for me anyway, would be to deny my faith and my relationship with God who always speaks truth. Plus after much prayer and fasting told me to "speak truth" as in not to affirm/use my son's chosen name and pronouns. So I'm left between choosing truth and God or choosing a lie and my son who then becomes my daughter. Which is also super painful for me because I had all sons and longed to have a daughter, but never in this sad, twisted, perverted way...
We war not against flesh and blood but against rulers, powers and principalities and forces of evil in this dark world.
It is never wrong to be kind.
We are to speak the truth in love.
Don't overcome evil with evil but overcome evil with love.
We need discernment.
I fight against the agenda and the activists, not the captured and harmed.