Where I live, the social transitioning happens without informing the parents.... They will hear ffrom me soon. Thanks to all parents for the information on their experience. It is so hard dealing with this. Like dealing with a cult.

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This is such a simple, accessible, compassionate plea. I plan to share with my growing email list of professionals that work with children and their families in medical, counseling, and educational capacities--some of who are finally peaking. Thank you!

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Great, clear letter. I love that podcast so much. Can't wait til they get back to it in May!

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Amen! I am already missing S & S :-)

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That's a great letter. And I love the Gender, a wider lens podcast too 👍🏻

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It's all so depressing. Just found an email my daughter sent to a friend asking her if she can have a free binder sent to her home. Apparently there are websites that will gladly send you a free binder if your parents refuse.

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Yup. Isn't it terrible that they will send them for free and promote that it is the thing to do? My daughter had a binder sent to a friend. That part is behind us now. I hope you get there as well. Maybe your daughter would enjoy just going braless?

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Thank you for the suggestion. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Apr 6, 2022·edited Apr 6, 2022

My girl wore a binder out some of the time before I understood what such a thing even was. She always took it off at home because it was so uncomfortable and because, I think, there was not the social pressure to maintain the Identity away from peers and teachers. The next message girls get is that because wearing a binder is so uncomfortable they should have "top surgery". Then, they will feel so much better and be more authentic! These days she goes without any constriction and wears clothing on top that is on the looser side. I missed it if there is some rule that girls have to wear skimpy clothing to be girls...

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Well said! Anybody know how these gender identity opinions got baked into schools, medicine and laws? Somehow, the deck got stacked against us behind our backs.

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Nancy2001 posted on Common Sense:

The attorney Kara Dansky, head of the highly gender critical WDI-USA, Women's Declaration International recently published a brief but excellent overview of how and why "transgenderism" took over all institutions in the US. The book, The Abolition of Sex: How the "Transgender" Agenda Harms Women and Girls, is a little dry, but it contains all the essentials and goes back to the middle of the last century when the foundations of the "trans" propaganda were first being laid by leftists.

Kara also covers the influence of the greedy medical industrial complex and million dollar donations to organizations like the ACLU and Planned Parenthood. I highly recommend Kara's book to everyone who wants to understand how and why this ideology spread seemingly overnight. The kindle version is now available on amazon.


And here's a good youtube featuring Kara and her book:


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I just watched the whole interview and ordered the book. She’s so direct, rational and unafraid. I’ve been wishing “our side” had a single spokesperson capable of engaging anyone on any aspect of trans, and I don’t think there’s a better candidate out there. Thanks so much for this!

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I think the most effective tactic was attaching trans to LGB as if it’s just another variation. That allowed any objection or question about T to be dismissed as anti-gay bigotry. The engineers of the whole project are adult male autogynephiles wanting to be seen as women, but that’s not an easy sell, so they found an inroad with young effeminate boys from conservative families. Don’t worry, he’s not gay, just make him a girl! I think the ROGD girls were an unexpected windfall, but once there was a way to frame it as saving the children, they were off to the races.

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Trans is a movement that has mastered "appropriation." They certainly know how to adopt the playbook of and attach themselves to other movements! Also masters of gaslighting--the way they manipulate (and appropriate) language is so incredibly, brilliantly crazy-making.

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I’m sure that right, at least partially. They even worse aspect for me is that normally reputable psychologists and other professionals are so steeped in this nonsense that they are so easily and totally complicit.

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I think there has been long range planning to bend the medical and teachers associations and keep it pretty quiet/deflect with language that doesn't raise concern. There are ideologues and also profiteers plus many many misinformed people trained to cheer. Somehow, these forces dominate at the White House as well. It may have something to do with wanting to separate the younger generation from parents - to "transform" society. I will see if I can find some articles and youtubes I've come across in the past but there are likely other people here who can put their hands on some as well.

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Medicalization, sterilization, removal of body parts, permanent endocrine disorders....

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