hey kindly go fuck your side sideways with a tazer

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Thanks for this letter. Your story is similar to mine. Both of my children, with stressful and abusive childhoods, are transitioning and are in their thirties. Both had a psychological break after personal setbacks around the age of thirty. The transgender push preys upon vulnerable people of various ages. I sense your anger in the letter and I share it with you.

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This impressive -- so clear and specific! I am sharing it on my main FB feed. The parent essays on PITT are consistently excellent and high-quality.

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Yes, there are some who have worked on this. Please visit my blog tomorrow, uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com when I think I can write up something. I googled deprogramming experts for cult extrication. So far, it seems that limiting online time, spending time on non-tech activities, parents doing all chores (not sex segregated) and trying to keep the wrong crowd out of your life. For misguided extended family members who try to affirm, explain about Richard Hoskins and Hasci Horvath, who de transitioned and are found in google search. It appears that the victimhood narrative is compelling to vulnerable kids who are upset at history of colonialism. Also, supporting some charity and finding a mission is helpful. I like heifer.org, where you can pay to send a girl to school. Good luck. You can contact me on the blog, if you wish.

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This is all so frightening and dystopian, only relieved by the sanity and courage of people like you shining the light of truth on it. You are doing the right thing by your boy. Love and strength to you.

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I hope we're all taking notes, because the time is coming to name and shame these bad actors.

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

Thanks for the article. I just want to point out a potential error: The detrans group is growing at about 100 a week, not 1000. (It is still a huge increase but I just think in the current climate it's best to be as accurate as possible with our info). Sending you hugs and support!

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What grounds do you have for filing a complaint if your adult child thinks all is fine in his disoriented state?

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I am so, so sorry.

When I read these stories I just dream that you can swoop in, grab your child, and move somewhere where your child can get fresh air, sunshine, exercise, good food and be far far away form the internet. I feel like these posts from parents are a cry into the void. I feel so helpless. All I can do is bear witness and send love and pray.

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I am sending you hugs and strength. I spend most of my day asking why? What’s in it for these therapists? It cannot just be money. It has to be plain stupidity. Sheep following incorrect information. What happened to thinking.

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This is poignant and relevant. You speak for so many parents who feel abandoned by medicine and psychology. Can you convince your son to take a break from this therapy and help you with a project, work on sorting through old family photos, anything? The university environment is also to blame for the situation. Bessel van der Kolk's book about anxiety & PTSD, The Body Keeps the Score, is a great resource. Also about how the brain recovers, Norman Doidge, MD book called The Brain That Changes Itself. Can your son take a leave from the PhD program? Can you tell him about Thalidomide, DES, Lobotomy surgeries, and other medical scandals where "the experts" were wrong? You'll find links and info on these at my blog,

uteheggengrasswidow.wordpress.com Please come over and comment, continue to tell about your story. You and your son deserve better. Ute

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Thank you, you are Brave and I applaud you.

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