It's easy to understand why someone would push the trans movement. It's also easy to arrest it given time and perseverance.

First, remove any belief that there is a god, and you're left with the conclusion that you are your own God and don't have any rules to obey save those you find the most attractive.

Second, let kids make their own decisions at a young age, which includes all those choices that can either lead to success and/or failure. Even permanent lifelong failure is an option since you'll never be able to make a law to stop surgical intervention happening everywhere, and parents are usually as dumb as the kids they raise. Why else would so many letters to this page be filled with parents who ignored the media on this altogether and got blindsided to how therapists and schools were pushing this movement until it affected them personally?!

Third and most crucial, make those who regret their irreversible decision become a living, breathing billboard of what a walking mistake looks like!

These detransitioners should serve as an example to what stupidity will lead to at a young age. Their stories should be heard and understood in the classrooms, the pulpits and throughout the media so other young impressionable types can be imprinted with their thinking to alert their good sense of well being to danger. And given the chance to catwalk before a new class of potential transition fools, the truth about what a BAD choice will get you will be more powerful than any propaganda the kids are receiving today about the whole operation.

It's no different than former drug addicts or convicts telling their stories at schools to inform kids what a life of crime and vice will get you in the end.

The lesson is not to prevent kids from transitioning after a certain age, some will always be lost causes, just make it so that they realize they need to pay it forward to the next generation to try and stop at least some from making the same mentally insane error that they did.

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Politics trumps religious belief ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Religious belief is a choice, just like one chooses their politics.

It's always the other guys that's bullshit, never one's own.

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It's a cult. Not quite a religion of its own, gender just gloms on to yours.

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Thank you...thank you....thank you

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One of the key tools in the anti-trans closet is humor. We need to remember that the trans are desperate for us to take them seriously. We need to stop taking them seriously, and to start laughing at them.

In this regard, I am starting a movement to call all trans "women" "Loretta". This is in reference to the famous scene in "Life of Brian" where the male actor reveals that he wants to have a baby, and to use the name "Loretta". So, if you are a trans woman, you are "Loretta" to me.

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I appreciate the intention of this letter and agree that clergy need to be called to account for their support of this harmful ideology. Please, though, stop using terms like "LGBTIQ+" when what you mean is "transgender activists" or "gender ideologues." The conflation of the historical gay community with the current madness was/is a strategy on the part of trans activists to elicit sympathy from unthinking progressives; what they now promote has nothing to do with what lesbians and gay men fought for in decades past. In fact, trans ideology disproportionately harms females, and especially lesbians, of whom I am one. So, please stop implying through use of this bastardized acronym that we support harmful gender ideology. An effective resistance cannot be rooted in the language trans activists strategically promote. (This includes adopting "preferred pronouns" as a gesture of "respect." Endorsing a lie is not respectful; it is, in fact, actively harmful in elevating delusion over material reality.)

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It was an evasive non-answer. I went away not knowing if there is a policy or not. Beyond using sex-observed-at birth, and not using preferred pronouns I don’t know what else the school can do. I doubt the policy is to call out the student in any way. What piqued my interest in the school was last year I happened to see a work sheet in my granddaughter’s school bag that was published by an SEL group.

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I’m not sure your faith in the good faith and sincerity of these pro-trans-the-kids is warranted. It makes for a nice essay but I suspect these “religious leaders “ aren’t really so ignorant. They know who butters their bread and they step in line. I gather the Russian clergy had their yes men under the communists, too. Fake religious leaders cater to the Regime. Nothing new, nothing innocent, nothing noble.

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I agree. Like many politicians, some religious (and secular church-like) leaders embrace this ideology (and other forms of “woke”) with willful ignorance because it advances their status as leaders of like-minded flock. It’s about ego, not truth nor any nobler explanation.

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If one is deeply in a particular political identity, the politics and team override individual thought.

In this situation the Western progressives have allowed the trans movement to team up. For every rational question about the explosion of trans youth there's a pat (and easily debunked) answer. They trust their "in" group and look no further. It's more human nature and wanting to fit in than deliberate malice. Nobody wants to step up and be the Democratic Party version of Liz Cheney and be cast out.

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I want to step up and be the Democratic Party version of Liz Cheney and be cast out. So, increasingly, do many others. I want to live by principle more than I want to belong to a mindless herd.

I agree with what you're saying about human nature and (general, though not universal) lack of malice. But having now seen clearly that -- as an army travels on its stomach -- this ideology travels on idiot compassion, we need to call each other to a more conscious, less credulous response. We are, after all (at least ostensibly) capable of rationality and principled choice and thus able to extricate ourselves from embracing and perpetuating harm. We should quit indulging less in ourselves and others.

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When God is Absent in Our Life: Evil becomes the way of life!

• We cannot permit what the Church forbids.

• We cannot forbid what the Church permits.

• We must protect all Human Life, from Conception to Natural Death.

• Man’s laws cannot make moral what God has declared immoral. Even if sin is “legalized” by Man’s Laws, it is still a sin in the eyes of God.

• God’s own Word shall never change, no matter what his creation, which is humankind, deems as the new ‘reality’!

• GOD will NEVER approve of what GOD has condemned since the beginning of time, no matter what Man-Made laws are passed!

• “Yes, we are to love God and love each other. But if we love God, we will seek to obey His Word. Jesus told us, ‘If you love Me, keep My commandments’ (John 14:15). God defines what is sin, not us; and His Word is clear that homosexuality is sin,” – Franklin Graham

• The Ten Commandments were not created to be a pick-and-choose salad bar.

• Where does it say that GOD’s OWN Commandments shall be periodically updated?

• Where in the Bible does it say that GOD will allow YOU to decide, (or vote on) which of the Ten Commandments are currently relevant?

1. Any so-called “christian church” that accepts abortion, suicide, euthanasia, transgenderism, and/or homosexuality as an accepted practice, is NOT CHRISTIAN!

2. Abortion, euthanasia, suicide, transgenderism, and homosexuality are ALWAYS SINS!

3. Any person or church that accepts “chrislam” or “christianized islam” as an accepted practice and belief is NOT CHRISTIAN!

4. Anyone who supports any of the above is giving homage to Satan!

It is: “Love the sinner, but hate the sin!” -- St. Augustine of Hippo, 354 – 430 AD

Islam rejects God as a Father, Islam rejects Jesus as the divine Son of God and Islam rejects the Jewish people as the ancient inheritors of God’s promises. There is now a heretical movement that is quickly infecting the “christian” church with its creeping influence, called “Chrislam” that we must stop.

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Opposition to the dreadful trans mutilation is not a religious issue. Religious wackadoodles are not helping.

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Not all "Religious" are "wackadoodles" just like all people don't bite tires!

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No, true. But the religious wacks on this site are damaging the real thing that is needed - solidarity. I don't care what kind of crap you believe in. Don't go on and on about Geezus and that kind of stuff. The bullshit about the "commandments from gawd" is moronic and unhelpful.

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Believe whatever you want. I really don't care. But the aggressive gawd-blather is not helpful, and is off-putting for those of us who are not gawd-deranged.

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Islam does none of the things you say it does! Pitt is turning into an extremist hate group.

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Yes, I would HATE getting my head cut off!


The name of the self-proclaimed false ‘prophet’ Mohammad is found in only 4 places in the entire koran, but the name of Jesus (‘Isa’) is found in 25 places. The koran gives more preference to the name of Jesus!

However, Islam denies that Jesus is the Son of God, His Deity, Crucifixion, and His Death & Resurrection, however Islam makes Jesus into a barbarian Warlord who will return to kill us.

Islam also claims that their ‘Isa’ was just another prophet, however they do admit that Isa could and did perform miracles, such as the Apocryphal boy Jesus turning clay birds that He had formed, into living creatures.

In two places in the koran, Mohammad openly admitted he (Mohammad) could do no miracles to show any proof of divinity or divine calling (Surah 17:90-95; and 3:183, also see: 29:50-51)

Muslims falsely believe that ‘Isa’ is the same person as Jesus of Nazareth described in the New Testament, however Isa has does NOT have the same attributes as Jesus.

BTW: The actual Arabic language term for Jesus as used by Arab Christians is Yasū’ (Yasu’ with a line above the ‘u’) Pronounced “Ya-sue-a” (with a short a)

Mohammad was both “DIED and BURIED” in Medina and also “ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN” from the Dome of the Rock Mosque, immediately after depositing his footprints on the rock. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MOSQUE WAS NOT STARTED UNTIL 689! (Recall that Mohammad died in 632, that’s a difference of Fifty-Seven years later!)

It is a distance of over 750 miles from Medina to Jerusalem by today’s roads – Now that’s a real “miracle”!

The koranic imitation ‘Jesus’ (Isa) has many special features like he was born without the assistance of a man and that the Moslem “god” created him from a part of his own spirit and that the devil didn’t dare to touch him after he was born.

But Mohammad, “‘allah’s’ Final Messenger”, was born as a ‘normal’ human being, with ONLY ‘normal’ human abilities, and died (from complications of a low dose of poison, after suffering greatly for three years after being poisoned by a Jewish woman at Khyber) and was buried as all normal human flesh!

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You need to talk to an imam. You are deeply confused.

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Then you know NOTHING about the REAL Islam!

I have STUDIED Islam since just after the Feb. 26, 1993 World Trade Center Bombing. That’s over twenty-five years! That’s longer than most College Students have been alive.

“I have studied the koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that, by and large, there have been few religions in the world as deadly to man as that of Muhammad…

I, therefore, regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress!”

-- Alexis de Tocqueville

Alexis, I concur completely!

Although believers of Islam, may think or say whatever they want to about Islam, it doesn’t change what Islam says about itself. As a documented ideology the Qu’ran, Hadiths, Surah, and the other OFFICIAL Books concerning Islam, Islam exists independently of anyone’s opinion. As such, it may be studied objectively, apart from how anyone practices or chooses to interpret it.

The Qur’an plainly teaches that it is not only proper to kill in the name of Allah, but that it is required. Not all Muslims believe in killing over their religion, they may feel that way, however, it is out of ignorance of exactly what Islam teaches. Perhaps it is because they are more loyal to the moral law written in their hearts than they are to the details laid out by Muhammad. Those who put Islam first or know Islam about best, believe otherwise, that killing in the name of Allah is REQUIRED!

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You need to calm down and get back on topic. This isn't a place to be a religious bigot.

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If these gawd-deranged zealots wish to take comfort in religion, fine. But I grow weary of the claim that the trans holocaust is due to our failure to become gawd-deranged. I'm an atheist. I oppose trans because I believe in reason and truth.

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Wow, this thread sure is something. Jokers to the left of me, clowns to right . . .

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Southern Baptist. There is an association, and a doctrine to which members agree, but no close oversight. I am sure if a SBC (Southern Baptist Convention member) went rogue there would be talk, but Brother Mike has no boss, per se. As a matter of interest, our pastor is going to be nominated to “run” for president of the Florida SBC chapter. He was out of divinity school only a few years, and was 2 years younger than church by-laws required, but we voted to offer him the position of pastor. That was over 2 years ago, and we’ve never regretted it or looked back.

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Are these the same clergy that think abortion is "okay"?

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Yes. The Episcopal Church, and several other progressive churches (PCUSA, United Methodist, and just about every denomination that has the word "united" in its name) approve of abortion while claiming to be Christian. They're wolves, deceiving the sheep.

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This is so beautifully written. Thank you.

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say No, to bait and switch. that one minute such a things is acceptable ( lie) then later tell of the danger and harm

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Wow, thank you for those references & congratulations on accepting nonconforming behaviour. I think if parents were more tolerant of sons growing long hair & painting their nails ( for example), fewer children would suddenly disappear at 18. Let teens be a little wild & crazy & even genderfluid without medicalizing it or tolerating drugs & other destructive abuse.

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Deborah, personally I disagree. First, I think many of the trans identifying kids come from liberal progressive families that have no problem with long hair/nail polish in boys. Second, as much as I hate the overuse of this phrase , it's a slippery slope. Today a boy wants to paint his nails. Tomorrow he will put on a dress. The day after a bra to make the dress fit better. Third, let's say his parents are fine with hair/nails so he goes out with long hair , skirt. painted nails. He will be either teased mercilessly or encouraged in a fake saccarin way. It will not go unnoticed. He will either hate the attention and feel shamed (Which may lead him to wanting to actually look like a woman and blend in as one) or enjoy the attention (with the same result). There may be a high price to pay for such unconventional presentation so I can understand why parents would be worried. We don't live in an ideal world and should no sacrifice our children to the idea that the ideal world can be built with their help.

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Moomin, I was thinking of the parents here who are shocked when their children disappear. People need a time in life to experiment, to make mistakes, to defy convention. If parents can overcome their own embarrassment & need for control , kids can get some of the craziness out before they leave home. Let your son wear a dress. Who cares? Medicalization is the enemy, the real danger. Don't set up a power contest that you will lose.

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Studies show that social transition very often leads to medicalization. If that's the case then we should care. Shouldn't we? As for kids dissapearing, that's equal opportunity as well. Its not happening to rural conservative parents only. Start at the begining of PITT and read up 'til now.

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I have read PITT. I have read about some parents excoriating their children's nonconforming appearances & wondering why their children ghost them. Find a middle ground, say social transition, and stay in touch. Saying you'll never accept transition drives them further into transition & away from you. You won't stop a true transsexual man from transitioning. I don't understand the nonbinary girls I'm encountering, but I'm certain they need love as well. Give them all the facts & let them decide. I can't imagine how difficult that will be, but it's better than alienating them. Unless you really can't love their transitioning selves. sigh.

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That may be true- or false-- but you still have to deal with the 16 year old boy.

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The co-morbidity with ADHD, OCD, ASD makes it like an addiction. Transition is happiness, (just look at the influencers online who tell you it's euphoria, and that normal people have euphoria, all you need to do is change your sex!) and you just need to do it more to get the happiness part. If people would lurk on the transing reddits, or watch the influencer videos they'd see the way transition is pushed. And the data about how so many kids who get puberty blockers move right to wrong sex hormones and end up sterilized should be a big flashing caution sign.

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I can't agree that co- morbidities are like addiction. Comorbidities need to be treated as the top priority, not the trans desire. I see it as escapism & a social contagion. I wonder about medical problems in the future, but I think the current gender movement is here to stay. I don't begin to understand what a nonbinary woman is.Maybe a nonbinary person who presents as femme.

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As much as you're right about transgenderism, this is all of a piece with the church accepting homosexuality. Once you abandon the teaching of Scripture that God created human beings male and female for lifelong marriage between a man and a woman, you open the door to anything and everything that will walk through it. Revolutionaries are always surprised by the more radical revolutionaries that come after them, ignoring the fact that they are walking in on the ruins of the barricades they themselves smashed.

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Exactly. Before this, gay pride was all the rage using the SAME tactics as the current pride generation.

They perfected change management and social manipulation, peer pressure, fundraising, attaining leadership positions and mass media promotion.

It’s been so well organized and sustained that I can’t see how it is green roots. There is big money flowing from somewhere, or more than likely, several major sources.

Once definitions of words and marriage are gone, the door is open.

We’re now seeing the fruit of gay pride labor.

A decade after gay marriage and then we get Minor Attracted. Minor Mutilation and it will not stop on its own.

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Opposing trans is not a religious stupidity. It's sensible.

When the stupidity of religious insanity is brought in, the waters are muddied.

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In addition to 'transgenderism' I am sick of the societal homophobia that some vulnerable LGBs have internalized and been driven into the arms of 'transgenderism' and its 'mutilated heterosexuality.' Stop blaming LGBs for a 'trans' 'gender identity' ideology that is primarily being driven by male, heterosexual cross-dresser sexual fetishists, autogynephiles/transvestic fetishists. Heterosexual men w/ erotic fixations that required the invention of the 'trans child' as a 'cover' and that also glommed onto and parasitized the LGB movement to conflate, confuse, and obfuscate who they are. These men now call themselves 'transgender' but they are the same male fetishists they've always been. See conmeninconservdresses and Redux.info, and research 'transwidows,' also see Richard 'Rachel' Levine, Bruce 'Caitlin' Jenner, and see billionaires James 'Jennifer' Pritzker and Martin 'Martine' Rothblatt at The 11th Hour blog to name some of these men--all of whom were married and fathered children before they became 'trans.' And see this excellent interview w/ Helen Joyce, author of the book, 'Trans, When Ideology Meets Reality' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xUrtNW6Fzo in which she discusses who these men are and why the invention of the 'trans child.'

Being LGB requires no fake names or fraudulent pronouns or dangerous exongenous, cross-sex hormones or mutilating surgeries to be authentic. It does require courage and personal integrity to 'be' as god or nature made you w/o apology or medicalization.

No church has to perform same-sex marriage but some choose to do it. But what no religion can do is unduly insert itself into matters of the state--we all have to live under those laws and we do not all subscribe to the same beliefs. And given that being LGB is a sexual orientation based on the material reality of sex and 'trans' is an 'identity' based on the invented and incoherent 'gender identity' and no material reality I should think most people could see that they are two different things.

But being LGB is no longer okay and instead schools and online hucksters preach that 'trans' is the thing now and it will solve all of your problems and some vulnerable young people fall for it. But 'trans' is regressive and homophobic and misogynist to its core and male fetishes and paraphilias are not worthy of separate civil rights protection under the guise of 'gender identity.'

As Stella O'Malley said at the recent Genspect conference in Ireland when asked what is the one thing she wants people to take away from the conference and she said: 'That trans is not about being gay.' Women's rights and LGB rights are sex-based and when homophobic people target LGBs and blame them for the behavior of men w/ sexual fetishes they have missed the mark.

Thank you for this article. Most LGBs don't support 'trans' and its destructive homophobic and misogynist ideology.

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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023

Amen. A message to all the heterosexual supremacists who are noisily decrying gay rights in this thread: of course you're entitled to express your opinions, but when you get the chance, could you please come and collect all these other heterosexual supremacists who are currently inflicting themselves on the LGB community? They're not ours and we don't want them. Like, this ex-military dude in the wig over here, Xena Alysse Lovecraft or Athena Zoë Mayday or whatever he's calling himself? The one who truly and deeply believes that women exist to serve men and lesbians just haven’t been screwed by the right penis yet? He's yours. Take him back. Just wipe the lipstick off of him, make him sit through a few Bible study sessions, and he'll fit right in.

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I assure you that trans "lesbians" and trans "gay men" despise homosexuals every bit as much as you do, and honestly, they're a far worse blight on the LGB community than anything you churchy-bibley-jesusy sorts ever managed.

I understand that from your perspective, a pervert is a pervert, and variations within this category are at most a minor detail. But from my perspective, a homophobe is a homophobe, and a male supremacist is a male supremacist. The Christian conservatives who bark and howl about sodomites and feminazis and the trans activists who froth at the mouth whenever a lesbian tells them "no" are like Doctor Doolittle's pushmi-pullyu: one faces left, one faces right, but they're two inseparable halves of the same absurd creature.

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I’m amused by Andrew Sullivan, one of the architects of SSM. Now he’s bemoaning the depredations of transgenderism, the very thing his radical activism helped so much to bring about.

In the celebration and exultation following Obergefell, I read numerous articles stating that we hadn’t seen nothing yet, that in the wake of the ruling they were going to keep following through to “burn up the binary.”

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See this excellent interview w/ Helen Joyce, author of the book, 'Trans, When Ideology Meets Reality' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xUrtNW6Fzo in which she discusses who these men are who are driving the 'trans' movement (male, heterosexual cross-dresser sexual fetishists) and why the invention of the 'trans child.' Don't blame LGBs for the actions of male, heterosexual fetishists, the autogynphiles/transvestic fetishists. Most LGBs don't support 'trans' 'gender identity' ideology--it is misogynist and homophobic.

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He is a perfect example.

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Oh, so it's a sin to be single now. You're fun.

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Stop gaslighting. You know that's not what Susanna meant. Of course, there are single people in God's world. The Bible calls them to serve God full time to avoid being distracted by spouses and children. This is a special calling, for which God gives grace to resist sexual temptation. If one cannot resist sexual temptation, then God's word says they should marry (one man, one woman). This is explicitly clear in the Bible (see 1 Corinthians 7:1-9). Returning to Susanna's point, she is absolutely right about the underlying deception in all LGBTQI+ ideology. As a culture, we stepped on the slippery slope of accepting LGB, but now we find ourselves at the bottom with TQI, and whatever other alphabet distinctions this ideology wants to throw in. It's one and the same lie. And there will always be wolves in churches who will try to deceive the sheep. That's why we must all read and study the Bible: to know truth from error. Unfortunately, we have become a Biblically illiterate society, as clearly demonstrated by the affirmation of LGB, but the impulse to deny T.

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So illiterate we participate in OTHER RELIGIONS. This is America. Land of the Free. Stop pushing your narrow view. I was raised Episcopalian, so I'm familiar with tolerant Christians

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On what basis do you claim to be a Christian if not on what the Bible says? The Bible reveals Christ. Without the Bible, there's no Christianity. You can't make up your own Jesus and think that's Christian worship. The Episcopal Church has strayed from Biblical truth for decades. It's not even Christian anymore. By all means, go ahead and worship whoever and however you want, but don't call it Christian. And don't be surprised when we lose our kids to sexual insanity because we didn't tell them the truth about God's wonderful design as He so clearly reveals in His word. We told them lies and didn't educate them properly on how to know spiritual truth. No wonder they're so confused.

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I'm Buddhist but I love Jesus. You don't own him personally. He belongs to the world.

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Jesus said He is not of this world. He belongs to no one. We belong to Him, but only if you have a genuine faith in Him, according to who He says He is, as revealed in the Bible. What you love is what you make up about Jesus that suits your own ideas. It's a form of narcissistic idolatry.

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Very illiterate indeed, wolves for sure, deceivers who are deceived

one book: Holy Bible, one Savior: Jesus Christ, one God: Holy Yeshua

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Many books, many faiths. We don't live in a theocracy.

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