lol go away consider yourself reported hate talk goodbye I’ve never been a ember of any cult

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Report me all you want. I didn't do anything to threaten you, and you're being way too sensitive. Let me remind you that you are posting all these disparaging comments on a post about Democrats and promoting a website for Democrats. Your comments aren't constructive, so take your hatred of Democrats somewhere else.

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Oh ok sorry I shouldn’t read posts before coffee!!! Have a good day

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I do t support anything he does and he is not running the country.

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I love Trump and voting for him definitely. My comment to someone else was in defence of him.

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How do you like being part of a cult?

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Go away and stop threatening me or I’ll report you

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What threat? I just stated that I believe you are in a cult, and no threat was implied. You are free to disagree with me, of course, but I have my reasons for believing Trump has a cult following. Not everyone who supports him could be considered a cult member, but I think the vast majority fit the bill.

If you want evidence, here you go— in the words of cult expert Steven Hassan:

Cult leaders may seem crazy, but they are cunning masters of manipulation, employing an arsenal of these techniques to render their followers dependent and obedient. It’s what I call the cult leader’s playbook.

Like Jim Jones and other cult leaders, Trump exhibits features of what psychologist Erich Fromm called “malignant narcissism”—bombastic grandiosity, a bottomless need for praise, lack of empathy, pathological lying, apparent sadism, and paranoia. In short, he fits the stereotypical psychological profile of a cult leader.

Trump has gotten where he is today in large part because he has exploited tactics straight out of that playbook. These include his grandiose claims, his practice of sowing confusion, his demand for absolute loyalty, his tendency to lie and create alternative “facts” and realities, his shunning and belittling of critics and ex-believers, and his cultivating of an “us versus them” mindset. These are the same methods used by Moon, Jones, and other cult leaders such as L. Ron Hubbard (Scientology), David Koresh (Branch Davidians), Lyndon LaRouche (LaRouche PAC), and, most recently, convicted trafficking felon Keith Raniere (NXVIM).

Of all these tactics, the “us versus them” mindset is probably one of the most effective. From the moment you are recruited into a cult, you are made to feel special, part of an “inside” group in opposition to unenlightened, unbelieving, dangerous “outsiders.” Playing on ancient human tribal tendencies, cult leaders extend this “us versus them” mindset outwards to an almost cosmic struggle.

Trump sees a world teeming with enemies: the “deep state,” globalists, radical left-wing Democrats, socialists, Hollywood actors, the liberal media. And, of course, Muslims, Mexicans, and migrant caravans. He depicts all of them as wanting to destroy America—and him. Inspiring or creating fear of real or imagined threats overrides people's sense of agency. It makes them susceptible to the confident father figure, Trump, who promises to keep them safe—“Only I can fix it”—and makes them more compliant and potentially obedient.

(You can order his book here: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-Cult-of-Trump/Steven-Hassan/9781982127343)

Not convinced? How about reading what historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat has to say on the subject:

The genius of the “big lie” was not only that it sparked a movement that ended up with January 6 to physically allow him to stay in office. But psychologically the “big lie” was very important because it prevented his propagandized followers from having to reckon with the fact that he lost. And it maintains him as their hero, as their winner, as the invincible Trump, but also as the wronged Trump, the victim. Victimhood is extremely important for all autocrats. They always have to be the biggest victim.

So the “big lie” maintained Trump’s personality cult versus seeing him as just another president who was voted out of office. Americans traditionally always accepted that when your time is up, no matter how popular you were, you were gone. Trump disrupted that because he’s different from any other president, Republican or Democrat. He’s an authoritarian, and they can’t leave office. They don’t have good endings and they don’t leave properly. And I predicted — I had to turn in [my] book in the summer of 2020 — and I just predicted that he wouldn’t leave in a quiet manner. The “big lie” allowed him to psychologically never leave. So he’s in this kind of limbo. As an authoritarian, his other job has been to make sure to keep hold of the party so no rivals emerge, so that he could [not] be eclipsed by a younger version of himself. And that would be DeSantis.

The GOP was already going away from a democratic political culture, but he accelerated it and normalized extremism and normalized lawlessness. And so the GOP over these years has truly, in my estimation, become an authoritarian far-right party.

(For the full interview: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/04/16/history-shows-trump-personality-cult-end-00024941)

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Oh well I do have a low opinion of some women. I wonder how many men have made that statement but were not recorded ! I had a friend and we went to a famous restaurant bar in Palm Springs we were dancing on the floor I lost sight of her and later on she told me some guy grabbed her there … I said… did you punch him

And she said “No it felt good”!!! So quit demonizing him for one stupid statement recorded it’s getting old

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He demonizes himself. It's far more than one stupid statement!

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I’m not a democrat any more, not since I voted for the peanut farmer in the first election I was eligible to participate in but I am moved by your story and happy to hear about your aspirations to rally against this insanity. It is cruel, unjust, destructive and not in keeping with the Hippocratic Oath.

I wish you untold success. Your victory will be a victory for all, right or left leaning.

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Just imagine how many more parents you could have involved if you didn’t make it political. I wish you the best but you’ll never get anywhere if you keep democrat in the name especially since it was the democrats who supported and pushed for this cult. No one will ever trust you!!

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The website being promoted here is for Democrats who want to influence our political party leadership, because most of us Democrats don't believe in the far left's gender ideology. That's why it's political. We Democrats are in the best position to influence our own political party. Democratic leaders are certainly not interested in what Republicans have to say.

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Hi,in I retested to know of your son is now wanting to transition again 😩😩💔💔💔😩😩

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That was a moving essay to introduce a timely and important project. Well done! I'm with you all the way.

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I don’t understand how you could still support and stand with the Democratic Party. They did this. They support this. They push this in our schools. How can you still call yourself a democrat? You and your party are responsible for this mess and pain all of us parents are going through. Wake up and smell the coffee!! If you keep voting democrat this will continue and how many more children will be brutalized and how many more families will be destroyed by you and your party?

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So tired of the "I'm not like the unreasonable right-wing idiots who don't believe in gender ideology, I'm an educated, reasonable, virtuous Democrat who doesn't believe in gender ideology."

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If you vote Democrat you are supporting all the evil things they stand for including abortive and gender ideology! Whether you personally are against it your party is for it and therefore you encourage it

Don’t you see that?

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I think you misunderstood my comment. I do NOT vote Democrat. I am tired of reading letters in Pitt from left wing individuals who quickly divorce themselves from the “stupid conservatives” who don’t support gender ideology so as to virtue signal their political correctness.

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Yes, it's so annoying. The persons who proudly proclaim themselves "still Democrats" obviously are oblivious to the destruction on children directly from the D Party.

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You gotta dance with him whut brung ya.

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Democratic Party policy is full support of trannie delusions. In many Dem states, deluded confused children may transition without parental approval. In some Democratic states, children can be taken away if parents do not agree to trannie insanity.

The Democratic Party supports trannie insanity. The GOP does not.

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Yes, good effort, but why for Dems, why not for everyone?

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Because even faced with the mutalation of kids they still want to divide and separate.

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Or, because they want this to end and if you don't stop the Dems from promoting this, it'll go on and on and more kids will be harmed. If your party had one or two issues you disagreed with, would that make you a Democrat? I highly doubt it. People have been sold a lie, but they don't know it. You can't vote your way out of this. You have to actually open people's eyes and get them to see what's happening. Losing an election will not change this party. They'll dig in deeper. They'll say what they need to to get re-elected, but you won't see large-scale change.

Your answer was simplistic and divisive. You have no rational well thought-out solution. This group is trying to change people's understanding and promoting evidence-based medicine. I joined and I'll do what I can to try to make an actual difference.

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Never been a Dem and never will be, but I certainly applaud your efforts here. I think where I most agree is that this is an issue that transcends the left and right. I like the term ex-Democrat or disaffected liberal because I think the less we get into Dem/Repub camps the better off our country is. It's a false dichotomy to get us distracted and hating each other.

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I agree but that’s the system we have now to affect change. Voting Democrat or anything else except Republican will continue this nonsense of gender fluidity!!!

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George Washington was adamantly opposed to political parties but ppl are by nature tribal so his advice was unheeded. Turns out he was right. There are levels of conservative as well as liberal. I am primarily conservative but don’t agree with every Republican. I think I’m more libertarian but that party has never gained much traction. It’s high time the division between the right and left was narrowed. Centrist is more in keeping with the majority of ppl.

Regardless, this topic is so toxic and destroys young ppl and their families that I’m glad she’s organizing against it.

I can’t be happier and wish them great and expedient success. It would be a win for everyone.

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I'm voting for RFK Jr.

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I think he’s a good person but he’s a supporter of most Dem protects what is his stance on gender ? He’s like Nikki Haley just muddying the water they have no chance of winning

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I like him but he doesn’t have a good record on the border so you should really look into all his policies before you vote

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I agree that in the past RFK didn't share our (aka, the right) perspective on immigration. But he recently visited the southern border and now says that he would shut the border down on his first day as President. (see https://www.kennedy24.com/border)

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I think he would great as secretary of health overseeing the cdc and fda I’m not sold on him as president. Thanks for the link I haven’t seen this yet.

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Well if you vote with your emotions your vote is not grounded on facts! Despite what you think about him he is not vile he is against trans and he put our country ahead of his personal gain which the Democrats have not. If you listen to Liberal nonsense you are part of the problem.

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Wait, what? TRUMP is not vile? You must be living under a boulder.

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I want to join! Absolutely!

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I think I am done being a democrat. Biden has completely destroyed my faith in the party. I hope this new group will make a difference.

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This Dem party is run by extreme left it’s not the party of Kennedy. Although I never voted Dem I liked Kennedy cause I was too young to but then. But if you look at Kennedy morals he was what they accuse Trump of now. No one is perfect but Trump loves America and that’s why they hate him!

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