Last night I saw the movie A Man Named Otto, starring Tom Hanks, and produced by his wife Rita Wilson. This is an adaptation from the Swedish novel by Fredrik Backman published in 2012 that was later adapted into a 2015 foreign film of the same name directed by Hannes Holm. I read Backman's book many years ago and loved it. I saw the movie clip for A Man Named Otto back in November and December and was looking forward to its release this past week. My 75-year-old friend, Jeanne went with me to see this movie.
It's a story about of a cantankerous old man who is bitter and angry because his wife died six-months earlier and he takes it out on the world around him. His neighbors are kind to him and try to engage in conversations with him, but he continues his grumpy disposition.
In A Man Called Ove, there is a character named Adrian who is a twenty-something year old who wants to fix a bike. Ove initially dismisses him as just being a troublemaking youngster. However, Ove later learns that Adrian wants to fix the bike for his girlfriend and that this kid is working multiple jobs. While visiting him at an eatery he works for, Ove encounters Mirsad, Adrian’s co-worker and a gay man. Later on, Mirsad is thrown out of his house by his homophobic father, and Ove, initially reluctantly, lets him stay over for a while.
In A Man Called Otto, this same character is named Malcolm, but he is "trans" and openly professes this to Otto.
I was shocked, horrified and so very uncomfortable to hear these words in this movie. I have a nephew who is caught in the snares of the trans-ideology cult. Six-months ago, I began educating my 75-year-old friend about the transgender cult, which she knew nothing about until I told her. She clutched my arm when the words "I am trans" were spoken on this big screen, in a movie with my favorite actor, Tom Hanks. I could hardly breathe at first—then I became angry that Tom and Rita are supporters of this cult enough to portray this type of character in their movie. My friend once said to me "How can people think that God made a mistake and put the wrong sex in the wrong body?" Exactly!
In this movie version, Malcolm, plays the role of a girl becoming a boy: short hair, baggy clothes, but what was missing was "that voice" that comes from females taking testosterone. Malcolm continues to function like Mirsad in the original movie but later on in the story her/him dad kicks her/him out of his house for being trans and Otto allows her/him to stay at his home.
I just want all of you to be aware that this is portrayed in this movie, so it doesn’t take you by surprise, like it did me. The story itself is lovely and a heart-warming story. Several times my eyes watered and my heart swelled, despite the afore-mentioned trans issue. The fact that Hanks and Wilson embraced this cult, and millions will see this film, it sends the wrong message. I woke up this morning and knew I had to get the word out—A Man Named Otto is supporting the cult and passing it off as normal. Heartbreaking.
After the movie, my friend Jeanne and I went to dinner. We could hardly wait to discuss the movie and the "trans" role. We were both very upset and could not understand why they didn't just leave the original character as being gay? Hollywood is not our friend, big pharmaceutical companies are not our friend, political figures are not our friend, therapists and doctors and teachers are not our friend if they support this trans-ideology way of thinking. We must continue this fight together.
Boycott this movie; spread the word. It is being portrayed as a family movie and we all know that Hanks draws a big crowd. For any child who sees this movie and is confused or being groomed into believing the trans lie, this will further push them in that direction. And why wouldn’t it when our hero, Tom Hanks, embraces it right there on the big screen? Shame on Hanks and his wife. If they took the time to do their research they would never have allowed this into their movie.
Hank’s character, Otto, follows all the rules to a “T”. He is a bit on the OCD side but does not question the Malcolm character when he says he is trans. Why? How? Very out of character for the pragmatic Otto in my opinion and yet another reason to boycott this film.
I think what Tom Hanks and Hollywood is missing altogether (maybe on purpose or out of lack of real interest) is the devastation that this trans movement is causing on the families of these kids, from the moment one comes out. It's like the real problem is the lack of acceptance from society and parents. No, the real problem is the harm done to young minds and bodies and the estrangement that is forced on these kids and the constant portrayal of parents as being the enemy. I read the book, I loved the book, I saw the movie and I cried. Because I have one of these kids and I would hate the idea of her ever being in the position of asking for shelter from a grumpy old man. I would never kick my self-identfied ROGD trans kid out of my house. I am doing my best to hang on to her. But no, the problem is not the lack of acceptance, cause I accept my kid with good and bad, I just have to deal with myheartache, my mental health, my fear, my devastation at the thought that now that she's 18, she has the "opportunity" to maim her body and make herself steryle. That is the real problem and I hope one day someone will tell THAT story.
I was such a fan if the book and the excellent Swedish film. I was so disappointed. In my mind Otto would find it utterly ridiculous that someone thought they could change sex.