Parents with current young children: what questions are you asking your pediatrician to determine their clinic’s stance on this? I’m at the point where I will be doctor shopping if my kids’ current pediatrician goes along with this. It’s hard because I am medical - you just follow policies and procedures, but the current stuff being recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics is… junk.

Please offer suggestions, I have 3 years to find a new one. Some questions I am considering:

1) Do you believe biology affects one’s gender or is biology completely untethered to one’s gender identity?

2) If a patient admits to you they feel like the opposite sex, what is this clinic’s stance or policy in treatment?

3) Do you have a list of therapists or therapies you recommend for these patients - is it available to the public?

4) do you follow the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations in these cases?

Any advice you all have is greatly appreciated, especially if anyone has done this before. So weird to have to do.

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Trump didn’t make Trump the boogeyman foil for trans-activists. The media carried that water, and the Democrats were happy to place themselves on the “compassionate” side of the campaign without thinking through the consequences of their actions. Driving wedges between groups and identity politics has been the base of Democrat politics and social activists for decades. Making Trump the spring board for these activists was part of a larger planned movement. Much of which, the author had already alluded to. Number 10 should have been: Legacy media props up social activists.

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This is my point. I'm not interested in finger pointing or blame gaming.

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Many good points. Regarding Trump are you saying that the Democrats are in favor of destroying children's lives just to prove they do not support Trump. Biden inviting trans people to white house celebrations and making a display of it promotes a pro trans agenda. I wish the democrats had the guts to speak against this even if it meant they supported Trump on this idea. The real problem is lack of common sense and adults on the left fearing what others think. JUST SPEAK AGANIST THIS EVIL.

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The mother of all of this is cultural Marxism.

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You lost me at Trump. TDS is real.

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Good job, so helpful. This one's a keeper. I especially appreciate the "Mindlessness" problem that's enabled trans, and several other very bad ideas to go unchecked, unstudied and unchallenged. Many people are too overwhelmed to think; they are getting news, updates, info, ideas, stories, soundbites, at fire-hose volume. Add to that their real fear of saying/doing/feeling anything wrong and getting shouted off the "team." The lack of curiosity that can be witnessed in my beautiful, blue west coast bubble is astounding, even if I do understand it.

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Great analysis. Re: the analysis of Trump and the Republicans, I would note that Trudeau's Liberals in Canada have also embraced the madness of sterilizing children and cutting off healthy body parts of teens and adults. And Canada has no Trump-like person in politics. I would also suggest the size of the U.S. and the lack of centralized healthcare may continue to contribute to the "head-in-the-sand" stance of many so-called health professionals. In the UK, the NHS can perhaps establish policy in ways that thousands of separate hospitals and health insurance companies cannot. It would be easier to question the policies of the NHS (in the UK) than to take on policies of thousands of U.S. affiliated centres. Then again, Canada has provincial healthcare bodies in each province and they also have signed onto this rubbish, so maybe that's not the answer. Some food for thought at least.

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Not just the social media, but the handheld anxiety machines through which it came. Not just the clinicians and therapists and teachers, but the entire adminstrative class. Not just the terror of Trump, but the use of "trans kids" as a shibboleth to retain standing in the administrative class. Not just the accusations of transphobia, but the entirety of campus witch hunts and the acceptability of cancel culture to the class of Americans who run America, but who no longer believe in democracy or freedom or America. An ersatz civic religion.

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I've been following the trans ideology's conversion of minors, reading and researching intensely. My interest is because of its horrible impact on teenagers who have enough problems without this. I have a couple of thoughts.

First, It seems that many parents are giving in too easily. There has been a revolt against the stricter parenting that I grew up with, resulting in many swearing to never do that to their kids. I can't say that the stricter method was better, but it seems that it's gone too far the other way. The current situation has parents almost afraid to challenge their children. They are also too vulnerable to the guilt trip laid on their by activists saying their child will commit suicide if they don't go along with transitioning.

The other thing that is intriguing is the cult aspect. When I was young, parents were stressing over Moonies and other similar groups. Too many humans are seduced by cults that say to leave your family because it is your enemy. The Moonies hypnotized young people by "love-bombing" them which can win anybody who feels like he/she doesn't fit in.

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There is one other factor, the "need to be cool" factor. Every teen wants to be cool. When I was a teen, being cool meant long hair for guys, no bras for women, smoking dope, and free sex. I had the long hair, but not enough free sex. I smoked a little dope, dropped a little acid. Far out, babee.

Today, being cool means being queer. If you are queer, you are at the forefront of the pack. The more queer you are, the more cool you are. If you are queerer than everyone, you are a cool leader.

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Trump did not "mishandle the COVID-19 pandemic". He should have been less involved, but did a lot of good. He put "Operation Warp Speed" in place, which resulted in a vaccine in a record time. No one knew that COVID was much like influenza, in that the disease is a family of diseases, and mutates very quickly.

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I don't see "Schools" listed as a factor contributing to transmania.

In many areas children are being taught a full spectrum of gender woo as scientific fact. The curriculum may start in elementary school, long before children develop critical thinking abilities, and is often provided by the trans-pushing activist organizations themselves.

Then we have schools that think a child's gender confusion should be hidden from parents, so they keep secrets and reinforce it before a parent even knows what is going on.

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Lengthy, but comprehensive. There is indeed so much at play here & honestly it takes a while to explain to those who cannot see. Probably explains why I seem to fail so miserably & end up exhausted. Just today at work(preschool) a mom shared her concerns about how all the boys are wearing nail polish & her son’s cartoon shows show same sex characters kissing. She is shocked by the explicit books for children in the public library & her son wants to know why he can’t wear a dress to school just like ‘x’ in the other class. What’s so telling is that this was shared in a whisper. It’s an unpopular opinion to say ‘ this isn’t normal’

She is being convinced that it is.

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Section number 10 is a list of ways democrats made the problem worse.

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This is a great analysis, thank you!

I don't think the problem is that the hormones are synthetic, it's that they are the wrong levels for these people's bodies. There are normal levels of testosterone and estrogen for each person and it is sex dependent. Giving one group the levels for the other is causing an unhealthy hormonal imbalance. Doesn't matter if it's not synthetic. It's the wrong fuel if you will for their system.

It's absolute hubris to think it's fine to put a kid on these for the rest of their lives and not even track what happens to them. We already see life expectancy cut in half (Brik et Al, 2021)

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