Good to read something a little bit hopeful. I needed this. Thank you!

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As a life long democrat, I'm proud that democrats spearheaded the progress of LGB rights. We've come a long way from the 80's when kids from the neighborhood would laugh about harassing fags (as we would say). The pendulum has swung the other way with the TQIA+etc pushing for the erasure of sex among children.

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“Reddit has forty-thousand detransitioners now.” I remember joining this group last year same time and detransitioner number was close to 20,000. So that number has doubled in one year. Thank you.

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Here is the growth stats for detrans reddit.


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In this week’s top story, we learn about a new letter being added to the LGBT alphabet soup - “E” for voluntary “eunuchs.” As Nicole King writes:

“The new guidelines from WPATH [World Professional Association of Transgender Health] legitimize a movement that several other news sources have covered in recent years. A Daily Beast article devotes itself to the secret lives of ‘cutters’—the men who offer their services in castrating other men. These men get their clients online or through referrals, meet up in private homes or hotels, and use basic and easily accessible surgical equipment to remove the testicles and/or scrotum of those seeking to become eunuchs. Occasionally, something goes terribly wrong. But for the most part, claims The Daily Beast, the surgeries are successful and the clients ‘happy’ with the results.”

-- International Organization for the Family at www.profam.org or via www.ifamnews.com.

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Pretty weird.

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All this leftist crap is pretty weird!

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The tide is turning; people are waking up.

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I would add that I work with preschool kids & some of the books that are made available in my public library make my blood boil & seethe. A terrifying infiltration of tender minds. I probably would’ve ignored it if my child wasn’t a victim

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

Cult Trash:

Administrative Regulation 259 - from your article -



But, the tide is turning:

"Tennessee Introduces Legislation To Ban Trans Treatments For Minors"


They are the second after Florida.

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This is big:

"Carly knows how I feel about her identity and she still loves me. She’s not binding or harming or isolating herself. Her grades are good, we sit down for regular family dinners and she tells us what’s going on at school and with her friends."

Keep it up, mama!

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Wonderful writing and perspective. Thanks.

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Just wow. Just thank you. Just a deep welling of heart for you and your voice ringing in truth.

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this post mixes in a lot of politics & far reaching topics with the trans parents' perspective that we're used to seeing on PITT. It's like a connect the dots puzzle, but most of us connect them on our own personal values and convictions.

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I hope you're right. Some days I think it's turning. Other days, like right now, after the US midterms and my daughter having just re-cut and dyed her hair to look like a frigging homeless clown, I'm not so sure. The story about the woman with the autistic son is just frightening and awful.

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Homeless clown. That is hilarious and sad and priceless.

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Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'm about to write to my school board, and your post has given me the courage I needed.

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Yeah!! That’s great to hear. Let us know how it goes!

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I think , like most things, it comes down to evolution. Modern western society does not need young people to have many children and doesn't have enough jobs for them thanks to increasing life span and decreasing infant mortality (both are great, of course). So we need to delay teens' entrance into the workforce and reproduction. Infantilization seems to work just fine for that purpose. The trans crap can also be partially explained in evolutionary terms: We all fight for survival of our bloodline and the resources are limited. Taking a good proportion of the young fertile people out of reproductive competition leaves more resources for the rest to raise their young. Pushing young women out of reproduction, leaves more mates for other women. I wish we could explain this to our children, that they are being pushed out of life and it has nothing to do with tolerance and kindness.

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I have those thoughts/considerations sometimes too, but then I wonder is it because I cannot stop my brain from searching for answers. I’ll flip flop between delusion, pure vanity, insanity, victim hood? None of the reasons make sense.

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Hi MoominMamma, In spirit of debate, and of considering other possibilities (not attack!): I see no evidence of natural systems in play. I see orchestration and funding by forces that are trying to centralize power over humanity.

We've been SOLD the notions of scarce resources, climate terror, killer viruses, and overpopulation through the media by a small number of humans who wish to own and control both resources and humans. There's no hard and proven evidence of scarcity. We've been indoctrinated with these ideas. Properly managed, this planet is rich and big enough for all.

Increasing lifespan has been suddenly halted as a direct result of the covid shot. Not my tinfoil hat: data emerged months ago from life insurance corporations. And anyone can see via obits and videos. People are dropping dead, from stillbirths to 75. I help someone with data and the dead are astonishing.

There is no evolutionary (or other) advantage to creating populations of infertile people (via transing, pharma, or toxic environments), or people who delay reproduction too late, EXCEPT to the one-percent who wish to control humanity. Our children's infertility serves the very wealthy. They only require a specific number of humans in order to have their needs fulfilled. The numbers have already been crunched.

The same people funding covid shots are selling climate alarmism, which promotes the myths of climate crisis and limited resources. We have less a problem of limitation and scarcity than of ownership, greed, and wrongly distributed resources.

Our kids are being deliberately pushed down a path of dystopia. Kids learn nothing; they're being babysat K-12. Universities continue the infantilization. The systems behind this (curricula are created; they don't evolve) want humans who can't think, and whose attentions are slave to screens. NOTHING "natural" about any of this.

K-12 education is a relatively new concept. It could be altered according to our needs. Instead of creating legions of useless managers, bureaucrats, and humanities PhDs, we could be preparing kids for small businesses, trades, and whole-food production. But the forces behind education don't want generations of entrepreneurs, tradespeople, and farmers. We must ask why.

They ARE being pushed out of life, but not by evolution, overpopulation, or lifespan. Our kids are being pushed along a path toward dystopia. That's why senior high-schoolers are being deliberately confused about their bodies; and being treated (and educated) like five-year-olds. Easier to control drugged, addled, confused, infantilized, screen-addicted, unskilled, and uneducated people than to allow humans to wake up to their lives.

Sorry! Didn't mean to make a whole ranting diatribe. And it's not AT you! Thinking out loud. [heart emoji here!]

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Why is rather obvious. Certain elites hate independent trades and small businesses. They fell apart when Elon decided to verify identities for only 8 dollars a month for the blue checks, because that means independent journalists could compete with the same large companies that are pushing for censorship.

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Thanks, Citizen Ex-left. You may be right and sometimes I think the same. I really am not sure what the cause it. Whatever the cause, we need to fight it the same way. Whether people cheer on our kids' delusion because they want to see them fail (evolutionary advantage) or because they are confused sheep skillfully controlled by evil ideology, we need to fight back the same way. And I always welcome respectful debate, no need to apologize :) We are here to support one another, brainstorm, and figure out best way to fight this. Personally, I just want my daughter to be aware that from the evolutionary standpoint she needs to be vigilant and realize that the motivation of those around her are not always benign. No need to be paranoid but don't be too trusting.

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I’m so happy to read this!

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Such a great battle. I am reminded of Perter Boghossian as he goes around asking people tough questions to get their obstinate answer and he then asks "what would it take to change your mind or belief on that idea you hold so tightly to?" Which is always such a great question for all of us to ask ourselves. What is best? Change your body or change your mind? The answer should be obvious.

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Thank you. Love Peter boghossian. Reading his book on the topic.

How to Have Impossible Conversations: A Very Practical Guide https://a.co/d/jiHurXA

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