For what it’s worth, ROGD seems to take root in English-speaking countries. The English language seems to be a vector. It’s not observed in parts of the world where English is not the primary language or a required second language regardless of diet and lifestyle. Also, in my clinical experience, a parental preoccupation with diet and lifestyle seems to correlate with peri or post pubertal trans identity in at least one child.
It's English and Germanic language speaking countries disproportionately ... Germany was ground zero for transgenderism (and for the autism epidemic). There's a ton of reasons for this, but I think cultural factors are a huge one.
Dark History of Parenting Books (arising out of modern-day Germany, going back to at least the 1700s):
Steve Kirsch has shown that vaccines may influence sex abnormalities. Kennedy points out that 1985 was a key moment in time. I notice a lot of masculine-looking women out there and vice versa. I believe we are damaging the human species with vaccines (and all of the other toxic environmental crap).
Infant Neglect is also causing a massive amount of damage. Infant neglect is measured from the developmental needs of the infant, not from adults who don’t actually know how much somatosensory and social stimulation that infants need to program a healthy brain.
Infant neglect partially explains why there are higher rates in some countries over others ... infant neglect is more common in WEIRD (Northwest European and the colonies) nations over other ones in large part because parenting wisdom has been corrupted in these countries for at least 400 years. (Lack of maternity leave is obviously a major factor too -- and I'm not claiming parents don't love their children! More that there's a traumatic history here that's a challenge to overcome, and in combination with environmental and dietary factors it's a disaster for mental health).
Personal theory - the increase in bisexual women is more of a rise in bisexual-identified women. Not because they’re “not really bisexual,” but because they’re more strongly attracted to one sex, and twenty years ago they would have just shrugged off the other attractions and called themselves either straight or lesbians.
Like, let’s say 85% of the people a particular woman is attracted to are men. Twenty years ago, someone in her situation might have considered herself straight, but half-jokingly said, “I’d go gay for so-and-so,” or “so-and-so is my girl crush.” There’s also been more awareness in the past couple decades that bisexual people can be settled in long-term monogamous relationships, whereas before the concept of a bisexual person was of someone who had a lot of partners of both sexes.
While I don't think this is wrong, I think there are some dietary and hormone-disrupting factors at play. Birth control pills can alter sexual orientation, and anecdotally it looks to me like alcohol, sugar, and stimulant abuse can too (this could all be related to a B vitamin deficiency causing bisexuality / same-sex attraction ... also observing the trend in vegan and vegetarian women). IDK if any of this applies to men (they seem to be more set in their sexuality whereas women are more influenced by the environment).
I like that RFK points out that pharma benefits from making lifetime patients out of children (& teens). This is what the Gnostic "trans" cult does for sure. And, it is crazy lucrative:
"U.S. Sex Reassignment Surgery Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Gender Transition (Male To Female, Female To Male), And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030"
"The Gilead TRANScend Community Impact Fund builds on this commitment and will support Trans-led organizations working to improve the safety, health and wellness of the Transgender community."
I will add, although hormone levels may be affected by diet or B methylation or whatever, that does not mean they are more likely to be trans. It means they may be more likely to be labeled or gaslit to think they are. I am not a big fan of the tone behind this article. It is coming from an evolutionary psychology standpoint, which is partly how we got such negative male and female stereotypes. The whole idea that men are solitary hunters, strong and virile is from evolutionary psychology.
Good article ... I'm happy to see this subject addressed in this space. I've observed what looks to me like a connection between poor diet (high processed food consumption, high refined sugar consumption), substance use (alcohol, sugar, marijuana, and stimulants in particular), and other forms of brain-gut disruption among many people identifying as LGBTQ+ (moreso people who identify somewhere under the "queer" or "trans" umbrellas and bisexuals, less so lesbians and gay men). I think MANY factors are at play with the rise in LGBTQ+ identification and the trans phenomenon -- many physiological, not just social contagion etc. In particular when it comes to the autism / LGBTQ+ overlap.
I dug into one potential dietary factor here (synthetic nutrients, in particular folic acid):
Yes! And linking this comment to the one below, vegetarian and vegan diets can increase the risk of B vitamin deficiencies (and over-consumption of the synthetic versions of these vitamins), and there seems to be a connection -- I focus on folate/folic acid in the essay I linked to above, but it also touches on Vitamins B1, B6, and B12. Lack of sunlight exposure / low Vitamin D is also intertwined here, as is stress (which depletes B vitamins). Basically a worst case scenario is vulnerable genes (e.g. MTHFR mutations) + exposure to fortified foods and synthetic nutrients (including prenatally) + lack of sunlight exposure and Vitamin D (using sunscreen all the time will disrupt Vitamin D production as well) + stress. The problem is that all of these factors are fairly common; the vulnerable gene mutations are common (up to 40% of people worldwide affected), in the US and Canada almost all grain products are fortified with synthetic nutrients (as are many other common foods) and pregnant women are advised to take prenatal vitamins with synthetic nutrients, and we're advised to avoid the sun and wear sunscreen every day. Then there's numerous factors that cause early childhood and prenatal stress, with lack of maternity leave in the US being an obvious big one. As well, certain common pharmaceuticals are contributing to the problem (e.g. Tylenol depletes glutathione which can impair detoxification, birth control pills deplete nutrients in particular B vitamins :-/ etc etc).
We're raising children in highly unnatural conditions and being given bad advice pretty much every step of the way. I have a 3-year-old, and doctors and nurses have advised me to give her Tylenol when she clearly didn't need it, to give her Cheerios as a first food (refined sugar, synthetic nutrients, glyphosate), to sleep train her early (stress), and to avoid sun exposure and give her Vitamin D drops instead. All terrible advice.
Yes, it is amazing how bad it has gotten. When my children were young I was given a lot of bad advice also. Luckily I didn't listen to most of it. I just wish I would have had better insight on the public schools and the shots with my first born, but I learned the hard way unfortunately. Raising children is like walking a mine field these days.
And actually, having two adolescent children does NOT necessarily mean that the author understands the pain of many of those subscribing to this. Being a mother and having a psychology degree does not make her an instant expert as she appears to believe.
Yeah, these days the psych degree (my PhD paper says "Psychology") means pretty much nothing. Some of the most egregious scandals of the last 40 years have psychologists, especially child psychologists, at their heart. In the 1980s and 1990s, the "satanic pre-school" scandal was promoted by irresponsible suggestive interviewing of 3 and 4 YO children, in which suggestive questions were used to get the kids to admit to have "tunnels" under the preschool, and being "touched in the pee-pee". The McMartin couple went to trial for multiple years for this shit, and there was nothing to it and no one was ever convicted. One of the most important figures in the preschool insanity, Diane Ehrensaft, is now active in the trannie madness.
I was intrigued by your comments and thought to read up some more on them. The records do not corroborate what you are saying here. I agree that Diane is quite the character, but as far as I can tell, she was not "one of the most important figures in the preschool insanity." I found one paper on that topic with her name that speaks specifically to the Presidio case, but not the McMartin or any other cases. She offered no testimony, no news media quotes that I could find, was not part of the trials, and as far as I can tell, only had this one paper published. But again, maybe there are some links and evidence you have to support your claim? I did not hit the local library for microfiche records or anything, so who knows? I am intrigued though.
This is not to say I agree with Diane's stances or what she is doing in the trans sphere. Also, why bring her up here and now? Did she write this essay? Or is this your way of trying to discredit her and the entire field of psychology? If the former, then it is good to know who the author of this is! If the latter, then I think you should use an example that stands to scrutiny and fact-checking.
And I don't understand why "she" is given a shred of credibility on ANYTHING after fueling the false satanic preschool hysteria! It should have ended "her" career.
Lunafalls, I am genuinely curious: Why do you say "she", with quotation marks? Isn't Diane Enhersaft a woman? I never heard anything about her being trans. (Horrible person, for sure, but I think she is a she, no?).
Hmm. I’m surprised at the positive comments to this article. It doesn’t really say anything. And this bit just struck me as odd - Does being less feminine correspond to fertility problems? …. “women with reproductive problems who were less feminine could not have children or their children died due to malnutrition. Today these women have children and pass their genes on to their daughters.”
It depends on the causes of masculinization. There would be a correlation between poor hormonal health (e.g. PCOS) and autism in women and higher "masculinity", but there are still perfectly healthy women who are just naturally more masculine as well. So not really that being more tomboyish or something makes you less fertile, but that various factors that undermine fertility are related to masculinization / or lack of development of feminine characteristics.
This is a terrific article that incorporates a new set of biological and social factors to the question of “why girls? and why now?” I wonder if you’ve communicated with Lisa Littman, M.D., MPH, who did the first, groundbreaking study of ROGD kids, even coining the term Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria?
Dr. Littman is an OB-GYN with a specialty in women and children’s health. She might have some thoughts regarding your very astute observations.
No, but I put my research on a very related topic first on my blog and then at the paper depository Psyarxiv ( It was widely shared and criticized by the LGBT newspapers (Pink News etc.), so maybe Lisa Littman has encountered it during her research.
Very interesting article. I agree that this is a multi-faceted issue that seems to analyzed and bandaged over by “experts” in specific fields, as opposed to using a more complex approach that would include biological, sociological, and environmental analysis combined.
The hormonal perspective gives the parent a lot of power to intervene in the gender identity development of their child, starting from pregnancy. Sexual hormones differentiate the brain prenatally and starting from around 6 years old continuing to the end of puberty. This is a window of opportunity for the parent. Instead of giving synthetic hormones, correct the natural hormones. Anxiety and hormonal disruption often have the same causes.
Trans is a psychotic delusion. You are some kind of grooming pervert. "correct the natural hormones" - no correction is needed, since dysphoria is a psychotic delusion.
The best fix for anxiety is giving the kid some chores.
I think you must be a troll. “Intervene in the gender identity development of their child starting in pregnancy”. That’s some messed up Troon logic. Trans is not a physiological phenomenon. It is something you do not something you are. There is nothing that can create a gender identity because there is no such thing. I have a question. Are silly logic challenged people attracted to mental health disciplines? Are does studying this stuff rot their brains?
...and I would like to add that the brain continues to sexually differentiate and develop throughout puberty, hence the parents can help make puberty a healthy experience.
Gender identity builts upon the feelings of the child. Sexual desire for the opposite sex, maternal feelings for children, territorial behavior, athleticism, aggressiveness, empathy etc., are all affected by the sexually differentiated brain areas and their activation through hormones. These feelings give the child the sense of belonging to a given gender. A woman feels a woman because she is sexually attracted to a man, she loves children, she is empathetic etc.
A lot of things can happen during pregnancy that can disrupt sexual differentiation of the brain of the child. Progestins, allergies, viral infections,acetaminophen, corticosteroids, emotional stress etc. The effect is felt when puberty strikes.
Do you realise that you are making true trans arguments? That someone is created trans by having a trans brain or disrupted hormones. That there is some physical basis for a diagnosis of trans or “gender dysphoria”. Why is that I wonder? Why are you on this site if you believe in true trans?
I disagree with the author for the same reason but also because I am sick of mental health professionals and their boring BS theories. Sorry but what do they expect? They are the enemy. How f&&king dare they push my kid down a path to sterility and pain and suffering.
And Tina I don’t know what you’re at popping in here to a conversation with your CV and talking off topic about testosterone injections. Nobel prize winner!!! I nearly choked on my tea thanks for that.
Correcting hormones in a natural way by improving the diet, decreasing pollution, improving sleep, and addressing anxiety with cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques etc. is the opposite of giving synthetic hormones and doing sex reassignment surgery.
I understand your anger. I’m angry too. However, having seen so many of these complex kids over 20 years, especially kids from foster care, I am not surprised at all that the corrupt medical system was able to pull this off. If we want to stop it, we have to start securely attaching to our kids so that we, the parents are the ones who kids trust most. PS Psyche drugs taken by the mother and the child also impact brain development epigenetically and maternal testosterone injection also impacts brain (epigenetic) differentiation.
As a foster carer, who cared for children for over 12 years, I agree that we must give the children the ability to securely attach. Also as you have said, taking drugs that pass through from the mother to the unborn child must affect the child.
I was directing my comments to A Diet Stress. You just got caught in the cross fire. If you follow logically what the author and A Diet is saying, it is that there is a biological basis to trans kids whereas all the experience of parents plus Lisa Littman and Cass say that there is not. Or if there is it is not proven. My kid desisted but I assure you she could not have been more serious about it and was about to run away before I intervened.
I don’t doubt that modern life, diet, vaccines etc all play a part in making us sick and sad but they don’t make us gay or trans.
I feel there are enough forces pushing this cult/ cultural movement without adding to the flames by agreeing with the troons and their pseudoscientific theories.
The contagion and the biological causes need not be mutually exclusive, on the contrary. In a society where there is a biological cause for some members to be trans, they then become a nucleus for social contagion spreading to other members who may have only weak hormonal disruptions or none at all.
I agree with you. It’s a massive marketing campaign. They first focused on the kids who were hurting the most, foster kids & then tailored the marketing campaign to produce RODG. That’s what I see. For me, now the answer needs to be, how do we reach the kids and get them social & happy again? It’s definitely going to require going back to living more natural lives (food, friends, dump the screens, exercise, fun, play, happy parents).
there is no evidence that vaccines have any relationship to tranny delusions. What vaccines do is prevent many diseases. For example, tetanus is a completely terrible disease in which the muscles contract so severely that bones are broken. No one has this problem today due to vaccines.
Taking testosterone injections when your body is female and you’re carrying a fetus will definitely have a role on this….indeed a greater role than anything else we are unnaturally doing.
Says who? This is all conjecture. There may very well be a flowery teapot orbiting the moon but until proven I will assume there is not. I bet you use homeopathy or is chakras more your thing?
On the public medical library Pubmed search for key words "sexually dimorphic, brain", "sexual differentiation, brain", "feminization", "demasculinization", "endocrine disruptors" etc. There are hundreds of articles spanning decades.
You think that you won’t impact brain development in a fetus by injecting unnatural & high doses of testosterone? Goggle epigenetics of testosterone exposure in the fetus. There are massive numbers of articles going back to the 1960’s. The thing is it is not normal or natural for a pregnant female to be injecting testosterone.
Not testosterone, but progestins that are used against spontaneous abortion have androgenic effect; immune inflammation due to allergies can disrupt sexual differentiation (see research of Kathryn Lenz); acetaminophen also, body care products, mercury from fish products etc. Even emotional stress during pregnancy can be a factor. I have not heard of Jacques Benveniste. I am now reading. In immunology even micrograms of a substance can cause immune reaction. Even sniffing the vapours.
I’m a doctor and a scientist. My undergrad was bio & chemistry. I did a summer on gene transfection w/a Nobel prize winner, another summer at the Jackson Labs and three years of cancer research before medical school at UMichigan. I also know there is a lot that is real concerning Homeopathy, Psychoneuroimmunology & the placebo effect. Ever heard of Jacques Benveniste?
I don’t think we should be transexualizing kids. But I do think we should change our focus to healthy lifestyle which includes secure attachment for all babies & a lot of healthy social play in addition to avoiding endocrine disrupters and unhealthy processed food products, increasing exercise, getting better sleep, etc.
Interesting. I had to look up the meaning of several words that you used to understand your train of thought. It seems that I learn something new every day about this evil cult. I do not quite understand how trans indoctrination and affirmation come into play with all of your theories leaning towards the effect of endocrine disruptors, inflammatory diet, sleep deprivation, etc. I still believe that social contagion seems to be a huge factor in influencing healthy, normal young people into questioning their gender. The rapid onset of gender dysphoria is happening because children are reading, watching, listening, and observing the trans ideology (whether online or at school or socially) and it seems to influence a copy-cat behavior. Suddenly claiming to be born in the wrong body is very irrational thinking. But then a friend, sibling, teacher, counselor, coach, therapist, doctor, or surgeon agrees with your new observation and support your sudden claim, it no longer seems to be a fantasy but a reality. I will always blame the groomers, after all misery loves company.
We have only scratched the surface of exploring the root causes of these problems. Social contagion is surely one factor but agree that diet, overall health, screen time, and specific media and institutional influences are also at play. That said, after being in this for five years, I have come to doubt that GD as a diagnosis is valid for 95% of these kids. It’s a lazy diagnosis that allows providers to take an easy treatment route involving pharmaceuticals and surgeries rather than exploratory therapy and other options (like diet and exercise modifications) that are certainly less invasive and might work better.
It really makes one realize that it’s time for all of us to get down to the basics of how to raise a happy & healthy child.
I do not believe this is a real diagnosis either. It never existed in my 25 years as a Pediatrician until the last 5 years…..BUT……there were a lot of kids who were really unhappy and who were really struggling & there were more & more struggling kids every year. Most Pediatricians were giving these kids psyche drugs as therapy which has clearly not worked.
The most unhappy kids that I saw in Peds are the ones most likely to consider Gen. Id today. All these kids need our honesty, care & our help which I think means changing how we live our lives, how we raise kids and rebuilding healthy relationships & healthy neighbors in our own communities.
What I would like to know is how the NECESSARY and CERTAIN period of puberty became so terrifying for children. We all have experienced puberty. For some, it's not that much of a deal - I do remember getting some pretty unexpected boners in school which the erection was both sudden and uncontrollable. I had a strong desire to use my x-ray vision to peer beneath the clothing of the very hot 7th graders in my classes (did not work very successfully, unfortunately). But puberty passed and I became a man.
Why do children want to stay children? Why don't they want to grow up? It's far better being a adult than a child.
Some people have always had a harder time with the teenage years than others. I was one of those who found it difficult. That age group values conformity and alignment with a group above nearly everything else. If you’re different in some way - your appearance, your abilities, your interests, your social skills and ways of interacting, your values and culture - it’s going to be brutal. This seems to get exaggerated with every passing generation as teenage culture becomes more of a separate thing and becomes more and more different from the overall culture. Kids feel they live in a world their parents can’t understand.
I remember thinking when I was in high school that my parents raised me for a world that didn’t exist. I was brought up religious, but also to be academically successful and career oriented. I discovered that I was either expected to align with the religious crowd and grow up to be a housewife who was subservient, or I was a nerd with no status or social life (like I was in elementary school and I didn’t want that anymore), or I was expected to date around and be sexually active. I couldn’t be the first one, was ashamed of having been the second, so I tried to be the third.
I kind of feel like I understand what my daughter went through, and why this seemed like a good option.
Teaching the HRC (Human Rights Campaign) nonsense to kids in elementary schools, and online groomers telling them they'll kill themselves if they go through the "wrong puberty"
If they can get the kid on puberty blockers, they're well on the way to sterilization and surgeries.
One reason we (and countless generations before us) all got through our correct puberties to emerge as adults confident in our correct genders is that switching genders was never presented as an option, up until about half a generation ago!
What is WRONG with parents who buy their toddlers books such as "Bye-Bye Binary" and take them to see drag queens, or educators who allow trans activists to dictate a school curriculum that exposes kids to the full slate of gender ideology as "fact" long before they can critically process it?
I have news, though - as I, and thousands of other parents can attest, staying firmly grounded in reality and not teaching your kids this kind of nonsense does NOT guarantee that they will not fall down this rabbit hole when they become distressed teenagers.
It certainly is not a real diagnosis. The first paragraph of the article shared by distressed parent, below:
"Psychological distress and aberrant behaviours are always conceptualised through the lens of culture, and in any society, at any given time, we create medical and psychological narratives to best understand aspects of human behaviour based on these prevailing norms. These then go on to shape further behaviours. This is known as the ‘symptom pool’."
The definitions are circular and you cannot measure it.
People with gender dysphoria cannot reproduce due to their behavior. That's a measurable side effect. There are very few transgenders who naturally concieve while they are trans.
Normal people regard obviously delusional psychopaths with caution. Psychopathic trannies do not wish to conform to normal patterns and so are avoided by normal people. Mentally ill people are erratic, and can be dangerous.
That's why they don't reproduce, save with other trannies.
George could you please stop using expressions like "psychopathic trannies" on this site? I have seen you do this before.
For parents whose children consider themselves transgender, and are being harmed by this cult, such phrases seem very disparaging and frankly offensive.
My son is not a "psychopathic tranny", he is the disabled, mentally unwell, hapless victim of a brutal cult, who is very precious to his grieving parents.
I agree, we do not have to be rude or unkind here. We can have empathy and respect for each other and for those in our lives, right? Let's leave the rude hostilities to the activists.
The dress and behavior are a form of birth control for the girls/young women for sure.
I prefer "trans-identified" to "transgenders" myself as the latter comes across as more along the lines of "true, authentic, forever" identity and pathologizes it further - as I see it. Plenty of the girls "wake up" in their mid twenties - but there's the matter of whether they've suffered permanent physical harm by doctor or not...
This epidemic is a canary in the coal mine. Our modern life and capitalist values are driving a disconnected way of living and abuse of our ecological systems (human and environmental). The problem is a collective one and we all participate directly or indirectly.
It is not capitalist values it is the loss of morals and concern about other humans. For doctors with morals the statement, "Do no harm" is still true. For the other doctors it is about greed. There are many good honest people in this society that put honesty before money.
Saying you're bisexual doesn't mean that you actually are. The reasoning may be to belong to the special pronounism cult or to get a job. It's plausible that "merely" being a woman is not a strong enough "identity" for the captured corporations. I bet pretend women (that is men) fair better in certain states, but I'm only speculating. My straight, white, male cousin wasn't getting job after job, here in Florida, and once he answered that he was neither straight nor gay on his application for a top insurance company, he got the job.
This is absolutely the case. My oldest daughter (young adult now) experienced intense peer pressure to identify out of "cishet" in any way starting in 5th grade. This was even among kids in homeschool groups. (Secular groups- at least in our religious groups we found respite.) Little 11 year old girls telling us they were "pansexual." Having I'm sure no idea what that implies exactly, but it's what they picked up from the media and culture as what they need to be to be cool and okay.
My daughter was never really swayed by this stuff, but I know a lot of kids are. And this crap has the backing of all the most powerful elements of society- corporations, government, mass media.
Increasingly I hear "bisexual but attracted to women mostly" from men. Being bisexual is a luxury belief which puts you in the trannie zone which is revered by some.
For what it’s worth, ROGD seems to take root in English-speaking countries. The English language seems to be a vector. It’s not observed in parts of the world where English is not the primary language or a required second language regardless of diet and lifestyle. Also, in my clinical experience, a parental preoccupation with diet and lifestyle seems to correlate with peri or post pubertal trans identity in at least one child.
It's English and Germanic language speaking countries disproportionately ... Germany was ground zero for transgenderism (and for the autism epidemic). There's a ton of reasons for this, but I think cultural factors are a huge one.
Dark History of Parenting Books (arising out of modern-day Germany, going back to at least the 1700s):
Also relevant:
Steve Kirsch has shown that vaccines may influence sex abnormalities. Kennedy points out that 1985 was a key moment in time. I notice a lot of masculine-looking women out there and vice versa. I believe we are damaging the human species with vaccines (and all of the other toxic environmental crap).
Infant Neglect is also causing a massive amount of damage. Infant neglect is measured from the developmental needs of the infant, not from adults who don’t actually know how much somatosensory and social stimulation that infants need to program a healthy brain.
Infant neglect partially explains why there are higher rates in some countries over others ... infant neglect is more common in WEIRD (Northwest European and the colonies) nations over other ones in large part because parenting wisdom has been corrupted in these countries for at least 400 years. (Lack of maternity leave is obviously a major factor too -- and I'm not claiming parents don't love their children! More that there's a traumatic history here that's a challenge to overcome, and in combination with environmental and dietary factors it's a disaster for mental health).
Ignore bad URL I didn't know what I was doing when I wrote this, the essay is on the dark history of parenting books.
Also relevant:
Personal theory - the increase in bisexual women is more of a rise in bisexual-identified women. Not because they’re “not really bisexual,” but because they’re more strongly attracted to one sex, and twenty years ago they would have just shrugged off the other attractions and called themselves either straight or lesbians.
Like, let’s say 85% of the people a particular woman is attracted to are men. Twenty years ago, someone in her situation might have considered herself straight, but half-jokingly said, “I’d go gay for so-and-so,” or “so-and-so is my girl crush.” There’s also been more awareness in the past couple decades that bisexual people can be settled in long-term monogamous relationships, whereas before the concept of a bisexual person was of someone who had a lot of partners of both sexes.
While I don't think this is wrong, I think there are some dietary and hormone-disrupting factors at play. Birth control pills can alter sexual orientation, and anecdotally it looks to me like alcohol, sugar, and stimulant abuse can too (this could all be related to a B vitamin deficiency causing bisexuality / same-sex attraction ... also observing the trend in vegan and vegetarian women). IDK if any of this applies to men (they seem to be more set in their sexuality whereas women are more influenced by the environment).
Touched on here:
I like that RFK points out that pharma benefits from making lifetime patients out of children (& teens). This is what the Gnostic "trans" cult does for sure. And, it is crazy lucrative:
"U.S. Sex Reassignment Surgery Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Gender Transition (Male To Female, Female To Male), And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030"
"The Gilead TRANScend Community Impact Fund builds on this commitment and will support Trans-led organizations working to improve the safety, health and wellness of the Transgender community."
I will add, although hormone levels may be affected by diet or B methylation or whatever, that does not mean they are more likely to be trans. It means they may be more likely to be labeled or gaslit to think they are. I am not a big fan of the tone behind this article. It is coming from an evolutionary psychology standpoint, which is partly how we got such negative male and female stereotypes. The whole idea that men are solitary hunters, strong and virile is from evolutionary psychology.
Good article ... I'm happy to see this subject addressed in this space. I've observed what looks to me like a connection between poor diet (high processed food consumption, high refined sugar consumption), substance use (alcohol, sugar, marijuana, and stimulants in particular), and other forms of brain-gut disruption among many people identifying as LGBTQ+ (moreso people who identify somewhere under the "queer" or "trans" umbrellas and bisexuals, less so lesbians and gay men). I think MANY factors are at play with the rise in LGBTQ+ identification and the trans phenomenon -- many physiological, not just social contagion etc. In particular when it comes to the autism / LGBTQ+ overlap.
I dug into one potential dietary factor here (synthetic nutrients, in particular folic acid):
Somewhat related, I also looked at potential causes and consequences of early puberty here:
Many of this generation are also choosing a vegetarian or vegan diet which is rife with soy and other endocrine disruptors.
Yes! And linking this comment to the one below, vegetarian and vegan diets can increase the risk of B vitamin deficiencies (and over-consumption of the synthetic versions of these vitamins), and there seems to be a connection -- I focus on folate/folic acid in the essay I linked to above, but it also touches on Vitamins B1, B6, and B12. Lack of sunlight exposure / low Vitamin D is also intertwined here, as is stress (which depletes B vitamins). Basically a worst case scenario is vulnerable genes (e.g. MTHFR mutations) + exposure to fortified foods and synthetic nutrients (including prenatally) + lack of sunlight exposure and Vitamin D (using sunscreen all the time will disrupt Vitamin D production as well) + stress. The problem is that all of these factors are fairly common; the vulnerable gene mutations are common (up to 40% of people worldwide affected), in the US and Canada almost all grain products are fortified with synthetic nutrients (as are many other common foods) and pregnant women are advised to take prenatal vitamins with synthetic nutrients, and we're advised to avoid the sun and wear sunscreen every day. Then there's numerous factors that cause early childhood and prenatal stress, with lack of maternity leave in the US being an obvious big one. As well, certain common pharmaceuticals are contributing to the problem (e.g. Tylenol depletes glutathione which can impair detoxification, birth control pills deplete nutrients in particular B vitamins :-/ etc etc).
We're raising children in highly unnatural conditions and being given bad advice pretty much every step of the way. I have a 3-year-old, and doctors and nurses have advised me to give her Tylenol when she clearly didn't need it, to give her Cheerios as a first food (refined sugar, synthetic nutrients, glyphosate), to sleep train her early (stress), and to avoid sun exposure and give her Vitamin D drops instead. All terrible advice.
Yes, it is amazing how bad it has gotten. When my children were young I was given a lot of bad advice also. Luckily I didn't listen to most of it. I just wish I would have had better insight on the public schools and the shots with my first born, but I learned the hard way unfortunately. Raising children is like walking a mine field these days.
I wonder how many have B methylation issues since that also seems to go along with ADHD, autism, anxiety, etc.
I found good anecdotal evidence that this is the case (and explain why it makes sense in theory), which I included in this essay:
Proper studies need to be done though :-/
And actually, having two adolescent children does NOT necessarily mean that the author understands the pain of many of those subscribing to this. Being a mother and having a psychology degree does not make her an instant expert as she appears to believe.
Yeah, these days the psych degree (my PhD paper says "Psychology") means pretty much nothing. Some of the most egregious scandals of the last 40 years have psychologists, especially child psychologists, at their heart. In the 1980s and 1990s, the "satanic pre-school" scandal was promoted by irresponsible suggestive interviewing of 3 and 4 YO children, in which suggestive questions were used to get the kids to admit to have "tunnels" under the preschool, and being "touched in the pee-pee". The McMartin couple went to trial for multiple years for this shit, and there was nothing to it and no one was ever convicted. One of the most important figures in the preschool insanity, Diane Ehrensaft, is now active in the trannie madness.
I was intrigued by your comments and thought to read up some more on them. The records do not corroborate what you are saying here. I agree that Diane is quite the character, but as far as I can tell, she was not "one of the most important figures in the preschool insanity." I found one paper on that topic with her name that speaks specifically to the Presidio case, but not the McMartin or any other cases. She offered no testimony, no news media quotes that I could find, was not part of the trials, and as far as I can tell, only had this one paper published. But again, maybe there are some links and evidence you have to support your claim? I did not hit the local library for microfiche records or anything, so who knows? I am intrigued though.
This is not to say I agree with Diane's stances or what she is doing in the trans sphere. Also, why bring her up here and now? Did she write this essay? Or is this your way of trying to discredit her and the entire field of psychology? If the former, then it is good to know who the author of this is! If the latter, then I think you should use an example that stands to scrutiny and fact-checking.
And I don't understand why "she" is given a shred of credibility on ANYTHING after fueling the false satanic preschool hysteria! It should have ended "her" career.
Lunafalls, I am genuinely curious: Why do you say "she", with quotation marks? Isn't Diane Enhersaft a woman? I never heard anything about her being trans. (Horrible person, for sure, but I think she is a she, no?).
She's a woman. An evil woman. It is difficult to understand how she could benefit from two separate cultish grifts. I think she's at UCSF today.
Lots of material on her can be read on
Hmm. I’m surprised at the positive comments to this article. It doesn’t really say anything. And this bit just struck me as odd - Does being less feminine correspond to fertility problems? …. “women with reproductive problems who were less feminine could not have children or their children died due to malnutrition. Today these women have children and pass their genes on to their daughters.”
It depends on the causes of masculinization. There would be a correlation between poor hormonal health (e.g. PCOS) and autism in women and higher "masculinity", but there are still perfectly healthy women who are just naturally more masculine as well. So not really that being more tomboyish or something makes you less fertile, but that various factors that undermine fertility are related to masculinization / or lack of development of feminine characteristics.
This is a terrific article that incorporates a new set of biological and social factors to the question of “why girls? and why now?” I wonder if you’ve communicated with Lisa Littman, M.D., MPH, who did the first, groundbreaking study of ROGD kids, even coining the term Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria?
Dr. Littman is an OB-GYN with a specialty in women and children’s health. She might have some thoughts regarding your very astute observations.
No, but I put my research on a very related topic first on my blog and then at the paper depository Psyarxiv ( It was widely shared and criticized by the LGBT newspapers (Pink News etc.), so maybe Lisa Littman has encountered it during her research.
Very interesting article. I agree that this is a multi-faceted issue that seems to analyzed and bandaged over by “experts” in specific fields, as opposed to using a more complex approach that would include biological, sociological, and environmental analysis combined.
The hormonal perspective gives the parent a lot of power to intervene in the gender identity development of their child, starting from pregnancy. Sexual hormones differentiate the brain prenatally and starting from around 6 years old continuing to the end of puberty. This is a window of opportunity for the parent. Instead of giving synthetic hormones, correct the natural hormones. Anxiety and hormonal disruption often have the same causes.
Trans is a psychotic delusion. You are some kind of grooming pervert. "correct the natural hormones" - no correction is needed, since dysphoria is a psychotic delusion.
The best fix for anxiety is giving the kid some chores.
There is some delusion in it also. A girl may have masculine traits, but thinking that she can become a boy is a delusion.
I think you must be a troll. “Intervene in the gender identity development of their child starting in pregnancy”. That’s some messed up Troon logic. Trans is not a physiological phenomenon. It is something you do not something you are. There is nothing that can create a gender identity because there is no such thing. I have a question. Are silly logic challenged people attracted to mental health disciplines? Are does studying this stuff rot their brains?
...and I would like to add that the brain continues to sexually differentiate and develop throughout puberty, hence the parents can help make puberty a healthy experience.
Gender identity builts upon the feelings of the child. Sexual desire for the opposite sex, maternal feelings for children, territorial behavior, athleticism, aggressiveness, empathy etc., are all affected by the sexually differentiated brain areas and their activation through hormones. These feelings give the child the sense of belonging to a given gender. A woman feels a woman because she is sexually attracted to a man, she loves children, she is empathetic etc.
A lot of things can happen during pregnancy that can disrupt sexual differentiation of the brain of the child. Progestins, allergies, viral infections,acetaminophen, corticosteroids, emotional stress etc. The effect is felt when puberty strikes.
Do you realise that you are making true trans arguments? That someone is created trans by having a trans brain or disrupted hormones. That there is some physical basis for a diagnosis of trans or “gender dysphoria”. Why is that I wonder? Why are you on this site if you believe in true trans?
I disagree with the author for the same reason but also because I am sick of mental health professionals and their boring BS theories. Sorry but what do they expect? They are the enemy. How f&&king dare they push my kid down a path to sterility and pain and suffering.
And Tina I don’t know what you’re at popping in here to a conversation with your CV and talking off topic about testosterone injections. Nobel prize winner!!! I nearly choked on my tea thanks for that.
Correcting hormones in a natural way by improving the diet, decreasing pollution, improving sleep, and addressing anxiety with cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques etc. is the opposite of giving synthetic hormones and doing sex reassignment surgery.
I understand your anger. I’m angry too. However, having seen so many of these complex kids over 20 years, especially kids from foster care, I am not surprised at all that the corrupt medical system was able to pull this off. If we want to stop it, we have to start securely attaching to our kids so that we, the parents are the ones who kids trust most. PS Psyche drugs taken by the mother and the child also impact brain development epigenetically and maternal testosterone injection also impacts brain (epigenetic) differentiation.
As a foster carer, who cared for children for over 12 years, I agree that we must give the children the ability to securely attach. Also as you have said, taking drugs that pass through from the mother to the unborn child must affect the child.
I was directing my comments to A Diet Stress. You just got caught in the cross fire. If you follow logically what the author and A Diet is saying, it is that there is a biological basis to trans kids whereas all the experience of parents plus Lisa Littman and Cass say that there is not. Or if there is it is not proven. My kid desisted but I assure you she could not have been more serious about it and was about to run away before I intervened.
I don’t doubt that modern life, diet, vaccines etc all play a part in making us sick and sad but they don’t make us gay or trans.
I feel there are enough forces pushing this cult/ cultural movement without adding to the flames by agreeing with the troons and their pseudoscientific theories.
The contagion and the biological causes need not be mutually exclusive, on the contrary. In a society where there is a biological cause for some members to be trans, they then become a nucleus for social contagion spreading to other members who may have only weak hormonal disruptions or none at all.
I agree with you. It’s a massive marketing campaign. They first focused on the kids who were hurting the most, foster kids & then tailored the marketing campaign to produce RODG. That’s what I see. For me, now the answer needs to be, how do we reach the kids and get them social & happy again? It’s definitely going to require going back to living more natural lives (food, friends, dump the screens, exercise, fun, play, happy parents).
there is no evidence that vaccines have any relationship to tranny delusions. What vaccines do is prevent many diseases. For example, tetanus is a completely terrible disease in which the muscles contract so severely that bones are broken. No one has this problem today due to vaccines.
Taking testosterone injections when your body is female and you’re carrying a fetus will definitely have a role on this….indeed a greater role than anything else we are unnaturally doing.
Says who? This is all conjecture. There may very well be a flowery teapot orbiting the moon but until proven I will assume there is not. I bet you use homeopathy or is chakras more your thing?
On the public medical library Pubmed search for key words "sexually dimorphic, brain", "sexual differentiation, brain", "feminization", "demasculinization", "endocrine disruptors" etc. There are hundreds of articles spanning decades.
So fucking what? Most of the articles are written by those who profit from the trans medical train.
You think that you won’t impact brain development in a fetus by injecting unnatural & high doses of testosterone? Goggle epigenetics of testosterone exposure in the fetus. There are massive numbers of articles going back to the 1960’s. The thing is it is not normal or natural for a pregnant female to be injecting testosterone.
Not testosterone, but progestins that are used against spontaneous abortion have androgenic effect; immune inflammation due to allergies can disrupt sexual differentiation (see research of Kathryn Lenz); acetaminophen also, body care products, mercury from fish products etc. Even emotional stress during pregnancy can be a factor. I have not heard of Jacques Benveniste. I am now reading. In immunology even micrograms of a substance can cause immune reaction. Even sniffing the vapours.
I’m a doctor and a scientist. My undergrad was bio & chemistry. I did a summer on gene transfection w/a Nobel prize winner, another summer at the Jackson Labs and three years of cancer research before medical school at UMichigan. I also know there is a lot that is real concerning Homeopathy, Psychoneuroimmunology & the placebo effect. Ever heard of Jacques Benveniste?
I don’t think we should be transexualizing kids. But I do think we should change our focus to healthy lifestyle which includes secure attachment for all babies & a lot of healthy social play in addition to avoiding endocrine disrupters and unhealthy processed food products, increasing exercise, getting better sleep, etc.
Interesting. I had to look up the meaning of several words that you used to understand your train of thought. It seems that I learn something new every day about this evil cult. I do not quite understand how trans indoctrination and affirmation come into play with all of your theories leaning towards the effect of endocrine disruptors, inflammatory diet, sleep deprivation, etc. I still believe that social contagion seems to be a huge factor in influencing healthy, normal young people into questioning their gender. The rapid onset of gender dysphoria is happening because children are reading, watching, listening, and observing the trans ideology (whether online or at school or socially) and it seems to influence a copy-cat behavior. Suddenly claiming to be born in the wrong body is very irrational thinking. But then a friend, sibling, teacher, counselor, coach, therapist, doctor, or surgeon agrees with your new observation and support your sudden claim, it no longer seems to be a fantasy but a reality. I will always blame the groomers, after all misery loves company.
I agree. This is an evil cult.
We have only scratched the surface of exploring the root causes of these problems. Social contagion is surely one factor but agree that diet, overall health, screen time, and specific media and institutional influences are also at play. That said, after being in this for five years, I have come to doubt that GD as a diagnosis is valid for 95% of these kids. It’s a lazy diagnosis that allows providers to take an easy treatment route involving pharmaceuticals and surgeries rather than exploratory therapy and other options (like diet and exercise modifications) that are certainly less invasive and might work better.
It really makes one realize that it’s time for all of us to get down to the basics of how to raise a happy & healthy child.
I do not believe this is a real diagnosis either. It never existed in my 25 years as a Pediatrician until the last 5 years…..BUT……there were a lot of kids who were really unhappy and who were really struggling & there were more & more struggling kids every year. Most Pediatricians were giving these kids psyche drugs as therapy which has clearly not worked.
The most unhappy kids that I saw in Peds are the ones most likely to consider Gen. Id today. All these kids need our honesty, care & our help which I think means changing how we live our lives, how we raise kids and rebuilding healthy relationships & healthy neighbors in our own communities.
What I would like to know is how the NECESSARY and CERTAIN period of puberty became so terrifying for children. We all have experienced puberty. For some, it's not that much of a deal - I do remember getting some pretty unexpected boners in school which the erection was both sudden and uncontrollable. I had a strong desire to use my x-ray vision to peer beneath the clothing of the very hot 7th graders in my classes (did not work very successfully, unfortunately). But puberty passed and I became a man.
Why do children want to stay children? Why don't they want to grow up? It's far better being a adult than a child.
What's the skinny, Doc?
Some people have always had a harder time with the teenage years than others. I was one of those who found it difficult. That age group values conformity and alignment with a group above nearly everything else. If you’re different in some way - your appearance, your abilities, your interests, your social skills and ways of interacting, your values and culture - it’s going to be brutal. This seems to get exaggerated with every passing generation as teenage culture becomes more of a separate thing and becomes more and more different from the overall culture. Kids feel they live in a world their parents can’t understand.
I remember thinking when I was in high school that my parents raised me for a world that didn’t exist. I was brought up religious, but also to be academically successful and career oriented. I discovered that I was either expected to align with the religious crowd and grow up to be a housewife who was subservient, or I was a nerd with no status or social life (like I was in elementary school and I didn’t want that anymore), or I was expected to date around and be sexually active. I couldn’t be the first one, was ashamed of having been the second, so I tried to be the third.
I kind of feel like I understand what my daughter went through, and why this seemed like a good option.
Teaching the HRC (Human Rights Campaign) nonsense to kids in elementary schools, and online groomers telling them they'll kill themselves if they go through the "wrong puberty"
If they can get the kid on puberty blockers, they're well on the way to sterilization and surgeries.
One reason we (and countless generations before us) all got through our correct puberties to emerge as adults confident in our correct genders is that switching genders was never presented as an option, up until about half a generation ago!
What is WRONG with parents who buy their toddlers books such as "Bye-Bye Binary" and take them to see drag queens, or educators who allow trans activists to dictate a school curriculum that exposes kids to the full slate of gender ideology as "fact" long before they can critically process it?
I have news, though - as I, and thousands of other parents can attest, staying firmly grounded in reality and not teaching your kids this kind of nonsense does NOT guarantee that they will not fall down this rabbit hole when they become distressed teenagers.
This is the million dollar question. We answer this question and I think we solve & halt this problem!
You sound so much better than the pediatrician we had, Tina :)
It certainly is not a real diagnosis. The first paragraph of the article shared by distressed parent, below:
"Psychological distress and aberrant behaviours are always conceptualised through the lens of culture, and in any society, at any given time, we create medical and psychological narratives to best understand aspects of human behaviour based on these prevailing norms. These then go on to shape further behaviours. This is known as the ‘symptom pool’."
The definitions are circular and you cannot measure it.
People with gender dysphoria cannot reproduce due to their behavior. That's a measurable side effect. There are very few transgenders who naturally concieve while they are trans.
Normal people regard obviously delusional psychopaths with caution. Psychopathic trannies do not wish to conform to normal patterns and so are avoided by normal people. Mentally ill people are erratic, and can be dangerous.
That's why they don't reproduce, save with other trannies.
George could you please stop using expressions like "psychopathic trannies" on this site? I have seen you do this before.
For parents whose children consider themselves transgender, and are being harmed by this cult, such phrases seem very disparaging and frankly offensive.
My son is not a "psychopathic tranny", he is the disabled, mentally unwell, hapless victim of a brutal cult, who is very precious to his grieving parents.
I agree, we do not have to be rude or unkind here. We can have empathy and respect for each other and for those in our lives, right? Let's leave the rude hostilities to the activists.
The dress and behavior are a form of birth control for the girls/young women for sure.
I prefer "trans-identified" to "transgenders" myself as the latter comes across as more along the lines of "true, authentic, forever" identity and pathologizes it further - as I see it. Plenty of the girls "wake up" in their mid twenties - but there's the matter of whether they've suffered permanent physical harm by doctor or not...
This epidemic is a canary in the coal mine. Our modern life and capitalist values are driving a disconnected way of living and abuse of our ecological systems (human and environmental). The problem is a collective one and we all participate directly or indirectly.
It is not capitalist values it is the loss of morals and concern about other humans. For doctors with morals the statement, "Do no harm" is still true. For the other doctors it is about greed. There are many good honest people in this society that put honesty before money.
Thanks for finding PITT and contributing this insightful article. God Bless.
Saying you're bisexual doesn't mean that you actually are. The reasoning may be to belong to the special pronounism cult or to get a job. It's plausible that "merely" being a woman is not a strong enough "identity" for the captured corporations. I bet pretend women (that is men) fair better in certain states, but I'm only speculating. My straight, white, male cousin wasn't getting job after job, here in Florida, and once he answered that he was neither straight nor gay on his application for a top insurance company, he got the job.
This is absolutely the case. My oldest daughter (young adult now) experienced intense peer pressure to identify out of "cishet" in any way starting in 5th grade. This was even among kids in homeschool groups. (Secular groups- at least in our religious groups we found respite.) Little 11 year old girls telling us they were "pansexual." Having I'm sure no idea what that implies exactly, but it's what they picked up from the media and culture as what they need to be to be cool and okay.
My daughter was never really swayed by this stuff, but I know a lot of kids are. And this crap has the backing of all the most powerful elements of society- corporations, government, mass media.
Best thing to do is persuade them that "demisexual" is their choice. This is "having sex with people that you have an intense love relationship".
Little girls and little boys really should be exempt from this crap and just learn to flip people off.
Increasingly I hear "bisexual but attracted to women mostly" from men. Being bisexual is a luxury belief which puts you in the trannie zone which is revered by some.