Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

Quit being such a leftist that you deny personal freedom to adults!

Kids below the age of 20 should have their freedoms curtailed in recognition of their still developing brain, but after that age they have the right to fail and succeed however they best see fit.

If you care for them so much then donate to mental health organizations for those who seek its help. But for those who choose different and decide to do something stupid like follow the trans cult into the oblivion doom of despair, it's good to know that nobody forced them to go there, and that it was ultimately they who made the choice for themselves so there's noone to blame but the person they see in the mirror each morning.

Individual freedom only survives by strictly Enforcing an onoing ABSENCE of government that would tell adults what they can and can't do with their lives. Telling government to interfere with that is someone who wants to leave the right behind and become another dreaded leftwing conservative, which is exactly what you're proclaiming to be with your stance here. Yuck

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We replaced liberty with license and made that and "consent," (which no one seems to be able to define the same way year-over-year...) our new gods. There are plenty of things we don't let grown adults do, like heroin, and I don't consider "transition" to be any less harmful than LSD or shrooms.

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GAC has many heads and it’s seems impossible to fight each one. In the meantime, in addition to listening, we could join Moms For Liberty and attack the political underpinnings. I did today.

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The focus on the young is a pragmatic matter. We can already legally prevent kids from doing things: drinking, buying cigarettes, getting tattoos. We can't legally prevent adults from doing those same things. It's within reach to ban kids from accessing certain things. It is less likely we'll ban them for adults who want them, whether it's cigarettes or elective surgery.

The medical industry offers things that aren't medicine, like ordinary plastic surgery. We'll have a hard time banning this now that it's been going on for decades. We'll have an even harder time banning it in some cases (gender dysphoria) but not others (feeling old).

Adults make bad decisions all the time, and while that's often worthy of private condemnation, it's not easy to build policy around it. Many of us don't concern ourselves with adults who transition, not because we think it's a great idea for them, but for the same reason we don't concern ourselves when adults get a face tattoo: not much can be done.

Some things that _could_ be done: Taking it off the table for the young, as they'll be less likely to focus on it as they age. Holding medical entities responsible for their mistakes and the injuries they cause. Publishing objective data on the effectiveness (or lack thereof) and side effects of this, and _all_ treatment protocols, and fostering a culture who thinks critically instead of blindly trusting authority. Admitting as a society that this is an aesthetic pursuit rather than a health need.

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"We got into this mess by making freedom, specifically an incredibly broad conception about what personal freedom should encompass, the value that trumps all others. But freedom, while important, is not the only value that matters. And living a life dedicated primarily to personal freedom does not appear to create much long-term or sustainable joy."

THIS. Liberty is freedom to do what we ought. Our modern conception of "freedom" is poison, to individuals and to society itself.

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As a personal friend of the individual you mention attempting to access MAiD in Canada, I would strongly agree.

I used to have the opinion that adults could make their own decisions, which I suppose I still do. But I’m not sure our medical system should go along with their desires.

Akin to the concept of Body Integrity Identity Disorder, just because and adult with this disorder wishes to have a limb amputated does not mean doctors should affirm or perform and amputation.

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We go out of our way to discourage smoking in all age groups because of the cost to the public purse. Imagine how much the post-transition health burden will cost the taxpayer.

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Totally agree, I don't think anyone should have these surgeries.

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You are correct. I’ve been telling this to my moderate friends who speak with delusions that, somehow, adults can consent to medical mutilation based on quasi-religious belief that their souls were born in the wrong body. It makes no sense, and the drugs and experimental surgeries are still high risk and completely unnecessary.

This article is especially true for me, who adopted a nonbinary identity in my 20s, and later desisted and discovered that I had fallen for a mass delusion due to peer-pressure. I am also in a highly susceptible category, being that I have had “gender dysphoria” since I was a toddler, am same-sex attracted, and later discovered I am autistic. I needed mental health help, and realized I wasn’t going to find it in a trans identity. I was definitely let down by my doctors.

Adults are not immune to the harms of the transgender industry.

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023

You're the worst kind of white knight there is.

You want the world to revolve around YOUR rules, what YOU deem to be proper and allowed and for no one else to make their own mistakes unless YOU can first approve them as reasonable.

When adults make a mistake, they have to live by them, regardless of what they are. If someone tries to commit suicide, yes you can help them, but you're not responsible for their action either. However your decision is that we should all be accountable for their choice as an adult, like they don't get to decide for themselves how to screw up their life.

You perfectly fit the definition of what a hardcore Leftist is because you want to remove the option of choice from people and hand all decision making power over to the government. That's exactly the way the church used to work to control people, and now you just want to replace that decision making body with government. It's also how Socialism snd Fascism both work.

Adults need to live and die by their own good or bad personal choices. If you want to stop people then convince them, don’t force them.

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I like the author’s passion, and agree with the author’s main points that these procedures are barbaric. That said, I’m on the side of adult freedom. We cannot legislate how people think, and anyone can choose to harm their own body at any time. What we should have, IMO, is the option to sue the living crap out of the doctor if it can be proved I’m court that said doctor did not obtain 100% fully informed consent based on accurately advising the patient of the physical and mental side effects of these procedures. Rather than legislating, allow natural incentives to weed out the profit-motivated scumbag doctors doing this harm.

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The issue here is not a medical one but a legal one. As a fifty-something, 18yos are still children to me. But they are given the right under the law to make their own choices, even if they might regret it later.

I can see no other way but to allow legal adults to make their own choices.

But that is also why it is so important to let parents have a say in the medical treatment of their children absent documented abuse.

Sometimes, we just have to let people make mistakes and watch from the sidelines. For children, we can and should intervene. For legal adults, we have to leave it to them.

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Thank you for writing this. I’m crushed that my eighteen year old daughter can destroy her healthy body with the help of the medical field. Do no harm went out the door. We’re all drowning in the Trans tidal wave of ideology. It’s everywhere and it’s getting pushed beyond boundaries. I wish this could just go away, it’s like a never ending nightmare. I want to wake up from it!

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And just like that Christian Nationalism was born.

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Oh, I agree with you 100%. But it seems that the LGBT+ crew does not. So, we have to start somewhere. We cannot stop the adults. If the doctors persist in not being honest with them, it becomes the adult's choice. I wish every adult would do their homework by researching what happens to their body once they agree to be changed surgically and/or medically. It's not pretty, but it's their legal decision. However, children do not deserve these severe consequences and in my book, it is child abuse. If I can save one child by speaking up, then I will continue to voice my opinion with love, compassion and deep concern. My heart breaks for all the adults and children that are being brainwashed. Now just convince the LGBT+ crowd and maybe we can save adults, too.

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To me, the whole concept of surgical intervention for a cognitive distortion is barbaric for kids and adults as well. I think the idea that adults can do what they want is an attempt to start turning the ship around. I see extremists on both sides digging into their positions and a mental compromise of "lets just stop mutilating kids" might be a tiny crack into changing minds. This issue of bodily autonomy is so complex and it is frustrating when people speak of a one size fits all solution. Vaccines, abortion, cosmetic surgery, tattoos, piercings, medical implants, all could fall under that umbrella. The little conspiracy theorist that lives in my head warns me of letting any government entity have too much say over what I can and cannot do with my body, and yet I might sell my soul to the institution that would refuse to allow my beautiful daughter to mutilate her body.

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