This article may be helpful? Many women who tried to become men have terrible pain during orgasm. So sad ... https://www.transgendertrend.com/severe-pain-orgasm-effect-testosterone-female-body/

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Many troubled young people think transition will cure them. It’s like a geographical cure: you bring yourself with you. These persons are still unhappy and troubled. In my limited experience, trans men are not happy. I married one, lived with one for four years, knew others socially, and read dozens of Livejournal blogs. I’m no expert, but just a concerned citizen.

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Thank you for your informative post on PITT. I’m a middle aged lesbian who wants to see natal girls stay healthy and strong. Nearly every family could accept a healthy, happy butch lesbian who wore singlets or sport bras under grunge attire, had good manners, participated in family life and was a mutual support. No one wants a daughter who had her body assaulted through surgery and her mind poisoned with propaganda. I was married to a transman, lived with a partially desisted transman, known several other transmen, and read many transman blogs. Very few transmen are happy or productive. Many are depressed, drifting NEETs who have difficulty relating to and bonding with others.

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Yes . . everything I've read from these loving parents on PITT is full of love and acceptance of their kids .. not at all homophobic .. and it's another layer of horror that objections to the trans contagion are dismissed as all "right wing", and bigoted. It's literally the opposite of homophobia .. This is a really short masterpiece by the LGB Alliance, about how trans IS conversion therapy ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNePw19LFGc

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Heather, do you think they are "depressed, drifting NEETs who have difficulty relating to and bonding with others" because they spend all of their energy on being trans or do these issues precede transition and are because many of them are autistic / have other issues? Do they themselves believe that they got better after transitioning? I am just baffled why the myth that transition brings happiness is so popular when in fact it looks more like religious self-flagellation. (I am in pain but it's for a greater cause mentality?).

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Thank you so much for this valuable (although very depressing) information. I hope your daughter will come back to you. Thanks for fighting for our sons and daughters. Meanwhile,how do we fight back ? I call for boycott of Hyatt hotels that Pritzker family owns. If you belong to a non-woke church, synagogue or another group - suggest they don't hold their retreats and meetings there. Tiny step but perhaps it's something - the billionaires definitely care about $$

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I am planning a trip; thanks for the tip. I will not stay at any Hyatt group hotel in the UK.

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Have a great trip :)

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Thank you for your article and the heads up about Jennifer Bilek's articles on HRC. She does extensive and excellent research. Anyone who reads her work knows that transgenderism is not a grassroots movement but is a well funded and calculated top down campaign to influence society. That children are sacrificed in their efforts makes it particularly evil.

As an aside...Jennifer Bilek also details the money behind the campaign. The Pritzker family has played a large role. They funded Obama's campaign for President. Not surprisingly one of Obama's "day one" efforts involved trans legislation. Efforts throughout his presidency helped bring it mainstream. Gov Pritzker who has legislated in Illinois that young kids be taught made up gender theory is rumored to be running for President in 2024. God help the children, their families and our country if he wins.

And most important, wishing you and your family the best and a way out of this nightmare.

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Great start in revealing the machinations of this dangerous ideology and movement. I would request that the writer please, when referring to homosexuals, specify males, for example, re AIDS. And also when referring to men who identify as women (trans) to state that is the case as some people are new to this issue or do not understand who these men are, for example, 'Jennifer' (James) Pritzker, a male, heterosexual, cross-dresser, an autogynephile/transvestic fetishist. Thank you.

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Thank you. I so agree. AIDS is an STD that is spread primarily by sexual contact with men, and the more sexual contact, especially with tissue trauma, the more it is spread, which is why so many gay men have gotten it.

But the media lumps Lesbians together and rarely has said that Lesbians are the least likely to get AIDS or any STD. One of the prices for this, besides harassment and hatred is bad medical care, like when I had a rising fever (103) and obvious signs of a strep throat but was refused a strep test by a woman doctor (in Berkeley) who just asked if I had AIDS. (As a het woman, she was far more likely to have AIDS than me since there is no way I could get it or any STD.)

Even just adding "L" to the list of our oppressors, GBTQI harms us and implies we are part of the trans cult when Lesbian Feminists have fought it from the beginning. I say they might as well add KKK to that list because of all the harm the T is doing, including murders.

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It is true what you say about lesbians w/ respect to AIDS and all STDs--they are the least likely to get any of them. Many people probably are not aware of that and that is why I suggested the clarification. Also that the media has so obfuscated 'trans' and sex it can be confusing, which was part of the 'trans' agenda from the off, blur the lines and erode the boundaries b/w sex, gender, and sexuality. 'Gender' and 'gender identity' are both inventions by some dodgy men in the wayback. So we now have women being recorded as having committed crimes that female impersonators (men) committed. And we have heterosexual, genitally-intact males (autogynephiles/transvestic fetishists) claiming to be lesbian and shaming lesbians for not dating them. And yes, lesbian feminists and radical feminists have been sounding the alarm about the danger of 'trans' for decades, e.g., Dr. Janice Raymond, The Transsexual Empire, 1979. Things really went downhill once the 'T' was forced-teamed onto the LGB. No wonder young people are confused about sex and sexuality and who they are and where and how to fit in. But that is part of the plan, the 'blurring' and the gaslighting.

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Thank you so much. Yes, Janice Raymond's book is wonderful. A man harassed me when I was 17 in 1968, pressuring me to be his girlfriend, so I said no, I was in love with my best friend, another girls, but stupidly (and this is very dangerous), I felt sorry for him and tried to be friends with him. He had never even known what a Lesbian but in a couple of years stalked me into the Lesbian community where he got into power positions. He is still stalking me in the community I helped create. I wrote about him and this cult first in 1973 in our newspaper, Dykes and Gorgons, and later in our book I co-wrote in 1990, Dykes-Loving-Dykes. We kept these men at bay for many years, with a few exceptions, but now it's seriously changed and the cult affecting children is something we never dreamed of. It's like a horrific nightmare.

But yes, so much money is involved. I'm still stunned at well-meaning people who are supporting this though. That's why this group is SO important, to make it personal, and to reach as many as possible, to change public opinion.

I always think lawsuits work the best for something like this, but if this cult could be switched from being something trendy that appeals to young people and kids into something pitiable, then that would help tremendously. Certainly showing the harm helps. But the media support is horrifying. Even with the recent conviction of the white triple murderer, David Warfield/Dana Rivers, killing an interracial Lesbian couple and their teenaged son (brutally, horrifically), the media will not name him as a "transwoman" but calls him a "woman." And Amazon still sells his disgusting pedophilic porn in spite of us complaining.

So they aren't just luring and capturing children. Some of them murder them. I'm so glad Mandy is telling this story since the media won't. I tried to copy it here, but it's too long.

Rabbitholed #78: Dana Rivers Is the Story the Media Doesn't Want You to Read

This is a story unparalleled in media censorship about deadly white male violence against a lesbian interracial couple and their black son. When the media goes silent, there is always a reason why.

Mandy Stadtmiller

Dec 8

Dana Rivers, 67, was just found guilty of three brutal murders. The Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, has not written a single word about Dana Rivers since he was first arrested in 2016. They have seen fit, however, to publish stories monstering women such as lawyer Kara Dansky who has almost single-handedly made sure that Rivers’ atrocities are not forgotten or ignored.

Content warning: I could barely write this piece because of the horrific nature of the crimes—so please, take care of yourself while reading it and take care of yourself in general. Don’t ever be afraid to tell a man “no.”

Today’s Rabbithole:

As the hulking, motorcycle-club-tattooed 61-year-old once known to his Sacramento students as “Mountain Man” left the murder scene of the two lesbians whom he had just maniacally and relentlessly butchered to the point of disfigurement—wearing a black leather vest jacket belonging to one of his victims and soaked in their blood—ex-teacher Dana Rivers told the cops who arrived in Oakland shortly after midnight that Veteran’s Day in 2016: “I know I’m in trouble.”

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As I sat here reading. I wanted to cry. My son has destroyed his body. And he mentally is not the same. This needs to stop.

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Follow the money. Human rights NGOs like amnesty are sinister social engineering operations funded by government and corporations. That’s why they were silent on lockdowns and mandates. They would gladly strip parents of their rights and castrate kids for their masters’ profits. https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-control-your-souls-desire

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