I am a member of a Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Canada. On September 19, 2023, the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) and Unitarian Universalist Ministers of Canada (UUMOC), sent out an email prior to the 1 Million March 4 for Children to congregation members saying:
Please let me correct one thing: UUism has a history as a Christian faith, but is not now a Christian denomination. In fact, this is one reason I found it appealing in the past: freedom of belief was encouraged.
I, too, quit UUism, in part due to the demand for adherence to gender ideology. I don't think it's a coincidence that UUism has become rigidly dogmatic at a time when much of society has turned toward intolerance. They're two sides of the same coin, and UUism has displayed rigid authoritarianism in other alarming ways over the past few years.
The statement put out as the propaganda talking point was UTTERLY TONE DEAF as to what the March was about. They created a strawman and attacked it, without knowing what the issue is at all.
It was NOTHING to do with the Rainbow Community, and EVERYTHING about parents protecting their children from PREDATORS, as well they ought.
I do not blame you for leaving. I blame the trans-cult that is poisoning everything it touches. How can anyone think that this is real or possible to be born in the wrong body and that a boy can become a girl and vice versa? Lies on top of lies. We who see the truth will never ever be swayed.
“we are deeply concerned about the rise in bigotry and hate directed towards the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. (In 2021 alone, hate crimes against the queer community rose by 64%, and this number continues to rise.)”
Well, if you 64% more letters every year, then dont be surprised when the hate crime count goes up as well. If you expand a statistical category its gonna have more incidents fit into that category! Whoda thunk?
I have fond memories of Sunday school in the Unitarian Church (before it was UU) my family attended for a while when I was a child, and of the once a month services where we attended our wonderful pastor's sermons along with the adults.
Seeing what it has devolved into, and the pain the local UU church has caused my friends who were ostracized for not getting jabbed, the blatant hypocrisy the church and the congregation have shown on so many issues, is infuriating and heartbreaking.
Amen, you’re better off without them. The UU organization is a leftist, secular humanist philosophy club masquerading as a church. Most “Christian” churches today are almost as bad with the gender ideology madness. Only the most conservative ones are standing against it.
I too left the UU church. I was raised UU, very active as a youth, and raised my children UU. A lifer, until the church went too far and I realized that my “lived experience” (such a dumb phrase) -- as a mother who questions the medicalization of her child’s dysphoria (if it is even dysphoria)-- would be met with hate. It was freeing to leave. Welcome to the lapsed UUs club!
Respectfully, as an American adult you have a GD right to live life the way you see fit as long as it's with consenting adults which I imagine it is. Where we may separate is with acceptance of homosexuality. AGAIN, you have a right as an American citizen to be gay and you should NOT have to hide this from anyone. That said the Christian faith clearly states that homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of God. That doesn't mean that in America we can harass gay people or make life difficult for them. On the contrary we are called to give aid and assist all short of sacrificing our lives to and or the lives of our loved ones. The wider acceptance by Christian churches of homosexuality was a huge mistake. That acceptance made it easier to later on coerce the same into going along with this transgender ideology.
The old testament taught an eye for an eye and to stone those who are adulterers and who are gay. The new restatement teaches Christians to turn the other cheek and embrace all but without succumbing to beliefs that challenge the Christian faith. Everything is a stepping stone and the smallest bad step made for otherwise rash sounding reasons is still the wrong step to take.
Well done. You didn't even have to explain that the church has been taken over by a faddish gnosticism. The theology matters less than the firmness with which we draw lines and incur penalties on transgression.
I used to belong to another New Thought church that has lost its way similar to the Unitarians. So we quit. Forever. We thought we would check out UU to see if we could find a similar community. We went to a very large and established UU church in our area that had around 400-500 seats, nearly all of which were empty. Perhaps 20-25 people in attendance. Its immoral to mutilate children, and no amount of woke yammering can make that otherwise.
When God is Absent in Our Life: Evil can become our way of life!
• GOD will NEVER approve of what GOD has condemned since the beginning of time, no matter what Man-Made laws are passed!
• Man’s laws cannot make moral what God has declared immoral. Even if sin is “legalized” by Man’s Laws, it is still a sin in the eyes of God.
• The Church cannot permit what God forbids.
• The Church cannot forbid what God permits.
• We must protect all Human Life, from Conception to Natural Death.
• God’s own Word shall never change, no matter what his creation, which is humankind, deems as the new ‘reality’!
• “Yes, we are to love God and love each other. But if we love God, we will seek to obey His Word. Jesus told us, ‘If you love Me, keep My commandments’ (John 14:15). God defines what is sin, not us; and His Word is clear that homosexuality is sin,” – Franklin Graham
• The Ten Commandments were not created to be a pick-and-choose salad bar.
• Where does it say that GOD’s OWN Commandments shall be periodically updated?
• Where in the Bible does it say that GOD will allow YOU to decide, (or vote on) which of the Ten Commandments are currently relevant?
Jesus commands us to welcome sinners into our churches, however He never said that we are to encourage and ‘celebrate’ sin, let alone make openly practicing sinners our Church Leaders. He commanded the sinner to “Go and sin no more”. We are not called to allow those who live in grave sin to receive Holy Communion. All are welcome on Christ’s terms, not yours, you are to leave your agenda at the door.
1. Any so-called “christian church” that accepts abortion, suicide, euthanasia, transgenderism, and/or homosexuality as an accepted practice, is NOT CHRISTIAN!
2. Abortion, suicide, euthanasia, transgenderism, and homosexuality are ALWAYS SINS!
3. Any person or church that accepts “chrislam” or “christianized islam” as an accepted practice and belief is NOT CHRISTIAN!
4. Anyone who supports any of the above is giving homage to Satan!
It is: “Love the sinner, but hate the sin!” – St. Augustine of Hippo, 354 – 430 AD
Islam rejects God as a Father, Islam rejects Jesus as the divine Son of God and Islam rejects the Jewish people as the ancient inheritors of God’s promises. There is now a heretical movement that is quickly infecting the “christian” church with its creeping influence, called “Chrislam” that we must also stop.
In the U.S., religious and organizations supposedly risk thief tax exempt status if they wade into politics. But that rule seems to have gone by the wayside.
“Unitarian Universalism is the one denomination of Christian religions where everyone is welcome and accepted and you can believe what you want—or so I thought.”
They don’t like pro-lifers, either.
I thought Unitarians held a variety of views about whether Jesus was the Son of God. How can it be a Christian religion if it doesn’t require you to believe that Jesus was the Son of God?
That aside, I’m sorry this happened to you. It’s so disorienting and sad when a group you identify with suddenly does something against your conscience. I hope you can find someplace else where you feel accepted.
There are some UUs that identify as Christian, especially on the East coast. However, in the West most churches identify as Humanist. There are also atheists and agnostics who are UU.
Exclusive: Prominent trans surgeon admits in unearthed video that complications of genital surgery ‘can be pretty bad’
Please let me correct one thing: UUism has a history as a Christian faith, but is not now a Christian denomination. In fact, this is one reason I found it appealing in the past: freedom of belief was encouraged.
I, too, quit UUism, in part due to the demand for adherence to gender ideology. I don't think it's a coincidence that UUism has become rigidly dogmatic at a time when much of society has turned toward intolerance. They're two sides of the same coin, and UUism has displayed rigid authoritarianism in other alarming ways over the past few years.
It's nothing like the church I joined.
The statement put out as the propaganda talking point was UTTERLY TONE DEAF as to what the March was about. They created a strawman and attacked it, without knowing what the issue is at all.
It was NOTHING to do with the Rainbow Community, and EVERYTHING about parents protecting their children from PREDATORS, as well they ought.
I do not blame you for leaving. I blame the trans-cult that is poisoning everything it touches. How can anyone think that this is real or possible to be born in the wrong body and that a boy can become a girl and vice versa? Lies on top of lies. We who see the truth will never ever be swayed.
By leaving you did exactly what they wanted.
“we are deeply concerned about the rise in bigotry and hate directed towards the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. (In 2021 alone, hate crimes against the queer community rose by 64%, and this number continues to rise.)”
Well, if you 64% more letters every year, then dont be surprised when the hate crime count goes up as well. If you expand a statistical category its gonna have more incidents fit into that category! Whoda thunk?
I have fond memories of Sunday school in the Unitarian Church (before it was UU) my family attended for a while when I was a child, and of the once a month services where we attended our wonderful pastor's sermons along with the adults.
Seeing what it has devolved into, and the pain the local UU church has caused my friends who were ostracized for not getting jabbed, the blatant hypocrisy the church and the congregation have shown on so many issues, is infuriating and heartbreaking.
Amen, you’re better off without them. The UU organization is a leftist, secular humanist philosophy club masquerading as a church. Most “Christian” churches today are almost as bad with the gender ideology madness. Only the most conservative ones are standing against it.
True. United Church of Christ is just as bad. Totally sold out to social justice and gender ideologies.
I too left the UU church. I was raised UU, very active as a youth, and raised my children UU. A lifer, until the church went too far and I realized that my “lived experience” (such a dumb phrase) -- as a mother who questions the medicalization of her child’s dysphoria (if it is even dysphoria)-- would be met with hate. It was freeing to leave. Welcome to the lapsed UUs club!
Amen Sister! once of my worse decisions for the OWL program.
Respectfully, as an American adult you have a GD right to live life the way you see fit as long as it's with consenting adults which I imagine it is. Where we may separate is with acceptance of homosexuality. AGAIN, you have a right as an American citizen to be gay and you should NOT have to hide this from anyone. That said the Christian faith clearly states that homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of God. That doesn't mean that in America we can harass gay people or make life difficult for them. On the contrary we are called to give aid and assist all short of sacrificing our lives to and or the lives of our loved ones. The wider acceptance by Christian churches of homosexuality was a huge mistake. That acceptance made it easier to later on coerce the same into going along with this transgender ideology.
The old testament taught an eye for an eye and to stone those who are adulterers and who are gay. The new restatement teaches Christians to turn the other cheek and embrace all but without succumbing to beliefs that challenge the Christian faith. Everything is a stepping stone and the smallest bad step made for otherwise rash sounding reasons is still the wrong step to take.
Well done. You didn't even have to explain that the church has been taken over by a faddish gnosticism. The theology matters less than the firmness with which we draw lines and incur penalties on transgression.
I used to belong to another New Thought church that has lost its way similar to the Unitarians. So we quit. Forever. We thought we would check out UU to see if we could find a similar community. We went to a very large and established UU church in our area that had around 400-500 seats, nearly all of which were empty. Perhaps 20-25 people in attendance. Its immoral to mutilate children, and no amount of woke yammering can make that otherwise.
When God is Absent in Our Life: Evil can become our way of life!
• GOD will NEVER approve of what GOD has condemned since the beginning of time, no matter what Man-Made laws are passed!
• Man’s laws cannot make moral what God has declared immoral. Even if sin is “legalized” by Man’s Laws, it is still a sin in the eyes of God.
• The Church cannot permit what God forbids.
• The Church cannot forbid what God permits.
• We must protect all Human Life, from Conception to Natural Death.
• God’s own Word shall never change, no matter what his creation, which is humankind, deems as the new ‘reality’!
• “Yes, we are to love God and love each other. But if we love God, we will seek to obey His Word. Jesus told us, ‘If you love Me, keep My commandments’ (John 14:15). God defines what is sin, not us; and His Word is clear that homosexuality is sin,” – Franklin Graham
• The Ten Commandments were not created to be a pick-and-choose salad bar.
• Where does it say that GOD’s OWN Commandments shall be periodically updated?
• Where in the Bible does it say that GOD will allow YOU to decide, (or vote on) which of the Ten Commandments are currently relevant?
Jesus commands us to welcome sinners into our churches, however He never said that we are to encourage and ‘celebrate’ sin, let alone make openly practicing sinners our Church Leaders. He commanded the sinner to “Go and sin no more”. We are not called to allow those who live in grave sin to receive Holy Communion. All are welcome on Christ’s terms, not yours, you are to leave your agenda at the door.
1. Any so-called “christian church” that accepts abortion, suicide, euthanasia, transgenderism, and/or homosexuality as an accepted practice, is NOT CHRISTIAN!
2. Abortion, suicide, euthanasia, transgenderism, and homosexuality are ALWAYS SINS!
3. Any person or church that accepts “chrislam” or “christianized islam” as an accepted practice and belief is NOT CHRISTIAN!
4. Anyone who supports any of the above is giving homage to Satan!
It is: “Love the sinner, but hate the sin!” – St. Augustine of Hippo, 354 – 430 AD
Islam rejects God as a Father, Islam rejects Jesus as the divine Son of God and Islam rejects the Jewish people as the ancient inheritors of God’s promises. There is now a heretical movement that is quickly infecting the “christian” church with its creeping influence, called “Chrislam” that we must also stop.
In the U.S., religious and organizations supposedly risk thief tax exempt status if they wade into politics. But that rule seems to have gone by the wayside.
“Unitarian Universalism is the one denomination of Christian religions where everyone is welcome and accepted and you can believe what you want—or so I thought.”
They don’t like pro-lifers, either.
I thought Unitarians held a variety of views about whether Jesus was the Son of God. How can it be a Christian religion if it doesn’t require you to believe that Jesus was the Son of God?
That aside, I’m sorry this happened to you. It’s so disorienting and sad when a group you identify with suddenly does something against your conscience. I hope you can find someplace else where you feel accepted.
There are some UUs that identify as Christian, especially on the East coast. However, in the West most churches identify as Humanist. There are also atheists and agnostics who are UU.
Good for you! See my further comments on why the UUA has become exclusive...while claiming to be oh, so “inclusive”!