Anguish” by August Friedrich Schenk 1878
Anguish—oh, I get it and I have for the better part of ten years.
My daughter was winner of the “Most Changed” title at her Catholic High School. Reflecting on the “Most Changed” title actually adds horror to my anguish. She went from “all girl, all the time” with some serious crushes on boys to: “I’m Bi”, then, “I’m gay”. These changes accompanied diagnoses of Depression and Bi-Polar disorder.
After graduating high school and starting at Georgetown University, (where she had received a scholarship), she also graduated to “I’m trans” and, in a very short period of time, started testosterone and had a double mastectomy. Did any of these doctors review her psychiatric history? Were these sick interventions supposed to heal depression and bi-polar disorder? Does anyone really believe that? It was shortly after the double mastectomy that she attempted suicide a second time.
At age 25, she has not yet been able to complete undergraduate studies at any of the three colleges she has now attended, nor has she held down a job for any significant length of time.
There are many individuals as well as institutions that have supported her in this insanity. I will not stay silent—I have lived too long in anguish. I have come to accept the pain – but I will never accept the trans agenda – ever. My daughter is loved and has been everyday of her life.
I am a religious person and I’m grateful for that now, since my faith and the grace of God is the only thing that has kept me from going mad.
Anguish – so well illustrated by August Fredrich Schenk – will not have the last word. How do I know? Because love is stronger than death and God alone will have the last word. God, who searches hearts, hears and sees those who have suffered this anguish, as well as those who have been manipulated and abused. For these, anguish will not have the last word.
However….He who searches hearts, also sees those who wait to devour the injured, as well as those who have profited from the trans agenda and the destruction of children. Those who do not repent, Anguish will be their last word.
The Son of Man will send His angels, and they will collect of His Kingdom all who cause others to sin and all evildoers. They will throw them into the fiery furnace where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth. Matthew 13:41-42
This illustrates what I consider one of the great problems with the tranninsanity: The Loss of Young Adulthood.
When a person is a young adult, they are often searching for their identity. I certainly did. I studied at a great midwestern State University, which had a wide variety of courses and majors. With this great variety, I was able to study at the undergrad level, as well as take a few grad courses. I read widely - I was probably the most widely read of my circle of friends. It is true that much of what I read was worthless trash (SF, mysteries), but I kept busy reading and learning. I took language courses. I learned certain instruments. I dropped out of school for a time, to work in a factory, which taught me that I needed to go back to U to finish.
The young people immersed in this tranninsanity waste this precious time. They spend their precious youth on a quest to do the impossible - to change their sex. This is a huge waste of time, since this cannot be done. Rather, the attempts to stop a natural process - puberty - merely stops the development of normal intelligence at an adult level, normal sexuality, and normal maturation to adulthood.
This is the great loss - wasting 7, 8, 9 years on this attempt to do the impossible, damaging the body, destroying the intellect.
It's a horrible waste.
The worst aspect of all of this is the blatant gas lighting, in the true sense of the term. This is the most urgent issue of our time, or so I see it, wreaking havoc everywhere in irreversible ways. The other evening, I tried telling a friend (a gay man, a fellow Boomer) about posting the forthcoming PITT anthology on Facebook, after realizing that most people are completely oblivious to what they are actually "agreeing" with. One friend commented, Wow, I didn't know this! Thanks for posting. Another "friend" called me a "fascist" and claimed this was just "the right wing losing its mind" and that none of it is "real."
My friend blew up at me for attempting to discuss a "wedge issue." He insisted that none of what I didn't even get a chance to explain was "real." It was all fake internet outrage. And what business is it of mine anyway, what people want to do with their own bodies?
I cannot even begin to describe the rage I feel at being told this isn't "real" by people who haven't bothered to do their homework, call those who have bothered to learn about what this movement is doing "fascists" and believe it's "mean" to encourage young people to feel comfortable in their bodies, as opposed to mutilating them.
They are by all accounts, objectively wrong, yet refuse to listen in the guise of assuming they actually know more than (I) do.