noun - severe mental or physical pain or suffering "she shut her eyes in anguish"

verb - be extremely distressed about something "he anguished over how to reply"

Yes, anguish describes this trans-cult world perfectly; as a noun for the children who are indeed suffering mental or physical pain or suffering, and as a verb for the families describing what we are all going through by being extremely distressed. It is impossible for me to NEVER accept my nephew or any other human being declaring that they were born in the wrong body. God does not make mistakes, it is impossible, and ludicrous to even think this could happen. May God help us, may He bring our loved ones back to us, may He severely punish each and every person who has caused such harm to our children. May God also have mercy upon us and our families and right this wrong. Our children are pawns in this evil-cult game and no one seems to know the rules but God is the creator of everything - even evil and good, and I pray that He hears our prayers.

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I too bear the anguish and disappointment but will never ever accept my 13 year old beautiful and fun-loving daughter saying she is now a boy. The pain is so real and gut wrenching… families broken apart.. whispers and heads turning wherever we go. How can this be real.. how did it happen: The enemy came to kill, steal and destroy… and all three have been done to my precious little girl. But like all of you, I continue to love and wait in hope that one day she will return.

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Just remember. The enemy - the devil never sleeps. They are constantly roaming around the world, looking for souls to consume. even if you don’t believe in the devil, there are demonic forces we can all see it on earth ...look at what’s happening all over the world. Demons are fallen angels, and they will never be accepted by God and so their only goal is to devour souls ....the liberals have let the demons loose on us.

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Ephesians 6:12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

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I worry about my son turning against God. He has -- and is Wiccan (last I heard). I worry about his soul. He is going to be 26. One priest that I work with (and knows my son) said "You have raised him in the Faith, made sure he had the sacraments. He made these decisions as an adult". Still, it doesn't make me feel better. When will my son come back?

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These targeted attacks on the vulnerable MUST be stopped. I hope she “wakes up” and sues them all.

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“...she has not been able to complete undergraduate studies at any of the three colleges she has now attended, nor has she held down a job for any significant length of time.” How tragic this continues to be for these individuals! As we have come alongside families for eight years now, this is a consistent theme. Kids that were otherwise good students plummet when they choose this path and are put on wrong sex hormones. A large employer in our community has made an effort to provide them employment but they continue to struggle greatly in holding down a job.

May God continue to comfort you in your anguish.

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Praying for you and your daughter, sister in Christ.

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While it is sad to be the parent of a kid who's troubled like that, in life there are people who just can't make it through life unaffected by the reality surrounding them and turn to outlandish ways to ignore and bury their troubles in a heap of self hatred.

Think drug addicts, thrill seekers who do dangerous stunts to avoid even a moment of mild boredom and end up crippled, video gamers and gamblers who waste their money and life away on insignificant distractions, and the worst of them all - the activists who hate themselves so much the only way to vent their rage and keep from imploding is by trying to hate others more.

There are some people who just don't believe they deserve anything different so they settle for the easy way to feel secure with their own mind, and your daughter is one of them right now. Anyone weird enough to cut themselves and call it a solution to their problem needs help for 1, but second if they weren't scared away enough from being surgically amputated in the first place, they've got a severe mental deficiency that won't be cured by just medication and therapy, it's a problem hardwired into their brain already.

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I find this comment to be more egregious than the worst trolling I have seen here. The growing numbers of children and young adults experiencing gender dysphoria is not “hardwired.” Autism, learning disabilities, mental illnesses and homosexuality may be “hardwired” but the idea that their struggles are the result of being “born in the wrong body” is not. That is a social contagion that is being pushed and nurtured for reasons of politics, ideology and profit.

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Agree with you

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Also, a very biased press that ralrely prints information about negative outcomes in the US is also at play. Reading news paper stories from Europe about the downside of surgeries etc. makes one think there is a lot of suppression going on. The Kids are NOT Alright!

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Then you misunderstand, I also believe that the agenda is being pushed by progressive zealots, sometimes for their own nefarious purposes while others are just too stupid to see how they're being led by those they worship and commit to as their authoritarian masters. These latter are the worst of the bunch because they're absurdly convinced, similar to any conservative theist caught in the thrall of religious ecstasy and conviction to believe what they're told, that those they deeply hold as their betters wouldn't lie to them about something as important as the safety of transitioning kids, just like they believed everything told about the vaccine, covid mortality and subsequent boosters that couldn't ever come with side effects involving deadly or debilitating complications. No, their leaders wouldn't lie to them like that because they can *feel* the goodness of those they follow, and a little emotional conviction is all it takes to convince them of anything. Like most people, conservative and progressive alike, they fall into either the sheep or the shephard camps who won't change their stance unless perhaps it first results in being personally devastated by the consequences of them.

If those they believe mean good, tell them kids as young as age 8 know what's best for their genderized selves then who are they to question those they see as the expert in their field. It's an evident and odious sign of someone with an arrested mental state, ie. Retardation.

What I was referring to about the hardwiring is the kid or adult who feels comfortable in cutting themselves. This isn't something taught or learned, nor is it a transmutation of a biological nature. Anyone without the sense to avoid unneccessry abscission is of course a deeply disturbed individual, but it's also evidence of a malfunctioning parietal lobe in the brain, the same portion that warns us to avoid touching a hot stove or walking into traffic without being aware of our surroundings. Anyone willing to voluntarily cut themselves open, whether that be on an operating table or just in the bedroom as a way to alleviate their depression, it's a sign they have a malfunctioning brain that doesn't ward them away from their own self-inflicted damage. These same people are the ones I described above, unable to forsee any of the negative consequences of their actions, like the injured daredevil, the gambler and the habitual drug user.

This girl's brain is not normal because it's working just like theirs is, unwilling and impotent to see how her propensity to seek radical solutions won't change her underlying condition. That's not the result of a cult seeking her out to offer a solution, that's the reaction of someone seeking out a cult on their own volition because they don't have the critical thinking skills to see the world any differently. They only know to walk toward the danger of a hot stove, but are unable to envision the potential for a terrible outcome from it.

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It's a mad, mad world. No safeguards. no checks and balances. Parents thrown to the wayside, so the crows can come and sexualize and de-sex our children. Who knew we would have to worry about doctors giving our children off-label dangers drugs, and remove healthy body parts. I feel your pain. I hope you sense my rage.

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Thank you for sharing your grief and struggles. It is helping us be strong and speak our truth to our daughter who wants to go down this path of self-harm and self-destruction. We have put up our boundaries to say we will not support a single $ to finishing college, insurance or other bills if she continues medical transition at 21. Thankfully it has paused her(stopped hormones) and we hope that she will realize she is wonderfully and perfectly made just as she is today...

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I am so sorry for your pain. Our enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, and he seems to be working in frantic overtime today. I am encouraged to read that God's grace is sustaining you.

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Thank you for voicing what I feel. I love my child. The institutions he is a part of have sent him along this path, instead of the path of becoming a productive person. I will never go along with the trans agenda. I know God is merciful, He is my solace, and knowing He loves me allows me to go on.

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Well written & indeed. Where is the evidence that people that undergo this treatment thrive? Wrong, wrong & more wrong. All I see is loss & wasted years. Hearts & hope goes out to you

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The gender zealots will always find something to weaponize. Yes, this is true. But accusations of religious motivation are their best weapon in the progressive community. And everyone here, regardless of conviction, should keep this in mind.

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At least the American College for Pediatrics has acknowledged that the interventions being given to children are not safe:


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I cannot load that website despite multiple attempts..... V suspicious.

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Shoot, I was having that issue earlier. Try this: do a search for The American College of Pediatrics. On their site there’s a little magnifying glass to do a site search. Within it type: transgender interventions harm children. That should pull up the article.

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Edit: do a search for “American College of Pediatricians” (not Pediatrics)

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I can't get to www.acpeds.org. It just doesn't load.

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I was able to get in first time.

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I am sorry you are going through this. Your words bring me the comfort I was seeking today. I am thinking of you.

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It’s astounding that there seems to be no effort being made to find out why these last two generations are so likely to suffer mental health problems. If vaccines are not causal in autism, what is? Why are suicide idealization so high in young teen years? Why can’t we find out anything that is helpful? Is it parenting? The Internet? Aliens? Chinese? Why is this trans behavior so visible and the cause so ignored?

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Vaccine harm and side effects are a huge part of the illness mental and physical we see t these days. If you study the ingredients added to these "vaccines" you'll note just how many deadly toxins are in there. Why? These days, unless you are informed an "opt out", your Doctor will push a schedule of 75 vaccines and boosters to inject your perfectly healthy child with. No vaccine is safe. Look at all the research out there.

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I just watched a documentary produced by I think the Danish about the harm from plastics in our world. ADHD and other harms including reproductive problems (and gender manifestations problems) because of the endocrine disrupters in the chemicals in plastics. They cited possible links to autism also.

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The internet with no supervision. It's pretty impossible for parents to know what kids are up to online. Remember when we were young we hid so much of what we did from our parents. It's different now, for sure, because of all the online content they are exposed to. I don't think it has anything to do with vaccines etc. However, kids are way more likely to medicated by well meaning practioners. It used to be that GP's couldn't prescribe psychoactive meds. No more is that true. Kids are awash in stimulants and anti-depressants that we really don't have a good handle on.

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I agree that vaccines and chemicals in food supply are likely harmful to mental health, not to mention screen addiction, ADHD meds and many other aspects of modern society. Turns out, the puberty blockers and cross sex hormones given to “trans” kids also harm mental health.


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