I'm ashamed to say Minnesota is right behind California. We have the dishonor of being the headquarters of WPATH. There is also a huge network of well established pedophiles here. It's disgusting. Feel free to go after our state as well.

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“Father Whose Son Had Transgender Surgery Despite Court Order Issues Dire Warning About Parental Rights”


If this ghoul group will violate a superior court judge in their own state (California) and castrate a minor against his father’s wishes, how much more will they do it to runaways from parents in other states?

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As far as idiocy goes few places can beat Illinois. It is one of those "safe haven" states ( to be fair, parental consent is required but still). It's illegal to leave a kid under 14 home alone in Illinois. So yeah, a 12 y.o. girl cannot be trusted with spending a few hours without parental supervision but "he" sure knows "who he is" and can make life-altering decisions.

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2 words: Governor Pritzker

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And his “sister”

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The rise in GP cases tells me that this condition is culturally induced and not something latent that these predatory practitioners uncovered.

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Where can my friends and I sign up to volunteer collecting signatures? I don't see this at the link; I'd be delighted to help.

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Oct 17, 2023·edited Oct 17, 2023Author

Under donate here at bottom. Go to bottom and click on petitions. I just changed it so it’s more clear.

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Will do!

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There's a one-word solution to this: litigation.

The California legislature is so busy normalizing gender identity ideology and its social consequences that it is magical thinking to expect it to change course.

At one level, California's executive branch merely sees to it that the laws passed by the legislature are enforced. That's no help. Newsom's presidential aspirations may be causing the Governor to tone down his pro-trans rhetoric a bit, but he won't lead the initiative to roll back trans activists' gains.

That leaves the courts. There needs to be an extremely well funded nationwide legal project that can crush the ACLU and other pro-trans legal interest groups in court. A word of caution is in order: make sure the gender critical litigation juggernaut doesn't become a Trojan Horse. Many of the interests who want to end the gender madness are also gunning for the civil rights that gay men and lesbians won during the period from Stonewall to Obergefell. Gender critical Democrats need to build their own network of litigators and donors who can be counted on not to toss out the baby with the bath water.

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The initiative process bypasses the legislature.

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Good point!

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That the QT+ fanatics wheedled their way in under the LGBAlliance umbrella is something we have to be careful about, as you say. The trans activists are misogynist & homophobic & a danger to both. They are targeting & grooming children at an alarming rate. Just look at the rising numbers influenced by the social contagion of ROGD (Rapid Onset of Gender Dysphoria)

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Well done 👏 I tried to donate (outside US) and a Microsoft 403 code came up... I wasn't able to.

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There you go, Liz. It's what we all must do. We must stop supporting this insanity by affirming this insanity - from pronouns on. In truth, I have no problem with what an adult chooses to do with their body. But for me 'adult' needs to be from around 25 and up, when that frontal lobe has fully developed. This indoctrination that is starting in EARLY education must end.

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I’m against it all. An adult is subject to the same issues as younger it’s still a mental illness.

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It all begins with pronouns. The gateway push to gender ideology. Just say no to pronouns!

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It begins with nouns ("trans woman"), but, yeah, the pronouns are in very close lockstep behind those.

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Absolutely, Anna. The #BeKind brigade who attack #LetWomenSpeak events to drown out women speaking about their sex-based rights being undermined by gender ideology. I will never use compelled speech; I will never say that a man is a woman or use ‘preferred pronouns’.

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Would it be possible to send a cashiers check or money order? Sorry to be difficult but I don’t want it on my credit card statement. My husband and I have an agreement not to pour anymore resources into what we consider to be a corrupt political system. I would like to help with this one though.

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Email me Erin.friday@yahoo.com. I am on the executive committee for the initiatives. Thank you

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Email me about this. Pitt@genspect.org

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You can ask if they have a PayPal account maybe.

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No. Paypal is one of them.

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I didn’t know that. Thank you.

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Yes. Earlier in the year they deplatformed many conservatives. They still haven' t given money back to some folks. They also are biased against many organizations, groups and companies. You probably can locate stories on a search engine or twitter.

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I wasn’t aware of this. Thank you.

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Maybe you could buy a prepaid VISA card at the store in the amount you want to donate, and use that. (There is a small extra fee when you purchase a prepaid card.)

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We take checks too. Any amount will help. Erin.froday@yahoo.com

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Perfect! Thank you!

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Do you take Bitcoin donations? They are much more versatile and easier to send.

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"Upon the good doctor’s return to the States he announced that he “was salivating – we have to do this.”

Salivating? Gee that's not pedophilic at all...

and of course he's from Harvard—now the absolute worst school in the country for free speech (https://www.thefire.org/news/harvard-gets-worst-score-ever-fires-college-free-speech-rankings). Harvard is a cancer.

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Here, this should brighten your day a bit. Of course, we need MORE OF SAME at every academic institution that's pushing this abomination, which means almost all of them.


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That does brighten my day a bit, thank you!

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Horrifying. California is a moral sewer.

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I have lived in California my entire life. I DO NOT SUPPORT GENDER IDEOLOGY and I do not personally know anyone who does. I will include here the definition of bigotry so perhaps you can learn to refrain from disgusting, offending and alienating people who are on the same side as you (that is how the other side wins, sweetie)

Bigotry: obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion or faction; in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular group

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I agree in some respects but Northern California is a cesspool for trans and gender ideology. My son actually said “ if I didn’t live here in Oakland - Berkeley, I doubt I could live as a trans woman anywhere! It didn’t help that he lived with a woman who had a masters in gender studies from where else, Berkeley! It’s not bigotry it’s facts. I’ve lived in Ca all my life and never knew my son was communicating with this woman. When I tried to cut it off he cut me off. They are here in So Cal in Hollywood and other places. A lady I just met at a Bible Study told me her Grandaughter in SD is affected by it and her parents are all in! Just because it’s not around your group doesn’t mean it’s not here. Blessings 🙏

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You are making a statement about " California" being a "sewer" and a "cesspool" even though this article states that 75% of the population of the state "want kids to grow up without puberty blockers, hormones, or missing body parts."

By making a general statement about "California" you are indeed expressing bigotry towards those 75% regardless of how many times you claim "it is not bigotry" or offer "blessings". How the hell can we gather additional support to protect children when you seem intent on insulting the residents of the state who already agree with you?

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Don’t pick on her, I’m the one who said it.

I agree children need protecting, and I hope the parents of California come out to fight with everything they have.

But if you voted for Newsome, or Pelosi, or any of the other leftist ideologues who have destroyed that state with their family destroying and community destroying policies…. Well, California voters only have themselves to blame. And what do they do? They vote for this crap.

And frankly, when I see pictures of junkies and human waste and trash and homeless encampments in LA, San Francisco, San Jose, etc, it’s hard not to think it’s a LITERAL sewer. But it most certainly is a moral one.

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You pass judgement on the entire population because of "pictures" that the media chooses to publish?

Please excuse me if I am sick and tired of being called "pervert" and that I live in a "sewer" simply because bigots see photos on the media - social or otherwise.

I strongly suggest you read up on the concept of horizontal hostility and stop doubling down on your assumptions about people who are ON THE SAME SIDE AS YOU!

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I didn’t call you a pervert. I didn’t actually say anything about you at all. Consider calming down and recognizing all comments are not about you as an individual.

California is morally lost if you look at it as a whole. I’m sorry the truth offends you.

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I have no intention of insulting anyone. I was telling my story about Northern California and the experience there. I would never insult anyone intentionally. I was merely trying to let you know it more prevalent than you think in California, especially Notthern Ca. I’m sorry if I offended you. Considering the fact that this trans population is about 1% of the population they make a big splash in their ideology. Other states are affected too. California schools I’ve heard have been pushing it.

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My apology for mistaking you for the previous poster. But did you really think that calling my home a "cesspool" is not an insult? I look out my window at mountains and a river and a clear blue sky and that is what inspires me to keep trying to do what is right.

What is more important here though is that making insulting assumptions about the entire population (75% of which are ON YOUR SIDE) is not going to help children - in fact horizontal hostility is responsible for sinking more than one sociopolitical movement.

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75% cannot possibly on the side of children. Gavin Newsome, who is a leader pushing this garbage has been elected by overwhelming majorities. STOP. VOTING. LEFT.

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Stop being so offended - it was a general statement not directed at you. I’m happy you are in a good place but not everyone is. I was raised in California and I remember the good times and beautiful places to live. By the way The term Bigot is something the trans uses all the time toward us. Making a statement about Californias policies and permissiveness about the gender ideology problem is directed at the state and not you and your friend or where you live. Taking personal offense to what people say online is why we are here now. Ever hear “ let it roll off your shoulder?

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Yikes... I'm sorry to hear You've had a son captured by this ideology, and I hope things arrive at a better place eventually 🖤

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Thank you

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I'm quite sure the poster was not referring to individual California residents personally, but to many of the policies/laws generated by the California political system.

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Not individual residents personally but every resident in general BECAUSE of policies/laws generated by the system - in spite of the fact that these policies/laws were not voted on by the residents of the state but pushed through by legislators who are only voted in by their district. The rest of us are being lumped in with the Weiners of the state simply because we live here. That is the definition of bigotry.

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I'm not at all sure of that.

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Clearly I don’t know all the individual Californians well enough to insult them. But I can see what they have wrought.

Honestly. Stop being offended and refocus on protecting children.

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Honestly, Stop telling someone else what to do. If she's offended by you, she is, and it's not your business to try to boss her around.

She's asking YOU to focus on protecting children.

Stop insulting her and do it.

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"they" - as if all Californians "wrought" it - you just don't get it do you

75% of the state is tens of millions of people who want to protect children but if your bigoted statements are believed those of us who have risked our well being by speaking out against gender ideology haven't done sh**.

Honestly - get a clue.

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And 64% of California voted in Gavin Newsom. California is the third most liberal state in the nation. You have the government you voted for over there. If anyone needs to get a clue here, it’s you.

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I believe that the tide is turning against this monstrous gender ideology which has spread into a social contagion infecting thousands of teenagers (mostly girls). These doctors and therapists will have he’ll to pay when the lid blows off this ideology & people see what an evil, pernicious cult it is.

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We need to give the Earth a little push to help this tide change quicker :)

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If I knew how, I would. 🤣

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Indeed, this is one of the very few things for which I'd support Nuremberg-style retroactive criminalization and punishment (since the butchery and gender chemo are, at this moment, legal).

The ofds may not be so hot, though—the professions are all too quick to protect their own.

Case in point, Diane "babies who loosen their clothes or remove hair accessories for obvious reasons of comfort are actually sending jEnDeR mEsSaJeS" Ehrensaft was a leading pusher of the '80s Satanic Panic. In any hallway sane society, Diane Ehrensaft would be put to death, rotting in prison, or shunned from society and employment and living in a cardboard box under a bridge—but instead, she has somehow kept her professional status and is still given a leading platform. WHY?

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Just a thought ... Perhaps we will resolve this quicker if those who are culpable are granted some sort of immunity, provided they stop what they are doing and publicly announce they were wrong. Yeah, I know ... Unlikely... But I do think that some people dug themselves so deep in this hole they are afraid to speak up.

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Like a South African-style Truth and Reconciliation Commission, type of thing?

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Too many professionals have nailed their colours to the mast of transgenderism, and yet others have gone too far to turn back. They dare not face what they have done; the horror they will have to face when the full fruits of their denial of basic biology will be unbearable. All those children (mostly girls) with their mutilated bodies & mental health issues. They will close ranks but the truth will out. The biological truth is that sex is binary and immutable.

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This is a place where I think it really does resemble Nazi Germany.

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On judgement day they will have to answer to Jesus and give an account of what they did and what they didn’t do, as we all will. It’s a scary thought that Jesus can reject us for our unrepented sins but he says he who hurts the least of us hurts him directly. Hopefully the truth will come into the minds of all affected by this madness.

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Is there a way to donate anonymously?

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No, you stop it.

Oh, grow up.

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