I have a warning for parents. My daughter, age 16, was able to obtain gel testosterone on-line from a store in the UK, shipped to the U.S. She used her cash - saved from the bat mitzvah she begged for - to pay for it. Let me back up. I’m Jewish by heritage, but totally unreligious, and my husband is a lapsed Catholic. Together we decided early on that our children would be raised without religion. We like some cultural things, so we celebrate Chanukah and Christmas by playing good music, eating good food, playing fun games, buying presents, and my husband insists on a tree. That’s the sum and substance of our foray into Judaism and Catholicism. My son was just fine with that, and always told his friends “I’m Jewish and Catholic and I’m not religious.” My daughter, on the other hand, really wanted to go to Hebrew School. Some of her cousins went, and some of her friends went, and it looked like fun. She was also curious about it. She begged and begged for two years, until I finally relented. She liked Hebrew School and excelled at learning to read Hebrew. She even taught me the Alef Bet (Hebrew alphabet). By the time she was 12, she didn’t believe in any of the teachings, but she still enjoyed it and really wanted a big bat mitzvah celebration - something else I had no interest in. It seemed like a big waste of money, I’m not that social, and I definitely was not a believer in this type of rite of passage, but again, she really wanted it.
The mental “health” profession should be ashamed of itself. They are proposing to “affirm” a decision that cannot be undone in mentally ill people. Worse, it’s children. Once they are cut, there’s no fixing it. Once they stop the development of their bodies, they are permanently damaged. It’s just lunacy.
I hope you’re able to get a decent outcome for your daughter.
Wishing you well, and hoping you find a therapist who isn't themselves brainwashed. This site looks hopeful for healing for detransitioners, it's by a therapist who understands that gender can be explored without physical mutilation, and that there are terrible consequences for kids pushed into drugs and surgeries by "affirming" therapists ~ https://detranshealing.substack.com/p/holistic-psychotherapies-an-introduction
Thank you for sharing your experience. It is too easy for girls to get testosterone behind our backs. Your warning is helpful to other parents as we all need to be highly vigilant.
Drug companies and governments do not care about our children. Testosterone is like a new contraceptive, freely available, but more like heroin in its addictiveness and damage.
"they made it pretty clear they don’t think this was a bad outcome"
I had "friends" like that too. They are your enemies.
This time they got caught. They will try again.
Things will never get better until the good guys start hitting back. You're a Jew, imagine reporting "Hey we caught Eichmann! Huh? No we let him go."
I've been there. IMHO it is not your role to sue your tormentors, you need to seriously consider calling the police. Discuss with your lawyer the pros and cons of reporting your tormentors on criminal charges that may include
1. illegal possession of a Schedule III drug
2. with intent to distribute
Those are serious state and federal crimes. Your daughter is already the victim. She is the intended victim of more. For 98 days they poisoned her. Never forget that their dream is to "kill" your daughter and replace her with your new son.
These delightful friends of yours conspired to do all those things 1-3. They conspired with your daughter to lie to you and circumvent your agreement. They must burn.
Thank you for your story - and the realization that our confused children will do anything to go against our wishes and that other people are out there to support them. Our lost trans-thinking children are being manipulated and are harming themselves not understanding the permanent damaged that is happening to their minds and bodies. I am sad for your heartache and that your precious daughter wants to disappear into the made-up world of pretending to be a boy. I hope you can help her find her way back. The trans-ideology poison is everywhere and we need to fight this together and stay strong to reveal the truth.
I agree. Our lost trans-thinking children do not understand that they are permanently damaging their minds and bodies. My daughter(23) has been a testosterone addict since 18, fully supported by false internet friends, and it seems to me everyone else except me! This is a lonely difficult desperate battle. Prayers needed.
Thank you for this -- very important -- I hope it circulates widely. We were living in a conservative foreign country when our daughter fell into the trans world, so to some extent she ran into practical barriers in getting herself drugs or a binder. But unfortunately that didn't make her less convinced she was "trans" and needed to transition. The prevalence of affirming therapists is a nightmare, and we had the same experience of believing we had found one who would help her get to the root of her hatred of her body, only to be betrayed by that therapist -- and by our GP -- both of whom wrote recommendations for her to obtain testosterone and double mastectomy in the country where she is now going to college, age 19. Needless to say we cut ties with those two professionals, and since she is still expressing interest in therapy I continue to look for someone who is not captive to trans ideology. Unfortunately non-affirming therapists are few and far between and VERY BUSY!
We were in Hungary when she "came out", together with her best friend at the American international school there. In the beginning, before we understood what gender clinics were all about, we took our daughter to a clinic in Italy, and they immediately affirmed and had an endocrinologist in the room from the first moment. We did not pursue that. Next we tried a neutral family therapist in Budapest, but after a year the family therapist she said she didn't feel qualified to help us any further. After that we went to a Hungarian psychiatrist who ignored my request to speak with her first on my own and ushered both me and my daughter into her office. Within a couple of minutes of talking with us, she asked my daughter, "So, are you trans?" to which my daughter smiled and said yes. Then the psychiatrist became very enthusiastic about working with my daughter, and started reeling off examples of other "trans kids" she was working with. Needless to say I did not pursue therapy for my daughter with THAT person either. Eventually we left Hungary and moved back to Italy where we had been stationed before. We found an American, gay, male therapist and vetted him very carefully. We thought we had a good understanding with him, that he and our daughter would work on exploring underlying issues (e.g. adoption-related trauma, a disfiguring facial birthmark and multiple surgeries to correct it, etc.), but we found out later that he affirmed her immediately and eventually wrote her a recommendation to get "gender treatments" once she turned 18 and was in college in Switzerland, covered by her school's mandatory medical insurance.
What a nightmare. I am so sorry. I naively thought that in countries like Hungary or Italy the affirmation by therapists would not be as wide-spread. There is really nowhere to run, is there?
I’m sorry you’re dealing with this and that our children can obtain drugs behind our backs. The world has become insanely unsafe. We have to be even more vigilant than ever before. That’s scary.
This is my greatest fear, Testosterone! How in the hell can anyone think to give this to young girls!! My daughter is now 18. I should be celebration for her future, instead I fear for it.
I try to instill truth to her, a little here and there. Not too much at one time. I send her links to, hopefully, give her another voice of reason - not too often. It’s so hard because the rest of her world celebrates Trans people. There is no celebration in ruining a healthy body for life!!!!!!! Stupid people!!!!
This has always been one of my fears with the binders, as we refuse to allow our daughter to wear one. But had no clue it was this easy to get T gel. It’s like an Underground Railroad, encouraged by people like the awful Eli Erlick.
I wonder what the statistics are of those youngsters in the process of gender affirmation efforts, initially supported by well meaning parents who were raised in an irreligious household? Are the numbers bigger, the same or less for those who describe themselves as “practicing”?
The problem parents face is finding expert, personal help is that the financial incentives to support transgender actions are significant. I’m not sure any teacher could help say no and advise waiting for maturity without being fired.
I've wondered, too. Then 'Jill' commented directly before you, answering your question. Her 15-year-old son is calling himself "transgender" and the family is practising Christian. Seems to be no deterrent.
Well, statistically speaking... Just because some religious kids fall for it doesn't mean that religion doesn't matter. It is quite possible that smaller percentage of kids from religious families identify as trans. I think it's very likely the case. However I suspect that among those who do identify as trans, higher proportion of religious kids are hiding it from the parents and don't "come out" until 18. They also more likely to have internalized homophobia which is a risk factor.
For my part I never claim definitive understanding of anything. Impossible to definitively 'know' anything at this stage, since we're smack in the midst of it. I eagerly await credible stats some day in the future. I have 1000 questions and no answers.
I am so sorry and I feel your pain. My 15 year old son says he's transgender and if I question him I'm not loving him. He's been raised in a Christian home and this has always been a discussion in our home. I know He was bullied on reddit.com . They called him everything from ugly to into incest because he had posted bible verses. I see now after that is when he fell head long into trans and cutting himself. Thank you for sharing!
I'm so sorry. My transing son got hormones through the mail after one phone call. The company that sells the hormones has their own "therapists" who provide approval during the phone call and immediately put them on a hormone subscription. My kid was 18, but I imagine it wouldn't be difficult to forge an ID that no one is ever going to see in person. I put myself on this company's mailing list to see what kind of advertising they send out. One ad read "Want to yeet your uterus? Same!" Even though the company is limited to selling drugs, they are also pushing surgeries with the message "this is what the cool kids are doing."
I read this post earlier today and I just can’t get it out of my mind. I agree with at least one other comment about suing these people that helped your daughter get testosterone. Possibly even file a police report and pursue criminal charges. Seriously this is war and people like them are not going to stop grooming and enabling our kids if someone doesn’t stop them. If these people gave your daughter alcohol or marijuana (which would be much less harmful) that would be illegal. Please do something! This is so wrong!!!! It might make you unpopular in the neighborhood but I would stand with you and I think anyone with any common sense would agree.
I'm surprised how many comments mention lawsuits or restraining orders without acknowledging the seriousness of the FEDERAL AND STATE CRIMES committed here. See my list above.
This stops when we make it stop.
How do we make it stop? Hit back. These wonderful friends poisoned the child. They wanted to poison her more but they got caught.
I’m so sorry for all the pain you’re going through and for your daughter. You clearly love her a lot.
Gender Ideology is a train with no brakes. We can’t flirt with it and think it won’t consume us. We must reject it from its core and give it no accommodation. That means embracing the reality that God created us as male and female and said it is good.
Otherwise, we’re only left with ‘Wait until you’re older or well-informed’ which will always be pushed downward and gives our kids no real protection.
You are right that it is not possible to "compromise" with gender identity ideology. It is plain insanity, narcissism, utter selfishness... and the demand for validation of their new identity is psychopathic: they take pleasure in causing pain to their parents. Only a hard line will work. I refused to allow my children to see their trans-identifying father. They didn't suffer HIS confusion and they flourished in school, university and the world of work. Now they see it for what it is: a delusion.
There is an article on My Jewish Learning that explains the Talmudic belief in 8 different genders, including those aided by medi cull practices. I am so sorry this happened to you & your family. Prayers & hugs ♡
Can you link to this? I'm Jewish and though I am not a Talmudic scholar, this sounds rather fantastic to me. (A lot of websites exist on the internet that slenderize the Talmud but those are difficult to confront because fewer people know the Talmud than, say, the Bible, and the construction of the Talmud -- which is a series of debates between Rabbis -- leaves statements that sound very controversial out of context).
Jordan Peterson pointed out that people are confusing /temperment/ with /gender./. In a sane time, we can understand that a girl can like sports and a boy can like sewing without them being the opposite gender. This new fad -- that a girl who likes football is really a boy, or a boy who likes sewing is really a girl -- is the poison, rather than accepting that we all can have a few traits or interests that seem the opposite gender.
That actually is more legit -- I have heard of a practice of reading Talmud by reading both sides of one page a day. Takes seven and a half years to get through the whole thing.
I was describing Talmud to someone like this once.
George Carlin had a joke about how when he was in Catholic School he would ask the craziest questions to stump the priest. "Hey Fawder. It's Pentecost Sunday -- the last day -- and you're at a ship at sea. And the chaplain goes into a coma. But you wanted to receive. Then it's Monday. Too late! But then you cross the international date line. Would that then be a sin, Fawder?"
Carlin uses it as a joke but this is the kind of question you'll find discussed in the Talmud.
Thing is, this leaves it vulnerable to people who want to take the esoteric stuff -- like if the primordial human, prior to being split between Adam and Eve, and therefore was both man and woman in one body -- whether that means that Judaism suddenly and always supported gender neutral people or people who are both male and female -- well, there's the esoteric questions, sure, but this kind of leap is, I'm pretty sure, not the intention of the conversation.
Already saw it and already sent a comment to them on the harm they're doing. It's being promoted by a woke writer:
"In recent decades, queer Jews and allies have sought to reinterpret these eight genders of the Talmud as a way of reclaiming a positive space for nonbinary Jews in the tradition. The starting point is that while it is true that the Talmud understands gender to largely operate on a binary axis, the rabbis clearly understood that not everyone fits these categories."
I took a look myself. Clearly they have an agenda and are nit-picking through sources to rationalize it.
So they found some Rabbis speculating what Adam may have looked like prior to G-d separating him into Man and Woman. From this, they take a leap of logic to say that Judaism has some special status for "non-binary individuals."
Like you said. Dangerous Trash.
Counter with a bit of Torah: Dueteromony where a man will not wear a woman's garment, nor a woman's a man. And Deuteronomy -- a man who is castrated is restricted from certain religious practices in the sanctuary.
But ultimately, they're kneeling to a golden calf of their own creation.
I mean… doesn’t the Torah trump any speculative debates of Rabbis over the centuries and last time I checked, Genesis was pretty clear on how God Made humans Male and female… not 8 ‘genders’ which is a linguistic feature of some languages which usually bear little relation to actual biological categories, but definitely not Biblical Hebrew.
I agree, and I don't buy the article that was referenced that claim the Talmud states there are 8 genders or what not. It sounds like someone had a conclusion they wanted to draw, and cherry-picked the material they wanted.
Genesis, during the sixth day of creation it says that G-d created a human being "male and female he created them."
A little bit later once this is done, you have another line: "It is not good that man be alone." And G-d takes the rib from the man and makes Woman.
There's a lot of interpretation that can be drawn. One, for instance, is woman he came from the rib. Why? To be man's equal -- she came from his side. Not his head, which would imply she was greater. Not his feet, which would imply she was lesser. But from the side. The middle. The rib.
But you might speculate that the man on Day 6 was a little different than the man after the rib was removed. So they would speculate on what this initial being was in chapter 1, before you get to chapter 2 and the garden of Eden.
That's the part the Talmudists would discuss.
Then the gender theorist shows up thousands of years later and says: "Oh, by discussing what a human being was like before it was divided into Adam and Eve or Man and Woman means that they always accepted our gender neutral ideology!"
Jonah, Wow, that's good stuff. Please have a go at them! I'm in the middle of a civic campaign that I am only in BECAUSE of all this trash. I can only focus on this election (not enough brain bandwidth). Please go at them! The idea of endless yeshiva arguments was...actually I don't know why it was. But I know with 100% certainty that it WASN'T to further the cyberhuman, transhuman, godless agenda of Pritzkers and Rothblatt...
There's a book I was reading um... let me look up the title for you. "To Heal the World?" It talks about a supposed concept in Judaism much loved by the Left. Tikkun Olam. "Repairing the world." This is a much loved concept. Obama himself spoke about it. And everyone who wants to use Judaism for their social restructuring loves the idea of Tikkun Olam. They're repairing the world.
But here's the problem.
Tikkun Olam is not in the Torah. It is not in the Tanach. It is not in the Talmud. It is not in the Mishnah. It is not in the Kabblah. It is not in the Madras.
Where does it come from?
It's actually in a prayer called the Alienu. One sentence of that prayer.
Whoops. Nope. it's not one sentence. It's half a sentence. A sentence fragment. The full sentence is: "Repair the world for the coming of the kingdom of G-d."
Yet that sentence fragment has been used by a left wing advocates to put their political "spin" on Judaism.
And the process is not reading what the Torah says and trying to match up your actions with G-d's commandments. Instead, it's doing your actions that you wanted to do anyway, and then JUSTIFYING it by finding something in the literature you think will back your actions... whether that's a correct interpretation or not.
Stacy Abrams recently said that the idea that a baby in the womb has a heartbeat at 6 weeks that you can hear on an Ultrasound is a myth created by right-wing religious nuts to control women's bodies.
Factually and scientifically she is completely wrong.
But it doesn't matter.
She has an objective -- keep Abortion going -- and she will say anything to justify it. Whether a truism or an outright fabrication. The veracity doesn't matter. The result -- keeping abortion going -- is what matters. Giving it a scientific sounding rational is more likely to convince people than just saying "There are too many babies and we should be able to kill them off when they're inconvenient, and I don't care about any moral calculations on this."
Hi Moomin, I'm Jewish, and I hear you (although I don't have your 'lived' experience). It's a huge topic. There's even a joke to be made about the 'Reconstructionist' (...) movement for Jews who are also members of the Church of Trans Theory cult.
Tell her that she needs to leave the Church of Trans Theory if she wants faith, because authentic faith is reconnection to nature. The tenets of her current church/cult are founded in toxicity, chaos, meaninglessness, sterility, and lies.
Maybe some of these kids could connect to (Jewish) Jason Shurka. He's young (25) and one leader of many in the deliberately leaderless space of the 'evolving consciousness' space. I follow the work[s] of a few (adult) 'energyworkers'/'lightworkers' (there's no one word because they're all individuals); and I inform my sons regularly and often about my meditations and practises/inner work in order to seed their own spiritual growth.
The FAILURES of ALL BigReligion faiths helped usher in the Church of Trans Theory cult. There's no returning to them, ultimately.
Moomin, Can you email me zeldalevine2022@gmail.com and I'll send you in some directions? I'm kinda overwhelmed with this civic campaign I never planned on being in.
It's imperative that a connection be made between these hyper-mechanistic thinking kids (sucked into Church of Trans Theory) and the evolving consciousness community [if you're uneasy, start with Buckminster Fuller, who can be said to have been one of the grandfathers of it], which does include younger people who I don't know or follow (though people I follow should know of them).
The mental “health” profession should be ashamed of itself. They are proposing to “affirm” a decision that cannot be undone in mentally ill people. Worse, it’s children. Once they are cut, there’s no fixing it. Once they stop the development of their bodies, they are permanently damaged. It’s just lunacy.
I hope you’re able to get a decent outcome for your daughter.
Wishing you well, and hoping you find a therapist who isn't themselves brainwashed. This site looks hopeful for healing for detransitioners, it's by a therapist who understands that gender can be explored without physical mutilation, and that there are terrible consequences for kids pushed into drugs and surgeries by "affirming" therapists ~ https://detranshealing.substack.com/p/holistic-psychotherapies-an-introduction
Thank you for sharing your experience. It is too easy for girls to get testosterone behind our backs. Your warning is helpful to other parents as we all need to be highly vigilant.
Drug companies and governments do not care about our children. Testosterone is like a new contraceptive, freely available, but more like heroin in its addictiveness and damage.
"they made it pretty clear they don’t think this was a bad outcome"
I had "friends" like that too. They are your enemies.
This time they got caught. They will try again.
Things will never get better until the good guys start hitting back. You're a Jew, imagine reporting "Hey we caught Eichmann! Huh? No we let him go."
I've been there. IMHO it is not your role to sue your tormentors, you need to seriously consider calling the police. Discuss with your lawyer the pros and cons of reporting your tormentors on criminal charges that may include
1. illegal possession of a Schedule III drug
2. with intent to distribute
Those are serious state and federal crimes. Your daughter is already the victim. She is the intended victim of more. For 98 days they poisoned her. Never forget that their dream is to "kill" your daughter and replace her with your new son.
Conspiracy too.
These delightful friends of yours conspired to do all those things 1-3. They conspired with your daughter to lie to you and circumvent your agreement. They must burn.
Weimar 2.0
Thank you for your story - and the realization that our confused children will do anything to go against our wishes and that other people are out there to support them. Our lost trans-thinking children are being manipulated and are harming themselves not understanding the permanent damaged that is happening to their minds and bodies. I am sad for your heartache and that your precious daughter wants to disappear into the made-up world of pretending to be a boy. I hope you can help her find her way back. The trans-ideology poison is everywhere and we need to fight this together and stay strong to reveal the truth.
I agree. Our lost trans-thinking children do not understand that they are permanently damaging their minds and bodies. My daughter(23) has been a testosterone addict since 18, fully supported by false internet friends, and it seems to me everyone else except me! This is a lonely difficult desperate battle. Prayers needed.
ILL. Mutilation of children in the name of transgender-ism must stop.
Thank you for this -- very important -- I hope it circulates widely. We were living in a conservative foreign country when our daughter fell into the trans world, so to some extent she ran into practical barriers in getting herself drugs or a binder. But unfortunately that didn't make her less convinced she was "trans" and needed to transition. The prevalence of affirming therapists is a nightmare, and we had the same experience of believing we had found one who would help her get to the root of her hatred of her body, only to be betrayed by that therapist -- and by our GP -- both of whom wrote recommendations for her to obtain testosterone and double mastectomy in the country where she is now going to college, age 19. Needless to say we cut ties with those two professionals, and since she is still expressing interest in therapy I continue to look for someone who is not captive to trans ideology. Unfortunately non-affirming therapists are few and far between and VERY BUSY!
Sharon, so are most therapists affirming in your conservative country??!!
We were in Hungary when she "came out", together with her best friend at the American international school there. In the beginning, before we understood what gender clinics were all about, we took our daughter to a clinic in Italy, and they immediately affirmed and had an endocrinologist in the room from the first moment. We did not pursue that. Next we tried a neutral family therapist in Budapest, but after a year the family therapist she said she didn't feel qualified to help us any further. After that we went to a Hungarian psychiatrist who ignored my request to speak with her first on my own and ushered both me and my daughter into her office. Within a couple of minutes of talking with us, she asked my daughter, "So, are you trans?" to which my daughter smiled and said yes. Then the psychiatrist became very enthusiastic about working with my daughter, and started reeling off examples of other "trans kids" she was working with. Needless to say I did not pursue therapy for my daughter with THAT person either. Eventually we left Hungary and moved back to Italy where we had been stationed before. We found an American, gay, male therapist and vetted him very carefully. We thought we had a good understanding with him, that he and our daughter would work on exploring underlying issues (e.g. adoption-related trauma, a disfiguring facial birthmark and multiple surgeries to correct it, etc.), but we found out later that he affirmed her immediately and eventually wrote her a recommendation to get "gender treatments" once she turned 18 and was in college in Switzerland, covered by her school's mandatory medical insurance.
What a nightmare. I am so sorry. I naively thought that in countries like Hungary or Italy the affirmation by therapists would not be as wide-spread. There is really nowhere to run, is there?
I’m sorry you’re dealing with this and that our children can obtain drugs behind our backs. The world has become insanely unsafe. We have to be even more vigilant than ever before. That’s scary.
This is my greatest fear, Testosterone! How in the hell can anyone think to give this to young girls!! My daughter is now 18. I should be celebration for her future, instead I fear for it.
I try to instill truth to her, a little here and there. Not too much at one time. I send her links to, hopefully, give her another voice of reason - not too often. It’s so hard because the rest of her world celebrates Trans people. There is no celebration in ruining a healthy body for life!!!!!!! Stupid people!!!!
This has always been one of my fears with the binders, as we refuse to allow our daughter to wear one. But had no clue it was this easy to get T gel. It’s like an Underground Railroad, encouraged by people like the awful Eli Erlick.
I wonder what the statistics are of those youngsters in the process of gender affirmation efforts, initially supported by well meaning parents who were raised in an irreligious household? Are the numbers bigger, the same or less for those who describe themselves as “practicing”?
The problem parents face is finding expert, personal help is that the financial incentives to support transgender actions are significant. I’m not sure any teacher could help say no and advise waiting for maturity without being fired.
I've wondered, too. Then 'Jill' commented directly before you, answering your question. Her 15-year-old son is calling himself "transgender" and the family is practising Christian. Seems to be no deterrent.
Well, statistically speaking... Just because some religious kids fall for it doesn't mean that religion doesn't matter. It is quite possible that smaller percentage of kids from religious families identify as trans. I think it's very likely the case. However I suspect that among those who do identify as trans, higher proportion of religious kids are hiding it from the parents and don't "come out" until 18. They also more likely to have internalized homophobia which is a risk factor.
For my part I never claim definitive understanding of anything. Impossible to definitively 'know' anything at this stage, since we're smack in the midst of it. I eagerly await credible stats some day in the future. I have 1000 questions and no answers.
I am so sorry and I feel your pain. My 15 year old son says he's transgender and if I question him I'm not loving him. He's been raised in a Christian home and this has always been a discussion in our home. I know He was bullied on reddit.com . They called him everything from ugly to into incest because he had posted bible verses. I see now after that is when he fell head long into trans and cutting himself. Thank you for sharing!
I'm so sorry. My transing son got hormones through the mail after one phone call. The company that sells the hormones has their own "therapists" who provide approval during the phone call and immediately put them on a hormone subscription. My kid was 18, but I imagine it wouldn't be difficult to forge an ID that no one is ever going to see in person. I put myself on this company's mailing list to see what kind of advertising they send out. One ad read "Want to yeet your uterus? Same!" Even though the company is limited to selling drugs, they are also pushing surgeries with the message "this is what the cool kids are doing."
I read this post earlier today and I just can’t get it out of my mind. I agree with at least one other comment about suing these people that helped your daughter get testosterone. Possibly even file a police report and pursue criminal charges. Seriously this is war and people like them are not going to stop grooming and enabling our kids if someone doesn’t stop them. If these people gave your daughter alcohol or marijuana (which would be much less harmful) that would be illegal. Please do something! This is so wrong!!!! It might make you unpopular in the neighborhood but I would stand with you and I think anyone with any common sense would agree.
A thousand times YES
I'm surprised how many comments mention lawsuits or restraining orders without acknowledging the seriousness of the FEDERAL AND STATE CRIMES committed here. See my list above.
This stops when we make it stop.
How do we make it stop? Hit back. These wonderful friends poisoned the child. They wanted to poison her more but they got caught.
How do we respond? Harshly.
I’m so sorry for all the pain you’re going through and for your daughter. You clearly love her a lot.
Gender Ideology is a train with no brakes. We can’t flirt with it and think it won’t consume us. We must reject it from its core and give it no accommodation. That means embracing the reality that God created us as male and female and said it is good.
Otherwise, we’re only left with ‘Wait until you’re older or well-informed’ which will always be pushed downward and gives our kids no real protection.
You are right that it is not possible to "compromise" with gender identity ideology. It is plain insanity, narcissism, utter selfishness... and the demand for validation of their new identity is psychopathic: they take pleasure in causing pain to their parents. Only a hard line will work. I refused to allow my children to see their trans-identifying father. They didn't suffer HIS confusion and they flourished in school, university and the world of work. Now they see it for what it is: a delusion.
There is an article on My Jewish Learning that explains the Talmudic belief in 8 different genders, including those aided by medi cull practices. I am so sorry this happened to you & your family. Prayers & hugs ♡
Can you link to this? I'm Jewish and though I am not a Talmudic scholar, this sounds rather fantastic to me. (A lot of websites exist on the internet that slenderize the Talmud but those are difficult to confront because fewer people know the Talmud than, say, the Bible, and the construction of the Talmud -- which is a series of debates between Rabbis -- leaves statements that sound very controversial out of context).
Jordan Peterson pointed out that people are confusing /temperment/ with /gender./. In a sane time, we can understand that a girl can like sports and a boy can like sewing without them being the opposite gender. This new fad -- that a girl who likes football is really a boy, or a boy who likes sewing is really a girl -- is the poison, rather than accepting that we all can have a few traits or interests that seem the opposite gender.
Glad you found it. This may interest you as well. https://jewishjournal.com/online/308183/my-jewish-learning-launches-talmud-study-project/
That actually is more legit -- I have heard of a practice of reading Talmud by reading both sides of one page a day. Takes seven and a half years to get through the whole thing.
I was describing Talmud to someone like this once.
George Carlin had a joke about how when he was in Catholic School he would ask the craziest questions to stump the priest. "Hey Fawder. It's Pentecost Sunday -- the last day -- and you're at a ship at sea. And the chaplain goes into a coma. But you wanted to receive. Then it's Monday. Too late! But then you cross the international date line. Would that then be a sin, Fawder?"
Carlin uses it as a joke but this is the kind of question you'll find discussed in the Talmud.
Thing is, this leaves it vulnerable to people who want to take the esoteric stuff -- like if the primordial human, prior to being split between Adam and Eve, and therefore was both man and woman in one body -- whether that means that Judaism suddenly and always supported gender neutral people or people who are both male and female -- well, there's the esoteric questions, sure, but this kind of leap is, I'm pretty sure, not the intention of the conversation.
"Talmudic belief in eight genders"? Don't believe everything you read online.
I didn't say I believe it. I said there is an article on My Jewish Learning, stating it. Take it up with them. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-eight-genders-in-the-talmud/
Already saw it and already sent a comment to them on the harm they're doing. It's being promoted by a woke writer:
"In recent decades, queer Jews and allies have sought to reinterpret these eight genders of the Talmud as a way of reclaiming a positive space for nonbinary Jews in the tradition. The starting point is that while it is true that the Talmud understands gender to largely operate on a binary axis, the rabbis clearly understood that not everyone fits these categories."
Dangerous trash.
I took a look myself. Clearly they have an agenda and are nit-picking through sources to rationalize it.
So they found some Rabbis speculating what Adam may have looked like prior to G-d separating him into Man and Woman. From this, they take a leap of logic to say that Judaism has some special status for "non-binary individuals."
Like you said. Dangerous Trash.
Counter with a bit of Torah: Dueteromony where a man will not wear a woman's garment, nor a woman's a man. And Deuteronomy -- a man who is castrated is restricted from certain religious practices in the sanctuary.
But ultimately, they're kneeling to a golden calf of their own creation.
I mean… doesn’t the Torah trump any speculative debates of Rabbis over the centuries and last time I checked, Genesis was pretty clear on how God Made humans Male and female… not 8 ‘genders’ which is a linguistic feature of some languages which usually bear little relation to actual biological categories, but definitely not Biblical Hebrew.
I agree, and I don't buy the article that was referenced that claim the Talmud states there are 8 genders or what not. It sounds like someone had a conclusion they wanted to draw, and cherry-picked the material they wanted.
Genesis, during the sixth day of creation it says that G-d created a human being "male and female he created them."
A little bit later once this is done, you have another line: "It is not good that man be alone." And G-d takes the rib from the man and makes Woman.
There's a lot of interpretation that can be drawn. One, for instance, is woman he came from the rib. Why? To be man's equal -- she came from his side. Not his head, which would imply she was greater. Not his feet, which would imply she was lesser. But from the side. The middle. The rib.
But you might speculate that the man on Day 6 was a little different than the man after the rib was removed. So they would speculate on what this initial being was in chapter 1, before you get to chapter 2 and the garden of Eden.
That's the part the Talmudists would discuss.
Then the gender theorist shows up thousands of years later and says: "Oh, by discussing what a human being was like before it was divided into Adam and Eve or Man and Woman means that they always accepted our gender neutral ideology!"
No. No, they didn't.
Jonah, Wow, that's good stuff. Please have a go at them! I'm in the middle of a civic campaign that I am only in BECAUSE of all this trash. I can only focus on this election (not enough brain bandwidth). Please go at them! The idea of endless yeshiva arguments was...actually I don't know why it was. But I know with 100% certainty that it WASN'T to further the cyberhuman, transhuman, godless agenda of Pritzkers and Rothblatt...
Oh, is there a comment section or something?
There's a book I was reading um... let me look up the title for you. "To Heal the World?" It talks about a supposed concept in Judaism much loved by the Left. Tikkun Olam. "Repairing the world." This is a much loved concept. Obama himself spoke about it. And everyone who wants to use Judaism for their social restructuring loves the idea of Tikkun Olam. They're repairing the world.
But here's the problem.
Tikkun Olam is not in the Torah. It is not in the Tanach. It is not in the Talmud. It is not in the Mishnah. It is not in the Kabblah. It is not in the Madras.
Where does it come from?
It's actually in a prayer called the Alienu. One sentence of that prayer.
Whoops. Nope. it's not one sentence. It's half a sentence. A sentence fragment. The full sentence is: "Repair the world for the coming of the kingdom of G-d."
Yet that sentence fragment has been used by a left wing advocates to put their political "spin" on Judaism.
And the process is not reading what the Torah says and trying to match up your actions with G-d's commandments. Instead, it's doing your actions that you wanted to do anyway, and then JUSTIFYING it by finding something in the literature you think will back your actions... whether that's a correct interpretation or not.
Stacy Abrams recently said that the idea that a baby in the womb has a heartbeat at 6 weeks that you can hear on an Ultrasound is a myth created by right-wing religious nuts to control women's bodies.
Factually and scientifically she is completely wrong.
But it doesn't matter.
She has an objective -- keep Abortion going -- and she will say anything to justify it. Whether a truism or an outright fabrication. The veracity doesn't matter. The result -- keeping abortion going -- is what matters. Giving it a scientific sounding rational is more likely to convince people than just saying "There are too many babies and we should be able to kill them off when they're inconvenient, and I don't care about any moral calculations on this."
That would be closer to the truth.
But saying it is likely to detract from her goal.
So she won't say it.
Jeez Zelda , I am trying to eat my lunch here... Lost my appetite.
May be the same woke writer saying babies aren't living human beings until they breathe out of the womb. Thank you for your work, Zelda!
Thanks to all of us pushing back how we can, where we can. Cheers!
Hi Moomin, I'm Jewish, and I hear you (although I don't have your 'lived' experience). It's a huge topic. There's even a joke to be made about the 'Reconstructionist' (...) movement for Jews who are also members of the Church of Trans Theory cult.
Tell her that she needs to leave the Church of Trans Theory if she wants faith, because authentic faith is reconnection to nature. The tenets of her current church/cult are founded in toxicity, chaos, meaninglessness, sterility, and lies.
Maybe some of these kids could connect to (Jewish) Jason Shurka. He's young (25) and one leader of many in the deliberately leaderless space of the 'evolving consciousness' space. I follow the work[s] of a few (adult) 'energyworkers'/'lightworkers' (there's no one word because they're all individuals); and I inform my sons regularly and often about my meditations and practises/inner work in order to seed their own spiritual growth.
The FAILURES of ALL BigReligion faiths helped usher in the Church of Trans Theory cult. There's no returning to them, ultimately.
Moomin, Can you email me zeldalevine2022@gmail.com and I'll send you in some directions? I'm kinda overwhelmed with this civic campaign I never planned on being in.
It's imperative that a connection be made between these hyper-mechanistic thinking kids (sucked into Church of Trans Theory) and the evolving consciousness community [if you're uneasy, start with Buckminster Fuller, who can be said to have been one of the grandfathers of it], which does include younger people who I don't know or follow (though people I follow should know of them).