My son was a rough and tumble kid. He loved the outdoors and hiking and backpacking. He only had friends who were boys. When he left elementary school he still did not know any of the girls in his class, even though he’d been in school with them for six years. In middle school, he wondered how he would date girls because he couldn’t imagine having anything in common with a girl. I told him he it would work itself out one day and not to worry. He thanked me for this advice.
In 6th grade, my son wanted to join the Boy Scouts. I did not want him to join because I had gotten a bad feeling about it. Call it mother’s intuition. But my son begged. My gut warned me against it but my husband and son wanted it badly, so I gave in. In Boy Scouts the troop is run by the older boys and my son stepped up like I never had seen before. I was relieved and thought my instincts were wrong.
He loved all the hiking and backpacking. He made friends. In high school he became friends with another scout from a different school. Together they decided they were both “trans”. My son declared his new girl name and pronouns to his troop. I wrote to the troop leader to express my concerns, and also to point out that, because there were many autistic boys in the troop, I did not want my son celebrated, and have him potentially influence other vulnerable boys.
The troop leader sent my letter to the pastor of the church where the meetings were held, a gay man who had known my son for years. To my shock, he said we need to support our trans child. My son quit the troop soon after this because he did not like what scouts represented. The church that hosts the Boy Scout troop now flies the progressive pride flag, and sports a large banner reading “Trans rights are human rights”.
This troop played Magic: the gathering cards on all the backpacking trips. I’ve since learned this is another trans gateway drug similar to anime. My husband reported that they would play the game rather than hike and the troop leaders allowed it. They also allowed electronics which seemed to defeat the purpose of being in the woods. Did any of this contribute? Who knows, but it certainly didn’t help, and it was not what I thought my son was up to on his scouting trips.
My instincts were right then about Boy Scouts just as they were when my vulnerable boy declared he was trans and female. I knew nothing about transgender at the time but I soon learned what a crock of shit the whole gender ideology is. I couldn’t understand why everyone was buying into it then, and I have no further insights now. I regret my son joining this troop so much. I will always wonder if he had not joined, would he have been influenced to thinking he was “trans”.
We have managed to keep our son off hormones but unfortunately his friend from scouts and his family have fully embraced gender drugs.
None of our institutions are safe for kids anymore. Just like Boy Scouts from the past unveiled in controversy about pedophilia, we are now adopting the notion that boy scouts might not even be boys. Where will boys be safe? Where are the institutions to help boys become men?
Magic the gathering can be a fun activity to pass the time when camping but certainly should never be used as an excuse to not go hiking. I have happy memories playing magic at camp, but it was always in the off times.
It's not just the boys' troops in BSA - it's also the girls' troops in BSA that are dealing with this. National policy is that youth are allowed to participate in a troop of the gender with which they identify. It is a very difficult situation for troop leadership to navigate. There are limitations on tenting arrangements. This is protective of privacy and physical safety. However if leaders don't use the pronoun and name preferences of youth, they put themselves at odds with national policy and can be considered to be harassing youth. We are expected to educate youth about personal safety and grooming behavior, but the organization has remained silent on this aspect of potential grooming.
This is a massive development with powerful people, institutions, and money behind it. In our circle of Scouts, church, and the school where we taught, I can name seven transgender individuals, with two more that I suspect will declare themselves such shortly. Only two of them are adults over the age of 21. I'm sure there are more that I'm unaware of, since our own children are older and out of school.
I think all of us will be dealing with this cultural development soon, if we're not already doing so. There are many teachers, mentors and other leaders who want to protect youth from undue influence while respecting their personal choices. The trans pressure is coming from many directions, and non-discrimination policies are being issued in many institutions at a dizzying rate. It is a quagmire of legal and peer pressure.