Magic the gathering can be a fun activity to pass the time when camping but certainly should never be used as an excuse to not go hiking. I have happy memories playing magic at camp, but it was always in the off times.

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It's not just the boys' troops in BSA - it's also the girls' troops in BSA that are dealing with this. National policy is that youth are allowed to participate in a troop of the gender with which they identify. It is a very difficult situation for troop leadership to navigate. There are limitations on tenting arrangements. This is protective of privacy and physical safety. However if leaders don't use the pronoun and name preferences of youth, they put themselves at odds with national policy and can be considered to be harassing youth. We are expected to educate youth about personal safety and grooming behavior, but the organization has remained silent on this aspect of potential grooming.

This is a massive development with powerful people, institutions, and money behind it. In our circle of Scouts, church, and the school where we taught, I can name seven transgender individuals, with two more that I suspect will declare themselves such shortly. Only two of them are adults over the age of 21. I'm sure there are more that I'm unaware of, since our own children are older and out of school.

I think all of us will be dealing with this cultural development soon, if we're not already doing so. There are many teachers, mentors and other leaders who want to protect youth from undue influence while respecting their personal choices. The trans pressure is coming from many directions, and non-discrimination policies are being issued in many institutions at a dizzying rate. It is a quagmire of legal and peer pressure.

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What a shock and horrible realization for you and your family. It seems that our children are not safe anywhere from being influenced and brainwashed. There are too many secrets being kept from parents and our innocent children are being caught up in the crosshairs. I am saddened by your news. I think we all have felt our intuitions spring into high alert at one time or another and then we go against the warning only to later learn that we were right. Do not blame yourself. The gender ideology cult likes to trick parents into thinking they are wrong or confused because the lies are what hooks our children - and the more lies that are told the more innocent people believe them. The gender ideology lies shock me every day - how is our society buying into this cult? The more I read the more angry I become. We cannot give up this fight and we must continue to expose the lies so the truth will prevail. You are not alone! Stay strong! Praying that God will help us before its too late.

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As a parent of a trans identifying kid and as a former scout, I find this outrageous and ridiculous. As an atheist, I feel some schadenfreude that the scouts have been reduced to this without the "corrosive" influence of atheists.

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Magic the Gathering is basically a card version of Dungeons and Dragons. It's not inherenty a gateway to anything gender bending the way anime might be. It's just nerd culture. I do see signs that trans ideologues are trying to infiltrate nerd culture, no doubt to predate on the socially awkward and insecure kids who are deeply into nerd culture. And as a nerd at heart, it makes me sad.

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Yeah, maybe a helpful way to look at it is that games like Magic the Gathering are like any other intensely social activity that teens participate in (like TikTok, etc) and as such can serve as yet another echo chamber in which they teens hear gender ideology reinforced and normalized.

And while card games and role playing games can be great fun, I agree that they are not good substitutes for hands-on activities like hiking, camping, cooking.

In general, I have learned that more time spent outdoors and learning new things means less time spent ruminating and obsessing about gender angst. And these are all great opportunities for you to strengthen your bond with your kid.

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As a mother of a desisted young man, one of the things that has helped him conquer his PTSD around this experience (which I've written about here) has been playing Magic: The Gathering. I hadn't heard that it is a gateway into the gender cult, it's been just the opposite, for our son this game has been a wonderful outlet in the most positive way. I am so gutted to hear that there are Magic groups that pave the way to the dark side.

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It is a crock of &^%$#*! Women's intuition is always sound. I'm so sorry this has happened. Transgenderism is a cult supported by rich and influential people who seek to pervert and ruin children and teens' lives; they're lab rats. More and more from every background have got to wake up! Thankfully, detransitioners are coming forward with their horror stories, and suing! We need more of all of this which is more or less what Hillier's medical doctors did to Jews and even their own.

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" I couldn't understand why everyone was buying into it---" (gender).

One reason established for many decades of women's history is with every man made breath, that women are born to look after them, and (2) women are not meant to have a voice unless its about babies, clean homes and freshly ironed shirts etc, etc.

Smacking of ice edged sarcasm I know, but it's all in the detail while screaming of headlines.

Males bring home the wherewithal of bacon and bread, etc, etc, including a biology which reeks of ownership over domestic and world dominion.

Fundamentally it's about the pink and blue syndrome, which we are fed from our first intake of breath; outrageous nonsense.

Without this societal, ancient and doddery construction, women would be free to be one wholly formed human being---

The word for all this, is the poisoned and reinforced chalice of STEREOTYPES, absolutely relied upon to reinforce the trans dream; a woman's nightmare strewn with the trip ups we are meant to swallow whole.

I wish you so very well---

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In my observations, it's women who buy into trends and social contagions. The fathers in so many of these trans cases are the henpecked voices of reason. It's a status symbol to wield your "trans" child with their pricey surgeries that vaunt how well off and progressive you are. Case in point: It wasn't men who ordained the bone-crushing corsets of the early 20th century -- it was women. Men were concerned -- and logically so -- that the corsets would cause birth defects. But the women persisted in wearing them, just as they insisted on the arsenic-laden green wallpaper of the mid-19th century that was making them sick. And what transpired after that? It became FASHIONABLE to look sick -- and if it didn't come naturally, there was a pale face paint one could purchase. This transgender nonsense is something only a matriarchy on steroids could dream up. Note its 'idiot compassion' underpinnings. FEELINGS over facts. Unfortunately, the domain of women, generally speaking of course.

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Great points here. And I'm HORRIFIED to hear that it's a status symbol for rich lefties! (I'm not gloating: I'm ex-left.)

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Also, this kind of crap started with women forcing their way into men's spaces, years and years ago.

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HUGE, complex, difficult convo to be had on this. (Can we all circle back to it after we've stopped the schools from murdering our children?)

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Exactly. Where did gender studies come from that led to this? Women. Then, you treat men like crap and call them toxic and men don't want to be men. You tell women that they're oppressed victims and all the "toxic" men are gonna get then and they're scared to be women.

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When Boy Scouts is done as it was intended, it is wonderful for boys. My husband says his scout master had the biggest influence on him as a teen. He was a scout master for 4 years and has made an impact in the lives of several young men. Then the scouts adopted gays, our church dumped their support, my husband is now in a church position where is basically doing the same thing he was before with our youth-activities and camping. These are such good things. It’s so sad to see organizations get infiltrated with ideology and we lose all the good. My husband lives by the scout motto and has been trying to do a good turn daily for the last 40 years.

Boys need boy only spaces and men who are good men to be mentors to them.

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Well said.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

In the not too distant past, the Boy Scouts were supported by churches and would not accept gay leaders. They caved to pressure and many churches cut their support. If you usher in gay you apparently usher in the T and next will come “Minor Attracted Persons”.

The Boy Scouts should have stood their ground and sought cover under 1st amendment religious protection.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

Yep. They were right about the slippery slope. +

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Distressing to see one of the last all-boy spaces in the US being dismantled like this. I would like to point out, though, troops are quite different from one another depending on the adults involved, so I’d like to gently push back on condemning all of BSA. We were fortunate to participate in a “high adventure“ troop with a lot of military families, so it was the real deal. But other troops in our area sound more like the one described above. As with anything, buyer beware.

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These scouting organizations do this on purpose to stay out of the controversy, lol. They’ll allow trans kids but leave it up to the individual troops. Exactly what the NCAA did with sports after the fallout with LiaR Thomas. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I guess that type of approach DOES work for them because they won’t be liable for anything but it leaves everyone else insecure about what they can expect when putting their kids in these programs.

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Do you guys think part of the reason there are fewer male specific organizations is because there is social taboo to that now? Women have so many different groups and organizations in society (civic, professional, and non-profit) and in turn, we help women and girls with sex-specific programs and funding.

This is not true for boys and men. Their organizations have been deemed as sexist for excluding women over the past few decades --- even the damn golf clubs are targeted. 🤦🏾‍♀️ I think this is something that needs to be revisited and fought for --- single sex spaces for boys and men. Maybe they’ll have to re-structure in a way that allows for controlled exclusion (i.e. invitation-only application process, sponsorships -- as in the only way you can get in is if certain members within the organization endorse it, etc.). These large scale scouting programs aren’t going to cut it because the corporate leadership don’t have the backbone to stand up to the woke mob.

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I will say—I’ve seen some predominantly minority mens groups (largely church affiliated) showing up and starting young mens’ leadership organizations. I think it’s wonderful to see.

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I think you are absolutely correct.

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Dennis Prager said this was one of things he enjoys about cigars. The smoking room in cigar stores was one of the last predominantly male places to go to.

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Just to say that, yes, we DID have groups/orgs/spaces...but the trans-agenda has steamrolled over them, too.

The Vancouver Rape Crisis Centre (yes, of all things) was shut down in 2019 because it refused to back down to demands to accept biological males. You can search it up. Was a huge controversy. "TERFS GO HOME" on a rape crisis centre. Now there are two centres, one of which proudly accepts the alphabet soup; and I don't know about the other.

And women's jails are now filled with predatory biological men because the systems have caved to the agenda. And on and on. Is any girls'/women's org in 2022 strictly bio-female? Nothing is protected til this ship turns around.

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The Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter is still in operation. They lost their funding from the city of Vancouver when they discovered the hard way that allowing trans-identified males to take advantage of their sanctuary services was wreaking havoc on the mental health and well-being of the primary clientele of the shelter: battered, raped, abused, traumatized and marginalized women. They survive on donations. I am one of those donors. I’m not in Canada but that’s not a problem, and the U.S. dollar is strong on the Canadian side. I encourage anyone who can afford it to give what they can.

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Speaking from Downtown Eastside Vancouver. Understanding Vancouver politics, Vancouver economics, and Vancouver history as comprehensively as I do prevents me from ever donating a single dime to any local NGO, even if it's rape crisis. May sound harsh, but that's the cost of knowledge.

However, I don't impose my positions on others. I'm truly glad you feel good about your support, and I hope some women benefit from your generosity.

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I respect your POV and certainly, as a local, you know things I can’t even imagine. But I think about the marginalized women who have been served by this institution since the 1980s, and it infuriates me that entitled males are supported in invading women’s desperately needed safe spaces.

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I hear you. I wish I didn't know what I know.

I 100% respect your kindness and generosity.

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I don’t think many national non- religious organizations are strictly (real) female only. For example, US Rowing says men (‘trans women’) can compete on women’s teams but locally that’s not happening on most teams.

It takes courageous guard dogs like us because even a local group in a conservative area would probably fold if a determined angry mom demanded her son (‘trans daughter’) be accepted with the ladies. For his mental health and safety, of course!

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I see, well I guess it depends where you are. I’m a (proud) Texan and we don’t play any of this foolishness down here. They can’t play in our girls’ sports, I haven’t heard of ANY cases of them in the prisons down here, and I am part of an all women’s organization (in addition to being a youth mentor, the pairings are sex based). Generally speaking, like in most red states in the U.S., the only way these folks end up in a women’s space, is if the actual organization itself will allow it. But there certainly is not legal right in Texas for a man to be social regarded or treated as a woman, that’s for sure. Also, these religious organizations, regardless of what state they are in can pretty much do whatever they want.

I’m familiar with the Vancouver Rape Center controversy, and that’s in Canada I believe. Canada is woke central.

I believe in the U.S., this sh*t will more than likely be shut down of at least extremely weakened within the next few years because of the Republican party. They are going as hard on this issue as they did abortion and the a conservative Supreme Court, the odds are in their favor so long as they can take over Congress and/or the presidency. We’ll see. I just feel for those who live in left-wing communities.

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Yes! Male only spaces are definitely taboo now. They’re seen as misogynistic and inherently mean spirited instead of as necessary to help boys learn how to be good men which is a benefit to all of us.

You made a good point - it will be hard to have a large national scouting organization because it seems like they’ll be more vulnerable to woke takeover, especially if they headquarter in a leftist area. More locally controlled organizations of all kinds, not just scouting, are probably easier to guard.

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Some may not like this answer, but when it comes to where can we go to avoid this ideology, there’s no godless secular escape route. I’ve heard it said It’s not whether or not a society or institution will have a religion/God, but which one will it follow. Every person, every society and institution has an idea of what’s right and wrong, what’s loving and just (and what’s not) based on what they believe about God and mankind. There are always laws, rules and morality. This is ‘religion’ regardless of whether or not one is a part of an organized group. The trans cult is religious!

If we just evolved randomly from amoebas and there is not a transcendent Creator God who determines good and evil and gives us value outside of our own opinions, then anything goes. When we say it’s wrong to tell an insecure girl that she’s a boy, it must be based on the fact that she was created by God in His image as a woman and he declares it is good per the Bible. If you reject God, then the question is ‘Says who? By what standard?’

I have great sympathy for non believing parents who rightly want to protect their children and I’m grateful for the wisdom God has given you in recognizing the evil. I would happily work alongside you to combat it but without a robust biblical understanding, I don’t see a way forward.

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I don’t agree at all --- this is quite a revisionist commentary about Christianity because much of the world’s past (and present) evils have a direct relationship with Christian culture. I mean, the very prevalence of this religion is a consequence of colonization, pillage, and warfare anyway, so how could it be true that this is the only way forward when for so long it hindered progress? Anti-semitism and anti-Black racism are arguably the greatest evils in the West’s history but why is that if Christians are so progressive and great?

My grandparents in the deep, Jim Crow south were (and are still) Christians just like the white Southerners who wanted to keep them at the back of the bus, at inferior schools, and drinking out of dirty water fountains -- their faith did not exempt them from any of that. We got better as a society because people rose up, organized and put pressure on the government to apply the laws of the land to everybody but that has happened consistently throughout the world, not just the United States so liberation and fairness can’t be described as a Christian phenomenon. People don’t need that religion to be good because so many people have been great without it.

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The idea of individuals having inherent dignity including women and children is a distinctly biblical idea that Christianity spread to much of the world. Enslaving people (which before Christianity was done throughout the world by people of every skin color) was an obvious moral failure that is contrary to the faith. The Bible explicitly forbids ‘man stealing’ with the punishment of death.

If you truly believe Christianity is the cause of evil, please read more world history!

I’d love for you to address my point - without a transcendent Creator God who has the authority to act as lawgiver and judge, on what basis can you claim anything is immoral? Why not radical self autonomy even for children? Why not celebrate their ‘transition’ if they say it makes them happy?

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“The idea of individuals having inherent dignity including women and children is a distinctly biblical idea that Christianity spread to much of the world. <-- This is such a lie. Christianity was primarily spread through slavery, colonialism, and war. You do not treat people like that when you believe them to have dignity.

If Christians viewed women as having inherent worth why was spousal rape literally legal until in this country until the early 90’s? And why did it take a federal lawsuit to make it a crime?

“an obvious moral failure that is contrary to the faith. The Bible explicitly forbids ‘man stealing” <-- It also gives explicit instruction on how to beat your slaves.

I didn’t say Christianity was the cause of all the world’s evil. I said Christians themselves have contributed to much of the world’s evil, particularly in the West and for that reason should not be viewed as a moral model to humanity. If human beings can capable of that much evil as Christians then there no reason to assume that anyone will become any more or less moral by adhering to that faith. Where slavery is concerned-- any brand of indentured servitude is wrong, but the culture of slavery in the United States was of distinction in terms of its brutality. Enslaved people were not regarded as people by white Christians and they were not merely indentured. This was a permanent status as far as law was concerned unless of course, an enslaver decided to free them but even then, a freed Black person was not considered an equal human.

And besides, slavery is not the only evil that Christians have inflicted on humanity.

Jim Crow was evil.

Native American boarding schools were evil.

Discrimination and treating women as property with no sexual autonomy/right to participate in society was evil.

Japanese internment was evil.

Colonization was evil and anti-Semitism is no joke and it is quite literally a hallmark classic of Christianity. German society was not atheistic, yet still attempted to annihilate every single Jew from this planet. Smh.

All these patterns in society were institutionalized and tolerated by the very culture of self-proclaimed Christians so that is why the assertion that anyone needs the Bible is ridiculous.

“on what basis can you claim anything is immoral?”

Honestly, you can just look at attitudes and behaviors of Christians both past and present (and other hyper-religious creeds throughout the world) or just awful people in general to judge immorality. We have so many examples of the negative impact of evil in societies so a lesson in history should do.

Also, if the only thing stopping you from being a rapist, a child molester, murderer, criminal --- whatever is prehistoric text and/or God, can you really be regarded as moral? Buddhists are a much more peaceful people than Christians have been and their principles are not confined to mono-theism.

A truly moral person can understand a negative impact by acknowledging how actions relate to others. The “Golden rule” is not exclusive to Christians. We can care about others well enough to not “do unto them what we wouldn’t want do to us” without a Bible.

I will not celebrate children “transitioning” because 1) it’s a lie. No one transitions into the opposite gender. They are only a manipulated version of what they were before which is why they have to keep shooting those hormones and never develop the anatomy of the opposite sex. And 2) My brain is a functioning one. Drugging and mutilating confused children is evil because (as mentioned before) I understand the concept of negative impact. I don’t need the Bible to explain that.

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I appreciate your final paragraph of summation. You have seen the truth about this hideous cult, and we who see the truth need to continue to fight the insanity being pushed on our children and on our society. However, I do not appreciate your lengthy diatribe on Christians. I do not feel that the safe place of PITT is the location to vent your ill opinions on Christianity. I believed this gathering to be where we tell our stories about how our lives and the lives of our loved ones have been impacted by the madness. I believed we are here to support one another and share our truths, and to find ways to help end the wrongs being done. In what way did your message help anything or anyone? I am a follower of Jesus the Christ; He gives me peace in the midst of chaos. I wish you His peace.

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I live in amish country is rural western kentucky and I can tell you this for a fact: there are no “trans” amish. ✌🏼

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Where? Check out PragerU videos for yourself and son.

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Prager is about as looney as the far left. The people need an outlet away from all this extremism. That’s another major issue in our culture now-- the receding and near extinction of a visible political center! Smh

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How are they looney? Or extreme?

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Can you give an example of why Prager is a looney? Please be specific.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

I can guarantee you that a group of Social Scientists, Developmentalists, Neuroscientists etc from around the world have gotten together in secret meetings to work all of this out over the last 50 years. This isn't organic or natural in any way, shape or form. You know, in 1969, the Ford Foundation and Carnegie foundation came together to create Sesame Street. During the same time, MacArthur, Ford and Johnson and Johnson were in the home studying neglecting mother infant pairs. Johnson and Johnson was one of the big players in the Opioid crisis (and studying neglect for a decade was a big help because infants who are severely neglected become alcohol and opioid addicted adults). Johnson and Johnson also patented the first Puberty Blocker. It's about creating a market and breaking people is how it's done. The corporations use our Scientists and Research to understand us far better than we understand ourselves.

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And now they're using tech to track everything we do, when we do it, etc. They give our kids tech for school and track them. They survey our kids and tinker in their brains in schools. They even con ppl into giving their DNA and they track all of that. They're creating the consumers to manipulate.

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"I knew nothing about transgender at the time but I soon learned what a crock of shit the whole gender ideology is." MY GOD YES. Thanks for the belly laugh.

Stella O'Malley & Sasha Ayad's podcast Gender: A Wider Lens just dropped an episode today that might be helpful to you, OP, and to many other parents. It features another PITT essayist (pseudonym Dr. Maggie Goldsmith) whose daughter desisted a year ago, and has lots of ideas for parents of trans-ID'd kids. She makes the point that trans-ID often appears at a time when adolescents are searching for peer groups/identities, and the importance of connecting kids to sensible groups that foster reasonable boundaries (as opposed to the gender "crock of shit").

Solidarity & much love to you and your boy.

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Someone PLEASE tell me the groups and organizations that are NOT a gateway to trans! I can't find a counselor who doesn't automatically call my SON "they" or "she" immediately! And how come I didn't know about anime? Where is this information? I was just happy my son was reading, now I find this out?! WE need to save our sons! SOS!!!!

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I know about anime because I grew up as a gamer that was tangental to that... subculture.

Japanese cartoons have a wide range of genres, unlike American animation which we still associate with Bugs Bunny. It runs the gambit from wonderful children's movies to the most depraved of pornography.

Crossdressing is fairly common in Anime, from what I recall (and I'm talking 20 years ago). Usually as part of a comedy. Maybe it got more intense over the years.

Counselors are another problem. There has been a push to end "conversion therapy" which seems to be defined as anyone with LGBT proclivities that doesn't like them. If a married man (or woman) goes to a therapist and says: "I've been experience sexual desires for people of my own sex, but I want to overcome that and stay faithful to my spouse" they will have trouble finding a therapist to support them. If they say: "I want help coming out and embracing homosexuality" they'll get plenty of support.

Same with trans. "Can you help me transition?" you get all the support you want. "Can you help me feel comfortable with the gender of my birth?" Crickets.

They may well be afraid of losing their license.

There was a group some years ago, JONAH, which was a Jewish-organized therapy group that helped people out of unwanted same sex attractions or transgender inclination. They were sued into oblivion by activists and were forced to disband. I doubt that's the only one.

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I think you have to make your own judgments & decisions on a case-by-case basis. Sadly so many thoughtless people believe they're just "being kind," when they're holding the door open to all kinds of predators and emotional vampires.

If you're not part of a church or other faith community, something you might try is connecting your son to volunteer work in your community, where he'll meet and interact with people of all ages (mostly older people), and frequently people with disabilities (physical and intellectual). Getting kids involved in whole communities with people from all walks of life is good for helping them pull their heads out of their own asses.

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Agreed. I’m looking for more civic opportunities to engage my little sister in but she is elementary age so it’s kind of difficult bc the non-profits usually have age minimums.

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As far as I can tell...... You've got w/e groups you can cobble together in your community and some religious institutions that have remained constant. If you're an atheist you kind of don't really have a "non-woke" spot in the US that I know of.

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Being new in this, what is w/e groups? So many churches won't touch this topic :( I am trying to find a Christian counselor, and there are so few in my area!

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Joanne you must live in a Blue area....I wonder if most people on this Stack are from Blue areas because everyone I’ve seen posting on these issues seem to be directly impacted by this.

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I’m not sure what you mean by a blue area. And I am directly impacted by this!!

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Oh ok and yeah Sorry, by Blue I meant liberal/left wing area. In the States that means, “Blue” whereas “Red” states/cities are those that are socially conservative.

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W/e is internet shorthand for "whatever". Sorry, I grew up typing on a flip phone so I still use it.

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