I haven’t read your book yet, but thank you for your bravery!

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I would like to recommend for you to add the Documentary series “Sweden’s U-Turn on Trans Kids: The Trans Train,” the podcast “You Must Be Some Kind of Therapist,” and the podcast “Generation Indoctrination” to your resource list.

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Thank you for taking the time to add to the body of evidence against this monster. I have 1 trans and 1 non-binary daughters and I cannot wait for this garbage to be discredited and flushed down the toilet of history.

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Bravo, we need more of you. What they did to you is all what is wrong with America and it is the reason why people did not stood up the first time somebody said that biology can be transformed in something else, that "gender" is interchangeable, or we cam become something else as a dog or a horse or a chair. And a lot is related how Americans are made to believe things through social engineering and trust in the reputed ONE, we trust more in the ONE who has convinced us is all almighty and knows better that ourselves, and our own instincts and common sense. But why? We have been indoctrinated through movies, shows, tv and "public opinion" how to live, how to think and how to behave, that it is why we have influencers here with millions of people following, who are these influencers is not the question, the question why do we follow them , in other countries this phenomena is not so strong because people are more individualist, and we are like sheep who believe we do what we want because that is the way is engraved in us from poor public education, that we are free and we are independent minds, we are not, we need the reassurance of a third opinion, or the Association opinion who do not know anything about us. Many years ago when my children were , well one of them were getting into his teens years, the doctor wanted to vaccinate my son with the PV vaccine and I said NO, but he said you know he can be sexually active and I said no that he wasn't, because I know my son and I knew he wasn't, simple, not because I was a tiger mother, the doctor insisted and said the magic words, first he told me that the most of the parents were doing it ( the fallacy of believing that if the majority of people do it must be right or good) I told him "I do not care what other people do if what they are doing is a mistake to me. So the doctor, probably thinking in his pharmaceutical kickback going away said _but the American Association of Pediatricians recommend it. And then he gave up when i asked him who these people were, and asked him give me just a name that i will consult him or her personally. He did not know of course. We need to grow up, we need to start thinking for ourselves and not because it is fashion to think this way, we need to stop following others, we need to stop to put labels in people and act those labels, as" I am a democrat I need to read the New York Times and the Atlantic, and drive this car and buy a house I cannot afford, and vacation in these places", I recognized than most of the times we do not think about in those terms but t is there, it is underlying our own character and personality. We need to do what it is best for us and not hide, because doctors hide behind those organizations and associations and we do the same, we must be less lazy and more deep specially in family matters, our children need us and they deserve parents who stand for their children, the transgender ideology is perverse and starts since very little, be watchful of the toys and shows and books your toddlers are in contact with. Gender ideology is not about humans it is about destroy those humans and make them easy to control. The future of America depends on these next generations, it is time to wake up and be brave and stop to be offended for everything, we do not have to agree in everything but we must respect each other and be united to recognize evil and united to combat it, and this is "the" EVIL, Dr. Mengele experiments in Brazil are a parallel what Dr Money did in the States and Doctors all over in USA continue doing with the help of the establishment (schools, clubs, entertainment industry, pharma, etc.), I will call this a real epidemic since I found out lately than five of my children's school pals have "change" their gender and the ones we do not know. It breaks my heart the mutilation that they do to their bodies and then we have pretty actor Ellen Page being a cover of, I do not remember what magazine (but it was at the supermarket), with her breast mutilated, the wounds and her upper naked. It was horror, she needs to be in a psychiatric, how the establishment lied to her in that delusion, she needed help and she got the monsters instead, be watchful, they come to get your kids through the five senses but at plain day light. Love is to say the truth!!!!!

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Beautiful, simply beautiful 😍

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Thank you Lisa. I have ordered your book online and eagerly await it’s arrival. I’ve read: Dr Miriam Grossman’s Trans Nation, Helen Joyce’s: Trans, Maria Keffler’s: Desist, Detrans & Detox. I also have some other titles I have yet to get to but every one of these books has helped me immensely in the massive task of trying to save my daughter from the Trans Cult. I believe she will wake up but I’m worried it will be after she’s done damage to her body and her mind. Fingers crossed for us all!🫶🏻🤞🏼

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Congratulations on getting this published! Checked out Amazon and while there are a few good review quotes, there are no customer reviews yet. Writing a review is an important way for parents in the same boat to help move this message along and into the mainstream. You have to be a verified purchaser and have an Amazon account, but just know you can publish under a pseudonym. It can be very short and sweet. From Amazon: "You can give other Amazon customers your insights about a product by posting a review. Anyone with a customer account at Amazon.com can post a public review of products sold on the web site. You can post under your own name, under a handle (nickname), or anonymously as just “a reader from Poughkeepsie.”

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Sounds like an awesome book and I look forward to reading it.

I’ve posted this before, but here’s a Reddit “sub” called r/detrans that has 52,000 members and growing. Spend a few minutes reading the incredible regret that this huge cohort of young people feel if someone suggests that detransitioning is rare.


A couple months ago I mentioned to a very liberal friend that Planned Parenthood is the largest supplier of cross sex hormones to youth. My friend instantly quipped “That’s rightwing propaganda.” It took me 30 seconds to find this link:


We have reality on our side. The only thing against us is the fear of being labeled by our “friends.” Speak up. Speak out. Our kids’ bodies and minds are worth the fight.

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I've told that same story about PP to several people and they always say the same thing to me about it being a right wing talking point....and then they look it up......jaws drop!

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Thank you for writing! You are correct that we must speak, but it’s extra courageous to put your story out in this way. Can’t wait to receive it in a few days!

As for the profoundly ignorant self-righteous friends who judge us in our time of need, I hope someday soon I can forget about them, so that their actions don’t keep affecting me. I’m working on it, but it is hard.

A bit of encouragement though: yesterday a teacher friend told me she had lent the PITT book to a student who is working on his senior thesis about whether minors should be allowed to transition, which he opposes, and so does his MD dad. The student said it was so very helpful.

The books and other resources are helping! I’m looking forward to reading yours!

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Just adding more thanks to this grateful group of loving parents. I did not have the wherewithal to write a book and so appreciate all that it must have taken to do this, and to get it published, particularly in the face of a hostile society. Your hard work, perseverance and insight will surely add to the collective goal of bringing this insidious medical and social scandal to light and to an end.

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I read it and felt your pain and your ode of love to your daughter. We each have to find our path. Mine is through a journal (on my third one) and an armoire that is filled with books, literature, documents, binders (the kind you fill with paper). One day, when I'm off the planet, maybe she will see how much love was put into understanding why she felt this way.

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Let’s hope not

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The less we politicize this issue the better. But if you're going to bring up your political leanings, and criticize what we tend to think of as "liberal" media, at least be fair. The most "conservative" sources such as Fox and Newsmax are unreliable, at best. In fact, much of what they spew is highly misleading. More mainstream news sources have unfortunately been hijacked by the gender ideologues, but as you note with the example of Pamela Paul's article, times are changing.

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Thank you so much for your book and for not giving up. You are saving lives.

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Thank you for publishing your book and telling your story publicly. You speak for so many of us.

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Parents, thank you for writing. I appreciate your bravery in publishing. We need to know we are not alone. The tide will turn.

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