Children cannot consent to these surgeries. They cannot comprehend the damage they are doing. The irreversible damage. This gender ideology trans agenda is not for children.

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It's a daily crucifixion of pain and grief that NO ONE outside of it understands. I know people who have lost children to death who, at least, can have closure. We don't get that; it's always there, lurking in corners, hanging over our head. Sadly those who "pity our angst" don't understand that we CANNOT "just move on and accept" because they simply don't recognize themselves anymore that the Emperor Has No Clothes; They have lost touch with truth and reality themselves. God help us all!

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You'll be in my prayers! Hopefully your daughter will come to truth before any serious long-term damage. God have mercy!

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Yup. Brutal honesty.

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What you describe here sounds like anorexia in the 80s. The difference of course was that people recognized anorexia was not good. “You are also telling your child that it is indeed possible that their feelings are true. It is wholly possible that the hatred of their body going through the vital process, that every other child for millennia has gone through, of growing and changing and becoming, is actually WRONG.”

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Beautifully written. And perspective those outside must hear. Thank you for sharing. We will repost on our aggregate in the next week.

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Thanks 💜

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It’s hard to call your own kid dumb & stupid for choosing to join a cult, but I guess that’s what they’ve done & perhaps explains why my sister has no patience, or sympathy with me or my son. Rolls her eyes instead at the nonsense of it all.

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you know, kids caught in this nonsense can benefit form a bit of good cop/bad cop. They need one person who can calmly challenge them and ask hard questions while being clear their place in the nuclear family is protected, but at the same time the harsh truth is the world isn't going to "someday accept this", gender ideology is doomed to fail in its quest for acceptance. While the young impressionable children need to know their parents love them , they ALSO need to know this nonsense is not going to fly with the greater population. Harsh reality from someone in their life can create some balance for them. You can let aunt be "bad cop".

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Well, everyone knows that eventual estrangement is where it leads & with that brings an enormous amount of pain. Severing blood ties isn’t normal & certainly isn’t a world I want to live in. However I won’t be held hostage to lies & delusion. So I am bad cop. My sister has no interest in ‘it’ or contact for that matter. Like many others, he has cut off contact with pretty much every family member. This stuff is evil

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I'm sorry 😞

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I remember being blissfully unaware or not as aware. Then this madness engulfed my family....

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I'm so sorry 😞

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After talking to a number of acquaintances, I discovered at least one of the reasons why they have so much trouble bending their minds around what it actually means to give men access to women's sex segregated spaces, including prisons and sports. In their minds they see a skinny, feminine drag queen who's attracted to men and has no penis, and who looks and acts like Dylan Mulvaney. That's a "trans woman" to them. And they feel sorry for them. They're so oppressed! People are always trying to kill them! And finally, what's the big deal? Even my sister asked me, "how many of them are there, anyway?" to which I replied, "how many rapes are acceptable?"

Every one of the benighted women described in this article should be required to read this entire site every day until the stories and pictures of actual trans-identified male rapists and pedophiles are emblazoned in their brains: https://reduxx.info/

And for some comic relief and lighthearted entertainment, there's this:


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There are skinny drag queen and then there is "Sophia Burset" in "Orange is the New Black". Thinking back, I cannot believe how stupid and unaware I was when I watched the show. I didn't stop and think "Wait... what is this 6'0 man doing in women's prison and why do all the women seem so cool with it? This shit is completely unrealistic". I just didn't give that character much thought (Which is how smart propaganda works - by normalizing it)

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Don’t blame yourself. As a good person, you instinctively assumed the best about this character because that’s what you would try to do in real life. It takes experience to become jaded and suspicious like I am. You have now arrived there yourself. Should I congratulate us? Under the circumstances, probably.

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Thanks, you are being too kind: I think I was being a mentally lazy rather than a good person. It's not about blame, it's important to acknowledge where I was wrong so I can change. I think even back then, if someone asked me directly "do men belong in women's prisons?" I would say "no" - but I just didn't stop and think about it at the time. I was just watching an entertaining Netflix show and not thinking. I also thought trans identity was just a new fad that kids play with for a few years, like goth. I had no idea what was going on. And that's the problem with so many of us. We were asleep and mentally lazy until the cult came for our children.

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Yes and no. Something as absurd and left-field as trans ideology for children is not the first thing that comes to mind, if it comes to mind at all. Maybe there’s something else just as pernicious waiting in the wings right now. It’s like you say, you had no idea what was going on. But I do believe that you and I and anyone with an ounce of intelligence and cynicism is much more wary in general as a result of this abominable takeover of society.

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Oct 3, 2023
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Don't forget that many of our kids are pushed down an affirmation path. Children can't consent to these medical and surgical procedures and are told by professionals that this will ease their discomfort. They are fed misinformation and lies with the notion that children can be born in the wrong body.

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Yes, of course, there is a difference between being a rapist and being transgender. The only time these categories overlap is when a trans-identified man who has committed rape and murder ends up in jail because of it, and is then given the opportunity to continue to rape and abuse women in a women's prison. It's not the fact that he's transgender that's the problem, it's the fact that he is a man who commits sex-based violent crimes against women and is given the privilege of being where he doesn't belong, in a women's prison.

The government is wholly at fault for bowing to trans activist demands to view trans-identified men, and biological women, as the same identity group, which obviously, they are not.

The government doesn't review the crimes of trans-identified men who seek to be reassigned to womens' prisons and to separate out the ones who are guilty of rape and murder. Because, in fact, there are plenty of trans-identified men who don't rape and murder, and who are in prison for non-violent crimes: prostitution, drug offenses, and the like. And at least some of these men will have had sex reassignment surgeries and aren't a physical threat to women. In fact, I have read comments from incarcerated women at the women's facility in Chowchilla, California, who say that they don't mind trans-identified men sharing prison cells with them, as long as they've had sex reassignment surgery and are not violent offenders.

Under current circumstances, however, these distinctions are not being made by the government, so that any man who self-identifies as trans, even if he just decided yesterday, even if he is a rapist and a murder, is invited to be housed with women. Thus, the abuse and assault of women in prison continues unabated.

Unisex prisons should be the rule under almost all circumstances. But the prisons could also be providing a wing for trans-identified men who feel threatened by the predatory intentions of OTHER MEN. We all know that rape is common in male-only prisons, because some men are sadistic rapists who take pleasure in overpowering anyone who is weaker than they are. Feminine, young, small men are typically victim of rape and abuse in men's prisons. Again, this is not a function of being transgender per se, but of having a psychopathic personality or something similar.

I agree with you that the situation could be easily rectified, but it would require government oversight and enforcement. Right now, it's women are being punished twice, once for having committed a crime, and again for complaining about being harassed, mauled and attacked in their own prisons by men claiming to be women. It's barbaric.

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Oct 3, 2023Edited
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First, let me underscore that I agree with you 100% about the public's apathy towards prisoners in general. You're absolutely right, the public doesn't care if rape occurs in prison; it's seen as a given, a cliche. The problem of the violent behavior of men in men's prisons, never mind women's prisons, and how to regulate it in a humane way, and the shame of our incarceration policies in general, which lopsidedly affect people of color and poor people of all races, are conversations worth having. Apathy drives the lack of will around dealing with the issue.

But where female inmates are concerned, it's even worse. They're even less visible and sympathetic to the public than female athletes are. The issue of men in women's prisons gets absolutely no coverage in the press, and for the vast majority of people it's either invisible or strictly hypothetical.

Female prisoners are the most impoverished, disenfranchised, marginalized women in the country. They have no political power. Every governor who allows men to be housed in women's prisons is showing off his or her progressive credentials while throwing women under the bus, secure in the knowledge that nobody cares.

But, if I'm understanding your policy suggestion correctly, I would have to disagree about "optional" third spaces making a meaningful difference. Physical safety and privacy are the bottom line for women. Women need secure, mandated sex-segregated spaces that are enforced and backed up by litigation if necessary. It can't be left up to chance and choice. Trans-identified men will never choose the men's or "trans" bathroom, because that would mean acknowledging that their gender identity is a feeling, not a fact.

If as a country we cared about the safety of actual women, whether they're playing rugby or sitting in jail, we wouldn't need to have an absurd debate about the definition of sex in the first place.

I do thank you for this conversation on a topic that I think a lot about but have never seen discussed on Substack. It's usually left up to women's groups like the Women's Liberation Front, the Independent Women's Forum, and Women's Declaration International USA, none of which get any attention outside their own memberships.

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Oct 3, 2023
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There's logic in your proposition, at least theoretically. But I don't think it will work. Trans-identified men are determined to inhabit every space that Title IX reserves as single-sex accommodations for women. Unless you've come up with some foolproof method of weeding out and banning trans-identified men from the women's room, they will rebel against a unisex scheme and will always choose the "women only" option, leaving women no better off than they are now. Remember, it's not just about "safe spaces for trans people," it's about the desire to usurp women's spaces, bodies and identities, relegating women to second-class status or disappearing women entirely.

Maybe I'm still misunderstanding you. I understand that your hope is to get trans-identified men to "out" themselves as bad actors so that people lose sympathy for them. But TRAs act badly every day (i.e. Reduxx) and receive nothing but sympathy from a captured media that pretends they're saints and the whole world is against them.

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All the years I’ve been dealing with this without a group like this is sad. It’s been hard to be the parent that wouldn’t get on board with other parents and everyone who works at the schools and sacrifice my kid to the insanity. I’ve even had the cliche therapist tell me my kid will kill themself if I don’t start the hormones. Needless to say she’s an ex therapist. I love the name you’ve given this crap, idefuckingology 😁

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I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with this alone. It’s so hard. Took me ages to find support too. 💜🫂

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You speak my language - literally. :) When I see a #bekind yard sign, or see it painted or posted I feel a complete lack of respect for those who put them out because they are either ignorant people, willfully are looking the other way or are actually promoting what is tormenting our children. I am losing respect for almost all of my friends. They have no f-ing idea and when I share, they don't get it. Nor do they want to. I don't want to either, I suppose.

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Excellent post. I'm incredulous that women are not protesting in larges numbers loudly and until this desctructive cult is dismantled.

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The pure raw hurtful and painful truth. You nailed it - well done. I wish none of this was true, but it is, and it really is happening right in front of our eyes - I hate it. You have a powerful writing style, and I would love for your essay to be on the front page of Newsweek, Time, People, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Marie Claire, Elle, Forbes, The Monthly, Women's Weekly, and Better Homes and Gardens magazines! Time to wake up the ignorant! Bravo!

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Thank you! I just have such an imperative to inform people of the reality of gender ideology for families

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'All the women who have fought for hundreds of years to obtain rights and privileges that their male counterparts have always enjoyed are now transphobes. This includes the women who died for the right to vote. And the women who stood up and fought against inequality - who fought not to be shackled to men and kitchens.'

Now including Elizabeth Fry, because she campaigned for single sex women's prisons.

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Another brilliant rant. Want truth well here is some truth.

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I'm disappointed by the tone and perhaps, assumptions listed in this writing.

Are all men predators? Are all trans people, or perhaps MTF, predators? Is that your assertion? If not, why not use more clear language?

Is this tone aiding someone other than the emotions of the writer? Do you feel better letting out your anger, fear, resentment and disgust? Have you changed anything?

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”

As parents we need to rise above the negativity and illogical fantastical thinking of the trans ideology and find the humanity in young people who are clearly trying to solve something within themselves, and perhaps within their families and also in the wider society.

Are there people out there that need to be held in check, those that might harm others? Of course. Let's do that.

But let's also seek some humility in ourselves, in our families, and lead the way out of the pain and confusion this moment has created for so many of us.

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Do you have transidentifying children too?

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All trans women may not be predators but they mostly seem to have no problem giving cover to them.

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Really? Shall we start with aligning everyone in a tribe with every bad member of that tribe? Shall we start with the right, the left, the Catholics, the christians next? Did I leave out any easy targets?

Maybe you all should think things through a little before you post and before you high five each other and suggest the "end of kindness".

Remember a portion of us parents have cherished children that were born with penises and are now expressing distress and a desire to be a female.

Is it your wish for us to assume that we are now either the parents of a rapist or, in the least, the parents of the rapist's defender?

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I honestly don’t understand your comment. Policies that allow men into female spaces because they “identify” as women does give cover to predators. Nobody promoting trans idefuckingology wants to talk about this. Sexual predators are a lot of things but they are not stupid. They figured it out. Men, after being convicted of sex crimes, can suddenly realize they are trans and be moved to women’s prisons. The effing ACLU is advocating for them and bringing lawsuits on their behalf, to ensure that they receive their gender affirming care. Girls have been assaulted in bathrooms by skirt wearing boys. There is a reason we have sex segregated spaces. Trans ideologues ignore this because it doesn’t fit their victim narrative.

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Not only "can" men decide, post-conviction, that they're suddenly trans, but they do decide it. The policy is a guaranteed win for grifters. And what are convicted felons but grifters? No oversight or discretion is employed by the courts in determining which men are trans. The scheme of "self-identification" leaves the decision entirely in the hands of the men themselves: I'm trans because I say so, even if for the previous forty years I've been a guy who likes to put on women's underwear under my pants. It's a scam designed to privilege men at the expense of women.

To be clear: nobody is saying -- at least I'm not saying -- that being transgender equals being a rapist or a psychopath. The problem is that psychopathy and violence against others of any sex or age is a fact of life for SOME men, and these are the men who end up in prison. Some of them happen to also be trans-identified. Or just as often, they are claiming to be trans in order to receive the perk of being transferred to the prison version of Club Med, where they can abuse women to their hearts' content.

This policy is the textbook definition of throwing women under the bus.

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I LOVE the tone and feel we need MORE of this kind of thing. Enough with the BULLSHIT. It's 'being kind' that got us into this mess.

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Thanks! Yes! We need more parents to show this side of gender idefuckingology to the world. No one gets it.

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Your suggestions as hiw to do that??

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Oct 2, 2023
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Well, I'll take the bait. There is definitely a fair amount of sociopathy in men who want to play women's sports. Narcissism is high on the list of traits, as well as baseline misogyny.

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Would love to see your sources for this opinion, narcissism & misogyny .

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It’s not an opinion. It’s an observation.

I'm not saying that all men who claim a woman identity are narcissistic misogynists. Unfortunately, there are many who have a remarkable sense of self-entitlement, who use threats, violence and bullying in order to destroy women’s sex-based rights and silence their speech, and feel that it is their right to throw any woman under the bus who doesn't bow to their narcissistic needs.

Below is a tiny sampling of how this phenomenon plays out in the real world. The mainstream media doesn’t cover these incidents for some reason.












Repeating the links from my original post:

I referred to this video as “comic relief,” but in fact, it’s serious. The filmmaker, Mr. Menno, is a gay man with a deep sympathy and understanding for the rights of women. The footage he compiled comes directly from that published by trans-identified men who filmed themselves jerking off in the mirror in women’s bathrooms as a form of narcissism and misogynistic harassment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwUe7-4-_TY

Reduxx.info is a newspaper that chronicles the behaviors of sociopathic, narcissistic men claiming a woman identity all over the world. I recommend that people peruse this site on a regular basis to get a feeling for how ubiquitous this phenomenon is. https://reduxx.info/

Lastly, here is one more from Mr. Menno: a superb overview of the narcissism and entitlement behind the assertion that men are women because they feel like it, and the effect this is having on women's lives and women’s sports: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHpqpQmEMvU

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