Hello. Just bought no way back for streaming but have not received email with code. Need help. Thank you.

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Hi, I apologize for this bug in the store. Please email me your email - I'm at panacolprods[at]gmail.com and I will forward it to the IT team. I assure you you'll receive the link right away.

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Vera, have you contacted Partners for Ethical Care? I would suggest that. www.partnersforethicalcare.com/

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Yes! We are in regular contact. Thank you!

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Y’all are true warriors. Supporting.

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thank you so much! It's much appreciated!

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I bought “Parents with Inconvenient Truth about Trans: Tales From the Home Front in the Fight to Save Our Kids” thru Amazon and I am eagerly awaiting its arrival.

I will look for the other book to buy and will share all of these links. I want to watch the movie as well. I will help spread the word. We are all in this together and together we must fight!

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Yes, thank you! Please email the link to decision-makers in the life of your child, or family - teachers, pediatricians, therapists, School board members. Anyone who is making decisions for youth and whose email you have. We need to compel people to start reading these books and talking about them.

Here is the blurb you can use:

A most important book of 2023:

“Parents with Inconvenient Truth about Trans”

(An Anthology of Testimonies by Parents of Trans Children)

A medical scandal is currently unfolding across Western societies. As Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans reveals, the primary victims are vulnerable adolescents who fall for the Internet-fueled promise that they can solve their emotional, psychological, or physical discomfort by adopting an opposite-sex identity. This book is a critical resource for parents, medical professionals, journalists and policy makers.


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I just shared on my social media account.

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How wonderful!

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Just letting you know I can’t donate at that link with a credit card from a different country. Can you set up a link that accepts international donations?

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We have a general election coming up in Aotearoa New Zealand 🇳🇿 Parent support groups are spreading awareness with the candidates. Any way of getting a bunch of postcards sent to us for distribution? Your film would be the perfect education tool.

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Hi Non-complicit, please email me at panacolprods@gmail.com. I will definitely get you a 100 cards or so via air mail, so you can, in turn, mail them within NZ. I also have venmo, will put in the email correspondence. Thank you so much!

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If you provide me your email, I can send you an advance copy when it is ready. Thank you.

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I made a donation and am praying for all of these efforts to be successful in opening eyes and changing hearts and minds to the truth.

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Thank you so much for your generosity! I so much appreciate it! I believe in the power of persistence. As a witness to the death of another evil ideology, communism (1917-1989), I know in my heart that this one won't last forever, but it's extremely well funded and the squashing of dissent is very strong.

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Has anyone held viewings? We have a small independent theater, library,... Considering what it could look like. Also, book discussion...

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Every time we planned a private screening, somehow the info got out, and the venue received a blitz of a few hundred phone calls to cancel us, or they would be vandalized. At this point, I am not seeking or planning any public screenings at all. This film is best viewed in the privacy of one's home, so people can pause, read the text, etc.

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It's very telling that the trans-maniacs don't want people to see this movie. They know their house of cards can't stand up to it.

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Well, that is my more personal comfort level. I'd rather have fewer but higher quality interactions than turn into a lightning rod for whoever wants to be scandalized and confrontational. I also just do not want to feed the energy that wants us to just shut up and hide from conflict either, because it is too personally stressful to be invested in walking on eggshells. I also feel like there are probably other parents around the corner who could really use some support, and we're sort of hidden from each other because it is not a happy public issue.

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I am in a more rural and conservative area, but advisement on keeping any events undisrupted and able to proceed would be nice. I wouldn't want a noisy protestor to somehow shut things down or intimidate people, especially parents who want to find support.

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Brilliant idea. Have tweeted this out. Good luck all parents & families. 🙏

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Thank you so much! I appreciate your support!

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I like her, she talks sense and bravely, there are not many doctors who speak clear. One of the things that to me it is incomprehensible it’s the statement that a child needs to be blocked of his or her natural development, and then are surprised that 98% decide to get the change, and this advice come from “ doctors “ when it a pretty clear that once you stop the normal development with drugs that child cannot think straight. It’s trapped, neither feels that he or she have a gender because they put hormones in the system and they ended up “ chosing” because they believe they don’t have any. This is a typical case of evil, with the hormones these “ doctors “ are making since the beginning transgender children, how this is different from the nazis experiments? Or Dr Mengele in Brazil? Why this is allowed? When they know the truth, that your child would be a hybrid, never total one sex or the other because his or her natural sex is compromised since very early age and suppressed on purpose! Not erase because that is impossible but suppressed.

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Love this! I just requested my local library and college library to purchase these books. Thank you.

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Just donated to the film campaign and ordered the book. Will try and get into local libraries. Thank you to the brave men and women like you, Stella O’Malley, Sasha Ayad, Miriam Grossman, etc. Before you all it was just the “experts” pushing affirmation everywhere we looked.

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Thank you so much for your generosity! I so much appreciate it!

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