I know a teen who had a mom who transitioned male. She ended up dying due to medical complications, and he went down a mental health spiral, complete with a trans stint and hospital stays.

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Another great PITT read. The author will find many explanations through the father’s social media activity. The lure of SM is immense. It has a special appeal for the attention-craving narcissist, which this putative father is.

What we can do is fight back. Public postings are fair game for comments. Don’t be afraid of being called a troll. Hit hard, but fair blows.

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I post on FB all the time. I am not fair. I am completely derisive about the lunacy that is trans.

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Mental illness loves company.

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These are very thoughtful and intelligent questions. We have that covered with Bruce Jenner nowadays Caitlyn Jenner. You don't know that everybody is happy with his madness but he is functional, the problem is the others. The supporters and the useful idiots that applauded to all the mental patients we have on the open. Sorry, I do not want to be disrespectful with the sick people but the reality is that they are mental and according to CDC half of the country has some mental condition, some of them are in power becoming the laughing stock of the rest of the world. There is not help for them, period, it is not politically correct. We need the child that comes to the room and asks why the king is naked. And you asked why? The answer is NARCISSISM pure and simple. They do not care about the suffering of others because they are the victims, remember? And I agree the children are victims but a Father and head of the family, a husband and a man?? Give me a break!

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It could be seen as a form of anti-gay, or anti-hetero conversion therapy or pressure... no sure the latter even exists but it's about time it does

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It legitimizes the “ born this way” trope. “ See? I was born this way and am finally living my truth, and my kids are the same.” The argument being one of nature, not nurture. It also outsources personal responsibility, as one can’t possibly help being trans, as there is no alternative.

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Oh yes. Taking your penis and inverting into a created hole in your body sounds really “natural”.. taking drugs to keep your body in its “natural” state for your entire life, sounds really “natural”. I’m not being sarcastic with you, but if they really believe this they are even more brainwashed and delusional than I even thought.

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Trans is a psychotic delusion. Like anorexia and several others. When they look in the mirror, they are possessed by a glamour and see nothing but the aspirational sex. The males are hideous and hilarious, as many are huge and consider themselves to be dainty maidens.

Left unspoken by the perverted psychopaths who pretend to be physicians is the question: "Who will consider you an appropriate partner?" They all end up with other trannies, because normal people know, regardless of what they say, that these are freaks.

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The LGBTQ crowd wants nothing more than to increase their numbers and hence, their visibility, power and influence.

Trans ideologues focus their indoctrination efforts on children (even their own!) because kids and teens haven't yet developed critical thinking skills or enough life experience to see what utter B.S. the whole thing is.

It's sickening how successful they've been in promoting the narrative that those who won't buy into this nonsense are evil bigots. Apparently there are a shocking number of adults who also lack critical thinking skills.

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TQ wants bigger numbers, LGB wants to be left alone. The poll numbers are going to start showing the approval/support from LGB tanking over the next couple years as those of us who had been left alone tuned out and stopped paying attention. I’m in a Red state in the Midwest US. I’m even in regular contact with the “youth” and missed it because of my lack of social media. I’ve tuned in now and I’m pissed! At myself for missing it too.

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Do NOT add me and other Lesbians to this mess. We have been fighting it longer than anyone else since we were the first targets by heterosexual men demanding sexual access to us as "transwomen."

These men threaten to rape, mutilate, and kill us, and have killed too many Lesbians already.

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Why is this not a huge issue, and by that I mean in the media where it should be getting a lot of attention. And I mean that. Are there people speaking out in social media since the press is useless for telling the truth? Please share if you have social media influencers talking about this and I would amplify their concerns as I am sure others would as well. This is truly horrifying.

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I recommend a recently-released documentary called Behind The Looking Glass. It's the first documentary about the wives and children of men who decide to transition in mid-life.

In order to protect the identities of the trans widows and their children, the filmmaker uses animation instead of photography. But the voices we hear are the actual voices of the trans widows as they tell their stories.


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I can't believe those in the media don't know, but they act like they don't, and I've even had het women friends demand to know why I wasn't stopping the trans horror in my "community." Never my community. They are re-writing our history to claim that "LBGTQ" was part of everything we did from the beginning, but T wasn't ever and only has gotten in such power relatively recently.

I so wish we could do something. We have lost our last spaces to these female-hating men.

This is one example of what the media did to our history where I live, and my article in response:


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Bev Jo, Follow Sall Grover, an Australian writer and founder of Giggle, a women's-only spaces app. She was recently sued by a man who wanted access to the space. This is just one website about Sall.


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Thanks. I don't really have time to follow anyone but I'll try to look. I'm not getting to the writing I need to do. But thank you!

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Affirmation Care must end or at least go through redefinition of the opposite of what it means today. Affirmation Care should mean loving your body and mind "as is" to the best of your ability for your greater good and everyone around you.

Being Heterosexual and/or pro family (with things called mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, cousins and children!) is not a "social construct".

Queer Theory, Trans, 2spirit, poly whatever, and all the other perversions created by porn fueled sick pathological males imposed on society is a "social construct"! And it needs to be pushed back into the closet and out of women's bathrooms and away from children everywhere; schools, libraries, everywhere. Stay in your house with your delusions of trying to fool people that you are the opposite sex of what we all know you are not. Stop the madness!! Embrace sanity! Enough has been destroyed already!

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Totally agree. We're making progress - more in 2024 than in any other year - but it's still an uphill battle. I recently tried to post a 5-star review of Irreversible Damage on Amazon. I submitted it twice and it's a thoughtful review, with specifics from the book. Amazon simply will not publish it. I've since posted several more reviews of novels, all of which were instantly approved. It's clear they've got a filter that throttles anything positive about trans-critical books. This also happened on Goodreads with a TERF-hate novel I rated as one star. They emailed they were taking down my review because there was too much negative feedback about the novel. I ended up deactivating my account. Then there's the recent Seth Moulton fracas, where staffers quit and people called for his resignation just because of a comment he made about trans athletes in girls' sports. The pushback on this is unbelievable.

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Rep Moulton is probably going to have a long career because he said the truth and stuck by it. I think it was the public response to his shaming (irritation) plus the they/them commercial’s effectiveness that has the Dems so quiet.

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I don't know. Massachusetts is not like the rest of the country. Tufts initially cancelled its internship program with him just for the one comment, but they have now backed down. It's possible he could lose his spot for something that simple. Dems are way, way out of touch.

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Abigail used some of my story in her book Irreversible Damage, it felt good to help on that. We have to keep fighting or things will get worse. I want the USA restored especially to inalienable rights that Government cannot control. Men in dresses, Drag Queens, Queer Theory, Critical Theories, Affirmation Care, this non-sense must end. Pedophilia is on the rise we are destroying everything, this must end. Protect all children, protect women, punish evil, love all that is good and true.

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These individuals care more about the world around them validating their delusions -and that includes their children at the top of the list - than to provide a stable and grounded reality for their children. Full stop.

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Imo the medical and physcological fields need to be held accountable. The schools are pushing affirmation only on the new practitioners in these fields. The amount of gender woo is rampant. Physcologists are being taught they make more money if they create perpetual victims. We need to encourage the professionals speaking out against affirmation only

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Part of the problem is that they can lose their license just for saying it. Depends on the state from what I’ve read. It is “conversion therapy” to even discuss it they way they should be.

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I just yesterday was working with a med student who had a project involving "pregnant people". I stated clearly that "only women get pregnant". She said that the pressure to use the "people" term was very strong.

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George, This erasure of women from language is infuriating. Follow Milli Hill's substack for more of this nonsense.


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I once replaced "people" with "women" while editing a paper I was a co-author on. My changes were clearly tracked with my name. Nobody said anything but the other authors may have changed it back eventually. It's super annoying.

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My wife is the child of a FtoM mother and has FtoM step-father. She says that she wasn't affected by the transition. My wife is very easy going. Her stepfather's transition happened years before she knew him.

We have two children 5 and 3. Explaining to them is very complicated. It's like a big game of "Let's pretend"

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Sounds like fun, except for the fact that it’s the senior citizens for whom you’re having to play this game. 🤢

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I know 2 families like this, the transwidow moms are good friends of mine. In one case the MtF trans parent is a very narcissistic person who was *thrilled* when his oldest daughter started playing with pronouns in high school, ate age 15. They actually suggested to her that she get top surgery soon so it would be covered by their insurance(!) I find this to be a form of child abuse. This trans person went on to remarry and attempted to nurse their baby and then posted it all over social media. Narcissism is the key here. They see their kids as a reflection of them.

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I agree with you and all the others who talk about it being narcissistic - that is exactly how I view my son. He cares about nothing but himself first and foremost, and poor me, I am the victim. That is exactly it. And it's always the worst, in my experience, the male to female. I also know a female to male who is a wonderful person and one I enjoy being around. I never knew them when they were female, so it's easier to forget and the fact they look totally male. Interesting how this works.

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I know MTF that are very nice people, chill, and same with FTM. But I have met the raging mentally ill narcissistic MTF too. I’m convinced my first gf would be trans nowadays and she was a total narcissist. I keep thinking about how many lesbians have a similar first gf story. There has to be a bagful of those that are FTM now.

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Yes. I also know a handful of FtM folks who transitioned and they are a completely different story.

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Having a parent that chooses to transition must be so confusing to their children - the message of "I want you to pretend along with me that I am now the opposite sex". What a great question: "How about their future?" That is the most important question that needs to be answered.

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It is not only a national travesty but a world one. And my daughter was an "adult" when she medicalized. Kids or adults are vulnerable and not cared for properly.

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misery loves company

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" why would a trans parent celebrate a child showing signs of trans-identification"

This is very easy to understand, unfortunately. Trans is a delusional psychosis. Those who have it know, deep in the recesses of their mind at 3 AM, that the psychosis is not real. So, how does the psychosis get supported? By converting others. The trans delusional psychosis is one that is validated and supported ONLY by others becoming psychotic and assuming this delusion as well. This is why all parents of normal non-psychotic children should immediately separate their from any classmate or friend who assumes the trans delusional psychosis.

It's validated by conversion.

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