..."they are being fed so much misinformation, by their schools and universities, by the Government, by large corporations, by the medical community and therapists, by both social media and mainstream media, and by their friends and neighbors,"...

Yes, that is the same situation in Japan in these days.

Japan is a little behind in transgenderism. But certainly a similar situation is beginning to occur.

They are giving misinformation to people, especially children in unstable times of distress, without any qualms. What a horrible time we live in.

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Interesting, thanks.

I give up trying to make any sense of all this transgender stuff. I am starting the year feeling depressed after having covid. I just had a Skype call with my 23 year old male identifying daughter. We never talk about anything related to this insane gender change nonsense. I feel really alone. I am not allowed to say what I think as most people now are hooked on the gender lies. This feels like persecution. I am not allowed to say anything bad about testosterone as it is a prescription drug on which my daughter depends. I am supposed to talk about her as though she were my son. I can not deny my integrity and embrace lies just because everybody else around does. It is a lonely path being a parent and there is no hope of her bringing a child into the world. We parents lose our children plus hope of grandchildren.

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Lovely well written thoughts. As the mother of a now 19yr old "identifying as trans" I am finding the journry so loney. Only recently found this site. The volume of youngsters especially girls that are now trans is so alarming. I am in Australia where we also have schools socially transitioning children without parental consent. My grief for the loss of my daughter is over powering. I feel there is no one here for me, therapists make it about her & ask why wouldnt I except this ???

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Parents don't accept the "trans" insanity because it is fundamentally nonsensical and deeply harmful. It exacerbates the problems of those it ensnares. To encourage "transition: is actually cruel and the opposite of compassionate.

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I have been thinking about "consent" very much in the context of gender identity ideology but also in the broader contexts of feminis. Three things, specifically, perhaps all of them are related to women's sex-based oppression: (1) the normalization/celebration/resignification of prostitution/porn as "sex work" and/or liberating/empowering/sexy; (2) women's reproductive exploitation (egg donations; the renting of wombs and the purchase of babies); and (3) the "sexual revolution" that posits that male and female sexuality are the same, that is, naturally tending towards partner diversity and pleasure-based sexual encounters that presume no emotional connection. All of these things are based on "consent" as legitimating factor: a woman consents to having her body used to please another's sexual desire; a woman consents to renting her body for somebody else's reproductive desire; a woman consents to adopting sexual behaviors that allow her to belong to her friend group/cohort, where "hook-up" culture is what normal, sexually healthy and cool girls do (and the rejection of such a culture is what prudish, unattractive, traditional, uncool, boring girls do)... Consent and personal desires have become the cornerstone of society today, which is itself ordered by the market: bodies are bought and sold, body parts or the access to alter/modify body parts are bought and sold; babies are bought and sold; womanhood and manhood themselves are bought and sold. The market is the freest and freeing of institutions because everybody who participates in it consents to do so, does so because they either desire to sell or desire to buy... it just so happens that everything related to humanity is itself bought or sold, based on the absurdly low standard of self-declared consent.

There are many, many problems with making consent and desire the cornerstones of life--not only because consent and desire are formed unconsciously by how society informs us, but also because they are never truly "informed", a person cannot truly understand the effects of desiring or consenting to certain things, until the consequences are in fact, experienced. It's an act of imagination, not knowledge. But because we are not individuals: every decision we make, we consent to, based on what we individually desire for ourselves, affects others. And is affected, influenced, by others. So the idea is flawed: no individual consents to or desires as an isolated, autonomous, independent individual, because we are always part of communities (families, and others), and we cannot truly live in a society in which each individual absolutely disregards others in their community/family/circle, and looks only to satisfy his or her desires. As social animals, we cannot survive such a selfish, dog-eat-dog world. It would be horrible.

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Children are not yet mature or emotionally intelligent enough to be able to understand the challenges of life-changing decisions, and quite possible neither are some adults, but for better or worse we use a 'crossover' age into adulthood, at which stage people make their decisions unprotected by other adults and/or parents. The difficulty, if there is one, is knowing when anyone is mature enough intellectually, emotionally and physically to be able to understand what acceptance of consequences really means. That's what parenthood is meant to be for.

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Consent in case of a child or a teen means, some would let not only the breasts and fertility, but a leg go. because the pain is now and the consequwnses are in the future. That is exactly the problem of the braun wirh ummature prefrontal cortex.

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I agree with you 100%. Our children have been victims for years. Seems we’re getting worse, not better. Now we are medically transitioning our children into eunuchs. EUNUCHS!! It’s VERY disturbing! And WRONG.

And where are our breast cancer survivors!!?? Will they please stand up with me and fight for these CHILDREN? As the daughter of a mother who lost her life to cancer, my heart breaks. We are cutting off perfectly healthy breasts of CHILDREN??!! Help us protest! Do we have nobody on our side willing to call out society on these atrocities being committed on CHILDREN!?? And brainwashing CHILDREN that they will be happy and loved eunuchs? By who? By the broken parents picking up the broken pieces of our once whole children. Tragic.

Once these professionals have collected their money for mutilating our CHILDREN, they will sail away on their fancy yachts. Paid for by the now deformed bodies of these CHILDREN. Are these professionals convincing their CHILDREN to have the surgeries? Of course not! They look forward to having grandchildren some day.

Well, guess what parents? It’s time to stand up and be heard! Before it’s too late for your CHILDREN. Sadly, it’s already too late for so many of our CHILDREN. Tragic.

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Thank you for that Jonah

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One doesn't need to go to ancient China or Africa today to find body mutilations forced upon children. America has a 2-billion-dollar a year industry performing genital mutilation (foreskin amputation) of baby boys. There is a huge financial motivation to continue this. A large part of the money made from this is trying to fix botched circumcisions.

Cutting the genitals of children has a long history in the US, used as a punishment for boys and girls caught masturbating in the Victorian age, and falsely touted as a cure-all for every disease for over 140 years. Until 1996 Blue Cross paid for clitoridectomies of little girls.

Many will balk at this information because they have subjected their baby boys to these unwarranted surgical reductions of their genitals, but there is no justification whatsoever for cutting the healthy genitals of any child.

This issue (cutting children) is intimately connected with gender surgeries. David Reimer famously lost his penis to a routine circumcision forced upon him as a baby, and that prompted the sex reassignment at Johns Hopkins that paved the way for much of the current gender ideology. In the archives of the Journal of Plastic Surgery is an article from the 1960's on "feminizing genitoplasty" of FIVE baby boys, all victims of severely botched circumcisions.

Our culture needs to own up to the damage caused to children, not just point a finger at other cultures, but to recognize how we are complicit. The current gender ideology, and operating on children's bodies, rests upon a system that routinely cuts baby boys and children with intersex conditions.

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Okay. There is a clip going off on 4chan. Which... is not a website I tend to go to, but once in a while, something comes up that is either very insightful and/or funny.

This guy claims he de-transed his daughter in one day.

Is this real? I don't know. It could be. Or it could be a joke.

Let me transcribe it.


Daughter says she's trans (9th grade)

What do we do?

Confess I'm trans too.

She's confused.

Dad, no, you're not.

Stop being a bigot, Charlotte. Let's do this together.

Wear dress and makeup next morning.

Daughter is angry, tells me to stop faking.

No, I'm trans honey. No get in the car and let's go to school.

She's horrified. Asks to be dropped off a block away.

Nope, walk her in, wave to front desk.

She's fuming.

Wife can't stop laughing.

Pick up daughter, in skirt and heels, (bleep) makeup, glitter on cheeks, skip over to her and her friends.


Demand she use my pronouns, call her a bigot.

Next morning she's done with the whole trans thing. Begs me to stop.

End Quote.

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This reminds me of an impulse I have had every time my daughter threatens to start testosterone: I say to myself that I would dose myself alongside her...as if that would guilt her into stopping...? Sadly, doubtful. But, I still feel that urge. Have any other moms felt that?

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Interesting you say threaten, at what point do they follow through with the threat ? A constant anxiety in the pit of my stomach of what will be next, how many threats will become reality ?

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I perceive her statements as threats because it is in part an individuation process for her, and there’s power and swagger there. She did dose herself for several months at college unbeknownst to us, and we have been bargaining with her since then to buy time hoping she’ll mature. She has stopped for now, but It is a delicate balancing act because we want to stay connected.

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Sadly, I've seen articles about a son and a mother switching simultaneously, or a brother and a sister.

The joke above is funny because of the embarrassment aspect, which I gather was part of the purpose.

My fear is that the narcissism wouldn't allow that kind of concern for family members.

(And now I'm thinking of Homer Simpson threatening to jump over the gorge on Bart's skateboard to teach Bart a lesson)

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I felt that too ( but I also don't think it would work)

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Yeah, maybe it worked and maybe the girl decided to hide her thoughts and feelings from her parents. I sincerely hope it worked but I am doubtful.

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I love it.

Ridicule is the weapon not yet used enough. The trannies are complete jokes. They are not attractive. They are grotesque monstrosities.

Laugh at them.

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Humor has taken a beating during the age of Woke. If you noticed, Comedy isn't funny anymore. "Late night comedy shows" are like cult meetings where they affirm their collective beliefs and trash outsiders.

There's plenty to joke about. But the fear of cancellation keeps comedians at the same, tired old topics.

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Well, you can watch Dave Chappelle and Ricky Gervais. They've both taken on the trans issue with intelligence, nuance and plenty of ridicule. Of course they're both big enough to absorb the heat they have gotten.

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And they've taken a considerable amount as blowback.

So has one of the most influential fiction writers in the world today: JK Rowling. Some of her biggest fans who were weaned on he book have been calling her "dead to them" because of this one issue.

This isn't normal.

Some months ago I heard a clip from a stand-up comedian who made fun of masks. Masks and the superstition around them has got to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen in my life. It should be a gold mine of ridicule. Instead, no one talks about it.

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if only....-♡♡♡

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Great article, thank you. As a parent of a trans-identified young adult I’m very familiar with such a take on gender ideology and unfortunately you are probably right, on this Substack you’ll mostly be preaching to the choir. How, as parents of kids caught up in the madness of gender ideology, can we get this message out to the wider world?

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What if WE spent hours just listening, sympathizing with and love-bombing our dysphoric kids?

I'll guarantee you that her groomers didn't argue with her, didn't tell her she was too immature. And look how they succeeded in their agenda!

This war will not be won with facts or arguments or logic. It'll be won with love.

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This is great, says everything pretty much that I believe and feel. In the case of my son, I think that he is terrified of the ramifications of being a male - sex, etc. He once answered my question 'why do you think you're trans' by saying 'I don't want to be male'. It's not the same thing as saying, ' I want to be a woman'. One small thing - as a pedant I'd like to point out that the word is 'vile' - v i le - not 'vial'. Sorry!

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I was a crossdresser for years. One of the things that kept me away from doing anything unalterable to my body was I got interested in authors who challenged the darker sides of feminism and wrote things that were positive -- or gave hope -- to men. Back then, it was things like Iron John by Robert Bly, or Warren Farrel's Myth of Male power.

I think Jordan Peterson would be a good one for today.

There is a huge amount of anti-male bigotry in the culture at large. Men are blamed for every problem in the world. If you believe that, either consciously or subconsciously, it creates self-hatred and you're looking for ways to salvage some kind of goodness in yourself by running from your masculine identity.

A better solution, which can be life saving and life changing is to plant your feet firmly on the ground, stand up straight, stare at the haters, and say: "No. You're wrong. There is nothing wrong with me. And I have nothing to apologize for."

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I think that this is why Peterson is pretty popular and supported by young men. And why some women find him a threat - he supports men to be men, not emasculated freaks.

I agree about the anti-male bigotry.

It used to be that the Boy Scouts would fill the role of affirming male power in a positive manner. Boys were taught to be men, but also brave, cheerful, thrifty, clean, honest - I can almost remember the Boy Scout Motto as I type. But the scandals about men abusing boys, and the inclusion of women, have damaged that formerly good organization.

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When I was reading Herodatus, I came across a tale where a city rebelled against King Cyrus. After putting down the rebellion, Cyrus's advisor, Croessus (who was once king of the rebelling city before he lost a war to Cyrus) suggests that he interest the city in commerce, fashion and the arts to "make its men into women" so they would not rebel again.

We may reject this as sexist, and perhaps it is, but the concept of that Greek historian was a sort of culture of emasculation would remove the desire of rebellion from these people.

So much of what's happening today seems designed to reduce our freedom to a new form of 21st century serfdom. If so, they don't want that group available to defend us. And that's part of the reason for anti maleness.

It's been so relentless and uncompromising. I remember having to cope with this prejudice 40 years ago.

Do women really want emasculated freaks? I don't think so. Maybe they say that, but I don't think they actually want that.

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This is wonderfully and sympathetically written. Thank you.

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Consent was a great place to start. From a few things I've heard and read lately, legal action against gender medicine will defend itself on the basis of consent. But it seems so obvious the argument against consent after reading your piece. How in the heavens can a judge and jury think that a minor has the development and cognizance to give consent to these medical procedures? When my daughter (FtM) got her nose pierced at 16, she had to have me (parent) with her and a notarized document stating permission. 🙄

I would love to see the legal world begin their dissent on the gender medical establishment. Another argument: the comorbitites that exist in our young people prior to and present during ANY TYPE OF MEDICALIZING. Again, how in the heavens is it ok to not mentallly assess this HUGE decision before MEDICALIZING? What in the absolute hell???? I told my daughter yesterday if she dares start medicalizing, I promise I will sue the clinic, Dr, university etc on the grounds of her mental instability. She's been in therapy since 13. (17 now) It's all documented. BPD, anorexia, suicidal ideation, anxiety, depression, Lexapro, Zoloff, 2 psychiatrists, 7 psychologists, etc....

Congrats on your first submission.

I loved it!!

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Mother, you've done a fine job writing this first piece. And don't worry about saying things that've been said before. They bear saying again and they come out in different ways so as to make it possible for others to take in information when they perhaps couldn't before.

As for the comment on the only answer lying in condemning same sex attraction, I take issue with that. Trans ideology is totally different and separate from being gay or lesbian or bi and it is harmful to conflate. Same sex attraction is a fact, and is as legitimate as opposite sex attraction. Let's stick with the topic of addressing harms of trans ideology, which have in this piece of writing been well articulated. Mother, wishing you and others all the best in coping with your situations until a better understanding has been reached, and we as a culture can find ways of accepting differences without resorting to regressive stereotypes and harmful techno fixes. Thank you for keeping at working on this.

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Thank you for this. My daughter is also in the same boat as yours. It's been a year since she came out as trans aged 13. She still is feeling the same way. This article sums up how I feel. I'm in the UK. Thank you

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My first thought is to reject the concept that she "came out" as "trans". It is only catering to the idea that she was sharing a hidden truth - indulging the cult thinking. One does not want to engage directly against it with a teen but I also tried never to play along either. It's been a year since your daughter's indoctrination and I am so sorry. I hope I do not sound too bossy. I think it's important where possible that both parents remain even keeled but don't seem like true believers. Good luck to you!

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Much sympathy, SK, but I totally agree with LovingMother. Language is important! It frames how issues are seen, and if we adopt the lingo of the gender nazis, we're helping along the dominance of their perverted worldview.

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