You poor, poor distressed father! Please read this account of detransition. It is is straightforward, but it might offer some pointers, both to what caused his confusion and to how he might want to find his own way out of it.... with a little help from his family: https://lacroicsz.substack.com/p/by-any-other-name?utm_source=url

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 24, 2022

We are all in this together and it helps me to know maybe one thing I said rings true for someone else and suddenly they know they aren't alone. Thank you for letting me know and hang in there

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I wish I knew what to do. I would say continue to reach out and invite him to things. Be in therapy yourselves. This is so difficult for parents. I pray that he comes to his senses.

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I really wish I could help. This lie breaks too many hearts. You are not alone

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I’m so sorry..truly heartbreaking.

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This is such an important podcast, thankful for parents willingness to share their excruciating experiences.

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Trans advocates are opposed to conversion therapy with the belief that its wrong and abusive to "alter" someone's "feelings". In reality perpetuating the lie, encouraging mental illness and supporting bodily mutilation is abusive.

Each night, every other commercial or show subtly tries to pass this as normal in an effort to numb viewers into acceptance. Why does their insanity get to trump my reality? My husband tells me to stop letting it affect me so much and that I need to realize this isn't going away. Sorry, but I am 5 years into this nightmare and I am just as stunned and outraged as I was on day one. No amount of media will ever make me feel differently. This stuff only makes me want to scream louder.

Pro-trans want to allow people to live in a reality that is anything but that. When someone is anorexic do we encourage their weight loss or deny them food? If someone wants to amputate an arm for no reason, we would send them to a psychiatrist. Somehow, the most compassionate thing to do is being banned in nearly every country. Isn't it less harmful to get to the root of a psychological issue than it is to dress it up, lob off/add body parts and pretend everything is normal? The only harmful effect of therapy is that it redirects money from going to special interest groups.

I used to pray our daughter would someday realize she was wrong about feeling she's a male. I still do, but now that isn't enough. I want all parents to experience that same relief of having their child return to them whole and in the image of which they were created. Until then, I will keep freaking out, I will keep screaming and I won't stop praying.

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You are right. I use the same analogy about someone with anorexia. Also, that we don't tell someone with schizophrenia that the voices in their head are real. You have every right to be angry. 🙏🏻

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Detransitioners or parents of detransitioners mutilated through cross-sex hormones or surgery or both will surely bring criminal negligence cases in the US soon. Here in the UK there will be more following the Keira Bell case.

The bottom line is that psychiatrists have made spectacular mistakes at regular intervals. See this article by Prof Richard Corradi: https://thefederalist.com/2016/11/17/psychiatry-professor-transgenderism-mass-hysteria-similar-1980s-era-junk-science/

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This is a brilliant article. Thank you for sharing from across the pond Una-Jane

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Thank you for expressing my feelings and thoughts. I also after more than five years into the same nightmare am as outraged as on day one, if not more so knowing how many other girls have been deceived. I would scream if I could but there are oppressive forces trying to silence us. Keep praying

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This gender gaga is terrible and makes me sad. It hurts so much what is being done to these young people. Please let it stop it is terrible

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