My 18-year-old son is getting ready for college and in his Twitter header he describes himself as a ‘trans gay foxgirl with she/they pronouns’. This is a young man with Asperger’s syndrome and a profoundly gifted IQ. This is a child accepted into a mechanical engineering major, into the honors program.
Delusional… yes. And sad. And heartbreaking. I pray your son will be brave and can overcome the poisonous influence caused by the trans cult. Why can’t high intelligent children just be left alone to continue their journey and prosper? Why do they have to have a label because they are different? And children on the spectrum seem to need an answer or excuse more because they ARE different - but being influenced by the trans-ideology is so terrifying because it steals the identity and wastes a mind. Heartbreaking.
I have a creepy feeling that transspecies kinds of things may be next ... googling surgery for "elf ears" returns some recent results ... it's literally mining bodies for profit ... and to change, without informed consent, humanity itself. ( not very filled in as of now .. but people being made into animals are as absurd and impossible as men being pregnant ... and people having deep kinships with animals are as natural as gender nonconformity ... how tragic to pervert those things for a gender industrial complex ...
And there are many who are on the autistic spectrum who are especially vulnerable .. a horrible circle of poison for pharma, as scrambling the complex systems of babies' biology with products from a hopelessly corrupt medical system (perhaps some are worth the risk for protection from diseases .. but there is so much scientific fraud in the childhood, and covid, vaccine world.
After flirting with the trans cult in high school, our son fell deep into the trans abyss freshman year of college. Planned Parenthood gave him HRT on his first visit. He also is heavily influenced by anime. College can be an even more influential place for indoctrination than high school.
BE CAREFUL AND KEEP HIM CLOSE!!!! Keep him close - If he will be far away, don’t let him go. The less ability you have to assess his influences, the more likely he will be influenced further into this ideology. If he truly is meant to be transgender, or you are totally into yourself, then so be it and good luck. But, I had a daughter “influenced” in high school via internet sources, went off to college and got indoctrinated. I am forever regretful that I didn’t bring her back home and have her rethink her college direction.
Unfortunately, college may just affirm him that much more. College is not what it used to be. We lost our oldest daughter to this radical agenda over the course of the last 4 years. I honestly wish she never went to college. She started as a beautiful normal girl with long brown hair and a drive to excel and taking on the world. She was majoring in business.
She is now covered in tattoos, has died her hair turquoise, calls herself non binary with the pronouns they/them, quit school with only 1 semester left (she also changed her major from business to social entrepreneurship - whatever the hell that is), and has told us that she was abused and wants nothing to do with our family. College is just another tool for the transgender cult that is stealing our children from us. Be very careful!
My priority is stopping any sort of medicalization. It's painfully obvious that my kid is a boy even though he says he's a girl. I'd be fine with sexual experimentation so that maybe he could get in the game and start dealing with his sexuality in a real way as opposed to playing video games all day.
I think that's a useful approach. When I was researching what to do about my own kid, I found the Society for Evidence Based Medicine to be extremely useful. They're not anti-trans or anti-gay. They advocate for research to drive decision making, not trends or politics. Here's their website:
I feel for you. The part where everyone starts supporting them as if it is normal is a tough step. I went to pick up my daughter from a party and when the father asked me for which child, I said her birth name and he didn’t know who I was talking about. I had to use her “he” name. And it was clear he thought I was unsupportive. To go further, having a doctor side with the child and not the adult seems wrong.
Supporting neurodiverse kids is also a thing. I would check out if it would be possible to increase the ASD support and decrease the trans support. If he was on board with this it would help a lot.
Chandler, this total stranger of a man is misgendering your own child to your face!! He is abusing you. You, we all have a right, actually a duty to defend ourselves. Reply calmly but always decidedly using your child's biological pronouns and name. Ignore their reaction. Act exactly as if there was no ideology out there. Whatever they will say, don't hesitate, don't show feelings. If necessary keep silent but keep on staring at them. Don't look away. All of you, don't back down.
I would rather they went at me in whatever fury than as a mother to give in to fear. I might otherwise regret it in my older days.
I just wish I understood the relationship between high functioning autism and identity. My own daughter identifies as a gay trans man, explaining her feminity as a sign she's a gay man. Yeah well that drives me round the bend so getting the anime into the picture if I may say is just above and beyond frustrating.
As whenever I attempted to have a basic normal conversation with her she went totally berserk and I've reached a point where I walk on eggshells and w ake up at night in a panic.
I've had the exact same experience with my daughter, that if I say anything that's not what they deem politically correct, they have no tolerance and have to retreat to their "safe space." What I now say is something like--"You know that I don't see it that way, but I know that this kind of conversation is upsetting to you, so I'm going to stop talking about it. I want you to know that I love you no matter what your gender identity is even if I don't always agree with you."
Study after study shows that parental support is a key ingredient for kids' mental health. But support isn't necessarily the same thing as affirmation. It's a difficult balance and it take practice, but keep at it. Insisting that your kid acknowledge "reality" doesn't seem like a good direction to take. It will alienate them from you, and it's not likely to change their behavior.
I just listened to the most hopeful conversation about this issue since my family was pulled into this mess. It is Gender a Wider Lens podcast #78. Maybe, just maybe, the tide is turning on all this.
It's funny that my transIDed daughter and I agree that Hunger Games was meant to be a warning, not a template. When she says it, she means the arena. I mean the transhumanism (which preceded the arena, if I recall correctly? I could be wrong here.)
When she was 3, she insisted she was a pig and that everyone refer to her as such. She'd correct anyone who used her birthname. Then, as now, I got the grace of an agreed upon nickname. Back then it was "Piglet." Now it's a version of her middle name.
How long until the extreme body mod wing of our medical complex starts indulging these trans-species fantasies?
(pasting part of previous comment that relates to your thoughts on "trans-species" )
I have a creepy feeling that transspecies kinds of things may be next ... googling surgery for "elf ears" returns some recent results ... it's literally mining bodies for profit ... and to change, without informed consent, humanity itself. ( not very filled in as of now ) ... But people being made into animals are as absurd and impossible as men being pregnant ... and people having deep kinships with animals are as natural as gender nonconformity ... how tragic to pervert those things for a gender industrial complex ...
That wants to fundamentally change the nature of humanity - postgender / posthuman.
You really don't have any hope of help from the 'professionals'. The ONLY males who should transition are actually homosexual (and even then, NO SURGERY.) Your son is heterosexual. This is inevitably going to end in disaster. I'm sorry to be blunt, but my advice would be: remove your son from the 'educational' institution he is attending. Remove his mobile phone and block all of his social media accounts. Make sure that he is not exposed to ANY transcult rhetoric, literature or sites. Shut it all down.
You might get arrested for doing this but I assure you the alternative is very ugly. Very ugly indeed.
There is a limit to how far we can indulge insanity. Boys can certainly perform as girls and millions do, with remarkable success. But they always remain MALE HUMANS. Claiming to be 'transspecies' is completely ridiculous and humoring such delusions is just as much so.
Aren't these fox-girls vampire ghosts from Chinese legend? They disguised themselves as attractive young women and drained the life from young men who allowed themselves to be seduced. Who knows how they are seen in anime, but they used to be a simple warning to stay away from unknown women.
There is only one way to stop this and that is through the courts. School systems and medical centers will start paying millions and millions of dollars to folks, who, as minors, are being brainwashed and
harmed by this quicksand pit of thinking. They will pay like the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts are doing. It may take a long time. I suggest contacting America First Legal ( 1-972-247-3800)
I cannot imagine your shame and embarrassment. I am more sorry than you could know.
Delusional… yes. And sad. And heartbreaking. I pray your son will be brave and can overcome the poisonous influence caused by the trans cult. Why can’t high intelligent children just be left alone to continue their journey and prosper? Why do they have to have a label because they are different? And children on the spectrum seem to need an answer or excuse more because they ARE different - but being influenced by the trans-ideology is so terrifying because it steals the identity and wastes a mind. Heartbreaking.
I have a creepy feeling that transspecies kinds of things may be next ... googling surgery for "elf ears" returns some recent results ... it's literally mining bodies for profit ... and to change, without informed consent, humanity itself. ( not very filled in as of now .. but people being made into animals are as absurd and impossible as men being pregnant ... and people having deep kinships with animals are as natural as gender nonconformity ... how tragic to pervert those things for a gender industrial complex ...
And there are many who are on the autistic spectrum who are especially vulnerable .. a horrible circle of poison for pharma, as scrambling the complex systems of babies' biology with products from a hopelessly corrupt medical system (perhaps some are worth the risk for protection from diseases .. but there is so much scientific fraud in the childhood, and covid, vaccine world.
Some links that may be helpful. Much respect to all of you ... - Market Insights - how the gender industry is described for investors. They don't pretend to care about rights or humanity. - Lots of info here. Section on Autism and Gender Identity.
Himself the Elf…
Well, some fool is trying to be “trans-species” however, it is costing him $5000 a month!
Thanks for these links
After flirting with the trans cult in high school, our son fell deep into the trans abyss freshman year of college. Planned Parenthood gave him HRT on his first visit. He also is heavily influenced by anime. College can be an even more influential place for indoctrination than high school.
BE CAREFUL AND KEEP HIM CLOSE!!!! Keep him close - If he will be far away, don’t let him go. The less ability you have to assess his influences, the more likely he will be influenced further into this ideology. If he truly is meant to be transgender, or you are totally into yourself, then so be it and good luck. But, I had a daughter “influenced” in high school via internet sources, went off to college and got indoctrinated. I am forever regretful that I didn’t bring her back home and have her rethink her college direction.
Unfortunately, college may just affirm him that much more. College is not what it used to be. We lost our oldest daughter to this radical agenda over the course of the last 4 years. I honestly wish she never went to college. She started as a beautiful normal girl with long brown hair and a drive to excel and taking on the world. She was majoring in business.
She is now covered in tattoos, has died her hair turquoise, calls herself non binary with the pronouns they/them, quit school with only 1 semester left (she also changed her major from business to social entrepreneurship - whatever the hell that is), and has told us that she was abused and wants nothing to do with our family. College is just another tool for the transgender cult that is stealing our children from us. Be very careful!
You are describing my son! High IQ, Mathematically gifted.
This is like illness - feels like a contagious virus. This is odd and not unique or special at all because this is one story fits so many.
My priority is stopping any sort of medicalization. It's painfully obvious that my kid is a boy even though he says he's a girl. I'd be fine with sexual experimentation so that maybe he could get in the game and start dealing with his sexuality in a real way as opposed to playing video games all day.
I think that's a useful approach. When I was researching what to do about my own kid, I found the Society for Evidence Based Medicine to be extremely useful. They're not anti-trans or anti-gay. They advocate for research to drive decision making, not trends or politics. Here's their website:
I feel for you. The part where everyone starts supporting them as if it is normal is a tough step. I went to pick up my daughter from a party and when the father asked me for which child, I said her birth name and he didn’t know who I was talking about. I had to use her “he” name. And it was clear he thought I was unsupportive. To go further, having a doctor side with the child and not the adult seems wrong.
Supporting neurodiverse kids is also a thing. I would check out if it would be possible to increase the ASD support and decrease the trans support. If he was on board with this it would help a lot.
Chandler, this total stranger of a man is misgendering your own child to your face!! He is abusing you. You, we all have a right, actually a duty to defend ourselves. Reply calmly but always decidedly using your child's biological pronouns and name. Ignore their reaction. Act exactly as if there was no ideology out there. Whatever they will say, don't hesitate, don't show feelings. If necessary keep silent but keep on staring at them. Don't look away. All of you, don't back down.
I would rather they went at me in whatever fury than as a mother to give in to fear. I might otherwise regret it in my older days.
I just wish I understood the relationship between high functioning autism and identity. My own daughter identifies as a gay trans man, explaining her feminity as a sign she's a gay man. Yeah well that drives me round the bend so getting the anime into the picture if I may say is just above and beyond frustrating.
As whenever I attempted to have a basic normal conversation with her she went totally berserk and I've reached a point where I walk on eggshells and w ake up at night in a panic.
This site has a section on autism and gender identity ( lots of info on that site )
Wishing you healing .. and wishing your daughter peace with her own body ...
Thank you so much for this, Ellen.
My very best wishes to you too.
I've had the exact same experience with my daughter, that if I say anything that's not what they deem politically correct, they have no tolerance and have to retreat to their "safe space." What I now say is something like--"You know that I don't see it that way, but I know that this kind of conversation is upsetting to you, so I'm going to stop talking about it. I want you to know that I love you no matter what your gender identity is even if I don't always agree with you."
Study after study shows that parental support is a key ingredient for kids' mental health. But support isn't necessarily the same thing as affirmation. It's a difficult balance and it take practice, but keep at it. Insisting that your kid acknowledge "reality" doesn't seem like a good direction to take. It will alienate them from you, and it's not likely to change their behavior.
I just listened to the most hopeful conversation about this issue since my family was pulled into this mess. It is Gender a Wider Lens podcast #78. Maybe, just maybe, the tide is turning on all this.
It's funny that my transIDed daughter and I agree that Hunger Games was meant to be a warning, not a template. When she says it, she means the arena. I mean the transhumanism (which preceded the arena, if I recall correctly? I could be wrong here.)
When she was 3, she insisted she was a pig and that everyone refer to her as such. She'd correct anyone who used her birthname. Then, as now, I got the grace of an agreed upon nickname. Back then it was "Piglet." Now it's a version of her middle name.
How long until the extreme body mod wing of our medical complex starts indulging these trans-species fantasies?
(pasting part of previous comment that relates to your thoughts on "trans-species" )
I have a creepy feeling that transspecies kinds of things may be next ... googling surgery for "elf ears" returns some recent results ... it's literally mining bodies for profit ... and to change, without informed consent, humanity itself. ( not very filled in as of now ) ... But people being made into animals are as absurd and impossible as men being pregnant ... and people having deep kinships with animals are as natural as gender nonconformity ... how tragic to pervert those things for a gender industrial complex ...
That wants to fundamentally change the nature of humanity - postgender / posthuman.
You really don't have any hope of help from the 'professionals'. The ONLY males who should transition are actually homosexual (and even then, NO SURGERY.) Your son is heterosexual. This is inevitably going to end in disaster. I'm sorry to be blunt, but my advice would be: remove your son from the 'educational' institution he is attending. Remove his mobile phone and block all of his social media accounts. Make sure that he is not exposed to ANY transcult rhetoric, literature or sites. Shut it all down.
You might get arrested for doing this but I assure you the alternative is very ugly. Very ugly indeed.
There is a limit to how far we can indulge insanity. Boys can certainly perform as girls and millions do, with remarkable success. But they always remain MALE HUMANS. Claiming to be 'transspecies' is completely ridiculous and humoring such delusions is just as much so.
I wish you luck. You are going to need it.
Aren't these fox-girls vampire ghosts from Chinese legend? They disguised themselves as attractive young women and drained the life from young men who allowed themselves to be seduced. Who knows how they are seen in anime, but they used to be a simple warning to stay away from unknown women.
There is only one way to stop this and that is through the courts. School systems and medical centers will start paying millions and millions of dollars to folks, who, as minors, are being brainwashed and
harmed by this quicksand pit of thinking. They will pay like the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts are doing. It may take a long time. I suggest contacting America First Legal ( 1-972-247-3800) Give these people a try.