I wish more people would be more compassionate to our vulnerable, mentally ill adult sons and daughters. I'm so tired of hearing, "Well, they're adults." They need compassion, good therapy, safe guarding and understanding like anyone else suffering and lost. God bless you.

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I couldn't agree more. Thankyou and God bless you too. ❤

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Your story made my heart sad for you and I am so sorry for your loss. Deeply sorry. You clearly loved your son and did the best you could - you did not know the depth and evil of the trans-cult. I was a single Mom too, to my only child, a daughter who’s father was a severe alcoholic and was verbally, mentally and physically abusive to me so I left him when she was 6 months old to protect her. She did not see him again until she was 8 years old and he was a mess. She did not want him in her life so that door closed again until she was 17 and was struggling with school and addictions. He died that same year from complications from alcoholism at age 48. My beautiful daughter followed in her dead father’s footsteps and became a raging alcoholic and drug addict. She did not get help until she was 27 and has been clean and sober now for 4 1/2 years. Now she suffers from depression and anxiety and panic attacks. I understand the “what ifs” and “should have, could have” thoughts. My advice to you is do not blame yourself - you are not alone. Mental illness is not something any of us want to face or deal with but once it takes a hold of our loved one there is no way to control the outcome. This trans-cult is very similar to addiction - it takes a hold of our loved one’s mind, emotions, and changes their thinking. They become dependent on the ideology and can’t let go. Thank you for sharing your story, your loss and your courage with us. Bless you.

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Thankyou. This is so poignant. Thankyou for sharing too. God bless you. X

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Your ex-husband is a real piece of shit. Imagine in your darkest hours your own father is little more than a cheerleader for your self-destruction. The depths of human despair and depravity have no bounds.

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So true😢

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Parents here like myself with Trans children hurt with you, we are so very sorry and hurt for you, you are not alone. Be courageous and truthful, we stand with you. This is a spiritual war of good versus evil. Let us all be on the side of good. Let us not waiver in our steadfast love of truth and beauty.

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So you've got "trans children" yourself?

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Yes I do. My beautiful intelligent musical smart funny daughter, is now a monster, bearded and breastless and absolutely hates her parents because we won't lie. I won't call her a he, I won't use the stupid pronouns. Why? Because I know better is why. It is a lie and I won't lie.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

I think you are an above average dad. I also think part of why they cut us out is not just what they're told to do "if your family doesn't accept you", but subconsciously they know we are right, and that would take a lot of humility and strength to admit, especially post surgery. I'm so sorry about your daughter.

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I'm so sorry to hear that. I don't blame you one bit for not taking part in her delusions. I hope and pray that she wakes up and comes round and gets the right treatment which is therapy for her mental health issues. She most likely doesn't truly hate you both, she hates the fact that you won't go along with her lies and feed into it, and understandably so. I would do exactly the same as you in your position. Thinking of you and your family and as I say, I hope she can at least go back in part to looking like she's supposed to and was born as. 🙏🏻😓❤️

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I'm so very sorry 💔

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Your child was probably just autogynephilic and didn't have that clearly explained to them in a neutral, compassionate way. Sad story all around.

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I am still seized by your story and I am still so sad. These words seem trite. I’m sorry. If I can help relieve your suffering in any way please reach out.

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I can't begin to put myself in your place. I have two nieces that became transmen. One was 30 when she started her transition the other was 15. I have no contact with either of them because I won't use their new names and I don't like the way they have treated their parents and grandparents.

Eternal Rest, grant unto Daniel, Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Oh Lord our God, Rachel wept for her children because they were no more. (Jeremiah 31: 15). Please hold the grieving heart of this Rachel close to your own so she may carry on with hope and courage.

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Thankyou. Beautiful words. ❤

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You're an amazing mom to stand up for your son and refuse to be complicit in this lie, even upon his death. There is nothing you could have done to save him that you didn't do, and that's the most hideous part of this ideology. It preys upon the vulnerable, and adults can be every bit as vulnerable as children if they're mentally ill. This industry is evil and must be abolished.

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My sincerest condolences for your loss and the pain through which you have gone. Having lost a son, myself, I have some understanding of how you feel. I find it unimaginable that on top of that loss you had to deal with the insensitive cruelty of the ideologues. I wish the absolute best for you from now on. Sincerely, Frederick

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I'm so sorry. What a heartbreaking story. Your son desperately needed help and didn't get it, with tragic consequences. It enrages me, that other mentally ill people get help while our beloved children only get affirmed and pushed further and further in to this toxic ideology. My son became trans about 5 years ago in his mid twenties after failing in many areas of life. I agree with other comments. This really is a neglected and even abused group who turn to transgender ideology when they can't cope with life. But it will never help them.

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My heart goes out to you. Your story could almost be mine about my adult son, however he is still living. One day I will share as well, there are so many similarities. You are not alone, do not blame yourself for anything. The psychiatric community that is pushing this and telling people to transition should be held accountable and their licenses revoked for life. It is a crime in my opinion. I have so much to say about it, but will in time. My prayers go out for you to find peace and comfort in remembrance of your precious son.

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Thank you for writing this. My heart goes out to you.

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sorry for your loss and the way you were treated. i can only speak to what its like to be a male. imo, its male's natural inborn aggression that causes males to - so quickly go from seemingly ok to very not ok. this has always been the case. and many times theres nothing anyone can do. a man gets his mind made up and no one can speak to him. in the past there wasnt a group of scammers and con men pushing the fraud called gender ideology. people are learning everyday what a harmful fraud it is. remember your son during the good times and remember people make mistakes everyday. im certain if he could he would take back all of his actions.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

I'm so sorry about your Daniel. My only son is 30, but announced being "in the wrong body" at 21. A couple months ago he called to tell me he intended to jump off the roof of his apartment building (he hasn't yet), reason being that I won't help him transition (meaning, I won't give my blessing). LIke me, you may have been the only one who respected him enough to tell him the truth. That is a mother's true & unconditional love. It's so very painful to see our children anguish & self harm, as the "experts" entrusted with their care facilitate their demise, aided & abetted by a "community" equally brainwashed and almost as evil. Sending hugs, and prayers for comfort in the good memories of your son. ♡♡

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