Thank you for the chance to share my story, which I hope will primarily highlight the grave disservice that Planned Parenthood is doing young women in these confused times. My now-21-year-old daughter (whom I’ll call Allison) had spent her childhood happily engaging in what one would call typical girly activities, with no gender-stereotyping encouragement from me at all.
Same thing happened to my daughter. She went to PP and got high dose of testosterone on the first visit. She was 18 and has mental and learning issues. I know she was not Informed of all the risks and side effects beforehand. She’ll never be the same after the high dose of testosterone she took; irreversible damage has been done. So sad.
Almost the exact same story for us - no watchful waiting, no in person appts to get to know our child - just a long term loan from an older sibling and the job was done. It’ll be years before I can be convinced this was/is a good move and I will never condone this terrible system. It’s just a cash cow capitalising on the woke mentality and vulnerability of the younger generation There is more stringent rules attached to having a tattoo. Shocking, devastating. - life changing . The world is in chaos as far as I can see. I fear fro the future of our grandkids (not that we’ll have any once our child is sterile from hormones and unable to breastfeed due to breast amputation) I will continue to pray every day for change.
I'm so sorry. Ty for sharing your story. They're a horrific company. I would have thought their killing babies for a living to be something that shocked the conscience.
Exact same here, with PP prescribing T for our 18 yr old on her first visit, despite her lifelong serious mental health issues, and despite our family history of diabetes, cancer, strokes, and hyperlipidemia in multi generations—all strong risks. A travesty, and utter medical malpractice.
I use the Planned Parenthood donation solicitation envelopes to send in letters stating I won’t support them again until they stop this travesty. There must be something we can do beyond that.
They tried the same with me. I had (at the time) undiagnosed Aspergers and have always had trouble explaining things through words that weren't meticulously thought out and written down. I went to get my diagnosis for Aspergers at a mixed psychiatrist practice, and mid diagnosis they started asking me about what I think of myself/identity. At some point they cornered in on my uncomfortableness with being feminine and showing skin, and interpreted it as me being uncomfortable with being female. I was not able to express that I wasn't uncomfortable with being female, just femininity (I've always been a tomboy), and of course then I went involuntarily mute (not fun). They brought a gender specialist in without announcing who they were, so I thought it was just a newer psychiatrist who was learning from the main one. They moved on from that question, and at the end referred my mom to get me hormone treatments and puberty blockers. My mom had asked why, and they said that if she doesn't affirm me that I will end up depressed, and the best thing to do is affirm whatever choice I make (at the time, I was 14). She took me home and I told her I was confused, that I never said I was transgendered. She ripped the referral in half and we never went back.
Our daughter's trajectory matches this one EXACTLY. I am stunned and heartbroken about all of it because it's the antithesis of doctors promise to 'do no harm'. I remember getting the insurance statement after one semester at college and it showed my daughter taking male hormones. Her mental illness diagnosis is borderline. No attempt was made to weed through what was really going on. They quickly have HER an 18 year old girl that never once exhibited anything about being trans her whole life - a person with a mental illness with no medical training - to be the authority here...after one visit. Top surgery followed. We are in dire straits.
I wish PP's actions shocked my conscience. The organization was founded on eugenics, and it hasn't changed. Today we sterilize the autistic, the mentally ill, the homosexual. PP's actions in giving out cross sex hormones is merely showing us who they've always been. Allison deserves better. This family deserves better. Solidarity with your suffering.
I am sorry you are going through this. I wrote to them last year, stating I would cease all donations until they stopped administering wrong sex hormones and chided them for returning to their eugenic roots.
Same thing happened to my daughter. She went to PP and got high dose of testosterone on the first visit. She was 18 and has mental and learning issues. I know she was not Informed of all the risks and side effects beforehand. She’ll never be the same after the high dose of testosterone she took; irreversible damage has been done. So sad.
Almost the exact same story for us - no watchful waiting, no in person appts to get to know our child - just a long term loan from an older sibling and the job was done. It’ll be years before I can be convinced this was/is a good move and I will never condone this terrible system. It’s just a cash cow capitalising on the woke mentality and vulnerability of the younger generation There is more stringent rules attached to having a tattoo. Shocking, devastating. - life changing . The world is in chaos as far as I can see. I fear fro the future of our grandkids (not that we’ll have any once our child is sterile from hormones and unable to breastfeed due to breast amputation) I will continue to pray every day for change.
I'm so sorry. Ty for sharing your story. They're a horrific company. I would have thought their killing babies for a living to be something that shocked the conscience.
I'm so sorry those liars were there for your daughter! Its infuriating.
My same story unfortunately, same day, not a single test even when my daughter told about the long diabetic linage in our family.
Exact same here, with PP prescribing T for our 18 yr old on her first visit, despite her lifelong serious mental health issues, and despite our family history of diabetes, cancer, strokes, and hyperlipidemia in multi generations—all strong risks. A travesty, and utter medical malpractice.
Wow. How despicable. They only care about money. Not the patient.
I use the Planned Parenthood donation solicitation envelopes to send in letters stating I won’t support them again until they stop this travesty. There must be something we can do beyond that.
They tried the same with me. I had (at the time) undiagnosed Aspergers and have always had trouble explaining things through words that weren't meticulously thought out and written down. I went to get my diagnosis for Aspergers at a mixed psychiatrist practice, and mid diagnosis they started asking me about what I think of myself/identity. At some point they cornered in on my uncomfortableness with being feminine and showing skin, and interpreted it as me being uncomfortable with being female. I was not able to express that I wasn't uncomfortable with being female, just femininity (I've always been a tomboy), and of course then I went involuntarily mute (not fun). They brought a gender specialist in without announcing who they were, so I thought it was just a newer psychiatrist who was learning from the main one. They moved on from that question, and at the end referred my mom to get me hormone treatments and puberty blockers. My mom had asked why, and they said that if she doesn't affirm me that I will end up depressed, and the best thing to do is affirm whatever choice I make (at the time, I was 14). She took me home and I told her I was confused, that I never said I was transgendered. She ripped the referral in half and we never went back.
Wowww. That is awful. I'm really sorry that they put you through that.
Wow. Just unbelievable.
Very shocking.
You have a good mother :) This ideology is terrible.
Our daughter's trajectory matches this one EXACTLY. I am stunned and heartbroken about all of it because it's the antithesis of doctors promise to 'do no harm'. I remember getting the insurance statement after one semester at college and it showed my daughter taking male hormones. Her mental illness diagnosis is borderline. No attempt was made to weed through what was really going on. They quickly have HER an 18 year old girl that never once exhibited anything about being trans her whole life - a person with a mental illness with no medical training - to be the authority here...after one visit. Top surgery followed. We are in dire straits.
That's terrible! So sorry. We are in dire straits.
I wish PP's actions shocked my conscience. The organization was founded on eugenics, and it hasn't changed. Today we sterilize the autistic, the mentally ill, the homosexual. PP's actions in giving out cross sex hormones is merely showing us who they've always been. Allison deserves better. This family deserves better. Solidarity with your suffering.
Well said.
I am sorry you are going through this. I wrote to them last year, stating I would cease all donations until they stopped administering wrong sex hormones and chided them for returning to their eugenic roots.