Wow. Unbelievable. I don't have a social media following to speak of but I try to share things I think need to be shared. This def needs to be read by many & these questions need to be considered & answered.

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brilliant and heartbreaking. indeed the sale of estrogen has a storied past also.

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Amazing. I do not respond often, however….I’ve noticed with my daughter ( thank you Stella) finding a voice outside of gender ( especially with our ADHD.ASD) exploring youth a Marxist mentality speaks volumes to them. Uh, hello big pharma?

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Of course, the Vaccine Manufacturers are going to do everything possible to maintain the lie that “There is nothing wrong with our vaccine formulations”. Do you remember the lies that the Tobacco Industry maintained for over fifty years, about smoking being “safe”? They had many paid shills: Scientists, Congressmen, Lobbyists, and a bevy of Lawyers on Retainer in their back pockets at the time. Profits were so high, and the risk of being found out, was so great, that they could well afford to pay the shills. However, they were eventually sued for BILLIONS!

What do you think the Vaccine Industry would have to pay when it finally is proven that they have been blatantly lying about the safety of their products? They too have many paid shills: Scientists, Congressmen, and Lobbyists. Profits are so high, and the risk of being found out, is so great, that they can well afford to pay the shills.

However, they USED to have a bevy of Lawyers on Retainer in their back pockets… but they don’t really need all those Lawyers anymore…


Nothing says, “Trust the Science” like “You can’t sue us if anything goes wrong!”

Big Pharma became a law unto itself. They can put toxic ingredients in your vaccines, and they can seriously injure yourself or your child – but now you cannot sue them. “What you have to understand is that the vaccine regimen changed dramatically around 1989. The reason it changed, is that Congress, drowning in the pharmaceutical industry’s Lobbyist money, did something they have never done for any other industry – Congress gave BLANKET LEGAL IMMUNITY to all the vaccine companies.

“No matter how sloppy the line protocols, no matter how absent the quality control, no matter how toxic the ingredients, or egregious the injury to yourself or your child, you cannot sue them”.

“So, there are no depositions, there’s no discovery, there are no class action suits. Suddenly vaccines became enormously profitable”.


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Great letter. It's very hopeful, but frankly ... hopeless.

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Sorry- Bernie Sanders, like Trump, is a demagogue. Demagogues offer simple solutions to complex problems for unthinking people.

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He's controlled. Good luck.

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Bravo! Your letter is fabulous, and I hope it makes it into his hands and his staff 🤞I believe Bernie will do something about this! It gives us all hope. Thank you.

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Thank you for writing this. I am also a Bernie supporter and I hope he responds to you. I do think many people are starting to question gender ideology, and I hope this grows.

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The only politicians that have spoken out against the transcult or done anything to stop the transitioning of children have all been Republicans. Bernie's youth base, with a significant percentage consisting of Antifa types, have a disproportionate number of transcult true believers. Even a cursory view of Antifa's social media can demonstrate that this is the case.

I think your letter is well written and on point but it seems futile to continue to pretend that those who are benefitting from the transcult such as radical politicians on the left, would suddenly reverse themselves simply for the sake of truth or basic concern for the well being of Americans. Radicals need enemies to motivate their base and Bernie's base, by and large, has decided that those who oppose the transcult are an enemy.

One more point, you said "We understand there are good people out there who unequivocally support the use of puberty blockers in kids with gender dysphoria." Although this statement is professional and agreeable, it's not true. The doctors and most healthcare workers transitioning children do know or should know, the puberty blockers are dangerous and bad for a multitude of reasons. They simply do not care because the transcult narrative is reinforced no matter evidence to the contrary. They are not interested in truth, medical ramifications or the science. They are interested in maintaining the narrative for the sake of their prestige, position, influence, profit and power.

The medical professionals, government regulators and transcult apologists in their professional capacities are at best, derelict in the responsibilities and duties. That's at best. However, I don't believe that most of them even fit this category. Most of them know what they are doing and signed up for it no matter the consequences. Those consequences have been and still are becoming disastrous for those whose lives have been upended by the transcult. It is just not believable that a doctor doing full mastectomies on pubescent girls and young women is acting in good faith. I do realize that calling evil, evil, isn't a way to win friends and influence people but evil has to be opposed by calling it out as evil, not by pretending those who do evil are just innocently mistaken on the facts or lack a set of data points that indicate the contrary.

It's a beautiful wish that Bernie, Obama or any left wing political leaders would come out and say and support what we know to be true and good, but there is little chance they will do that. Even if some here still believe the solution to this is found on the left wing, a premise I find absurd, it's not going to come from the established politicians that have already decided that their bread is buttered by the transcult. Your efforts would be far more valuable if you flipped a few up and coming politicians on the left against the transcult. Bernie's career basically ended in the 2020 primary and now he's just coasting until he's put out to pasture. He wants to go out as a hero of the transcult, not as a betrayer to the radical left.

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I absolutely despise the "my team" and social media bubbles that have inspired this situation where questions about dogma mean excommunication. Those same bubbles are where RGOD kids get brainwashed.

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Most conservative and Republicans didn't make the "my team" political dynamics. A good percentage of conservatives and Republicans like myself, care a whole lot more about family, church and local community activities than these left wing hot button issues and politics. We didn't start nor do we want to engage in, the culture war. We're doing it under duress.

The Culture War was brought to us at each and every step of the way. We never voted for abortion. SCOTUS' Roe V Wade legalized it overnight in 1973 overturning the laws of 48 states on a dime. We didn't kick religion out of public school. Again, lefties activist groups like People for the American Way launched petty lawsuits and the courts sided with them. We didn't decide that the LGBTQ agenda be validated. It was bureaucrats and corporations that started carving out spaces for the ideology to be pushed as part of this affirmation ridiculousness. As evidence, look at the treatment of those left wing LGBTQ organizations vs conservative LGBTQ groups like Log Cabin Republicans or even Feminists For Life. When we were given a way to vote on gay marriage, we voted it down, although I'm personally in favor of Civil Unions so that CU are not confused with marriage and doesn't interfere in the chosen lifestyle of LGBTQ. Courts overturned DOMA, the voted on and elected positions of those who did not want same sex marriages. Bill Clinton, Hillary, Obama all ran on all their elections except Hillary in 2016, against same sex marriage. The SCOTUS court decided for the entire U.S. in the Obergerfell decision. The reality is every little jot and tittle of the culture war was brought to the doorsteps of social conservatives by activist courts and the far left groups, activists, politicians and corporate America. Each little lefty group thinking it's fighting against Nazi America and on the vanguard of the new Civil Rights movement. The current "Right Side Of History" is generally the wrong side, especially when media, corporations and politicians are pushing it.

The right wing hasn't had the power to censor anyone or kick anyone out of any secular institution from the time before I was born. It's Gramsci's Long March Thru The Institutions, by which the left wing has decided to only promote, hire, mentor, advise, praise and award only those on the left. The radical left wing has operated on the premise of "No enemies to the left" for decades and has had no problem at all with censoring, canceling, removing, and silencing even left wing centrists or those who are solidly on the left but dissent on a narrative. Just look at the censored lefties like Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Matt Taibbi, Bret Weinstein and many, many others. These are right wingers but have been forced to join the right at least in some part because they got tossed out on their ears by the left. Frankly, it irritates me that they keep smacking the right wing when it is only due to us that they had a place to go.

It's not an equivalency in the blame game. The right wing hasn't had institutional power in academia, entertainment, news media, politics, culture for decades. Every single prominent person on the right is excoriated as Hitler, a Nazi, a Racist, a misogynist, a chauvinist, a bigot, a homophobe, a transphobe, a nativist etc my entire life. Do you know the NYT has referred to every single Republican endorsed candidate that ran for president as a Nazi AND Hitler since even before WWII, yet, this is not true of these decent people. Show me the NYT pieces that refer to the Democrat candidates as communists or Stalin?

Again, it's not right wingers that purged transcultists from YouTube, reddit, facebook, twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok, but it's right wingers that have been removed from all of these platforms by the transcultists and for many, like me, it's because we were interfering with the transcult brainwashing that made children vulnerable to ROGD.

I found every online account my 15 year old niece had when I suspected she was transitioning behind my brother's back. It was kind of easy actually since I had real world access. I couldn't log on to most of her accounts, but I did find them. I also found out my gay brother (not her father) and her hockey coach were actively helping her transition behind her parents' back. My gay brother even put her in touch with his drug addled transcult guru friend and they would talk for hours on the phone.

I tried to warn her parents but they were too "agreeable" with the all the cult mentality on the political left since they were rather uninformed and staunchly on the left especially regards social issues. They believed I was maligning them as parents and trying to push my Catholic Christian beliefs and over-reacting to their daughter's experiments. I showed them actual texts and vids my niece, their daughter had made but still, they chose to make me a boogeyman because of their biases, prejudices and bigotry that team blue believes. They believed it was experimental, my niece was just finding herself and needed love and space. They talked to the hockey coach and my gay brother and of course, both the hockey coach and my brother lied their butts off and disparaged me. Three years later, I'm in their kitchen watching them cry their eyes out because their beautiful daughter ran away. She got help from friends (including my gay brother) to pack all her stuff up and leave before her parents even knew.

I'm not a hero saying I told you so in this. I wish to God and pray for his mercy that I didn't do and say more. I wish I had attended every hockey game of hers and the practices to keep an eyeball on the coach. I wish I had flat out threatened him. I wish I had cut my gay brother off a lot sooner in my life and warned him within an inch of his life about introducing our niece to his groomer friend. I wish I had sanitized my language from all mention of God and religion in talking to her parents so they would be more receptive. I gave them too much information and they weren't ready for it. They couldn't get beyond "we're not bad parents" mentality to see what was happening around them. Flip, I almost wish, but not quite, I had pretended to be a Bernie Gal so I was closer to them so as to prevent this. In the end though, It would have done nothing because the left controls the narrative and playing along to get along with the left only works if a right winger is attacking a right winger. The power structure of the left does not tolerate narrative deviation. yes, I could have modified my approach more. I could have been more deceptively sweet to her parents and used some good ol fashioned bullying to keep the coach and my brother in line. Could have should have would have. In the end, the blame lies squarely with the transcult and that transcult is 100% a creature of the left wing Democrat Party.

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The conservative bubble made some guy drive to DC with a gun to liberate kids from a pizza parlor basement that didn't exist. I really get my remaining trans id kid pissed off when I talk about the Russian social media campaigns

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The Bernie bubble made some wacko guy shoot up a baseball practice that U.S. Senators and U.S. legislatures were participating in. Steve Scalise was shot multiple times and Rand Paul was stuck in a dugout while shots were sprayed onto the field.

Do you think violent nuts just exist on one side of the aisle? I have news for you, most domestic terrorism in this country that is explicitly politically motivated is coming from the left and not just lone nutjobs either but the transcult, antifa and BLM.

Since 2020, the violent crime rate in this country, especially in Democrat controlled big cities has been steadily increasing. In my own city in Minneapolis, a bail out convicts non-profit, that was endorsed and received donations from Kamala Harris bailed out criminals who went on to reoffend. Hillary's VP running mate Tim Kaine's son was arrested for beating up Trump supporters in a coordinated Antifa attack in Minneapolis.

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You did a lot to help. We can all wish we did more. Parents, friends and relatives. I know I do. I'm sure her parents do too. So, we are left here, where we are, hoping and fighting for better.

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Thank you. We're all haunted by the would have, could have, should haves. My niece's parents too. I really hate what the transcult has done to my brother's family.

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I agree Bernie’s career ended in 2020. Can’t he go out with at least an effort investigate what is happening in the trans industry the way his staff spent time on the pharmaceutical industry report? The answer is no as his staff would quit. However, Bernie should know by now his young supporters don’t leave their computers to vote.

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Bernie isn't going to have a personal revelation this late in life to do the right thing before he's finished. He's spent his whole life branding himself as the lefty darling socialist outsider. He would destroy his brand and his legacy to suddenly switch teams and frankly, he can't stand being with ten feet of a right wing position on anything. He hasn't bothered with the real world impact of any left wing policy or position he's dreamed up in the last fifty years and he's not going to start now that he's over 80 years old. It would be nice. From a Christian perspective, it would probably save his soul but being an atheist, he doesn't have any concern about that. His concern is the legacy he leaves here on Earth and he's not going to turn on the group that is most likely to remember him fondly. Also, he doesn't really care about the next election anymore. He's got it in the bag and he won't have to talk to even one voter to secure it.

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So true. I detest him.

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Well said. When will this madness stop.

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These kids walk into the doctor's office with their shopping list of treatments, and the words to say to get those treatments fully scripted by the trans influencers on the internet.

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Yes, they do. However, as much as its apparent to you and I that they do, it's patently observable to anyone prescribing the destructive pharmaceuticals. They know the kids have been coached more than we do and they don't care. They are intellectually refusing to see the evidence that is being presented to them day after day by these coached kids. They willfully do not want to see and those who do, push it out of their minds and tell themselves their own concocted narratives that justify their abuse of patients who are obviously in thrall to the transcult. Their professional goal is to capture a client patient, not do what it is the best interests of the kid and the parents.

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Mar 15, 2023·edited Mar 15, 2023

You are right. And the potential income flow is right in front of them and they won't turn it away. They have already sold their soul to the devil.

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It's mostly the money but it's also the prestige of furthering their careers and the accolades they're getting plus the threat of punishment and shunning if they were to tell the truth or ask question, especially the uncomfortable ones.

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Thank you for taking the time to set forth all of the information in the letter. I just cannot imagine that the younger 'Bernie bros' are not fairly indoctrinated into the 'gender' cult. Thank you again for the time and energy you took to write the letter.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023

I would disagree with the position that there are "good" people out there giving puberty blockers to children. There are evil people giving puberty blockers to children, who know the harm they are causing and there are stupid people who think they are helping without any evidence that what they are doing is helpful. A good hearted fool is not good, especially if he is unwittingly practicing evil.

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023

In a way the "stupid people" are more dangerous - as explained by Dietrich Bonhoeffer "Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than wickedness. Evil can be protested against, exposed, and, if necessary, it can be prevented by force. Evil always harbors the germ of self-destruction by inducing at least some uneasiness in people. We are defenseless against stupidity. Nothing can be done to oppose it, neither with protests nor with violence. Reasons cannot prevail. Facts that contradict one's prejudice simply don't need to be believed, and when they are inescapable, they can simply be brushed aside as meaningless, isolated cases." https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/on-stupidity

He was talking about Nazi Germany but I think this is where we are now with the Transcult.

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Well stated.

I like to remind folks in the various substacks I haunt (most are of singular purposes), that the particular issue, being addressed, is but ONE of the hundreds, that make up the Woke-Industrial Complex.

Never forget, that these activist, radical and societal destroying attacks, are individual arms of the overall agenda. They all work toward one end, that you are never allowed to see.

Stupidity, is one of their required ingredients, to facilitate the making of countless useful idiots, for each of those arms.

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He goes on to define stupid - as not being a defect in intelligence -

"To understand how to deal with stupidity, we must try to understand its nature. This much is certain: it is not essentially an intellectual, but a human defect. There are people who are intellectually agile who are stupid, while intellectually inept people may be anything but stupid. We discover this to our surprise in certain situations.

One gets the impression that stupidity is often not an innate defect, but one that emerges under certain circumstances in which people are made stupid or allow themselves to be made stupid. We also observe that isolated and solitary people exhibit this defect less frequently than socializing groups of people. Thus, perhaps stupidity is less a psychological than a sociological problem. It is a special manifestation of the influence of historical circumstances on man—a psychological side effect of certain external conditions.

A closer look reveals that the strong exertion of external power, be it political or religious, strikes a large part of the people with stupidity. Yes, it seems as if this is a sociological-psychological law. The power of some requires the stupidity of others. Under this influence, human abilities suddenly wither or fail, robbing people of their inner independence, which they—more or less unconsciously —renounce to adapt their behavior to the prevailing situation."

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The term of art for a good-hearted fool is a Useful Idiot.

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People have to actively seek out the information, as the TRA lobbies have taken all the oxygen out of the room. I'll wager there are people writing the scripts who know it's the wrong thing to do, but that a refusal would result in job discipline, or issues with a licensing authority.

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Good piece! Good idea! If any progressives are maybe going to listen, it might well be Bernie. Or his wife. A+ for approaching people who have shown some genuine interest in humanity, and have the power to make some changes in the laws and fabric of our society.

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Op Ed. Cogent. Fact-filled.

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